A female Gu Langji said arrogantly, shaking a fan in her hand.

"By the way, what about that guy, I'm really not used to not hitting him for a day."

The woman was talking about Bat Gulangi.

I really don't know why these Gulangji are so proud of each other. They hide in places where people don't pay attention, and they are so proud.

"Hmph, I'll kill you and come over to show you. Linduo, you made me angry. I'll come as soon as I go."

Porcupine Grunge left the church, but he went to the previous boy's house and found that the whole family had moved away. .

I can't find that Linduo in a short time, and it's not impossible to find other students.

It's not impossible to make amends, but it still needs the lives of five hundred students in exchange for the life of Yamada Chengya who should have been killed by him. The price of doing so is too high.

Chapter 77 Public Opinion

So Porcupine Gulangi found a TV station and threatened the staff inside to issue an announcement that if the government did not arrest the fugitive

If the students who left were sent back for him to kill, then 500 people would pay for his life.

The porcupine Gulangi's declaration undoubtedly discredited the government, and urged the unidentified life forms to unite with departments to attack, but an unplanned attack would mean death.This attack is different from the past.

This time, the purpose was to rescue the TV station's hostages, not to directly kill Gu Langji as before, but to rescue them.It can't be like in the past, just kill Godai Yusuke directly.

But none of them expected that Gulangi, the porcupine, would leave by himself after publishing the declaration. He would use his actual actions to tell Linduo that if he did not follow what he said, then he would really kill five hundred Linduo. Many.

At the beginning, the police and the public acted quite stubbornly, wanting to get rid of this porcupine Gulangi, but the killing of the porcupine Gulangi this time was random, a real random choice.

More than 500 people were killed by the porcupine Gulangi in one day, which made the people panic all of a sudden, and nearly 100 people were killed in the central square.

Although the news said that 50 people were killed or injured, the people are not stupid. There are many people in the central square who posted videos of porcupine Gulangi killing people. Although the government has tried its best to block it, how can it be blocked.With the help of a group of caring people, the video of the porcupine Gulangi's murder spread all over the sky, everywhere.

So the people began to criticize the inaction of the high-level government again, and let them face the threat of Gurangji. Since the government and the joint department of unconfirmed life forms cannot protect them, why not let the unconfirmed life form No. [-] come out?

These people, um, seem to have forgotten that they were the ones who advocated treating the second unconfirmed life form, that is, Kongga, as an enemy.

But after encountering danger, the unconfirmed life form No. [-] was carried out again.

Really don't know where their faces are?This is the so-called keyboard man.Wudai Yusuke wanted to help them, but the top police officers refused.

Because they are worried that after the outbreak of the battle between the fifth generation and the unconfirmed living body, it will cause greater casualties. If this is the case, the people will attribute the responsibility to the government and the fifth generation, so it is better not to act.There is no action and no error.

Therefore, the top police officers stopped the unidentified living body association's request.They waited until the porcupine Gulangi killed all the hostages inside, and then they acted.

As a result, after the police received news from other areas that another victim had been killed by an unidentified life form, they actively rescued the "hostages."

But the new death data caused dissatisfaction among the people to explode. Everyone is afraid of death, and there is a great terror between life and death.

Since one person's death is enough, why did the police sacrifice 500 more people?So the voice of the people turned into handing over the escaped student and letting him die.

What they say is that if one person is sacrificed to protect everyone, how can one person's life be as important as the lives of 500 people?

Of course, the people below are not very concerned about the lives of those 500 people, just because they are among the 500 people who are selected.

Therefore, as long as you push others out, you can survive yourself, so why not do such a thing, everyone likes to do things that harm others and benefit themselves.

Under pressure, the top police officers "arrested" the student back when necessary.Just let him die.

No way, this is also the last way.

All members of the Unconfirmed Life Unit Unit have been dispatched to find the figure of the porcupine Gulangi.

But Grunge the porcupine moves very fast.Even if they found it, before Yusuke Godai rushed over, the porcupine Gulangi had already escaped again.

Nearly 500 people died in two days, and the people gathered under the government building, holding high the slogan "Hand over Yamada Chengya".

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the public hidden in the city. There are many master hackers among the people who have already obtained the student's information, including his family members.

In front of public opinion, Yamada Chengya's mother was pushed out.

"Everyone, I am the mother of Yamada Chengya. If I can, I am willing to use my life to protect my son. He is not wrong, why should he die. Please let my child go."

"You are his mother, of course you speak for him."

"But for your son, those who died, they lost their friends and brothers, and some families were killed. If your son died early, then those people would not have to die."

"Also, if you really want to die, why not die."

Yamada Chengya's mother smiled miserably, took out the pistol she had prepared, and aimed it at her head.

"I would trade my life for my son's."

A "bang" shot.

Yamada's mother committed suicide.

"Look, it's her who wants to commit suicide, it has nothing to do with us."

"That's right, it's her son, not her, who the unconfirmed living body wants to kill. Besides, it's not us who want to kill, but the unconfirmed living body No. 41 who wants to kill."

"It's a pity that this mother died in vain. Why didn't the son Yamada Cheng come out to collect the body? He is really a son of man. Even if such a person is not killed by an unidentified life form, I will beat him every time I see him in the future."

"That's right, why do you keep such a scumbag. Let him die."

"Yamada Cheng also dies, Yamada Cheng also dies."

The voices of the people formed a wave, which has the possibility of impacting the government building.

Because of the promotion of people with good intentions, the people are misled to believe that they can save their lives as long as they hand over one person.Of course, if you do this at this time, it is indeed enough to die one person.

But they didn't know that once the porcupine Gulangi was promoted successfully, more people would be killed in the future.

In the end, under pressure, the police released the news that the police had placed Chengya Yamada at the Kanto Hospital after speaking with the Unconfirmed Life Unit Joint Department.

"Fifth Generation, your task this time is very difficult, please be sure to lure him out and kill him."

Yiyi Xun bowed deeply, this porcupine Gulangi posed far more threats to them than other unidentified life forms.

This unidentified life form has led the voice of the people, which makes the government very embarrassed.

"Well, I will."

Yusuke Goshiro nodded when he heard the news from the police. "The ones who just died three days ago were Yoshiki Okura from Class D of the second grade of Luchuan School, Sai Gongsheng from Class E of the second grade, Shinki Omiyauchi from Class G of the second grade, and Suma Kuni from Class G of the second grade. , the funeral was held today. We deeply regret their misfortune..

Please treat the incident of unconfirmed life forms rationally. We, the police and unconfirmed life forms, will solve the problem as quickly as possible. "

Listening to the content broadcast on the news, Godai Yusuke memorized the faces of the four students above, clenched his fists tightly, and his fingernails dug into the palm of his hand without realizing it.

Chapter 78 Kanto Hospital Exploded

Five generations Yusuke went to Kanto Hospital to visit Yamada Chengya.

Yamada Cheng also looked very negative, his face was pale, his eyes were red and swollen, he lost his parents within a few days, his heart is not made of iron, how could he not be sad.

When he heard about his mother's death, he wanted to run out to see his mother for the last time, but he was controlled by the police and knocked unconscious.

Yamada Cheng also watches the news every day,

"How is he?"

Godai Yusuke asked Tsubaki Hideichi.

Chun Xiuyi shook his head, "After hearing about his mother, he never said a word, neither ate nor drank any water."

Of course, he cannot die.He tried to commit suicide, but unfortunately he was rescued.

The police and the Unconfirmed Life Body Union have different considerations, but the police also speculated that Yamada Cheng must also be killed by the porcupine Gulangi. If he committed suicide, the porcupine Gulangi would definitely not admit it.By then, more than 500 people will die.

Yamada must die too, but he cannot die in the hands of the people or the police, only in the hands of the porcupine Gulangi.

Goshiro Yusuke nodded, and walked behind Yamada Naruya,

"My name is Yusuke Godai. If the unconfirmed life form No. 42 attacks you, then I will protect you. This is my business card."

Five generations took out his business card.

Yamada Cheng also turned his back to Goshiro Yusuke, and said coldly, "Protection? It's more about monitoring."

"No, it's really to protect you. He is Unconfirmed Life Form No. [-]. You should be able to trust him to protect you."

Chun Xiuyi exposed the real identity of Yusuke Godai to Yamada Chengya.

Yamada Cheng has also heard the news that the unconfirmed life body No. [-] killed the unconfirmed life body many times. He knows that it is impossible for Sora to come to kill himself like those unconfirmed life bodies, but to really protect himself .

This is trust in the empty self who has wiped out unidentified life forms many times.

"Are you really Unconfirmed Lifeform No. [-]?"

Yamada Cheng also turned around and saw Godai Yusuke who encouraged him.

"It's not important. What's important is that you live a good life. I think your mother definitely doesn't want you to be like this. Their spirits in heaven definitely hope that you can live a good life."

Yusuke Godai's comfort worked, and Cheng Yamada said, "I'm hungry."

Chun Xiuyi immediately went to prepare meals for him.

After Tsubaki Hideichi left, Yamada Chengya said, "I don't want to die, but why does everyone want me to die. That person said that the more we suffer, the happier he will be."

Yusuke Goshiro clenched his fists, this time he will never forgive the porcupine Gurangi! !

"Go to sleep, it's been arranged here, you'll be fine, you haven't slept for two days."

After Yamada Chengya fell asleep, Goshiro Yusuke came out.

Chun Xiuyi "What's wrong?"

"I'm not reconciled, why do I feel like I can't do anything."

Wudai Yusuke thought of the dead students, and Yamada Chengya's words just now. He thought that what he had done was not enough, not good enough, not enough.

"Don't blame yourself too much. It's not your problem. They have the same appearance as us. And now they can even speak our language. They ignore our feelings and keep killing.

Values ​​are completely different, why should such an existence be born.I heard that Miss Zedo went to investigate a puzzle related to number zero. "

While Goshiro Yusuke and Tsubaki Shuichi were chatting, Sakurai, who was in charge of security outside, heard a noise, and then saw the figure of unconfirmed life form No. 42 hurrying past.

"Quick, here he is."

Sakurai leads the team to chase down the porcupine Gurangi who suddenly appeared.

Sakurai came to the top of the Kanto Hospital and lost sight of the porcupine Gurangi.

The porcupine Gulangi entered Yamada Chengya's ward through the window.

Porcupine Gurangi slapped the nurse who took care of Yamada Naruya to death, and walked towards Yamada Naruya who was asleep. He was in a good mood and snapped his fingers unconsciously.

Once the person being targeted by the porcupine Grunji falls asleep, the porcupine Grunji will find out where he is.

This is also the real reason why Yamada Chengya dared not sleep for more than two days.

It is very likely that you will die in your sleep.

Godai Yusuke, who was chatting with Tsubaki Shuichi outside the door, heard the sound of snapping his fingers. This is the sound that the porcupine Gulangi makes specially for attracting people every time he appears.

Godai Yusuke opened the door and saw the human body of the porcupine Gulangi and the body of the dead nurse.


Yusuke Goshiro knocks the porcupine Grunji out of the window.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Five Dai Yusuke was on the porcupine Gulangji, beating the porcupine Gulangji punch after punch.

The porcupine Gulangi who was beaten vomited a lot of blood, the porcupine Gulangi was defeated, and tried his best to push away Yusuke Godai.

If this continues, he is likely to be beaten to death by Five Dai Yusuke.

After Wudai Yusuke got up, he caught up with the porcupine Gurangi and pulled him over, punching and punching the porcupine Gurangi on the head.

Five generations of Yusuke clenched his fist, and with one punch, he sent the porcupine Gulangi flying 30 meters.

Yusuke Goshidai walked up to his motorcycle, and after getting on the motorcycle, Graham merged with the motorcycle, crashed directly through the wall, and chased him out.

Wudai Yusuke didn't notice that after he transformed like this, his eyes felt a little dark.

Porcupine Gulangi jumped out of the Kanto Hospital, and the outside of the Kanto Hospital was already surrounded by people.

The people outside all hope that this unconfirmed living body can kill Yamada Chengya directly, so that they will be safe.

When they saw the beaten porcupine Gulangi fleeing, they were frightened and fled in all directions.

Porcupine Gulangi goes where there are many people.

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