He didn't know that after he killed Dorudo, the game was doomed, whether he killed enough people or not.Because Sister Rose, who is the referee of the game, has already betrayed Gu Langji.

In front of many policemen, Yusuke Goshiro transformed into Kuuga and rushed towards the general. .

"Sora, you are not dead yet? But it doesn't matter, I will definitely kill you this time!"

The general growled.

Chapter 95 Amazing and Almighty (End)

Yusuke Five Dynasties transformed into a sublimated almighty empty self form.

"I seem to be able to transform into a golden form all the time, please get out of the way."

At this time, the strength of the five generations has been greatly improved.From the 30-second sublimation form to the permanent sublimation form, this has to be said to be a big improvement.

Kaoru Ichijo "Godai, there is a jungle suitable for temptation near here, I will thoroughly evacuate the surrounding area, please."

Five generations of Yusuke and the general fought and ran all the way.

The general also guessed what Yusuke Godai was thinking, and sure enough, Kuga was still fighting to protect Lindo as before.

But the general is very confident, he thinks he can kill Kuuga this time too, this time he will not give Godai Yusuke a chance to resurrect again, this time he will crush Kuuga to ashes.

Just general, do you really have this chance?

Wudai Yusuke and the general fought each other with punches and kicks, with no thought of avoiding it at all.After the two gave each other a kick, they separated.

After Wudai Yusuke and the general got up, they looked at each other, circled each other, and looked for each other's flaws, but unfortunately, both of them defended extremely tightly.

So since this is the case, there is no other way but head-to-head!

"Use the power you created to kill you!"

After the general finished speaking, he transformed into an electric shock body form, which was produced after absorbing the electricity of the entire power plant.

Yusuke Godai took a few steps back, opened the distance from the general, gathered his strength to the waist, this time not only had the armguard on his right leg, but also his left leg.

Five generations of Yusuke turned into a matte black body, which is an amazing and omnipotent form.This form can be said to have begun to use part of the ultimate power.

Wudai Yusuke also rushed towards the other side just like the general.



Wudai Yusuke's left arm blocked the general's kick, but the general's body was abruptly hit by Wudai Yusuke's kick.

After this confrontation, the two fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Finally, the general stood up first, "I'm empty, this time it's me... How is that possible!"

Before the general had time to deliver his victory speech, the imprints of the two empty selves appeared on his body.

It exploded with a "coax".

A Kaoru in the distance of the jungle saw the general who exploded, and he breathed a sigh of relief. If the general was allowed to kill him like this, then there would be only one final result, that is, no one would want to be a policeman. This is not alarmist talk.

Originally, in order to protect the public, the death rate of the police has always been high. Now there has been an unidentified life form that specializes in killing the police. After all, there are still a small number of people who are not afraid of death. Most people still cherish their lives very much. There is only one life.

Wudai Yusuke slowly got up from the ground, he didn't know that there was a Gulangi (Dakuba) watching him in the distance.

"Kuage, I hope to fight against a form that Rick has not reached yet, let's grow up as soon as possible."

Although Da Cuba has a heavy hatred for his predecessor, the hatred that has been sealed for thousands of years!But that didn't deny his respect for Rick, who was a respectable opponent anyway.

After the explosion was completely over, Godai Yusuke walked out of the burnt jungle and gave Kaoru an encouraging thumbs up.

Kaoru smiled, and also held out a thumb.

Now that the situation is very serious, the police are no longer limited to high-level officials who know the identity of Yusuke Godai. Even ordinary policemen know the identity of Yusuke Godai.

To be able to become a high-level person, those people naturally still have foresight, and they are definitely not just one by one!

Da Cuba watched Yi Yi Xun help Wudai Yusuke to leave, looked at Yi Yi Xun, and thought of Li Qinghe who was fighting him.

In that fight, he found that he was not Li Qinghe's opponent, which made him pay more attention to this game.He always thought that he was invincible, but the Black God who appeared first to warn him and gave him increased strength, and Li Qinghe who fought against him, made Da Cuba realize that he was not an invincible existence. There is a lot of room for improvement.Completing the game, and then improving his strength, is also effective for him.

Having been in a high position for a long time, Da Cuba felt a sense of loneliness as a master, but if someone stronger than him really appeared, do you think he will be happy, do you think he will be happy that he has an opponent?

No, he will be angry!The person who stands at the highest place is enough to have himself alone, and does not need others.Just like being an emperor, every emperor will say how lonely he is, without a confidant.But if his confidant does appear, what he has to do is very simple, and that is to get rid of that person.

Otherwise, do you think Da Cuba will let Yusuke Godai grow up?He is not a fool, and it is not that he has not been sealed by Rick. Human beings know that they can learn a lot of wisdom. Do you think that Da Cuba, who has lived for thousands of years, is an idiot?

He also knew this. The reason why he killed those trash Gu Langji in the first place was that besides feeling that they were trash, there was another reason he didn't want to mention, that is, he didn't want another Gu Lang Ji to be born out of him who was more powerful than him. The potential Gulangji, the king of Gulangji can only be him, and he can only be him for generations to come!One is enough for the King of Grunji!

The appearance of Li Qinghe and Heishen made Da Cuba feel threatened and scared him!Of course he would not admit his timidity.Therefore, Da Cuba needs stronger power, and needs stronger power to become the strongest person.

Therefore, Dacuba chose Kuuga as his opponent this year. He needs Kuuga to show stronger power, so that after killing Kuuga, he will gain stronger power.

Apart from Li Qinghe and the Black God, Daguba is quite confident in his own strength.He is not standing still, he is also making progress. If the previous wolf, Gu Langji, appears in front of him, he will definitely be able to deal with him within ten moves.

Dacuba clenched his fists unconsciously, a movement he hadn't done for thousands of years.

It has been three days since the Shogun incident, and Godai Yusuke has almost recovered.

Li Qinghe barely suppressed the injury on his body. He had already asked Princess Celia if his injury could be treated with life support, but he got a negative answer.

When the strength is low, the life-support machine can still be effective, and the life-support machine is originally prepared for ordinary people.For an existence like Li Qinghe, even if all the energy of the life-support machine is exhausted, it will not be effective.Although the life-support machine comes from a high-dimensional universe, that high-dimensional universe belongs to a high-tech world. .

The power of the individual is not strong, what is strong is technology!Therefore, the life-support machine tried for that universe will not work for Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe could only find a way to recover from his injury. The injury was not serious, but it could not be recovered in a short period of time. Li Qinghe could only barely suppress his injury.because…………

Chapter 96 fiasco

Because the Black God had already notified Li Qinghe unilaterally that he would go to the world of Wu Gengji to start a decisive battle in seven days!Engage in a world war scramble!

For some reason, an ominous premonition flashed in Li Qinghe's heart, and this premonition became more and more obvious.

But now the competition for the world of Wu Gengji has reached a critical juncture, and it is impossible to give up.Li Qinghe can only bite the bullet now and perfect his plan as much as possible.

Seven days is really too short.Li Qinghe has two options now, the first seven days to recover from his injuries, of course, the extent of the recovery is another matter, the other is to choose to deploy people in the world of Wu Gengji, and win this victory by controlling the overall situation.

As for why Li Qinghe chose to bring in an unreliable ally, it was because Li Qinghe was planning to seize two worlds at once. Li Qinghe and the Black God depended on who was better at it. People who have no dreams are just like salted fish ?

Li Qinghe thinks that he is not a salted fish, and he is a little overconfident in his own strength.Now it is because of overconfidence that such a small accident has occurred.

Li Qinghe chose the latter. Li Qinghe estimated that it would take at least a month for him to recover his strength.

On the premise of not aggravating the injury, Li Qinghe can only exert 80.00% of his strength now. Since his own strength is insufficient, he needs to rely on external strength.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe has entered the world of Wu Gengji, what power can compare to the local power?There is a good saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. This sentence is not unfounded. If foreign forces want to survive in this country, they must rely on local power, let alone occupy this land permanently.

On the other side, Godai Yusuke didn't rest for long, and a new battle was already waiting for him.

At this time, Da Cuba started killing in Tokyo City. It is more appropriate to describe it as massacre or city massacre.

Because of the action of No. [-], the top management in Tokyo had already evacuated Tokyo an hour ago.The outside news reports used the topic of No. [-] Massacre.

The higher-ups hurriedly ordered Kaoru Ichijo to quickly let Yusuke Godai play in the battle.

Kaoru Iichi hurriedly found Godai, "Godai, you have seen the news on the news, right?

The fifth generation also saw the news. This time, Daguba is no different from other unidentified life forms. Daguba kills people indiscriminately.No matter adults or children, and no matter what occupation you are, you will kill them when you see them.

Moreover, his lethality is still very large. Some residents are reluctant to part with their property and hide in their homes, thinking that this is safe. According to usual experience, this is indeed safe.However, this time Dacuba has several ways to kill people without entering the room, knock down the house with one punch, or more simply use murderous aura, directly oppressing people's nerves to death.

Fifth generation Yusuke was ordered in danger and went to the place where Da Cuba killed people. At this time, Da Cuba had massacred 3 people in Tokyo.

"Are you number zero?"

Five Dai Yusuke looked at Da Cuba who hadn't even transformed.

Da Cuba turned his head to look at the person who came, and it was time for me.

Da Cuba smiled brightly, and a murderous aura burst out from his body, pressing on Goshiro Yusuke.

Yusuke Godai felt that his heart was about to be crushed, it was so uncomfortable.


After Yusuke Godai transformed into the sublimated almighty form, he felt much less pressure.


Dacuba also transformed accordingly, with the stag beetle as the prototype, the tattoo pattern is also very similar to the Kuuga logo, but Dacuba has four corners, Dacuba can have the supernatural ability to trigger 30-degree flames, and can control it freely The four elements of wind, water, earth and fire.

When Da Cuba waved his hand, Goshiro Yusuke's body was on fire.

Godai Yusuke rolled on the ground in pain, screaming.

"Super transformation."

Enduring the severe pain, Yusuke Goshidai transformed into a sublimated titan.But the flames on his body were like a gangrene, entangled in the fifth generation who became a titan.

"Five generations!"

Yusuke Godai heard the worried greeting from Kaoru on the helicopter. Yes, behind him is the father's family. He can't lose. He has persisted to this point for everyone's smile. As long as he continues to work hard to defeat No. [-], he can completely protect Everyone's smile, everyone will never face the threat of unidentified life forms again.

Wudai Yusuke punched Daguaba with a punch, but Daguaba easily grabbed Wudai Yusuke's fist.

"How weak! Don't you want to protect people's smiles? It's just such a little strength."

This was the first time Dacuba spoke, with obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

How could Da Cuba not be angry? Even if such a weak Kuuga was killed by him, it would not bring him much benefit.

Therefore, Da Cuba wanted to take the opportunity to persecute Yusuke Godai, hoping to stimulate his potential.

Five Dai Yusuke was thrown directly from the east of Tokyo City to the west of the city by Daguba.

Dacuba glanced up at a helicopter that Xun was riding in, and the propellers of the helicopter began to malfunction.

"No, this unconfirmed life form is too dangerous, it needs to be transferred!"

The pilot of the helicopter hurriedly drove the plane to make the transfer.The monster below is too scary!

The helicopter came to the position of Yusuke Goshidai, and Yusuke Goshidai was knocked over before he even had time to change his amazing and almighty form.

At this moment, Yiyi Xun thought of Li Qinghe. He knew how much he weighed. Even if he transformed into the crested ibis Ophelia Enuo, he would not be the enemy of Zero.

In his mind, perhaps the mysterious Li Qinghe could defeat this number zero.

However, he couldn't contact Li Qinghe, and now Li Qinghe was recovering from his injuries in the archaeological laboratory of Chengnan University.

For what happened in Tokyo, Li Qinghe didn't want to participate, and couldn't care less about participating.

Although Da Cuba killed people at will, he didn't dare to kill some people, such as the people under the Black God, and a group of people called Natsume Mika as an example.

In just one day, Dacuba turned Tokyo into ruins. According to incomplete statistics, more than [-] people were killed, not including the missing and injured.

The Holy Sons and Saintesses under the Black God wantonly expand their power. As long as Xuancheng joins them, he will not be threatened by unidentified life forms.

The fact is indeed like this, Da Cuba doesn't want to confront the Black God now.But he didn't know that he had already been plotted by the Black God, and even the entire Gurangi population was plotted against him.

Wudai Yusuke was seriously injured and was receiving emergency treatment in a hospital. Wudai Yusuke couldn't die at this time!

Those supernatural beings who protect the high-level have no intention of provoking No. [-] on their own initiative. .

Wudai Yusuke is so strong that he is not the opponent of No. [-]. If they go up, they will give away lunch.

During the six days when Yusuke Goshidai was in a coma, Dagua went on a killing spree throughout the island country, and even made a special raid on the high level of the island country, causing more than 200 million casualties.

Chapter 97Arrival

On the seventh day, that is, the day when Li Qinghe and Hei Shen agreed to make a move.

Li Qinghe walked out of Chengnan University. Now that he had decided to have a showdown with the Black God, Li Qinghe had completed all the plans that should be made yesterday.

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At the request of Li Qinghe, Natsume Shiga led the team to lead the team to fight against Shun Falcon.

Originally, he also wanted to take Yusaburo away, but he didn't want to leave, saying that he wanted to wait here for his son Godai Yusuke to come back.

Li Qinghe couldn't help it, so it was up to him.

All these things were entrusted to Natsume Mika, because he is now a wanted criminal, and what he said may not be as useful as before.

Yesterday, Li Qinghe apologized to him, please forgive me?/p>

Li Qinghe came to the place agreed with the Black God, a newly built altar.

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