As for killing the gods, we still have to find a chance!

Then a burly man said in the same tone, "Ziyu, you don't have to do anything, this man is mine."

Immediately afterwards, Ziyu was knocked into the city wall by a purple figure.

The speed of the purple man was too fast, and the subordinates brought by the black god couldn't react at all.

Ziyu was choked by the purple man and thrown into the tower.

The purple man looked at a group of strangely dressed people, pointing at him with long sticks.

"It's these things, did you kill those monkeys? But the killing efficiency is very high!"

The purple man looked proud and manic.


I don't know who said that.

All the people started to focus on the purple man.

The bullet entered the purple man's body, but was blocked by an invisible force.

"It disappoints me too much, the strength is too small, and there is no threat to me at all!"

The purple man ignored the bullets and strode forward.

The purple man yelled, and yelled loudly, and the towers tens of meters high on Binzhi Street were knocked down one by one.

With such a high tower, it is naturally impossible to survive the fall.

Black God and Li Qinghe watched the purple figures massacre in the distant hall.

King Zhou frowned, "Aren't you going to stop him?"

"The Black God and I just want to experience the power of the gods in this world. It seems that it is nothing more than that."

Li Qinghe said casually.

It seems that there is no intention of stopping the massacre of the purple man at all.

Why is the Black God so indifferent? These humans are his children.

No, the Black God is crying.

Li Qinghe saw the moist eye sockets of the Black God, and it was probably one of his plans to let these people die. .

What is the specific plan, so many people need to be sacrificed?

Doubts arose in Li Qinghe's heart, but he still decided to continue watching, and Natsume Mika was also there.Li Qinghe was naturally very concerned.

Chapter 1 and Chapter [-]

It will take a while for tens of thousands of pigs to be killed, let alone tens of thousands of people.

Everyone will burst out their potential in the face of death.But there is an absolute gap in strength, no matter how hard you try, there is nothing you can do about it.

The purple man pinched a man with one hand, crushing a man to death, it was not easy for him.

The purple man confronted Ziyu with one hand, and slaughtered the men brought by Heishen with the other hand.

The dark red warrior looked at the purple man worriedly.He is Shi Xing's master, Tiankui, the war god of the Doubu!

Tiankui possesses the divine power of the Vajra Realm, and is known as the strongest general of the Six Divisions of Heaven.

Tiankui once suppressed the uprising of the Shang Dynasty when King Zhou was a ten-year-old boy, and slaughtered more than 100 warriors of the Shang Dynasty lightly, which made King Zhou's father and son Xian devastated and depressed for life.

Tiankui is a descendant of the Chilong clan of the ancient gods, and the strongest god among the six tribes of the gods below the sky.He is also the only great god among the protoss who has been granted the title of "God General" by the heavenly relatives.

Tiankui leads three hundred gods who are good at fighting, representing the absolute power of theocracy. He has an inviolable majesty, and even the protoss who like to fight each other respect and worship him.

Tiankui is dark red all over, with fan beads around his neck, a bamboo hat on his head, three eyes, and a rough and strong figure.

Silent and reticent, he doesn't like to get involved in struggles; but once involved, he will resolve it in the most decisive way.

At the age of 30, Tiankui ascended to the position of Great God. Since then, he has been invincible and has never been defeated in any battle.

His high strength is considered by the elders of the Protoss to be comparable to the ancient Protoss.He is the defender of the glory and interests of the gods; for humans, he is one of the few great gods who will show mercy. (His mercy lies in killing his opponent instantly, without causing any pain.)

Tiankui is absolutely loyal to the Protoss, and can defend the interests of his own clan desperately.He also has compassion for human beings, which is different from most gods who despise and bully human beings.

Like Shi Xing, he also fantasized about the coexistence of humans and gods, but he knew that it was an impossible dream. Despite his inner struggles, he still chose to be loyal to the gods.As Tiankui himself said, he is not as brave as Shi Xing.

And the purple man who fought with Ziyu was named Shi Xing, and he was Tiankui's apprentice.

Shi Xing is one of the six great gods in the God Realm, a character who is both righteous and evil, but he is only one of his forms among the six great gods, and he has two other forms.

Moreover, the strength of the ten stars of these three forms will increase to a higher level as the form changes.But these forms are not voluntary,

Because this is to change the form through death, and every time you have to pay a huge price.

Shi Xing's first form, which is also the most frequent form, is the killing god among the six great gods, one of the famous six great gods, possessing the strongest divine power and the most heaven-defying immortality among the six great gods. In the God Realm, except for the gods of the sky, almost no god can kill him. Even if he is severely injured, he will recover to an intact state as quickly as possible.

Rather than calling it a curse, it is more appropriate to use a blessing.Immortality, this is something that many people in the Protoss dream of.And the price Shi Xing paid was only amnesia, which shows that Tian still cares about this son very much.

His task division among the six great gods is to execute all the gods who escaped, so he is the object of fear of many gods and people.

When attacking Chaoge in the God Realm, he single-handedly defeated Ziyu, the most powerful Qi training master in the world at that time.But this state of him is not what he voluntarily becomes, but what he is forced to become.

Because Shi Xing's nature is kind, not violent, treating life like ants, and taking killing as a hobby.

A long, long time ago, the city Shi Xing ruled was in a desert, because Shi Xing believed that human beings are creatures and should be kind to all creatures in the world, so he has always loved his people, his people He loves him very much and does his best to serve him.

But such behavior is not allowed in the eyes of the gods, because in the eyes of heaven, human beings are just slaves, not worthy of being treated as living beings.

The gods of the God Realm regard human beings as monkeys, just imagine that a normal person would treat monkeys as their own.

In the eyes of the gods, what Shi Xing did was deviant, and Shi Xing's identity was very special.

He is the son of Tianheilong, regarded by most of the gods as the next generation heir of the protoss.

You know, the ultimate goal of Xinyuekui is to marry the sky!It can be seen how high the status of heaven is.

Naturally, along with his son, Shi Xing's status has also risen.

However, what is puzzling is that Heilong doesn't pay much attention to his son.

Others thought it was the black dragon's test of Shi Xing, so they taught Shi Xing more severely.

So the sky was furious, and he ordered the high priest Xin Yuekui to go down to the realm and eradicate the city.Xinyuekui imprinted the mark of the dead, turning the entire city into undead without souls and thoughts.And Shi Xing has also become a killing machine in the God Realm. Of course, the six gods Shi Xing are stronger than the kind Shi Xing.

No matter how strong Shi Xing was, he was still defeated by Zi Yu. Although Shi Xing died, he was happy because it was a relief for him.Death is rebirth, and Shi Xing is about to usher in his third form, Phoenix Shi Xing.

After Shi Xing was killed, by chance, he was recognized by the Phoenix and became the owner of the Phoenix after King Zhou. At this time, Shi Xing had recovered his mind and knew what the sky had done to him. To resist and to revenge.

So he joined Wu Geng's camp, and Shi Xing, who had the body of a phoenix, also strengthened his strength to the strongest state.Phoenix Shixing is the strongest form among these three forms.

Of course, the current Shi Xing is in the second stage, his memory has been sealed by the seal of the dead, and he still has a hobby of killing.

Although the protoss regard humans as monkeys, it is undeniable that most of the protoss have the same personality as humans.

Although gods despise human beings, except for a few such as Shi Xing, most normal gods are at least normal in character.

As for whether the life of the Protoss is too long, it will cause psychological distortion due to lack of entertainment.The gods in this world are different from the gods in our imagination. Their lifespan is very short, that is, two to three hundred years, because they are not real gods, but forged ones.

Except for the extremely powerful gods, such as the great god among the six gods, the lifespan of other gods is so short.

After Tiankui saw Shi Xing dragging Ziyu, Tiankui prepared to eradicate the remaining Shang warriors.

If these people who defy the sky only have these strengths, then they are doomed this time.

What Tiankui can do is to let them die without pain.

Just as Tiankui was about to make a move, a man with a disgusting aura appeared suddenly.

"Tiankui, leave these people to me, just watch from the sidelines."

This man exuding a disgusting aura is the God of the Plague Department, the God of the Plague Department, the God of Black Wood among the six great gods.

The great god of the six pestilence divisions in the sky.His left arm and right leg were chopped off by King Zhou, but he survived.Possesses the divine power of Ksitigarbha.Later, with the help of Ji Qiao, a young prince of the Zhou Dynasty, he recovered and adopted Ji Qiao, a human being who existed as a monkey, and loved him as a son.

But after the Baijiao entered the Central Plains, the trusted Ji Qiao betrayed her, lost her divine power, threw herself into a dungeon, and finally died.

The strength of God Heimu can be said to be the lowest status among gods.

The strength of the Great God Heimu lies in its strangeness, many changes, and it is impossible to guard against.Rather than being good at attacking power, if he really did make a move, there are many gods in the fighting department who can defeat him.

But the branch is different. God Heimu is the most powerful among the gods of the plague department. For hundreds of years, no one can defeat him.

"Ow, ooh, ooh!"

A huge roar came, shaking the sky and shaking the earth!

There was a huge roar, which frightened all the residents in Chaoge.

Li Qinghe and Heishen frowned in displeasure.

The Black God took the lead, and if he didn't stop it, half of the people in Chaoge might be shocked to death!

This is not the slightest exaggeration!It is true!

What the Black God wants is the population of this world, not just the land.

Hei Shen didn't want to see a large number of inexplicably fewer people he accepted.

As for the unplanned people outside the city, they are as disgusting as the people in the empty self world, full of selfish desires!

These people are pure primitive people, and in the eyes of the Black God, these people are not as good as the "sons and daughters" of his own world.

The Black God floated up in the void, "Quiet."

The dragon's roar that came to Chaoge was instantly canceled out.

Hu Ximei, who was standing on the star picking tower, looked at the city in surprise.

Hu Ximei is not a god, she can be said to be a god.

Because she was created by Xinyuekui transplanting one percent of her divine source into a dying human.

She has always been Xinyuekui's maid. Since Xinyuehu disappeared inexplicably, Xinyuekui, who didn't care much at first, spread the news to Fuxi of the Shenyin tribe.

Fuxi used the divine power of the space-time realm to detect it many times, but still failed to deduce the location of Xinyuehu, but suffered serious backlash.

No matter how unfilial Xinyuekui is, she doesn't want to kill Fuxi who poses no threat to her.

Human ethics are also very important in the Protoss.Xinyuekui doesn't want the sky to think of her as a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

But even his father Fuxi couldn't find out, which shows that Xinyuehu's matter is not easy!

If Xinyuehu died simply, Xinyuekui would not care.

Not long after, she used the divine power of the Sora God Realm to predict a language. .

Soon, there will be a human being who will overthrow the theocracy!

This made Xinyuekui very scared. She checked it many times, but the result still remained the same.

Chapter 1 The Black God's Shot

So, Xinyuekui told the sky the news.

Tian attached great importance to this news, originally he planned to directly wipe out Chao Ge.

Don't think that Tian will not take action in the face of threats because of his identity.

Relying on one's own identity and not taking action, this does not exist in front of the black dragon who has become the "heaven" of this world.

Because God does not need to take into account other people's opinions.

Just when Tian was about to make a move, he noticed two extremely powerful auras.

This made him put off his preparations to make a move. After all, those two powerful auras were no less powerful than him and could pose a threat to him.

Tian decided to wait and see what happened, but he had to take some measures, so he arranged for Xinyuekui to monitor the development of Shang Kingdom.

Xinyuekui arranged for a maid to monitor Shang Guo, and that maid was Hu Ximei.

But in the process of monitoring King Zhou, Hu Ximei couldn't help falling in love with this man.

Hu Ximei began to treat the tasks assigned by Xin Yuekui negatively.Even, one day, she told King Zhou her true identity by being drunk.

Therefore, let King Zhou trust her very much.Moreover, Hu Ximei took great care of Wu Geng.

King Zhou was generally satisfied with Hu Ximei.

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