Zedu Yingzi, with a gloomy expression, "I have something to tell you."

Sakurako Sawado is debating whether to tell Yusuke Godai the truth.


Chapter 69 Sublimation Almighty


Chun Xiuyi was reluctant to watch Li Qinghe drag Zedu Yingzi away

Wudai Yusuke left with Sawado Sakurako.

Xun Yiyi led the team to study the rules of action of the unconfirmed life body No. 39.

"If the law of killing is determined by the roulette wheel, then the crime scene cannot predict the death, but if you add the hidden high-rise buildings on the straight line.

As long as the locations checked out under these conditions are carefully searched, the location where the next unconfirmed life entity No. 39 commits crimes will definitely be found. "

Yiyi Xun said to Shi Shan, a little fan girl behind him.


After Sugita Morimichi died in the line of duty, he was replaced by Nozomi Ishiyama.

Seongnam University Archaeological Research Office.

"Fifth Generation, are you still determined to participate in the battle between unconfirmed life forms? Tsubaki Shuichi has already told me about you."

Although Li Qinghe said that there is a high probability of calling.After my fifth generation Yusuke got the ultimate, he would not fall into the slaughter.

But in the era of technology, Sawado Sakura still believed what Tsubaki Hideichi said.If this continues, one day Yusuke Godai will become a killing machine.

"Well, I want to protect everyone's smiles. By the way, how is your translation going, and have you learned anything?"

Goshiro Yusuke asked.

"Soon, soon. It will take a little time, Wudai."

In the end, Sawado Sakurako still didn't tell the final answer to Yusuke Godai.

Yusuke Goshidai: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"You must pay attention to safety."

Wudai Yusuke nodded, and extended a thumbs up gesture to Sawado Sakurako and Li Qinghe.

"Lin Linlin."

Zedu Yingzi picked up the phone, and it turned out that the call was from Yiyi Xun, and she really didn't leave any time.

"Miss Yingzi, I heard from Tsubaki Hideichi that Godai is with you. If you are here, please give him the phone number."

A smoked said.

Sawado Sakurako gave the mobile phone to Yusuke Godai.

In other words, why don't the fifth generation buy a mobile phone by themselves.

Yusuke Godai "Is it about unidentified life forms?"

"Fifth generation, there is an unconfirmed living body incident here in Nishizawa Building."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Yusuke Goshiro hung up the phone and left on his motorcycle.

"Qinghe, do you think that in the fifth generation, he will really fall into killing in the end and become a killing machine?"

After Yusuke Godai left, Sakurako Sawato couldn't help asking again.

Li Qinghe saw that Sakurako Sawatari was so worried about Yusuke Godai, even if he analyzed the prophecy by himself, Sakurako Sawatari still remained skeptical.

This made Li Qinghe doubt his own judgment. After all, the world has changed a lot because of Li Qinghe's intrusion.Will the last five generations really transform into the ultimate red eye?

The original plot was like that, but what about now?Li Qinghe couldn't guarantee this either.

Nishizawa Building.

Yusuke Goshidai transformed into a blue dragon form and jumped to the roof of the building. Sure enough, he saw Kigurangi.

After Yusuke Godai jumped onto the building, he transformed into an almighty form.

"Empty me, it's you again".

Kigurangi threw out the meteor hammer in his hand, put it on Yusuke Goshidai's head, and pulled him over little by little.

"Bang bang."

The chain of the meteor hammer was broken.

Yusuke Goshiro seized the opportunity and kicked Kameko Rangki off the building.

Turtle Gulangi has 10 small black balls similar to rings in his hands, and each black ball can release ten small balls to hit the enemy.

"Bang bang."

"Bang bang."

"Bang bang."

After 10 shots, all 10 rings in Guigulangi's hand were knocked down.

Just as Shan Yixun was about to fire the 11th shot, the rifle exploded.

Because the ammunition used by Yi Yixun is the special ammunition for Gulangji, and the corresponding rifle has not been upgraded.

After multiple uses, the rifle was overwhelmed and exploded.

Wudai Yusuke heard Kaoru's screams, but he didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to Kaoru.

After Yi Xun was injured, he was rescued by a helicopter, and only Godai and Kame Gulangi were left on the whole street.

Lin Duo, who made Gui Gu Langji angry, left.

Yusuke Godai rode his own motorcycle, Graham flew from the research institute, and connected to the motorcycle.

Yusuke Goshiro bumped into Kamekoroki, and kept accelerating.

However, Kigurangi was not helpless to fight back. Kigurangi grabbed the front plate of the motorcycle with one hand, and turned his other hand into a fist, knocking Yusuke Goshiro off the motorcycle with one punch.

The motorcycle lost its driver, and it wobbled and threw the tortoise Gulangi off.

Wudai Yusuke wanted to take Kigurangi out of the urban area, because he felt that if he used the sublimated almighty form, it would cause indescribable destructive power.

It's a pity that Turtle Gulangi beat him down in the middle of the road.

The thick-skinned turtle Gulangi shook his head, rushed towards Yusuke Goshidai, hugged Yusuke Goshidai's waist and did not let go.

Yusuke Goshiro thumped on the back of Yuguro Kime, but it was a pity that Yusuke Goshiro used his back to the shell to resist the impact of Yusuke Goshiro.

Kameko Rangji threw a [-]-degree throw, throwing Yusuke Goshiro in a big somersault.

Goshiro Yusuke got up quickly, and looked at Kameko Langki who was rushing towards him.

Lightning appeared on the right foot, and an arm guard appeared near the right calf.

The color of Goshiro Yusuke's waist changed to gold.

Itachi Yusuke waited until Kigurangi rushed over, and kicked out this kick with huge destructive power.

This kick sent the rushing turtle Gulangi flying more than ten meters.

Guigu Langji stood up and was about to say something, but before he could say anything, his body couldn't hold on anymore.

"Boom boom boom".

A huge explosion sounded, and the power of the explosion was so great that it turned into ruins within a radius of three kilometers.

Five generations of Yusuke walked out amidst the sound of the explosion.

Yusuke Godai undoes his transformation and returns to the coffee shop opened by his father Tamasaburo.

This incident of unconfirmed living organisms is considered to be resolved, but because of the battle of Yusuke Godai, the remaining turmoil is not small.Because the power of the explosion was so great that no animals within a three-kilometer radius survived, causing huge economic losses and casualties, which also led to great dissatisfaction with Kongga in the media.

On the TV of his father Tamasaburo, Wudai saw the media's vigorous criticism of the unidentified life form No. [-] (Kuuga), and he would smear him as much as he could, wishing to erase all the achievements of Wudai in the past.

Godai Yusuke was lying when he said that he was not sad. He paid so much to protect people's smiles.But his efforts did not bring rewards, but he was discredited by authority figures.

According to these authoritative figures, ordinary unconfirmed lifeforms only killed dozens or hundreds of people, but the battle of unconfirmed lifeform No. [-] caused tens of thousands of casualties.

These authoritative figures are really not afraid of forcing Yusuke Godai into the Gurangi camp with such propaganda.


Chapter 70 Car Skills

Five generations of Yusuke mastered the sublimation omnipotent in this battle, and used the sublimation omnipotent kick.

Compared with the Almighty form, the comprehensive ability of the Sublimation Almighty has been strengthened.The certain kill "Sublimation Almighty Kick" has also been strengthened by adding the power of gold. Its sealed energy is extremely powerful, and it has a completely different destructive power from before.Due to excessive energy consumption, the transformation time can only be maintained for 30 seconds in the initial stage.

Wudai Shi also saw the criticism of his brother Wudai Yusuke in the news, and his words were quite bad.

Don't these people know that although hungry wolves don't eat many sheep at a time, they can't bear to eat them every day.

What the older brother Yusuke Godai did was to completely eliminate the wolf.How can these people not even see this!A little sacrifice is inevitable.Five generations are really upset about their elder brother.

The news of criticizing Wudai Yusuke is not from the hands of the high-level police. They don't want to force Wudai Yusuke to the other Gulangji's side now.

This news was sent out by news media people who advocated independently for the sake of ratings and traffic.

Some people in the political circles may be dissatisfied with Goshiro Yusuke's behavior, but it has not been confirmed that the high-level officials of the Life Body Joint Department support Godai Yusuke's approach.

"Brother, don't pay attention to what these people say."

The fifth generation actually turned off the TV directly.

"Yeah. But at that time, I felt that I couldn't defeat that unconfirmed life form without the power of the red sky."

Wudai Yusuke has already told Kaoru that he may use a stronger force this time.

But Yusuke Godai really didn't expect that the power this time would be so strong that not a single blade of grass would grow within a radius of three kilometers.

But Yusuke Godai didn't regret it, he had tried his best to change, but who would have thought that the unconfirmed life form No. 39 would stop halfway to the scheduled location, he was exhausted at that time.

Everything can only be said to be God's will.

Wudai Yusuke nodded, he still attributed all these mistakes to himself, and next time he will definitely not make a big move in the downtown area.

Godai Yusuke, who became the warrior Kuga, and Godai Yusuke, who challenged unidentified life forms.He was enhanced with golden power.

But because of the timing this time, the United Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms still received some influence. Some unidentified melon eaters were encouraged to attack the United Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms. Fortunately, no tragedy happened.

The police had no choice but to announce that it would suspend plans to use Godai as a helper.

After the death of Turtle Gulangi, but the dark game will not be paused, it will still continue.

The new player, Bada, found Sister Rose in private.

"I saw you with that Linduo."

Bada put the photo of Sister Rose and Li Qinghe together in front of Sister Rose.

"so what?"

Sister Rose frowned. She didn't expect that she would be discovered by Gu Langji next to her when she met Linduo, a human being.

"You probably don't want me to tell the other Gulangji about this, do you want to drag him into the battle between Lindo and Gulangji?"

Bada is unconfirmed life form number 41, Mantis Gulangi.

Weapon steel horse locomotive, the thorn on the elbow is inserted into the car body like a car key, and it is strengthened into a weird locomotive called "Baki Busangu" (meaning cyclone, but this is contrary to the general Gulangi language conversion mode.

The game time limit is 72 hours; the target number is 99 people; the additional rule is to push people off the steel horse and then run over and kill the driver of the hunting locomotive.

Brief introduction: The twin brother of No. 6 Baz, who likes coins just like his younger brother.Wearing a crimson neckerchief, he rides a motorcycle with vigor and can use flying kicks.Possesses motorcycle skills beyond the fifth generation of the protagonist, the speed of the transformed locomotive is 400k per hour, and its performance also surpasses the original trcs2000 of the fifth generation.

The self-proclaimed "Threatening Rider" rider, whose image is based on Kamen Rider No. 1.He has a great desire to challenge Kuuga, who is also a knight, and few of them recognize Yusuke as Kurangi.

After Turtle Grunji dies, it's his turn to play the game.

Bada looked at the previous players, no one has ever completed the task.

Bada didn't want to fail to complete the game mission. He wanted to complete the game, improve his strength and ranking, and then fight Daguba in the final battle between white and black.

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