Natsume Shika, the saintess chosen by the water angel, was wearing a black suit with three thousand men behind her.

Behind the other two angels were three thousand subordinates, each wearing white and yellow suits.

Nearly 1 people carried prohibited large-caliber firearms.

"Why, so anxious, it seems that you are all ready."

Li Qinghe saw the Black God standing on the altar.

Heishen walked towards Li Qinghe with empty steps, and said with a smile, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Why didn't I come? I will never forget such a critical day. Besides, without me, how can this plan be carried out. "

The verbal confrontation between Li Qinghe and Heishen seemed to be without a trace of fireworks, but in fact every sentence contained code words, which outsiders could not hear.

But because Natsume Shika had been reminded by Li Qinghe, she heard it.Natsume looked at Li Qinghe worriedly.

There was a golden light in Li Qinghe's eyes, and the black eyes like the black god Mo Yuan looked at each other.

Li Qinghe glanced at Natsume Shika calmly.

Seeing this, Li Qinghe couldn't help but frown. As expected of the Black God, he really regards human life as a skeleton.

Li Qinghe pressed the button of the Space Ripper, and a huge space door appeared!

With the strengthening of Li Qinghe's strength, his application of the Space Ripper became more handy.In the past, the width of three meters was almost enough, but now the space door summoned by Li Qinghe is [-] meters wide and three feet high!

The Black God noticed the change in Li Qinghe's strength, and after a short period of time, how could Li Qinghe's strength have improved so much? It's too abnormal!

For the Black God who has survived for tens of thousands of years, his concept of time is generally based on a hundred years.

Li Qinghe's strength has improved so quickly, of course, because he has received the energy of the Shadow Crocodile World and the 555 World, the two worlds.

Do you think Li Qinghe is stupid?The reason why he dared to seek skin from a tiger was because of these two worlds, Li Qinghe could be promoted to the strength of a normal world master in just one year.

The current Li Qinghe, if he hadn't been injured, would be weaker than the Black God.With such a narrow gap, it may take hundreds of years to decide the winner, and even if the winner is decided, there will be no birth or death.

Li Qinghe had calculated that the Black God would kill him, and now he had seen part of the Black God's plan.

With a wave of Hei Shen's hand, the angel led the team in front, the holy envoy was in the middle, and the team entered the world of Wu Gengji.

Li Qinghe and Heishen stepped into the space door hand in hand. After the two entered the world of Wu Gengji, the space door closed.

Li Qinghe showed an inexplicable smile and said

"According to my suggestion, King Zhou chose to devote all his efforts to one battle. After fighting for so many years, the foundation of the Shang country has been hurt.

He also didn't want the fight to continue like this. If the fight continued like this, ordinary people would die, and it wouldn't have any impact on the protoss of this world. "

"Then it will be a game to decide the world. I also agree with this. You have almost prepared."

Hei Shen nodded and looked at Li Qinghe.

"That's natural."

Li Qinghe said confidently and calmly.

Li Qinghe bet that Hei Shen still doesn't know that his injury has not recovered, otherwise his tone of speech would not be so "friendly".

"Black God, why do you only have three angels under your command, the water angel, the wind angel, and the earth angel.

According to the basic elements that make up the world, there should be two angels, fire and thunder. "

Hearing Li Qinghe's sudden question, Hei Shen paused.

"Because they are Baishen's subordinates. After Baishen was killed by me, I also eliminated them."

Hearing Black God's explanation, Li Qinghe nodded suddenly. He has a rough guess about the two different forms of agito in agito, one is the ability of the fire angel, and the other is the ability of the thunder angel?

This time, the other side of the Space Ripper was set by Li Qinghe in a deep mountain closest to Chaoge, and tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared,

Thousands of people marched towards Chaoge, and stopped [-] kilometers away from Chaoge, and began to camp.

Heishen and Li Qinghe went directly to Chaoge to find King Zhou.

At this time, King Zhou was still in high spirits!In the battle with the gods, he has been stalemate for so many years. Although the gods did not directly take action, this in itself is a great victory!

From the moment Li Qinghe and Heishen entered Chaoge, they were noticed by spies from all directions.

Because merchants often go out to barter for commercial trade, their clothing is considered very fashionable.

But compared to Li Qinghe and Heishen, these two people can be seen at a glance in the crowd.

Among these spies, there may be some from the Great Zhou, some hidden forces among the merchants, some from the Anyin Ministry, and even some from the Protoss!

Li Qinghe and Heishen were received by King Zhou with the highest treatment.

"Two High Gods, please come inside, the king is waiting for your lord inside."

A warrior from the Shang Dynasty led Li Qinghe and Hei Shen to the newly built palace of King Zhou.

In the war with Xiqi Jifa, the pawn of the protoss, King Zhou won many victories, which made him unavoidably pampered. This is also human nature, but he should not neglect Li Qinghe and Hei Shen.

Elephants don't care about an ant blocking the way, but if the ant insists on getting close to the elephant's feet, then the elephant won't hold back its feet.

Li Qinghe and Heishen didn't know how much help they gave King Zhou to stabilize the situation.

Fighting wars is all about resources. The logistics and weapons of the Shang Kingdom all come from Li Qinghe and Black God.

It seemed that the previous few victories had confused King Zhou's mind.

Li Qinghe didn't need to look, he knew that Hei Shen's face was not very good.

Li Qinghe and Heishen came to King Zhou's newly built palace, which was built for his new queen Hu Ximei.

Not long ago, she was made queen, which shows Hu Ximei's position in King Zhou's heart.

Wu Geng, the son of King Zhou and Xinyuehu, was whipped and punished by King Zhou for beating a slave's eye three years ago, and was imprisoned for three years.

For King Zhou, the son he needs is definitely not a prodigal son who only knows how to eat, drink and play. What he needs is an ambitious successor who can guard the country for him.

For a long time, King Zhou never cared about Wu Geng, but that didn't mean he didn't care.

King Zhou has always maintained a doting attitude towards Wu Geng because of Xinyuehu.

He and Hu Ximei have known each other for many years, but they have no children. Isn't he just wanting to inherit the throne to Wu Geng?

However, he accidentally heard Wu Geng say that after he succeeds to the throne, he will definitely obey God's instructions and turn Dashang Kingdom back from the wrong direction.

This made King Zhou very angry. Isn't Wu Geng denying what he has been doing all along?

King Zhou didn't know why Wu Geng had such an idea, but this idea is very dangerous!

King Zhou is no more naive than Wu Geng, he has opened his bow and has no arrows to turn back, and now he is repenting, and it is too late to decide to hug the thigh of the gods!

The Protoss has always had only one attitude towards rebels, and that is to kill them!

This time King Zhou is still a typical example, do you think the gods will let them go?

King Zhou himself made two preparations. It would be best if he could overthrow the Protoss, but if he failed, then Wu Geng would have to move.

The lineage of the Great Shang Kingdom cannot be cut off in his hands!

Therefore, King Zhou severely punished Wu Geng for beating the slave blind.

Before Wu Geng realized his mistake, he would not be released.Now Wu Geng is protected too well by him, and he is too naive.

Li Qinghe and Heishen strode into the palace, and saw a woman covered with a purple veil.

"Xi'er, you step back."

King Zhou said to the woman with the purple veil.


Hu Ximei was about to say something, but seeing King Zhou's stern gaze, she stopped what she wanted to say, and slowly backed away.

Seeing that Hu Ximei had retreated, King Zhou put away his smile, and it was obvious that he was sincerely attracted to this woman.

Li Qinghe and Heishen finally looked better when they saw King Zhou retreating Hu Ximei.

"You are here, please sit down."

Sitting on the throne, King Zhou pointed to the two chairs beside him and said.

Li Qinghe and Heishen were not polite and sat on it.

"Are you ready to drink Xiqi Yijue for life and death?"

Li Qinghe asked.

King Zhou propped it up with one hand and leaned on the armchair.

"This, of course, is ready, it depends on when you will do it?"

King Zhou said in a lazy voice.

"You say that, do you think we bound you as a puppet? Then you don't have to listen to us, and you can fight against the Protoss alone."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, King Zhou corrected his appearance.

King Zhou said, "That's not true. Gu has always been very clear about his status. I am responsible for dealing with the candidates selected by the gods, and you are responsible for dealing with the gods."

Chapter 98 The Battle of Dacuba

While Li Qinghe was having a detailed discussion with King Zhou, Wudai Xiongsuke was already preparing for a life-and-death showdown with No. [-]!

The archaeological site of Kurodake in Nagano Prefecture, a place that is almost forgotten at present.

Tokyo and other major cities have almost been destroyed by No. [-]. Who has the time to care about the affairs here? Now all the police force has been pulled out to protect the high-level.As for the people at the bottom, it doesn't matter how many people die.

But at present, this place has attracted the attention of the whole world. Zero massacres human beings, but it will not distinguish whether you are an islander or not. It is a complete killing on sight.

"Is this also the ability of number 0?"

Yiyi Xun was in the filming area, watching Wudai Yusuke leave.

Looking at the falling snowflakes in the sky, Yi Xun couldn't help sighing:

"Even if it's not the first time I've seen the ability to change the celestial phenomena, the power of No. [-] can't help but amaze people!"

You must know that the last time Yiyi Xun saw No. [-], it was when No. [-] had just broken through the seal, or it was not a perfect body in its weak period, but now No. [-] is in its heyday, so it is naturally different.

At that time, as soon as the seal was lifted, Daguba could summon thunder and lightning all over the sky, and bombarded the Jiulangyue archaeological site in sevens and eighties.

Thinking of No. [-] reaching Cuba, Kaoru couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion.

In fact, in the original Kamen Rider Kuuga, although Da Cuba is the final boss, he is different from other Gu Langji.

As the strongest of the King's Landing Grunji, he is also the King of Grunji.In the super ancient times, due to unknown reasons, it has been kept as an intermediate.

But just the number zero of the incomplete body, the strength has already surpassed other Gu Langji.The incomplete Dacuba has the strength to defeat the amazing and omnipotent form of Kuuga and the ultimate body of Bat Gurangi in one blow.

The murderous aura emitted by Da Cuba is unusually strong, and the murderous aura of the human body alone can overwhelm the will of the Pegasus form with strong spiritual power and make it exhaust its physical strength to release the transformation.

If it is dealing with ordinary people, it will be like destroying the dead, and it will be harvested in an instant.Da Cuba's high killing efficiency is all achieved by releasing murderous aura.

The ultimate body corresponds to Kuuji's ultimate form and has exactly the same abilities.Possesses the ability to manipulate the molecules and atoms of the surrounding substances, and has the supernatural ignition ability to emit ultra-high-temperature flames from the target in an instant, and many unknown abilities.

Dacuba defeated Kuuga in the amazing and omnipotent form, using this supernatural fire ability.

You must know that Da Cuba also has other abilities that can manipulate wind, fire, thunder and lightning.With just one power, he eliminated Kuuga, who could transform into an amazing and omnipotent form.

Da Cuba was revived because the archaeologists led by Professor Natsume released the seal of Kuuga, and also released the seals of more than 200 companions.

Dacuba wiped out the monsters of the Bei Group and the Zi Group who were too weak and not qualified to play the game, and killed the last belt fragment holder, Bat Gulangi, and took back the belt fragments to become the ultimate body.

Although he is the ruler of Grunji who brings the ultimate darkness, his heart is not stained by evil at all.

Just the simple belief of wanting to fight.It represents the concept of "nothing", so it is always dressed in white in the original play.

Because he resented the ultra-ancient Sora who didn't kill himself but sealed himself, he decided to have a final battle with Godai and enjoy the fun of fighting wholeheartedly.

Even though tens of thousands of people were massacred under the Tokyo Tower, he just wanted to arouse the hatred of the five generations and make the five generations stronger so that they could fight him better. He was just a pure fighting maniac.

But today's Daguba, because of the appearance of Li Qinghe, has caused a change in personality. He really wants the death of Wudai Yusuke, not a hearty battle.

What he wants is to win the battle, to win the game, and then to gain great power, so it is okay to use some means for this.

"I hope the ending will be the same as I thought!"

Kaoru Ichijo doesn't want anything to happen to Yusuke Godai.If Yusuke Goshidai fails again this time, the best result is that the island country is slaughtered, and the worst result is that all human beings are extinct.

But Wudai Yusuke turned around and gave Yixun a thumbs-up gesture, reassuring Yixun

In the falling snowflakes, Godai Yusuke was running forward at a gallop, and the footprints behind him gradually disappeared in the backlog of snowflakes.

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