For every second of delay, hundreds of people disappear from the face of the earth.

Suddenly, Goshiro Yusuke wiped off the snowflakes accumulated on his head, and stared ahead.

Finally, not long after, there was a loud noise from far ahead,

"It's really unimaginably powerful..." Yiyi Xun sighed softly.

The sound indicated that Yusuke Godai had started fighting Zero.

After Wudai Yusuke was seriously injured this time, the hospital gave him another electric shock treatment.After the last electric shock, Godai Yusuke has an amazing and omnipotent form.

The power of this electric shock is stronger than last time!

"If it weren't for the fact that the two sides can cancel each other's special abilities, I'm afraid this small relic would have disappeared in this battle long ago."

Yiyi Xun sighed, his left hand was his little follower, Guishan.

At this time, on the other side, because the two sides have the same ability to offset each other's blockade, Wudai and Daguba, who are fighting in the primitive way of fighting, are boxing each other, fighting, and the blood is like a ruptured water bag.

The injuries on the two of them began to recover the moment they were injured.


Da Cuba smiled happily. He was not happy because he was enjoying the battle, but because Yusuke Godai's strength met his requirements.

The current Godai Yusuke has transformed into the ultimate red eye, and he has not become a black eye like Sakurako Wazawa said worriedly.

Because Wudai Yusuke has the heart to protect everything, after he evolved, he was not controlled by power to become a black eye, but became the ultimate red eye.

"Boom!" "Roar".

Yusuke Goshidai and Da Cuba roared at the same time.

Da Kuba and Wudai Yusuke fought to the point where Da Cuba forgot his original intention of fighting.

The roar of the fifth generation contained the anger at Gu Langji for killing lives!

Da Cuba's roar contained the joy of enjoying the battle!

The two roars continued to intersect!

Each punch has an unimaginably huge destructive power!

Every punch has the terrifying deterrent force that makes the earth tremble!

The ground where the two of them were standing was already covered with the blood of the fifth generation and number zero, and the white snow everywhere was also dyed blood red!

Xun on the periphery heard the roar slow down, speculating that the battle should be almost over.

As the same ultimate power holder, Yusuke Godai, the battle between the two will not only drag on for countless hours, but also determine the outcome in a short period of time.

In just a few minutes, a Kaoru at the foot of the mountain fell into a snow pit due to the vibration on the mountain. Although Guishan was rescuing him, he didn't react for a while, and regarded himself as an ordinary person, besides, there was Guishan Here, he couldn't directly transform into the crested ibis Orfienuo, and couldn't get out of that snow pit.

While it looks like the battle between Takuba and Goshiro Yusuke is about to subside, in reality the fight between the two sides is more dangerous than it was in the beginning.

Because of the resilience of the two, they slowed down a little.

Fatal injuries soon appeared on Da Cuba.

Da Cuba clutched his waist and backed away, Da Cuba slowly let go of his hand—his belt was actually broken.

A golden light came out from the crack, and the whole body was in severe pain - that was a feeling that could drive people crazy.

Da Cuba laughed crazily, as if the pain could bring him great joy.

Laughing wildly, Da Cuba forced his body to rush towards the fifth generation.

Dacuba manipulated the power of the earth and ice and snow, causing Wudai to lag for a moment, and Dacuba immediately seized the opportunity.


There was a sound of shattering—the golden-yellow snacks on Wudai's belt were also shattered.

The shattered spirit stone could not maintain the strength of the two, and the next moment both of them withdrew from the ultimate form.

Losing the cover of the Kamen Rider form, Goshiro's face was exposed to the snow.

The fifth generation who was fighting silently was already full of tears at this time, and he was crying silently.

Blood splashed at the corners of the mouths of the two, the white snowflakes were soaked in red and buried by other snowflakes, and the blood sprinkled again stained it red again.

Repeating this process is accompanied by Da Cuba's smile and five generations of tears.

Smiling devils, weeping angels, that's all.

The battle between Yusuke Goshidai and Daguba No. [-] seemed to be at its last moment. Godai, who was covered in countless scars, blood stains and tears all over his body, let out a roar, and the huge impact gathered on his fist, blasting towards the Opposite number zero!

Countless victims who died tragically in the incident of unidentified living bodies in the past kept coming to mind. Wu Dai had already realized something in his heart. In order to protect his cherished smile, he must defeat Da Cuba in front of him!

In contrast, No. [-] has a bright smile on his face. As a Gu Langji who exists purely for fighting, what he enjoys is the fun of fighting. Seeing the five generations punching out, No. [-] chuckled and fought tit for tat. attack!

The moment the two huge forces collided, a terrifying and destructive force radiated from all directions!Even if the special abilities of the two sides cancel each other out, the sheer strength, the destructive impact of hundreds of tons, is still no small matter.

A Xun who finally climbed out of the deep pit was blown away by this powerful impact.Guishan was even worse, rolling down the mountain directly.

Soon, with the entire Jiulang Mountain as the core, it spread to the surroundings like an earthquake, and the whole earth was constantly shaking. The impact of this earthquake completely changed the entire mountain range of Jiulang Mountain.

The pair ended up punching each other in the cheek - what appeared to be the final punch. .

The whole body was attacked by the severe pain of the shattered spirit stone, and the two of them who exhausted their last bit of physical strength slowly fell to the ground while maintaining the appearance of being hit.

The two lying opposite each other were covered with bright red snow, and the red color slowly permeated, like huge blood-colored flowers blooming.

Chapter 99 The Battle of Wu Geng Begins

Yiyi Xun couldn't help but wanted to transform into a crested ibis, Ophelia, and Enuo flew down to rescue Guishan who had rolled down the mountain, and saw a dark crack suddenly appearing in the archaeological site of Mount Jiulang.

The rift sucked Yusuke Itōdai and Takuba into it.

One Xun was in a daze for only a second, and Guishan, which rolled down the mountain, had disappeared.

The Jiulangyue archaeological site was originally located on a gentle slope due to the Daguaba, but now a steep slope has been artificially formed.

Such a steep mountain, once down, there is no possibility of survival.

"Turtle Mountain!"

A Xun cried out in pain, and a few seconds later, the echo came back from down the mountain.

You can see how deep this mountain is!

And the black god who talked with King Zhou in the world of Wu Geng revealed a dark and inexplicable smile.

Li Qinghe felt a block in his heart when he saw the black god's smile.

It seemed that his plan had to be implemented now.

The night was silent, the cold wind was blowing, and pairs of patrolling warriors from the Shang Kingdom interspersed and handed over. The moonlight shone on the peaceful Shang Palace, which was grand and spacious, and a puff of white smoke drifted past and floated overhead.

"Ah cut".

Tonight, the captain of the patrol covered his nose and sneezed three times, rubbed his nose and said, "It's so cool before it's autumn."

"Haha, it's false, it can't be that I played too much!"

The samurai who patrolled together laughed.Wang Sheng, a patrolling soldier, pretended to be angry and clapped his hands, "Get out, get out, you're so weak, you're not on duty at night."

I just thought in my heart, could it be that I felt wrong, there was clearly a gust of wind blowing across my back shoulder, looking at the heavily guarded palace, Wang Sheng shook his head and continued to patrol.Maybe it's just my own illusion.

However, this is not the illusion of the patrolling warrior Wang Sheng, but the truth!

Ever heard of avatarism?

If King Zhou saw the situation of the 33 palaces, he would be surprised!

Because Li Qinghe stepped into the forbidden place of the Shang country step by step, only every king of Shang can come to this place.

But this place, even King Shang is unwilling to come, because this place hides the ancient mythical beast phoenix, which is an ancient mythical beast that once fought against the sky.

In the depths of the 33rd palace, there is a bright fire platform, the crimson armor hangs quietly on the wooden frame, the flowing rainbow swords are intertwined, the light of the torch makes it shine, and the fluttering red feathers flicker. shine.

This is the phoenix. It is said that 10 years ago, it fought against the black dragon, the lord of the world in the Wu Geng period. thing.

As the name says, the phoenix is ​​reborn from the embers and claims to be immortal, but it takes a long time to be immortal. It takes a long time to wait for 10 years before it has the current look.

The phoenix is ​​different, rebirth from the ashes is not just a joke, but there are not many pure phoenixes anymore.

Even the war between the gods and beasts will speed up their demise. Li Qinghe reached out and touched every inch of the armor, the streamer flashed, the wings waved, and the phoenix armor was bright red, concentrated at the moment Li Qinghe stopped his hands.

"I really have a desire for life! Phoenix."

Li Qinghe said flatly.

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand and looked at the crack in the palm of his hand, "You are a little too hungry, or you have no patience for waiting!"

"Who are you, and where did you come here? Why do you have two different powers of destruction and rebirth in your body. These two powers cannot coexist!"

Li Qinghe turned his gaze, and he came to a boundless unknown space, emitting dazzling light. This is the realm formed by the primordial space and divine power.

The red light illuminated the two of them, the fiery red phoenix crown, and the burning wings flapped. The living phoenix was the red armor lying on the stone platform.

The phoenix noticed Li Qinghe's threat, and it didn't hesitate to expend its own power to scare Li Qinghe away.

Yes, just to scare away.The phoenix can naturally feel the great threat from Li Qinghe.

To let it kill or repel Li Qinghe, he couldn't do it without the host.

Li Qinghe said leisurely, "Impossible, why is it impossible? It's just that you haven't found such a person yet.

Is it really difficult to master the power to create more destruction?

By the way, the black dragon that once fought with you, who is now the Lord of the Protoss, has now mastered a power called destruction, the power of creation, and he is already researching it.

In the battle of the Dao, if you lose, you lose, even if it's just a fluke.For tens of thousands of years, when you were recovering from your dying breath, the Black God was already improving your own strength.

Now the gap between you and the black dragon is getting bigger and bigger. To put it bluntly, you won't be able to survive within five moves.

If the black dragon is serious, it may kill you in one round!

As for why I came here, I came here whenever I wanted to. In this world, no one can stop me except a limited number of two people. "

"Impossible! 10 years ago, I was just inferior to him!"

Under the excitement of the phoenix, the power of the primordial world was unrestrained.

"A bad move? I just said that, just to give you a step. 10 years ago, the black dragon defeated you with only a slight injury and tore off all your feathers.

I think you should be more aware of that battle, stop deceiving yourself and others. "

Li Qinghe's words stripped out the cruel truth, which made Phoenix angry from embarrassment.

What Li Qinghe said was like adding salt to his wounds!

"Why do you want to do it? Your current strength is not my one-stroke enemy. You are actually just trying to save face."

Li Qinghe directly saw through the strength of the phoenix, so he was naturally not afraid of it. Even in the heyday of the phoenix, with Li Qinghe's self-proclaimed strength, he could tear it into chickens.

The phoenix looked at the villain in front of it, and released a huge divine power, which naturally did not affect Li Qinghe at all.

It seems that Li Qinghe is an ordinary mortal, without a trace of divine power flowing, even the human's qi refining technique does not fluctuate.

The phoenix couldn't help but doubt whether the man in front of him had no strength at all and was just bombing him.Otherwise, why did this man keep beeping, but didn't move.

In other words, he was holding something that threatened him.But he is an ancient beast. If it was in ancient times, there would naturally be many things that could threaten him.

But 10 years have passed, and I am already the last divine beast in this world besides the black dragon.What else could threaten it?

This made Phoenix a little puzzled, should he try to test the man in front of him.But the sense of threat from this man is not fake.

The phoenix's eyes were concentrated, "Why are you here, not to mention how did you know that I am in the Shang Palace?"

The phoenix understands how strict the security of the Shang Palace is. It is indeed useless to the Protoss, let alone the man in front of him.The phoenix gave up its plan to test Li Qinghe.


Li Qinghe turned around and turned his back to Phoenix, "I naturally have my own information channel, and I came to reach some agreement with you, a unilateral agreement, you have no right to refuse."


Phoenix felt that the man in front of him seemed to know it very well.

"I make a request, and I request to be attached to you. If this is not agreed, then I would rather turn the last soul into ashes."

This is the last dignity of the phoenix. After all, even in ancient times, it was a top-ranked divine beast.

"This, I can promise you. But you must first complete the task I entrusted to you."

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