The muscle relaxant bomb also played a certain role in dealing with the unconfirmed life form No. 45, creating a fighter for Kuuji before finally destroying it.But now facing the general, this kind of bullet didn't even make a ripple, and the muscle-flappy bullet was squeezed out like before.

Kaoru swallowed, the muscle relaxant bullet just now was the last one produced by the Research Office of the Unconfirmed Life Form Joint Department.

Do you think it would be so easy to make bullets that are effective against unconfirmed life forms?

Kaoru looked at the approaching general, and slapped the head of a policeman in front of him with a slap.

In desperation, Kaoru had to replace it with an immature nerve-breaking bomb developed by the scientific research department.There are only three rounds of nerve rupture bullets, and the manufacturing cost is dozens of times more expensive than muscle relaxation bullets, and it is even more difficult to manufacture. This kind of dan yao also uses nanotechnology.


Another shot, which hit the general again.

Does the general disapprove of the weapons made by Lin Duo? Such a lethal weapon may have a little effect on Gu Langji, who is at or below the charm level, but to him?Hehe, you think Ge rank No.1 is a joke

But the truth slapped the general so hard that it still hurt a lot.

After the nerve fragment hit the general, the general's eyes went black and he almost fainted and fell to the ground.Although he didn't faint, it was difficult for him to move in just a few seconds.If there is a Kura or No. [-] sneak attack at this time, these few seconds are enough to change the situation of the battle.

Kaoru saw that the nerve breaker bullet was effective, so he quickly loaded the second bullet and hit the general again.

Kaoru took the opportunity to leave with the rest of the people. Kaoru would not naively think that it was impossible for these two nerve-shredding bombs to kill the general.

It's a pity that Kaoru faced the general at the beginning, Ge rank No.1! !

Strictly speaking, among the three strongest people at the Ge level, Gulangi the shark, Gulangi the buffalo, and Gurangi the unicorn fairy should not be classified in the Ge level, because they and Gulangi at the Ge level are really Not one level.

They are similar in strength to the white-robed counter Dorudo (Vulture Gulangi).

As soon as Kaoru got into the car, there was a sudden vibration on the hood of his car.

"Soldier Linduo, your performance surprised me."

Kaoru stepped up the accelerator, trying to throw the general on the hood of the car.

But the final result was that the front wheels of the police car did not move, and the rear wheels kept rolling.

The police car overturned on the spot and overturned.

Because Kaoru was sitting in the driver's seat, when he unbuckled his seat belt and climbed out, when he took out the iqiang, he saw the last policeman following him, and just as he climbed out of the overturned police car, he was caught The general's spine was pulled away abruptly.

Xun Xun who saw it gasped, the general's method of killing people was too cruel.

At this time, Kaoru also climbed out of the police car.

"You are the Lin Duo who attacked me just now, don't worry, I will give you a decent death, just like him."

The general pointed to the police officer who lost a lot of blood and died beside him after a long spine was removed.

What a face.

Kaoru doesn't want to die so badly,

Kaoru raised his iqiang and shot the general.

After the shot, a Xun ran out without looking back. The two shots just now did not pose a threat to the general, so this shot is even more hopeless.

The general only paused for two seconds this time, and he got rid of the effect of the nerve rupture bomb on him.

For the general, nerve break ammunition is like medicine. The more he is hit, the more natural medicine resistance will rise.It is impossible for you to expect to bring him as much effect as he did at the beginning.

If it is an ordinary large-caliber gun xie that hits the general, the consequences will be to help the general complete "body training" and strengthen the system.In the end, even if the missile strikes, it will not cause the slightest harm to him.Of course, even if missiles are used now, it will not cause much damage to the general. twenty one

Chapter 90 Solving the General ([-])

Kaoru had just taken two steps when he felt himself being lifted up.

Looking back, isn't this what it is!The general took two steps forward and grabbed a Kaoru with one hand.

"As the only Lindo fighter who hurt me, I will give you a decent death."

The general's hand was about to pierce Kaoru's heart.

This way of death is indeed much better than pulling out the spine, but can you not die?

When Kaoru's life was in serious danger, he transformed into a crested ibis, Orfienuo.

Yiyi Kaoru is worthy of being the second cavalry in this world, with great luck, and I have never seen him fight in the form of Ao Fei Enuo, but this time he has transformed into Ao Fei Enuo, and his strength has reached the fifth stage, and he has initially awakened himself talent.

Kaoru's talent is Jiying. After using it, it can greatly increase the user's attack speed and movement speed. It's a pretty good explosive talent.

The general was startled when he saw Kaoru transforming.

But with rich combat experience and combat awareness, yes, he quickly recovered.

Kaoru transformed into the crested ibis Orfienuo, with her own weapon, the crested ibis ninja dart.

Kaoru wandered around the shogun, firing a seemingly endless barrage of shurikens.

"Lindo, such a big change has taken place. You make me very satisfied!"

This time it was Kaoru's turn to be surprised, because he saw that the general changed form, became a rigid body, holding a big sword in his hand.

"Ah, ha!"

As the strongest trio of Ge ranks, the general is very powerful, and has four forms of changes, corresponding to the four forms of Kuuji.

Transformed into a strong general, he swung his great sword across a circle, and all the surrounding ninja darts were sucked onto the great sword by a gust of wind.

The general wiped the blade of the sword, caught five ninja darts, and threw them in five directions.


Kaoru let out a scream, and the thrown ninja dart pierced his body.

Kaoru dodged one ninja dart with his head sideways, but the remaining four ninja darts shot through his limbs respectively.

Kaoru lay on the ground, it hurt so much!Before becoming Orfienuo, he had never suffered such a serious injury.When he didn't transform, he suffered serious injuries, which exceeded the limit of his body's tolerance, and he would pass out directly. After waking up, his physical injuries had almost recovered.

But how dare Xun Yiyi faint now, the general is right in front of him, if he faints, he is completely dead!

Kaoru didn't think the general would let him go.

"Glory!" This is the second talent that Kaoru awakened in the face of death, how well this world treats him.

You must know that the second talent awakening is at least at the fifth level of Orfi Enoch.But now he is only at the fifth level, theoretically speaking, it is impossible.

A golden shield stood in front of Kaoru.


With a casual sword, the general split the golden square shield that seemed to be stuck to the ground.

The general said displeasedly, "It's fancy."

The general raised the long sword in his hand again, this time when the great sword fell, he would surely kill a Kaoru.

Li Qinghe, who was watching the play on the side, was about to rescue Yiyi Xun, and he was not yet ready to die.

Have you ever heard that the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks, the birds die, and the good bow hides?

Li Qinghe himself did not expect that he was suddenly wanted.

Before he was wanted, Yue felt that the police looked at him differently. The United Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms carried out a large number of personnel transfers, and directly transferred people who had a good relationship with Li Qinghe to other regions.As soon as Li Qinghe entered, all he saw were unfamiliar police officers.

The high-level sent people to try to arrest Li Qinghe in the police station.

But it failed. Li Qinghe had a strong sense of crisis and forced his way out.

Li Qinghe speculates that it may be the scorpion, the squid, the squid, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion, and the scorpion. Dare to pretend to be a good person? It's not a good idea to send it off with a condescending accent.

When Li Qinghe killed a group of following police officers, the police couldn't stay still.

Not long after he came out, Li Qinghe saw a Xun who was being hunted down by the general.Li Qinghe planned to make a move a long time ago, but he didn't expect Yiyi Xun's potential to be so great. Under the pressure of death, the impossible became possible, and he persisted until now.

To be honest, with his current strength, Gu Langji, who is of ordinary Zi level, is really no match for him.Kaoru's current strength can be divided into the charm level.

The United Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms held a meeting when Kaoru led a team out against increasingly strong unconfirmed life forms.

Masao Mikura, as the head of the Unconfirmed Life Body Joint Department, seems to have the highest official position, but all the people who listened to his speech were at least one level higher than him.

"The recent changes in unconfirmed life forms are astonishing. They have become stronger and stronger. It has become very difficult to rely on No. [-] alone. This is also the reason why No. [-] is currently not being arrested. For spies Kiba Kiyokawa's identity, after we did a lot of investigations, we found that he did not exist before the life event was not confirmed, nor did he have any records of entry and exit.

We speculate that he may be the same existence as an unconfirmed living body. Of course, I may hope that he is a spy of another country, and I don't want to see such a situation.

But according to our investigation, this person has the experience of fighting against unconfirmed life forms many times, which is simply impossible for human beings.This is why I speculate that he is an unconfirmed life form. "

A female senior leader said worriedly: "If this is the case, it would be terrible. We don't know much about unconfirmed life forms. But they have already penetrated into us. ┝寺斫牛Yiqianggou⑾Zhi Huan Counsel!?/p>

"No, for unconfirmed life forms, we have already made a major breakthrough. Judging from the death reports of unconfirmed life forms collected in various police counties, after a large number of anatomical analysis, the biological structure of unconfirmed life forms is similar to that of us humans. Very similar. It can be confirmed that it is roughly similar."

After Masao Mikura finished the news, many high-level officials began to whisper, but it was unanimously decided that the news could not be released.

Masao Mikura went on to say: "According to speculation, those unconfirmed life forms may have undergone certain changes in their bodies, which led to their transformation."

Mikura Masao used human technology to speculate on the evolution of Gulangi.

It's really that Li Qinghe is not here, otherwise Li Qinghe would die laughing.

There is a saying that goes well, when humans think, God wants to laugh.Why you laugh, of course, is to laugh at the clumsy thinking of human beings.

The difference between Gulangi and human beings is not a natural occurrence, but a test product designed by the Black God. It was like this at the time, with great flaws.Therefore, he was abandoned by the Black God.

"In the abdomen of those corpses, there is a certain unknown ore. From there, there are nerve-like tissues extending to the whole body. I think the transformation into a strange figure is also caused by those stones."

Mikura Masao continued to talk about his speculation.

Chapter 91 Generals Fall

The speculations that Masao Matsukura said seem reasonable.But sometimes, the seemingly reasonable truth is not the truth.

As Erwen said, the theory of biological evolution.Humans evolved from monkeys, and he found some evidence.

But Li Qinghe would never admit that he evolved from a monkey.

Monkeys and humans are completely different races.

Masao Matsukura went on to say: "Moreover, according to inferences, the stone in the body of the unconfirmed living body is of the same type as No. [-], so it can be said to be a kind of substance. Can Can Xing Chi  Chennai Province?/p>

This can show that in the near future, No. [-] is likely to become a pure fighting machine just like those unconfirmed life forms.For this reason, we should make plans early, such as controlling the family of Wudai Yusuke in advance. "

"What you said is not unreasonable, but I want to ask, is it possible for us to control number two in our hands."

A careerist said, but when he finished saying this, he immediately got up and shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm talking nonsense. We can't grasp this kind of thing. But the power of number two is really fascinating."

How many people who can climb to that position are idiots!Even ambitious people will not try to control things that cannot be controlled at all. They are the type of people who least want unexpected factors in the plan.

"I haven't thought about it, but number two is an uncertain factor. We already have a belt plan. If this plan is successful, we will create our own number two! I believe that after that time, we will rule the entire world." The world is fine."

Including Masao Matsukura, everyone was stunned by what the high-level man said, and fell into a beautiful longing.

The high-level police meeting is still going on.

Just at the very moment when Kaoru was killed...

Wudai Yusuke was riding a motorcycle, and with a swipe, he knocked the general with a big sword into the air.

Yusuke Goshiro helped up Kaoru who was lying on the ground and couldn't move.

"Fifth Generation, you are here!"

Kaoru lifted the transformation and asked with difficulty.

"Sorry, I overslept and woke up late."

After Godai Yusuke finished speaking, he looked at the general, this bastard, if he had come later, Kaoru would have died in front of his eyes!

This general is inexcusable!

Five generations of Yusuke will not let Gu Langji take away his friends.

Five Dai Yusuke picked up a sniper gun that was on the ground at Kaoru's waist.

Pegasus form.

Wudai Yusuke twitched his gong nu, fired an arrow, and hit the general accurately.

"Did you think I wouldn't?"

Hitting the general's Tianma crossbow did not achieve the desired effect.Although Wudai Yusuke had expected it, he was still a little disappointed.

It's not that Wudai Yusuke doesn't want to transform into the sublimated form, but if the sublimated Pegasus form doesn't work, it will consume a lot of energy in vain.

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