To be careful, the prudent Bada decided to use the photos he accidentally took to threaten Sister Rose to lower his mission standards.

"If I don't want to, I hope I can properly make my game tasks easier."

Bada expressed his request, and he felt that Sister Rose would most likely agree to his request.

"Remember what you said."

Sister Rose didn't want Li Qinghe and Da Cuban to collide, so she agreed to Bada's request.

Sister Rose came to the new meeting point, and there was a clear sound of coin flipping, and the other Gulangji had already arrived, waiting for him.

"Bada, it's your turn. If you kill 72 people within 180 hours, you will be successful."

Miss Rose said.

"so easy."

Bada nodded in satisfaction. The task this time was really simple, and his number was less than one-twentieth of Guigulangi's more than 5000 people.

He felt that he could still use that evidence in the future to continue coercing Sister Rose to help him.

Sister Rose and Bada looked at each other. It was an agreement between the two parties. He would not expose the relationship between Sister Rose and Li Qinghe in front of the Gulangji.

But he didn't know that Sister Rose didn't intend to let him survive this game at all.

This time, Sister Rose personally approached Li Qinghe and asked him to contact Kongwo to solve this Gu Langji.

For this reason, she told Li Qinghe all the rules of the game, in order to kill Bada as soon as possible.

She didn't want to be threatened constantly. Sister Rose was very smart. Since Bada could threaten her once, he could threaten her twice.

Bada forgot one thing. Threats are time-sensitive. They are useful at this moment, but they may not be useful at the next moment.

"All right."

Chakio (Sanjiao Gulangi) repaired Bada's motorcycle carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he handed it over to Bada.

On a highway.

Bada turned into a locust Gulangi knocked over a motorcycle in front of him, passed the driver, and looked for the next target.

Bada crushed and killed human beings after transforming, so his appearance was quickly noticed by the Union of Unconfirmed Life Forms.

"It's the seventh person, it's time to find the next one."

Bada put on his helmet and pursued the next target.

Yusuke Goshiro, who was at home, set off on a motorcycle after learning from Kaoru Ichijo that there was a new Gurangi.

"The headquarters informed everyone that the unconfirmed life form No. 41, after committing the crime, put on a black helmet and a red turban and turned into a human body. Now he is riding a motorcycle and fleeing from Baijin City, Minato District to Gaolun.

Vehicles on patrol nearby, please rush to the scene as soon as possible. "

Yiyi Xun was sitting in the car, listening to the news from Shi Shan, surrounded by Wu Dai who was driving side by side with him. .

"Mr. Yiyi, I know that unconfirmed life form. He is probably the guy from last time. I'll take a step first."

Yusuke Goshidai speeded up, and while driving, transformed.

Chapter 71 Car Competition

Wudai Yusuke came to the location indicated by Kaoru, but he didn't see the unconfirmed living body No. 41.


Wudai heard a scream from the roof of the factory above his head, and Wudai Yusuke looked up at the top of his head.

Discovered the locust Gulangi Bada who gave him a thumbs up and despised him.

Yusuke Goshiro transformed into a blue dragon form, jumped to the top of the factory, and saw the victim who was smashed in two.

Gu Langji, the locust, waved his hand and rushed out from the roof of the factory on a motorcycle.

I really don't know how the locust Gulangi rode a motorcycle to the roof of the factory.

After Yiyi Xunhou and the locust Gulangji came outside the factory, they only saw the human body of the locust Gulangji who had left with Yiqi Juechen.

Yiyi Xun took the emergency elevator to the roof of the factory.

"How about five generations?"

Yiyixun saw Wudai Yusuke standing in front of the victim, and couldn't help asking him what was going on.

Yusuke Goshidai: "She is the weird guy on the motorcycle. He really is an unconfirmed life form. I'm sorry, I didn't catch up with him when I came too late."

"It's none of your business. This is our police's negligence. You have tried your best. Have you watched the news recently?"

Yiyi Xun wants to talk to Wudai about the serious consequences of Wudai's all-around sublimation kick.

"Well, this, I didn't expect the power of the explosion to be so great. But if I don't use that trick, I feel that I can't destroy that unconfirmed life form."

Wudai Yusuke explained that he thought Ichijo Kaoru would hold him accountable for this.

"I see. It's fine to lead the unconfirmed life form to a remote place next time. This time is also the negligence of our police, and we didn't make a follow-up plan."

Ichijo Kaoru believes what Godai Yusuke said, that Godai Yusuke has fought directly with unconfirmed life forms many times, and his sense of fighting is beyond the comprehension of bystanders.

Since Wudai Yusuke said that if he didn't use that trick, he couldn't destroy the unconfirmed living body.

That means that this kind of big explosion will still occur in the future, and it will become more difficult to eliminate unconfirmed life forms in the future.Not only do we need to find out the rules for killing unconfirmed life forms, but we also need to lead unconfirmed life forms to sparsely populated places.

"However, because of this incident, we have not confirmed that the United Life Unit will no longer be able to fully assist you as before."

One Kaoru can understand the difficulties of superiors.But there are always some people who don't know the truth, speaking indiscriminately, commonly known as pig teammates.


Wudai Yusuke could only nod his head, and was extremely sorry for the loss he caused.

The locust Gulangi continued to kill, and the police could only act like a follower, arriving late every time he committed a crime.

Although, even if they were there, it would not be of much use, but this really annoyed the police!

The public began to criticize the "inactive" police department again.

"Mr. One, I'm going to chase that guy first, and I'll leave this to you."

Goshiro Yusuke said.


Yi Yixun called the relevant department, and the corpses of human beings killed by unconfirmed life forms must be dissected first, so as to study the attack methods of unconfirmed life forms.

Yiyi Xun got into the car and chased towards the place where Wudai Yusuke left.

"Police 01 contacted the headquarters and is now hunting for unconfirmed life form No. 41. A victim appeared in Gaolundong and the warehouse in the port area and asked to send an ambulance."

The locust Gurangi Bada also discovered Kuraga who was caught after him, so Kuraga was able to catch up with the locust Gurangi.

It was because the locust Gu Langji was not serious, and he hadn't accelerated yet.

Two motorcycles galloped to death on the highway.

In the last five generations, Yusuke forced the locust Gulangi to a garage.

Locust Gulangi changed the direction of the motorcycle and lifted the front wheel and crashed into the fifth generation.

Yusuke Godai also raised the front wheel platform, and the two front wheels collided.

Yusuke Goshiro's motorcycle is nearly overturned to the ground.

Gulangi, the locust, glanced at Yusuke Godai with disdain, and continued on his way.

Wudai Yusuke continued to track, followed by a persistent track.

After being tracked for a while, Gulangi the Locust felt a little annoyed.

After Wudai worked hard to catch up, he saw the locust Gulangi rushing towards him.

Two motorcycles collided, and the motorcycle that Yusuke Godai was riding was overturned directly this time.

Wudai Yusuke himself was also knocked and flew aside.

After Wudai Yusuke got up, he found that the locust Gulangi had disappeared.

Itachi Yusuke helped up the motorcycle on the ground.

Li Qinghe, who was at home with Zedu Yingzi, also saw the news.

"These people really don't know what to do. If not, if it weren't for the five generations of guardians, would they still be able to speak freely on TV? Qinghe, what do you think?"

Zedu Yingzi complained for the five generations of Xiongjie.

These ignorant people are really Wudai Xiongsuke with a big heart. If he were, he would definitely ignore those ordinary people and just protect the people around him.

Regarding what the ignorant media outside said, Gu Langji caused less damage than Yusuke Godai, it's really hehe.

These people don't know that Gu Langji's purpose of playing the game is to advance.Although those at the Bei level cannot join the game, starting from the Zi level, every Gulangi must kill a lot to advance.

This is not to say that after the promotion of Gulangji of Zi level, he will no longer play the game.

It's not that simple. After the advancement of the Zi level becomes the Charm level, the game still needs to be played.Moreover, if you want to advance from a low level to a high level, sometimes it's not just a game.

It is not without reason that the Gulangi race was overwhelming Linduo thousands of years ago.Their game has already filled the loopholes they found.

Although those at the Bei level cannot participate in the game, it is because they have a more important task of multiplying the offspring of Gulangi.If there is a Gulangji with outstanding talent, he will pass the test and be included in the Zi-level assessment. Once he passes, he will become a member of the Zi-level, and then he will be promoted step by step.

I don’t know if you have noticed, but the essence of Gulangji’s game is to transform the internal crisis to the outside. By killing Linduo, the main combat faction in the Gulangji camp will participate in the game, so that Gulangji’s middle The members of the pigeon family act as supervisors, and the last step of the game of Gu Langji, the winner from the Ge rank can participate in the game of light and dark, but this does not mean that the two have to fight for life and death, it is A battle of victory and defeat, not a battle of life and death.

Through continuous fighting, Gulangi improved his own strength, and incidentally strengthened the strength of the Gurangi race.Like those short-sighted people, if you take a palliative and conniving attitude towards Gu Langji's game, if I don't have time to help, then this world will definitely be destroyed by Gu Lang Ji

Otherwise, no matter how many people there are in Gulangji, it will not be enough to play like this, and the game will be over by itself, let alone develop to the point where it will be suppressed by the Linduo clan. .

"The fifth generation doesn't care about it himself. Why are you so anxious? I think the fifth generation has his own ideas about this matter. We can't impose our own ideas on others."

Li Qinghe turned off the TV, it was really boring news, every day he either talked about the benefits of me, or started to criticize me.It's better to watch cartoons.

Chapter 72 Enemy Lure Plan

Fortunately, not long after, Yusuke Godai received a message from Xun about the latest crime location of the unconfirmed living body No. 41.

Five generations of Yusuke rode a motorcycle that was about to be scrapped, and continued to move forward.

The motorcycle bought by Yusuke Goshidai was not a professional racing motorcycle, and the use of such a high power would naturally cause great damage to the motorcycle body.

Wudai Yusuke came to a sand dune, which was a place where Xun told Wudai Yusuke that the unconfirmed life body No. 41 might pass by.

Fifth generation Yusuke is riding a motorcycle, waiting here for the arrival of the locust Gulangi.


The sound of the motorcycle came, and Gulangi, the locust, came as expected.But the speed is too fast, if it weren't for the transformation into Kuuga, Godai would not be able to see his speed clearly.

Yusuke Godai stepped up the accelerator on the downhill road and rushed towards the locust Gulangi.

However, with superb skills, the locust avoided Wudai Yusuke who was rushing down, and even kicked Wudai Yusuke, kicking him off the motorcycle.

The locust Gulangi rode on the motorcycle that belonged to the fifth generation at the moment when Yusuke fifth was thrown from the motorcycle.

Gu Langji, the locust, stepped up the accelerator and rushed towards the fifth generation.

But after the motorcycle traveled for one or two meters, there was a "boom" and it spontaneously ignited!

The locust Gulangi on the motorcycle stopped the motorcycle by means of the foot brake.

Bada glanced unhappily at the scrapped motorcycle of Yusuke Goshidai, and returned to his own motorcycle.

"Kong me, I won't kill you this time, I will put you in the last place to kill."

After Bada finished speaking, he left arrogantly.

Wudai Yusuke is the most skilled rider that Bada has ever seen. He felt that the victory because of the quality of the motorcycles of both parties was a bit unfair. He didn't want such a victory.

Wudai Yusuke took his life again. The locust Gulangi with a motorcycle is ten times stronger than without a motorcycle. This is not an exaggeration at all.

Fifth generation Yusuke sat down on the reef on the beach in frustration.

After Yiyi Xun drove here, he saw a motorcycle on fire, and Wudai Yusuke was beside him with a sad face.

"Hey, it seems that we need a new car to deal with No. 41."

One Kaoru thought of the motorcycle specially developed by the Joint Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms for the fifth generation of Yusuke.

"You mean beatchaser2000."

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