Regarding this, Wudai Yusuke heard from the people in the laboratory that he mentioned it.

Is a piece of smoked to the scorpion?/p>

Resting in the research room, you can see that you are resting in the research room. Sunburn?/p>

Let's go down here, let's talk about it, let's blow it, chew it, blow it, and worry about it洗チチチチチチチチチチニストブブブブストスルトラルス?

"Hi, we are in trouble on No. 1. Can the btcs be activated?"

One smoked asked.

Is the actinium 狻 quit?

I don’t know if I can’t understand it. I don’t know how to pay for it. I don’t know how to pay for it.

樚actinium famine files feed rake panic twitch training langu wield punishment  Dezhen F 涫 dance Zhan Pan tube plant cut し ␐  labor resistance ㄖ   key miasma Yi gown 胋 tcs permission is not approved.

Because of the big explosion that happened on the 39th, the recent media has been particularly able to make use of it, as the upper echelons have various concerns.

People from Kanto Police Station will come to receive btcs today. "

Ichiko looked at Yusuke Godai apologetically, "Then what about strengthening the bullets?"

樚actinium 狻狻拉 Yi Jun Shuo Maozhong asked Jiang Nao! ?/p>

Kaoru Ichijo "This time No. 41 is very similar to No. [-]. I think it might be better to strengthen the previous gas bomb."

"Okay, the new rifle is finished and I'm preparing a lot of ammunition."


One smoked hung up the phone.

Wudai Yusuke looked at Kaoru with a bad face and asked, "Could it be because the golden power in the red form is too much, and it caused the impact?"

Yiyi Xun was embarrassed to look at the fifth generation, and said with a low voice, "The higher-ups are hesitating whether to hand over btcs to you."


A summons sounded in a smoked police car.

One Xun connected to the pager.

"Unconfirmed life entity No. 41 killed a man at Ikegami Honmonji Temple, and fled in the direction of the pre-loaded bridge. The patrol car in the vicinity should rush to the scene immediately."

During the time when Yiyi Xun communicated with Wudai Yusuke, the locust Gu Langji was already chasing and killing new targets.

Locust Gurangi crashed a motorcycle into the green belt.

The driver on the motorcycle, get off the motorcycle quickly.Tao Zhe walked to the small alley, thinking that the unconfirmed living body would not come here on a motorcycle.

All I can say is, you are too naive, kid.

Because of its small size, motorcycles can freely and flexibly shuttle in the alleys.

Therefore, this man is miserable.When he couldn't run, he was hit by a motorcycle behind him and died.

Yiyi Xun went to the police again but failed, and when they arrived at the scene, the body was exhausted.

A Xun with a bad face returned to the United Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms.

First, I asked the minister Matsukura Masao, and learned from him that this was done by the higher-ups for the people below.

After this period of public opinion is over, the police will continue to fully cooperate with Operation Kuuga.The btcs police will also be handed over to the fifth generation later.

Ichijo Kaoru knew the difficulties of his boss, Matsukura Masao, and knew that it would be useless to continue, so he left the minister's office.

As soon as he walked out of the minister's office, Shi Shan, a little girl behind Xun, saw him and hurried over to report the situation.

"Unidentified life form No. 41 is like my own hands and feet, manipulating the locomotive to commit crimes continuously, and its top speed is estimated to be 400 kilometers per hour. The higher authorities canceled the police plan for this. Is it useless no matter what we do? "

"Even if it is a random dispatch, it will only be tricked. It is better to wait for work. There is only one way to fight against the speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

In short, from now on, try not to let the victims increase the number of notices that prohibit riding motorcycles to go out.Hope they can consciously follow. "

Li Qinghe had told Yi Xun the game rules of the unconfirmed life body No. 41, which made him no longer have to work hard to guess the crime rules of the unconfirmed life body No. 41, but could directly deploy the crime plan.

"Why don't the higher-ups understand? The unconfirmed life body No. [-] is obviously the assistant who fought with us."

Shi Shan said dissatisfied when he saw it.

"The higher-ups don't seem to let go of this matter. We can only think of other ways. I have something to ask everyone.

At the location where No. 41 will appear, someone needs to drive 2000a to lure him out.

Considering the safety aspect, several police cars will be used as roadblocks, which must be closely linked with Kanagawa Prefecture.

In the final stage, No. 4 will knock down No. 41.Because it is difficult to cause damage by chasing, but the opponent is a strong enemy, so it may not be lured as we think.

Mr. Sakurai, lead the team to lure that guy to the planned route with enhanced gas bombs.Shi Shan Wangjian is responsible for broadcasting the route.

If there is an error in the video that lures unconfirmed life form No. 41, then randomly lure him to another route. "



Everyone has no opinion on this, and no one wants a girl to go out and risk her life to attract monsters, and it's not like she's dead without a man.

Chapter 73 Pursuit

After the plan was set, Yusuke Goshiro rode an ordinary motorcycle rented by the police and came to the scheduled route. I have to say that the police were a bit caught.

Yusuke Goshidai risked his life to participate in a battle that did not belong to him. Not to mention the time wasted, he also spent a lot of money. Buying a motorcycle and repairing a motorcycle cost money.

Five generations of Yusuke is in Papa's coffee shop, where he can make a good job.

In other places, even if you are going to save the world, as long as you don't come to work, you will definitely not be paid, and your salary will even be deducted.

It can only be said that the appearance of Yusuke Godai, who is similar to a savior, is really "the only one".

Not only in character, but also in family background and surrounding environment.

Therefore, the five generations became the only empty self.

This time, Mr. Sakurai is in charge of contacting Wudai, and he has already guessed the identity of Yusuke Wudai.

"The headquarters contacted Mr. Wudai to explain Mr. Yiyi's battle plan.

A prediction is made based on the direction of travel of the unconfirmed living entity No. 41.Kanagawa Prefecture to Zuoyuan, and the main road to Kannonqi, and the surrounding fractions have been completed.

Around that, it was thought that the least damage would be caused by the explosion.

Lead No. 41 to the Samp Coast at the South Pavilion of Samp City. "

"Beep, this is Kanagawa tr02, in order to conduct field operations, a river patrol vehicle is used.

Near the entrance and exit of the Zuoyuan Expressway in Yokosuka, the existence of the suspected unconfirmed living body No. 41 human body has been found, and it is being hunted down. "

A traffic policeman on a motorcycle followed closely behind Bada.

Bada had already seen this man through the rearview mirror of the motorcycle.

"You're fine on your own."

Sakurai asked worriedly, knowing that according to reliable data, this unconfirmed life form No. 41 has already killed 132 humans on motorcycles.

Among them, there are many drag racing parties with acceptable skills.

The more you worry about something, the more something will come.

"Kanagawa tr02, the Metropolitan Police Department's contract operation has not yet started, don't force it, keep a distance from No. 41."

The police car behind the traffic police uses a pager to communicate with the driver of tr02.

Badagurangi suddenly braked, and the patrol car behind him couldn't react, and bumped straight into Gulangi who was braking.

Bada was fine, but the traffic policeman who hit him flew upside down for more than 20 meters, and was run over by a police car behind him once.

After Bada transformed, he turned the front of the car and crashed into the police car behind him.

The police car braked quickly, no, what are the brakes for?Why not increase the speed and rush over to see if the motorcycle and the police car collide, who can withstand the collision.

Bada was riding a motorcycle, raised the front wheel, passed the police car, and left the intersection.

When Wudai Yusuke arrived here, he saw the horrific traffic policeman who was hit.

Sakurai patted Yusuke Goshiro on the shoulder sadly, "It would be great if the higher-ups agreed to hand over the btcs to you, and this person might not have to sacrifice."

To be honest, this traffic policeman's behavior of tracking the locust Gulangi has violated the original battle plan.

It's just that death is the most important thing for a person. If he is alive, he will be responsible for his dereliction of duty.But he was dead, and that was the end of the matter.

"Mr. Ichijo, the patrol car officer in Kanagawa Prefecture who lured Unidentified Life Form No. 41 to the destination has died. Will the plan continue?"

Shi Shan Wangjian notified Yi YiXun of the latest information.

"Tell them not to move, I will come right away."

Yiyi Xun knew that the plan might change, but he didn't expect it to change from the very beginning, which made him very anxious. He didn't know that it was because of the dead traffic policeman's arbitrariness.

The dead are the greatest. For a dead person, it is always bad to attribute the fault to others.

Yusuke Fifthai rode the police motorcycle and chased the locust Gulangi.

It's a pity that Gulangi, the locust, wanted to kill Kuoga last, ignored Yusuke Godai, and moved forward at a faster speed.

The locust Gurangi Bada doesn't know why Kongo can always hang behind him, it shouldn't.Every time I throw him out of a big circle, and soon, I can see his figure again, it is really strange!

Gu Langji, the locust, didn't know that Linduo, whom he despised, had a device called a monitor.As long as he passes through the toll intersection, he will be spotted by the monitor.

As for why the fifth generation can still touch the rear of the locust Gulangi when he is driving at full speed.

Of course I took a shortcut!

There are some trails that the locust Gurangi doesn't know.The police can tell Goshiro Yusuke where there is a path.

If there is a small road, you can take a shortcut to block the locust Gulangi, but it is not certain whether the locust Gulangi will make a sudden turn from that road.

This is also a difficult point in the work of the police. As a result, Yusuke Godai is always one step away from catching up with the locust Gulangi.

"Fifth generation, the next intersection is the last chance to chase down the unconfirmed life form 41. After passing this intersection, its location cannot be monitored."

There was a little anxiety in Yi Yixun's tone.If Gu Langji, the locust, cannot be stopped today, it means that he has to be allowed to continue killing.

Yusuke Godai gritted his teeth, "Let me try Golem."


Total length 2700, full width 1200 (when the main wings are closed), angular length 1010, maximum flight speed 500k Metal fragments unearthed from the ancient ruins of Jiulang Mountain, and centered on Lingshi [Amadam]

A combined beetle-shaped machine.

According to ancient records, there is the meaning of the armor of the horse, and it turns out that it can be combined with the locomotive of Kuuga to form a heavy armored locomotive.It has the ability to fly, and can also carry Kuuga to fly in the air.

He has self-awareness and language ability (of course, he speaks the ancient Linduo language), and is hailed as the messenger of God by the ultra-ancient Linduo.

Called by Yusuke Godai, Graham never confirmed that the laboratory of the Joint Department of Life Forms broke through the ceiling and flew out like before.

Triangular Golem, who was traveling at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, quickly flew over to support him, with a pistol still attached to Golem's tentacles.

Golem threw the pistol into Koshiro Yusuke's hand.

Yusuke Goshiro saw the opportunity, jumped off the police motorcycle and caught Graham.

Golem with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour is a speed that only Golem can reach.

This speed is faster than that of the locust Gulangi.But with the addition of Yusuke Godai, Graham's speed suddenly slowed down.

Yusuke Godai grabbed Gram with one hand, and the pistol held in the other hand turned into a blue crossbow.

The Yamadam spirit stone on the waist of Yusuke Wudai changed from green light to golden, sublimating into the form of Pegasus!

The fifth generation in the form of Tianma locked the locust Gu Langji with one hand.

Suddenly, Bada felt a stabbing edge behind his back.

Through the rearview mirror of the motorcycle, Bada saw Godai Yusuke flying in the sky.

Because of Yusuke Godai, Graham's speed is getting slower and slower. .


Bada twisted his body to avoid a crossbow arrow that was shot.

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