For the next battle, it will be very difficult.

The general turned into a green projectile and aimed at Kuuga.


An air crossbow shot precisely at Yi Xun's body.

Wudai Yusuke stood in front of Yixun and carried the crossbow arrow for Yixun.

But this crossbow bolt was not so pleasant, Wudai Yusuke pulled out the crossbow bolt from his body and threw it on the ground.

The crossbow bolts that fell on the ground disappeared little by little.

Wudai Yusuke grabbed a long wooden stick beside him, and just as he turned around, another crossbow arrow shot at him.

Wudai Yusuke transformed into a purple titan form, and the crossbow arrow hit Wudai Yusuke, making him take two steps back.

Wudai Yusuke carried the Titan long sword transformed from a wooden stick, and walked towards the general step by step.

To transform into a Titan form, you must have the courage to move forward.

Yusuke Goshiro took a step back and moved on.


Another shot, Goshiro Yusuke took another step back.

Wudai Yusuke continued to advance, and after retreating again, Wudai Yusuke finally came in front of the general's transformation.


Godai Yusuke stabbed the sword into the general's body.

The golden mark of empty self emerged on the general's body.

"Is this the strength?"

The general's eyes flashed purple light, the steel body!

The general grabbed the long sword inserted into his body and pulled it hard.

Sora's purple long sword was transformed into the general's great sword weapon, and then Kodai Yusuke was kicked aside by the general.

The general's ability to disarm weapons in this hand really surprised Wudai.

Wudai Yusuke did not expect that besides him, the general could also turn long strips of matter into large swords.

But the general will not keep him surprised, but will kill him.

The general would not show mercy, he raised the big sword in his hand and slashed down fiercely.

Wudai Yusuke flashed hastily, and the sword cut off the shoulder guard of Wudai Yusuke's left shoulder, and the muscle tissue inside could be seen at the fracture.

Kuuga transformed by Yusuke Godai, whose armor is equivalent to his body.

Think about how painful it is to have a shoulder cut off.

Enduring the pain, Wudai Yusuke was about to turn around when he was slashed in the back again.

Wudai Yusuke crossed his hands together, trying to block the coming sword.

However, the general's sword is not so easy to catch.

The big sword cut into Godai's wrist, and Godai Yusuke's wrist was almost cut off!

The general's great sword and the five generations of Yusuke's great sword have the same effect on piercing armor, and they are rare weapons that can penetrate the enemy's body.

Wudai Yusuke forced the general back.

Now Wudai's form is in jeopardy, and his hands have been abolished.

Holding the long sword, the general continued to approach Wudai Yusuke, and kicked Wudai's belt.

Wudai Yusuke was kicked seven or eight meters away by this kick.

Koshiro Yusuke saw the general approaching again.

Shout out, "Super transformation!"

Wudai Yusuke directly transformed into an almighty form, and kicked the general's wrist with an all-around kick, kicking the long sword in the general's hand aside.

The general looked at the hand holding the sword, which bore the mark of Kuuga.

The general was in a daze for a moment, no one could bear Wu Dai's behavior of always making big moves in a muffled voice.Thanks to being the strongest general in the Ge rank!

Otherwise, ordinary Gu Langji really can't stand this kind of attack routine of Godai Yusuke.With critical strikes in Ping A, most people really can't stand it.

Yusuke Godai cannot move his hands for the time being, but his feet are fine.

Five generations of Yusuke took two steps back, sublimating the almighty form!

Wudai Yusuke rushed to the general and kicked the general.

The general in the form of a steel body, the imprint of the sublimated space on his body disappeared instantly.

"You don't use power like this, watch it."

The general's eyeballs shone golden!

Electric body!

Godai Yusuke looked at the general who looked like he was plated with gold in surprise.

This is a form similar to the sublimated omnipotent form of the Kuido.

Electricity surged from the General, and this time it was the General who rushed towards Kuuga.

The general's ready-to-go kick kicked Yusuke Goshiro.

Wudai Yusuke was kicked hundreds of meters away by this kick, and he really hit hundreds of meters. Think about how powerful the nuclear explosion kicked bao zha!

Chapter 92 The Counter's Escape

In the past, the power of the nuclear explosion kick could make no grass grow in a three-kilometer radius.

What now!Wudai Yusuke absorbed all the power of this Bao Zha into his body.

You must know that the strength of the general far surpasses that of Yusuke Godai. Once the power of Bao Zha is definitely not just within a radius of three kilometers.

Wudai Yusuke stood up with difficulty, the heat on his body dissipated, and the energy stored in his body was released as fast as possible.

The general turned around without looking back and said, "Ku me, the one who will fight Da Cuba will be me in the end."

The general is very confident in his own strength, he knows that I will never be able to handle his empty kick.

As the strongest fighter in Lindo, Kuga still respects such enemies, so he didn't destroy the five generations of corpses.

What he thought was right, if it was normal, Godai Yusuke must be dead, or someone with the same strength as Sora would be dead too.

But the five generations are different, he is the same as the Saiyan system, he will not die unless his body is completely destroyed.Every time he experiences a near-death situation, he becomes stronger.

Seeing the general leaving confidently, Li Qinghe couldn't help shaking his head.

Li Qinghe was watching the show, he knew that Kongwo would not die, so he didn't need to make a move.

What Li Qinghe is paying attention to now is not the Five Dynasties, but Yi Yi Xun.

Kaoru picked up a sniper gun on the ground at some point, and pointed it at the count-in-white robe who was about to leave.

That is to say, Kaoru became Aofei Enuo, otherwise he would really not be able to hit the white-robed counter who was 200 meters away from him with a sniper gun.Could it be that you thought he was holding a juqiang!


With one shot, the bullet directly shattered Mr. Count's counting abacus.

The counting gentleman was stunned for a while, he was responsible for counting, and now the counting abacus has been broken, which means that the game has been interrupted, or the game needs to be restarted.

Mr. Count turned into the vulture Gu Langji, flew over from the roof of a building 200 meters away, grabbed a Kaoru by the neckline, and patted a Kaoru with his paw.

A piece of Xun's head was turned 180 degrees by such a pump.

If it was an ordinary person, he might have died.Gu Langji, the vulture, also thought so, so he left with the same confidence as the general. As expected of Gu Langji, even the confidence is the same.

"It's time for her to come out, show up, maybe I can find Da Cuba's location, I also want to talk to him."

Li Qinghe picked up a communicator belonging to Kaoru on the ground, and called the Union Department of Unconfirmed Life Forms.

Kaoru Ichijo must have recovered soon, but Yusuke Godai was not. He was seriously injured, and even with his resilience, he would need a long period of rest.

Soon after, the Tokyo Central Sports Arena.

Sister Rose, who Gu Langji thought was dead, came out, and she appeared here.

Li Qinghe originally thought that there was no need to bother her, but without her, it was really difficult to advance the plot.

This time, Sister Rose will really "die" outside.

Sister Rose said to the general, I didn't expect it to be your turn to start the game so soon. As expected of you, the game progressed very quickly. "

"You didn't come to me to talk about this specifically, did you?"

the general asked coldly.She was not interested in knowing what Sister Rose was doing when she disappeared for a while.

"Of course not, I want to inform you that your game has been terminated and needs to be restarted!"

Miss Rose said.

The general looked at Sister Rose angrily: "Give me a reason."

Sister Rose pointed at Dorudo: "Ask Dorudo."

The white-robed counting king Dorudo took out the shattered abacus, "Because the counter was shattered, and I killed the Lindo warrior who attacked me."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to pay the due price for your actions, please go to death."

The general said calmly.

Seeing the general's tone at first, Sister Rose thought he was fine with it, but when she thought about it carefully, it was not in line with the general's usual style at all. She still had some understanding of what kind of person the general was. It must be reported, but as long as you provoke him, he will not let go unless you are scratched.

No wonder his tone was so flat, it turned out that he had already planned to kill Mr. Shu, and there was no need to be angry with the dead.

Indeed, if you think about it, if you have played a full-level game and you have almost reached the full level, and suddenly the game is rolled back due to the reason of the game operator, you will also have the idea of ​​​​killing the game operator.

In fact, if Sister Rose hadn't appeared, then the general might just have taught Count Count Doru a little more.

After all, without the referee, it is impossible to proceed.But when Li Qinghe summoned Sister Rose back at this sudden moment, Li Qinghe's sinister intentions were revealed.

There is still a white-robed Count Lord standing here and said coldly: "Please do what you want."

Count Lord Dorudo doesn't think the general can defeat him. As a game referee, without outstanding strength, how can he ensure the smooth progress of the game.

However, Dorudo didn't know that the general absorbed power from a power plant.Now he has a new form - electric shock body.

In the new era, while Kuraga is making progress, Gulangi is also making progress, and no one will just stand still.

The white-robed counter transformed into the vulture Gu Langji, and the general also transformed into a handsome and sensitive form. To deal with a nimble player like the vulture, speed is a must.

And Sister Rose was not interested in watching this battle where the outcome was already known, so she left.She felt Da Cuba's breath, and looking for him was also one of Sister Rose's missions this time.

Sister Rose came to an auditorium on the third floor of the arena, and it turned out that Da Cuba was closely watching the general's battle.

That's right, he has almost killed the other Gurangi. If he hadn't saved a Chakchio (the old man who made the Gurangi weapon) with his own hands, he would have been left with only himself and Doru at this time. Dohe Da Cuba.

"Are you not worried that Sora will kill him?"

Sister Rose is talking about the general.

"That's better. I only need a strong enemy. The stronger the enemy, the more I like it."

Da Cuba said indifferently, saying that he didn't care, but the light in his eyes told him that he was not at peace in his heart.

Sister Rose: "Someone wants to see you."

"who is it?"

Da Cuba asked with interest.

"it's me!"

A burst of spatial fluctuations appeared, and Li Qinghe walked out.

"Who are you? No, I remember your aura. It turns out that you are someone hiding in the dark. I seem to have known your aura. That Lindo soldier should belong to you."

As expected of Da Cuba, he seems to be an outsider, but he has a very good understanding of the situation. I really don't know if he knows anything else.

"You're wrong, he's not my man, he's just one of my pawns, just like gooa (bat Gulangi) is to you."

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