Li Qinghe knew what the phoenix was trying to figure out, didn't he want to figure out his own vigorous vitality?

Li Qinghe is not afraid of wasting his life, he has the shadow crocodile world and the 555 world, instilling the vitality of the two worlds.

I'm afraid the phoenix won't be able to absorb it!

"Now you don't even have flesh and blood, you just recovered part of your soul. You should have escaped from the battle back then.

Since the black dragon can hurt your root, it can also kill you. "

Li Qinghe once again talked about the pain of the phoenix.


The phoenix snorted coldly, put away the divine power of the primitive world, became a pair of armor emitting red light again, and fell silent.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Li Qinghe dispersed his avatars in front of the phoenix.

The phoenix looked at Li Qinghe after the breath disappeared, and let out a low voice, "This time, I hope I made the right choice."

The phoenix fell into silence.

Li Qinghe had reached an agreement with King Zhou to fight.

Shang Guojun, who had been fighting evenly with the Xiqi kingdoms, was completely "defeated".

All the way back to Chaoge, Xiqi Zhou Wang Jifa, under the instruction of God, thought at first that the warriors of the Shang Kingdom would ambush them on the road, but she didn't expect that the journey would be smooth.

In order to reduce the death of some Bins, King Zhou jointly summoned Qiang, Gui and Xing.Many of them are still in the barbarian era, with hair and blood!

With the help of the Protoss, Xiqi's Shibin's march was no slower than Shang's Shibin's defeated march.

As if marching in a hurry, we arrived at Chaoge in about five hours. Of course, the physical fitness of human beings in this world is still very strong.

Moreover, the place where Zhou Zujun confronted Zhou Zujun when they set up camp was not far from Chaoge.

"Finally the day has come."

Ji Fa stood on a high mountain, which could directly see the scene in Chaoge City.

The people in Chaoge City heard the news that Xiqi Dajun was about to kill him, and picked up the package and wanted to leave.

It's a pity that all four city gates have been blocked. In the words of King Zhou, you have been given a chance to escape, but you didn't cherish it, so just stay. .

King Zhou would not hold back against speculators.

Before, there were so many people in Chaoge because Chaoge and Xiqi Dajun had fought many times, and there was no winner.

Chapter 100 Battle of the Gods

But who would have thought that because of a secret agreement between Li Qinghe and Heishen, the whole battle situation would suddenly change.

When the news of the collapse of the warriors of the Shang Dynasty came, many people in Chaoge City didn't believe it and thought it was a rumor.

But when they saw the deserters who came back from the front line, rumors flew up in Chaoge City, and the hearts of the people were in turmoil.Everyone wants to get out of town!

But outside the city are densely packed Xiqijun pairs.

Xiqi had already surrounded Chaoge, so Xuancha sent by the gods could only issue orders.

Beside Zhou Wang Jihua, stood a hunchbacked old man with a zombie-like complexion, a manly face, a vulture on his shoulder, and a sinister aura all over his body.

This person is Xuan Chai, a member of the Protoss, dedicated to finding people, and also the special envoy of the Protoss to convey messages to people.

Xuanchai congratulated you, "Congratulations, king of Zhou, tonight is the day when you achieve great things. You have obeyed the will of heaven, defeated rebellious tyrants, and demonstrated the righteousness of the world. The oracle declared that on the day of your success, you will be named, Son of Heaven .”

After Xuancha finished speaking, a mocking voice sounded.

"Son of Heaven, Son of Heaven?"

With the sound of ridicule, everyone's expressions changed slightly. King Zhou frowned, and saw a young man standing alone on the city wall of Chaoge in front of him.

Facing thousands of troops and horses, he did not change his face, one man with one sword, with invincible courage.The person who came was Ziyu, the younger brother of King Zhou.

When Xuancha saw Ziyu, he was filled with indignation. That King Zhou ignored him that day, but today he made him regret it.I really don't know who gave him the courage to go against the sky!

Now is the time for him to taste the fruits of his own evil.

"Son of Heaven, you should still be a slave of Heaven."

Ji Fa was dressed in military uniform, with the long sword in his hand pointing at the ground.

Xuancha nodded in satisfaction when he heard that Xiqi Wang Jifa was so sensible, and those who know current affairs are heroes!

"Breaking the city gate, the next step is the battle of gods!"

Following Xuancha's order, Ji Fa issued a new order.

"What did we come all the way here for? To snatch the wealth and women of merchants!

Tonight, we are one last door away from success.kill in! "

Xiqi Zhou Wangji shouted loudly, and the crooked soldiers under her command rushed in with dreams of wealth.

"If you do this, if you fail, there will only be one result, and Chaoge City will usher in a massacre."

It was Ziyu who was hiding in the palace of King Zhou who spoke.

Heishen and Li Qinghe found Ziyu as soon as they came in, but they didn't care.Ant-like things, if they mess up their plans, they can just be killed.

Originally, the Black God planned to deal with this gentleman on the beam.

"Ziyu, when did you come back?"

Prince Xin of Zhou saw Ziyu jumping from the beam.

"I just came back today. I'm here to help you."

Li Qinghe naturally also knew about this great swordsman - Ziyu.

Li Qinghe saved Ziyu once, so this time Ziyu recognized Li Qinghe immediately.

Ziyu couldn't help feeling a sense of identification with those who dared to resist God.He felt that Li Qinghe was the same kind of person as him.

But he couldn't figure out why Li Qinghe saved the goddess Jia Luo.But right now, when his elder brother Zixin is employing people, it is best to have someone to help his elder brother.

Ziyu regarded Heishen and Li Qinghe as candidates to assist his brother Zixin.

How stupid!

People are different, hence the issue of hierarchy.People with great power are also different from ordinary people.

Li Qinghe doesn't think it's right for the strong to protect the weak.The strong have the way of the strong, you can choose to oppress them, or you can choose to protect them.

Li Qinghe chose the strong!

"I didn't expect you to come."

Ziyu couldn't help thinking of Li Qinghe's promise to him, "For this matter, I owe you a favor, and I will pay you back when the time comes."

at the same time.

On Chaoge Street, many people fled and cursed at the same time, "King Zhou is so stupid to start a war with God."

"He wants to die, don't pull us, damn it."

"How can human beings defeat God? It is easier for God to kill us than to crush an ant."

After the discussion, Li Qinghe looked at these and sighed in his heart, "It's not scary to have no strength, but what's scary is that being suppressed by God makes you become slavish."

For King Zhou, his younger brother Ziyu admired him and refused to obey the rules. Because he deeply felt that his people were suffering from the labor of the gods, he made up his mind to fight.

bang bang bang...

The sound of strong footsteps came from a distance, and the ground in Chaoge City trembled slightly.

"Xi Qijun is coming to fight!"

Ji Fa didn't expect that even in this situation, the warriors of the Shang Kingdom would dare to fight out!

You must know that most of the warriors of the Shang Kingdom were defeated, many hid in the jungle, and many were captured and did not return to the Shang Kingdom.

Now there are only a few warriors in Shang Kingdom, and this group of warriors opened the city gate and killed them.

"Courage is commendable, but unfortunately, I followed the wrong person! Shoot the arrow!"

Xiqi Zhou Wangji said coldly.

Sure enough, with all the arrows fired, seven or eight of the Shang soldiers who rushed out were shot and killed.

However, when the remaining Shang soldiers were about to return to the city, the city gate was suddenly closed.

When the warriors of the Shang Dynasty thought they were abandoned, the sound of "Thunderbolt Kara" sounded on the city.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors of the Shang Kingdom saw something that surprised them. Rows of Xiqi soldiers fell to the ground.

Tens of thousands of modern soldiers appeared on the city gate, sniping at the soldiers below.

A large number of Xiqi fighters fell to the ground and lost their information.

Sudden death caused Junyu, who was attacking Xiqi's side, to start to retreat backwards.

"Don't back off!"

"Don't back off!"

Xiqi Jifa put the big sword on the ground, and beckoned his subordinate Jundui to hold it steady.

Xuancha also noticed the situation on the city gate. Those strange weapons made earth-shattering noises, like hidden weapons.

Fortunately, Ji Fa's prestige was high enough to suppress the soldiers who were about to riot.

But with Ji Fa's prestige, the soldiers could no longer continue to attack, and now they would not make unnecessary charges until they came up with targeted measures.

Ji Fa could feel Ziyu's extraordinaryness, but later on, he might have to fight him.

But Ji Fa is not worried, because behind him is the Protoss!The world is ruled by the Protoss!

It is now, and it will be in the future.

"You are still young, and you never thought that there would be a swordsman like you in the human race. I have heard of you. It is said that you have killed a god!"

Ji Fa's voice was like the sound of Huanghuang drums, spreading throughout the battlefield.

Ji Fa is also a powerful Qi trainer!

Although Ji Fa didn't show off his sword skills, just by the sharpness of Ji Fa's body, he knew that Ji Fa's strength was extraordinary.

Ziyu said, "Today, I will make God cry!"

Ziyu's words shocked everyone.

make God cry?


Do you look down on God too much?

I really dare to think about it!

Such words, in the ears of everyone, just feel that they are stupid and arrogant words.

King Zhou said in a deep voice, "Arrogant guy."

King Zhou ignored Ziyu. In his heart, even if the young man in front of him had some abilities, he was nothing to worry about, because he was too arrogant, and he would definitely not be successful in the future.

Maybe, the killing god he spread was just a rumor.

"Ziyu, go back and tell your brother that gods are not to be offended. I am here today to do justice for the heavens and kill the kings who defy the heavens."

Ziyu snorted coldly, "What is God's will? If God wants to deprive me of my humanity, I will kill God! I am different from you. I did not come to this world to be a slave."

King Zhou was about to make a move, and said in a deep voice, "You won't have a chance."

At this moment, a cloud of golden light quickly descended from the sky, and a majestic voice sounded.

"Zhou Wang Jifa, you don't have to do anything, this person is mine."

boom! !

A big man with a dark red body fell down, the ground shook, and gravel flew.

This big man has a rough and strong body, with a string of Buddhist beads around his neck, a bamboo hat on his head, and three eyes.

"Come on, then, I want to be active."

In fact, King Zhou was originally planning to strike first, but in order to stabilize Chaoge's popular support, Ziyu decided to defeat a god first.

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