And the five generations of Yusuke who came out had only one idea in his mind, to kill the porcupine Gulangi.

Wudai Yusuke increased his strength, and the people who couldn't dodge were directly killed and thrown into the air.

Godai Yusuke is more angry now.

"Run away."

"Run away, unconfirmed life form No. [-] killed someone."


The porcupine Gurangi didn't dare to stay in one department at all, and the shouts of the people brought back the consciousness of Godai Yusuke.

He realized what he had done. He actually drove over and killed ordinary people, not just one or two, but there were 80 to [-] people.

Porcupine Gurangi gave Koshiro Yusuke a thumbs-up to despise him, then ran to the Kanto Hospital.

Porcupine Gulangi saw the weakness of Yusuke Godai, and he cared too much about those Rinta.

Porcupine Grunge felt that if he wanted to survive, he had better go back to a crowded place.

When they saw the porcupine Gulangi killing people, many people had already entered the Kanto Hospital for refuge.There are a lot of police there, so they should be well protected. .

Faced with the threat of unidentified living beings, these demonstrators hid behind the police they did not trust, like eggplants that had disappeared.

Sakurako Zedo came to a new scene where the shell-level Gulangi was massacred and began to observe carefully.

Chapter 79 death news

Porcupine Gu Langji turned back to the Kanto Hospital and killed anyone he saw. If he found that Yusuke Godai was close to him, he would grab a Linduo and throw it in the direction of Yusuke Godai.

It made Wudai Yusuke exhausted to deal with the pick-up.The strength of the porcupine Gulangi's throwing hand is very great. If the fifth generation does not use some skills to relieve the force, then the person who receives it will be a mess of mud.

Yusuke Godai, who regained his sanity, seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by the aggressiveness of the porcupine Gulangi.

Fifth generation Yusuke has become a firefighter. Of course, his unloading skills are not very good. Although the person who receives it cannot die, it is certain that he will be seriously injured.He was seriously injured, so he must go for medical treatment, but now that the unconfirmed living body No. 42 has appeared in Guangdong Hospital, at this time, it is naturally impossible to ask other doctors to stick to their combat positions like the police.Of course, there are some doctors who persist in their posts, but at this time, the hospital is also chaotic.

It is those dedicated doctors who want to help, but cannot find patients in time.Even if found, there are not enough people to send them to the emergency room.

So those who were seriously injured could only close their eyes and wait to die. Before they died, they would have to suffer from another illness. However, they deserved what they deserved. If they didn't come here to demonstrate, how could they be attacked by porcupine Gurangji.

Wudai Yusuke watched helplessly as human lives disappeared before his eyes.

Godai Yusuke transformed into an almighty form, his eyes turned black little by little, "I need stronger power, even if I fall into..."

"Fifth Generation, leave the matter of saving lives to us, and you are responsible for solving the unconfirmed life body No. 42."

Tsubaki Hideichi shouted angrily, waking up Yusuke Godai, yes.

Tsubaki Hideichi is right, Godai Yusuke has "realized", and he doesn't care about the person who stepped on the porcupine Gulangi and threw it over.

Yusuke Godai transforms into a Pegasus form, and soon catches up with the porcupine Gulangi.

I didn't use this form before, because this form is relatively weak and can't catch the person thrown by the porcupine Gulangi.

Now that he is fully prepared to fight, he will not be so merciful.

After Yusuke Goshidai changed his green form, he kicked the porcupine Gulangi on the head.

Porcupine Gulangi fell to the ground with a "plop".

Yusuke Godai picked up a crutch on the ground and turned it into a blue dragon stick.

"Ah ah!"

Sublimated to the form of a green dragon.

Wudai Yusuke thought of the person who was teased to death by the porcupine Gulangi, and his shots became very spicy. Instead of teasing people with a stick like before, he beat the porcupine Gulangi with a stick.

The porcupine Gulangi was beaten to death.

Yusuke Godai was going to use his nirvana to sublimate the all-around kick, but this is an urban area and there are many people.

I can't kill him here.


Golem, who was attached to the police motorcycle nrts-2000, controlled the motorcycle by remote control and stopped in front of Yusuke Goshiro.

Porcupine Grunji knew that Golem had the ability to temporarily seal Grunji.He also fought against the previous Kuuga before, but he was sealed by Golem and then eliminated by Kerry in one move.

Porcupine Gulangi is very aware of his state, he has lost his fighting power now, he knows that Godai Yusuke is very concerned about Linta here.

Moreover, even if you die, you have to complete the game mission.If you can't complete the game mission, even after you die, you will be ridiculed by other Gulangji.

Porcupine Gulangi immediately made a decision, even if he died, he would make Sora suffer.It's a pity that there are too many Linduo in this world, and I can't kill too many Linduo by myself.

The spirit stone on the porcupine Gulangi's waist shattered without warning.

Wudai Yusuke felt a slight threat, and he hurriedly reminded Kaoru and Tsubaki Shuichi behind him.


With the porcupine Gulangi as the center, a big explosion occurred within a radius of three kilometers.

Kaoru Ichijo was threatened with his life, and instinctively transformed into the crested ibis Orfienuo, and flew into the sky under the surprised eyes of Goshiro Yusuke.

But the others were not so lucky, they were all killed, including Sakurai, including Kaoru's friend Tsubaki Hideichi.

Of course, it also includes those who are hiding in the Kanto Hospital.

Although the unconfirmed life form No. 42 has been resolved, the consequences are enormous.Folks, the general reaction should be to get rid of Kuuga who transformed into Yusuke Godai, he poses too great a threat.

Moreover, this Sora is not a friend of human beings. He refused to save him and killed many people.

Photos of Yusuke Goshiro riding a motorcycle and hitting people appeared on the news media.

Now that the commotion is happening, it is really hard to tell whether Yusuke Godai is justified.

The police are also divided into two factions. One faction believes that the arrest of Yusuke Godai is imperative, while the other faction believes that it is still necessary to wait.

Compared with the unconfirmed life forms that appear now, they are getting stronger and stronger, which cannot be solved with the current technology of human beings.

In the end, after the initial outrage, the top brass finally decided to maintain the status quo.

Because the citizens watching the battle between Sora and the porcupine Gurangi have all been killed, no one can explain whether it was the unconfirmed life form No. 42 killed by Godai, or No. 42 blew itself up.

But most people think that it was Yusuke Godai who killed the unconfirmed life form No. 42.

The public's response to Sora has changed from mixed praise to one side, and some people who have personally experienced it even reported on the news why Sora wanted to take action and let the unconfirmed life form No. 42 kill the student, wouldn't it be good? ?

Some experienced it personally, complaining why Yusuke Godai didn't save them, but chose to fight against the unconfirmed life form No. 42, causing his relatives to fall to death.

Anyway, there are all kinds of sayings.

The explosion caused by the unidentified living body No. 42 directly killed more than 2 people. The population density of Tokyo is very dense.In addition, it happened to be a parade that day, which attracted many citizens to watch.

These lives are all counted on Goshiro Yusuke.

The citizens who managed to escape with their lives scolded Sora bloody.

Yiyi Xun was also uncomfortable. The crested ibis Orfienuo he transformed into had reached the third level of Orfienuo. Although the huge explosion did not take his name, he was thrown away by the high-altitude heat wave After traveling thousands of meters, he fell into a coma.

In addition, in order to assist Kuuga, the police mobilized all the police forces from several nearby counties to Kanto Hospital.

As a result, all of them died in the line of duty, and the police resources in various places were suddenly insufficient, and they began to recruit police from the society.

It's a pity that there are not many people who come, and people are dying.Unconfirmed life forms are so terrifying. They haven't seen how terrifying it is with their own eyes, but they have heard others tell it.

After Yiyi Xun woke up, he saw Yiyi Xun surrounded by him.

"One, you're awake."

Five Dai Yusuke greeted.

"What was the result of the explosion of the unconfirmed life form No. 42?"

One smoked asked.

"Tsubaki Shuichi and Mr. Sakurai have all died in the line of duty. Among the policemen present, you are the only one who survived."


Chapter 80 Bat Grunge's Betrayal

After a week of rest, Yi Xun returned to the police station to continue his work at an unimaginable speed.

Others were very surprised that Yi Xun was discharged from the hospital.Of course, the higher-ups were very satisfied, and specially praised Yiyi Xun verbally.

It's just that the group of people under him have all been replaced.The members of the self-supporting team temporarily serve as the police force.

The gap in police force this time is really a bit big.

Due to the emergence of unconfirmed life forms, fewer and fewer people are willing to be policemen, because those who are passionate have already been killed.

If you want to survive, you can only grow.Even the members of the self-help team who joined the police station also work with a negative attitude.

It is best not to meet unconfirmed life forms. If you encounter them, as long as you don't kill yourself, then treat it as if you can't see them.

Therefore, Yiyi Xun found it very difficult to carry on with his work.These people have a very accurate sense of time, go to work on time and prepare to leave work, but they don't know that it is common for policemen to go to work an hour earlier and work overtime every day after get off work?

On the surface, these people obey Yiyi Xun's words very much, and when Yiyi Xun is no longer there, they should do whatever they want.

Today, Yiyi Xun went to look for Zedu Yingzi.

Sawado Sakurako put down the photo of Gu Langji's murder that she had taken on the screen.

It has a blood-stained emptiness mark symbol on it.

"This is the Rindo character representing the origami Kuga, right? It was written by those guys, so it became like this?"

One smoked asked.

Sawado Sakurako "Indeed, they are completely consistent in composition."

Kaoru "If this is the zeroth message, does that mean that the warrior Kuuga is going to be killed?"

Sakurako Sawato shook her head, "No, if my intuition is correct, this text was originally Gu Langji's text."


Xunyi looked at Sakurako Zedo in surprise.She is in charge of researching Linduo characters. Since Zedu Yingzi said so, she must have her own reasons.

"You said No. [-], will it still be in Nagano Prefecture?"

Yiyi Xun listened to Zedu Yingzi's inquiry, and logically speaking, it was impossible.However, Gulangi has a different personality from humans, and human thoughts cannot be added to them.

Yiyi Xun: "About whether No. 0 and No. b1 are the same existence. At least we must find out the answer. I will return to the county police station later. Can you explain in more detail?"

Sakurako Zedo nodded, "When I first saw the inscription on the ruins, I felt that the warrior's writing was a little bit wrong. How should I put it? It's just a person who only represents other people. Word."

Yiyi Xun: "Speaking of which, I heard you said that Linduo is a peaceful race that doesn't like fighting."

Zedo "If there is a strong influence in the culture of those who use that script, it is probably more than zero. There is no word for warrior."

"That mosquito means warrior, so it should be Gulangi characters."

A smoked guess said.

"You said that the number 0 is there, and the meaning of the soldier is written? Maybe that is the number 0, a person's text."

Zedu Yingzi asked, her tone was obviously more inclined to the latter.

Yiyixun "Is the number 0 and Kuuga the same text?"

"Because of that, I'm trying to investigate from now on, so I can't be sure yet."

Sakurako Zedo said.

Zedu Yingzi followed Yiyi Xun to Xinlingye University.

"This seems to have been repaired recently."

Sakurako Zedo looked at a coffin made of fragmented stones.

"Shortly after moving these brilliance, I didn't expect that among these abandoned coffins, Number Zero would appear."

A smoked said.

"Ancient warriors entered this glory. Although the number zero was sealed.

Now that the seal has been lifted, it is no longer time to say who is right and who is wrong.But in the end, after his resurrection, he woke up all the 200 sleeping companions.

If you come here, maybe you will be able to understand the truth. "

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