"Are you not worried that Sora will kill him?"

Sister Rose is talking about the general.

"That's better. I only need a strong enemy. The stronger the enemy, the more I like it."

Da Cuba said indifferently, saying that he didn't care, but the light in his eyes told him that he was not at peace in his heart.

Sister Rose: "Someone wants to see you."

"who is it?"

Da Cuba asked with interest.

"it's me!"

A burst of spatial fluctuations appeared, and Li Qinghe walked out.

"Who are you? No, I remember your aura. It turns out that you are someone hiding in the dark. I seem to have known your aura. That Lindo soldier should belong to you."

As expected of Da Cuba, he seems to be an outsider, but he has a very good understanding of the situation. I really don't know if he knows anything else.

"You're wrong, he's not my man, he's just one of my pawns, just like gooa (bat Gulangi) is to you."

Li Qinghe would not regard Daguba as a pure martial artist. To be able to defeat the previous wolf Gulangji and become the king of Gulangji, his scheming and tricks are definitely not weak.

Da Cuba looks like a weak student, with a good body, different from other Gulangji, if he doesn't show his murderous look, no one knows that he will be the strongest Gulangji. twenty one

Chapter 93 Mistakes

The seal of thousands of years, if you think about it, a pig that has been raised for thousands of years can become a god pig.Not to mention a sane Gulangi.

The seal of thousands of years has distorted Da Cuba's mind and made him look down on the meaning of life.

Never think of the Dacuba as a fighting machine.

The reason why he fights is just to win better.

Otherwise, do you really think Kerry would die at the hands of ordinary people?

Rather than saying that Professor Natsume took the belt and killed Kerry, it is better to say that Daguba killed Kerry.

You know, Kerry slaughtered Professor Natsume and his party the day Natsume Mika took off Kerry's belt!

He wanted to return the Kuuga belt to Kerry, and it was easy.In this way, Kerry will not be wiped out because of the sudden interruption of the energy of the belt.

Da Cuba chose to ignore the belt, he watched Kerry, the culprit who had sealed him for thousands of years, die little by little.

Otherwise, do you think that Da Cuba would still smile away his grievances, be a hero and cherish a hero, save Kerry, and fight again?

Dacuba is not so naive. Imagine how you would feel when someone knocked you down at the moment when you were most successful.

Not to mention, Kerry also caused him to be sealed alive for thousands of years.You know a person, when you open your eyes, it's black.

Can you imagine what it would be like to live a life worse than death?Being in darkness every day, to be honest, after such a long period of time, I can't even be sure whether I am alive or dead.

Moreover, such a day is not a moment, but thousands of years.

When Kerry was unsealed, Kerry was so grateful to those Lindos who came out by him that he sent them to die.

"You are Linduo too."

The murderous aura on Da Cuba suddenly burst out, and Li Qinghe pulled Rose Girl behind him, blocking Da Cuba's murderous aura as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Li Qinghe's performance, Daguba smiled, "Interesting Linduo, what are you looking for me for? Do you want to have a hearty battle with me?"

"Fight? You still have a long time in your life. Do you think one fight is enough?"

What Li Qinghe said seemed to have magical powers, and it was poured into Da Cuba's ears.

This is the story of the world, a shameless way for the lord of the world to gain nourishment (such as talents).In this way, others will feel that what you say makes sense inexplicably.

Of course, there is also a premise that cannot deviate from the belief that the listener insists on.

World Story starts once, with a 100-year cooling-off period.

Therefore, World Story can only be used for outstanding talents.

As for why not use it on Yusuke Godai?Hehe, Yusuke Godai is the protagonist of this world, with thousands of fortunes and a lifetime.The protagonists of each world are all strong-willed people, and it is difficult for the story of the world to play a role.

Besides, with Yusuke Godai as the protagonist, in a certain sense, he is equivalent to the real son of this world.

You're an outsider, it's okay to get some cats, cats and dogs, but if you want to take away someone's own son, isn't that just looking for a beating!

Therefore, Li Qinghe found Da Cuba, to see if he could lure him away.

But Li Qinghe overlooked one thing. Does the master of the world only have one child?

Unfortunately, as the darling of the previous era, Dacuba killed the previous wolf Gulangi and became the strongest Gurangi king. In the end, even the previous Kong I also solved it by the way, excluding the factor of thousands of years of being sealed If you look at it, he is really a winner in life.

Naturally, Li Qinghe's story of the world not only didn't work, but also suffered a backlash, as well as the malicious spying from the depths of this world. In addition to the gaze of the Black God, there were two other gazes.Li Qinghe guessed that one of them should be the long-disappeared White God, and the other is the new consciousness gradually born in this world, which is responsible for subconsciously operating the world, which is equivalent to an intelligent system designed by Black God and White God.

Sister Rose couldn't understand this maliciousness, and Li Qinghe spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Why, are you surprised? Hypnotism? Do you think that no other Lindo has used it on me? Even in Gulangji, there have been many existences with hypnotism. They are all like you, so confident, what a pity , they are all dead!"

Da Cuba said with an innocent smile.

After saying these words, Da Cuba appeared behind Li Qinghe, and poked Li Qinghe's heart with one hand.

Li Qinghe's eyes are lingering!

"seal up!"

All of a sudden, snowflakes appeared around Li Qinghe, and the snowflakes were powerful enough to block Daguba's actions.

"Strong strength, I like it very much."

Then Da Cuba gave up the direction of the attack, grabbed the rose with one hand, and was about to tear her hand off.

Don't expect Da Cuba to have any thoughts of sympathy, this is an idea that only human beings have.

Da Cuba was sure that Li Qinghe would save Sister Rose. During the time he was released again, he already had a deep understanding of today's human society.

"court death!"

The eyes between Li Qinghe's brows opened, and the unicorn's shadow rushed towards Daguba like a living creature.

Daguba solemnly punched out the punch, which scattered the unicorn shadow.

"Not right!"

Dacuba felt a gust of wind blowing, and saw a huge fist hit his eyeball.

Seeing that it was impossible to stop Daguba, he simply received a punch from Li Qinghe.

But Da Cuba was unwilling to take such a punch in vain. He tightly grasped Li Qinghe's fist, and then bit on Li Qinghe's fist.

Li Qinghe felt a strange breath entering his body, but he checked his body carefully, and found nothing wrong, as if it was just an illusion.

Li Qinghe withdrew his fist and slapped Daguba from the third floor to Dorudo's feet.

Dorudo was in the midst of a fierce battle with the general, when suddenly a sound came from behind him, which startled him, but he saw Dacuba in a panic.

After Li Qinghe forced Da Cuba back, he took Sister Rose and left here. This time the plan was considered a failure.

Just in case, Li Qinghe sent Sister Rose to 555 time, and this time he will never let her come back.Li Qinghe checked his body many times, but he couldn't find the force that entered his body.

Thinking of that kind of power, Li Qinghe had an ominous premonition.With Li Qinghe's current strength, this premonition comes from an intuitive feeling, which is more reliable.However, no matter how Li Qinghe checked, he found nothing.

Right now, the battle in the world of Wu Gengji is about to officially start, and at this time, there must be no injuries left on the body.Although the intrusion of the power of the world does not cause much damage to Li Qinghe's foundation at the moment, it will be fine if left unchecked.Restoring one's own strength is the top priority, so the search for that strange power has to be arranged later. .

Li Qinghe unfolded the story of the world, and the backlash caused by it has shaken Li Qinghe's foundation. This is an invasion from the power of the world, and it belongs to the kind of life and death. What Li Qinghe has to do now is to suppress that force, or completely Eliminate.

This time it was Li Qinghe who was careless. Li Qinghe, who had not yet lost in this world, tasted the injury caused by arrogance for the first time.

Chapter 94 Amazing and Almighty Kuuga ([-])

The injury came too suddenly this time, disrupting Li Qinghe's own plan, and the supervision of Da Cuba had to be cancelled.

Li Qinghe thought about his meeting with Da Cuba carefully, only to realize that he had planned him, and finding him by himself was also within his calculation.Otherwise, with his strength, he can completely stop Li Qinghe before he starts the story of the world, and there is no need to wait until the end of his performance before launching a counterattack.

You must know that the story of the world is lethal even to the real protagonist, but it has no effect on the expired "son" of Dacuba. On Daguaba, there is no injury at all, which is very strange.

After thinking about it, it only makes sense if I have been calculated early on.It seems that Da Cuba has noticed him at some point. He regards other people as cicadas and himself as a praying mantis, but he does not expect that there will be a oriole behind him.

However, this oriole is probably not just Da Cuba, the Black God is definitely plotting against him behind his back, he needs to get injured himself, and wants to prevent himself from being in a complete state before the battle, even if he recovers, then during this period, for His actions cannot be controlled.

In general, as long as Li Qinghe is injured this time, no matter which of the two results is the same, the result will not be a loss.

Yes, Li Qinghe controls the entrance to the Wu Gengji world, but Li Qinghe will not continue to naively think that without himself, the Black God cannot enter that world.

What Black God needs are world coordinates. At that time, Li Qinghe had not been promoted to the master of the world for a long time, and many abilities had not been discovered, such as the space gate.

If he knew, Li Qinghe would definitely make a more detailed plan. The Black God was the Lord of the World earlier than Li Qinghe.What Li Qinghe can do, so can he.As long as there are world coordinates and the time coordinates are turned on, you can cross over to the past.

Every strange world is a fortune for the world lord.

If it was time for the Black God to notify him, he would take action regardless of whether he acted or not.

The lesson this time is a bit big, it seems that Hei Shen has already noticed his actions, and he has been looking for opportunities to plot against himself.But Li Qinghe himself was at a loss in this matter, so he could only suffer a dark loss.After all, there was not much difference in strength between Li Qinghe and Heishen, and the strength was insufficient, so Li Qinghe could only swallow this breath in his stomach.Otherwise, they would really have fallen out with the Black God because of this incident.

Although it is said that Li Qinghe's actions are a bit unreasonable, it is really stupid to divide the world of adults with simple right and wrong!

"Da Cuba, why are you here?"

the general asked, pausing.

Da Cuba clapped his hands, "Go ahead and leave me alone."

The general and Dorudo, who had turned into Gurangi the vulture, looked at each other, and they didn't do anything easily. They had never seen anyone who could push Dacuba to such a degree.

Seeing that Da Cuba had really left, the two continued to fight. In the end, the general was the stronger, and the long stick with pincer-like curved blades at each end was pierced into Dorudo's belt.

"How can you be so strong!"

Dorudo was kicked away by Dacuba, and asked unwillingly.

"From the moment you gave up your identity as a gamer, you are no longer my opponent. A new player who is not aggressive will just stay where he is for thousands of years. But I am different. I am always improving and improving all the time. Moreover, I haven't used my true power against you. You who were second only to Dacuba a thousand years ago, you can't even beat Kuuga today."

After the general finished speaking, he left. Dorudo fell to the ground in pain, slowly closed his eyes, and vaguely saw the Lindo soldier he had "killed".Dorudo left unwillingly...

And Yusuke Godai, who was beaten "to death" by the general, was sent to the hospital again.

When it was sent to the hospital, Wu Dai's body was cold.

There is only one opinion above, not to dissect him, but to save him!At this time, Gurangji is too rampant. Without Yusuke Godai to carry it in front, human beings don't know what happened, but Tokyo must suffer!The higher-ups see this very clearly.

After many exchanges, the hospital confirmed the treatment plan, which is to use electric shock therapy like Tsubaki Hideichi in the past, not only to save Godai Yusuke, but also to strengthen his strength.

When Yusuke Godai woke up again, he saw Kaoru with a worried face.

"Wake up, how do you feel?"

Kaoru asked gratefully.

"Well, it's the first time I feel so good in my body, and I feel that my body is full of strength."

Goshiro Yusuke clenched his fist, and unconsciously waved his fist vigorously, showing his physical condition like a Kaoru.Yusuke Godai, who often fights with Gu Langji, inevitably carries a hint of killing in his behavior.

Kaoru looked worriedly at Godai Yusuke, the current Godai Yusuke can kill people with one punch even if he is a human body.The five generations of Yusuke's physical fitness has surpassed Rick's physical fitness thousands of years ago.

Fortunately, Wudai Yusuke still has his father and his younger sister, all of whom are his concern.

Kaoru Ichijo didn't even know when he started to guard against Yusuke Godai.

Although Godai Yusuke's personality is still so innocent, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a good old man, but with this kind of personality, once he loses control, the consequences will be more difficult to control.

This guarding stems from the subconscious jealousy of ordinary people towards those with superpowers.

Kaoru still regards himself as an ordinary person now, but he is no longer an ordinary person if he can transform into the Kaoru of Orfienuo.

"One, I will definitely be able to defeat the unconfirmed life form No. 46 this time."

Five Dai Yusuke said excitedly, he enjoyed the feeling of being full of power very much.The current five generations only want to defeat unconfirmed life forms by enhancing their own strength.But after defeating the unconfirmed life form, how will he deal with himself among human beings?

Once all unconfirmed life forms are resolved, then for humans, Godai Yusuke is the next unconfirmed life form.

Soon, news of the general's reappearance reached Yi Yi Xun.

The general massacred the police officers of the Seymour Police Department this time.

Kaoru came to the Seymour Police Station with two newly produced nerve fragmentation bombs and a rifle in his hand.

The general listened to the sirens outside the police station, and walked out of the police station. In his opinion, although the white-robed Count Lord Dorudo was dead, and there was Rose Girl as the referee, he started his game with confidence. .

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