King Zhou had some doubts about Hu Ximei's identity at first, but later Hu Ximei used her actions to prove that her love for King Zhou was true.

But King Zhou didn't know that love can also be used. Xinyuekui took advantage of Hu Ximei's love for King Zhou and forced Hu Ximei to tell Xinyuekui what happened here.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and Lu Feng turned his head to look, only to see two streamers of light flashing across the sky rapidly, houses collapsed one after another, and the crowd in the city ran around. Just die. "King Zhou! Your time is over. Hero is worthy of the admiration of the world, but it is not my path after all."

"Come on!" After King Zhou died in battle, Canglong retreated, leaving only a dilapidated capital city and countless Zhou troops whose eyes were full of slaughter.As King Zhou said, they traveled thousands of miles and came to Chaoge, the most prosperous place in the world, and the remaining hundreds of merchant soldiers could no longer stop them, and all of this would belong to them. "Boom!" The gate of the courtyard was violently kicked open, and two Zhou soldiers rushed in. King Zhou had already ordered the removal of military discipline, and this night would be their carnival feast.


People in the city fell into panic.

"Hehehe, what a pretty girl, don't be afraid, let the master love you well."

The two Zhou Jun had wicked smiles on their faces. They had seen clearly the appearance of the beauties in the city. To them, such beautiful women were like gods, so how could they let them go?

"Boy, get out! Grandpa, I can spare your life!"

Looking at Lu Feng who was standing in front of the beauties without saying a word, one of them slashed down with a knife, and there was only ferocity in his eyes. This night, they were not human beings, but wild beasts.

"Sure enough, he hasn't completely left yet." Lu Feng murmured, he could sense that there were still several terrifying auras remaining in Chaoge City, which were the six great gods of the protoss.These guys were all extremely arrogant, and they didn't try to hide their aura at all. This was because Lu Feng's strength was a little lower than theirs, but they could easily sense them, but they couldn't find Lu Feng. "If you just leave Chaoge like this, you can indeed complete the main quest easily, but now you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" There are a total of three masters of the Six Parts left, and two of them, Lu Feng, are probably not inferior to Ziyu, and they are still Staying together, Lu Feng can't afford to provoke them now.

But the other one was different.According to Lu Feng's induction, the six great gods were only at the tenth and third ranks, and his breath was sluggish, and he suffered serious injuries. It was not a problem for Lu Feng to deal with him at all. "It's probably the spiciness of Ghostwood!" Lu Feng's figure flashed and disappeared immediately.Although Ghost Wood is also a great god of the six tribes, his strength is simply not to be complimented by others.The other six great gods were able to do two tricks with King Zhou in the phoenix state, but this ghost tree was tortured and killed by King Zhou, and even one hand was cut off. Lu Feng didn't understand how this ghost tree got mixed up. The position of the six great gods? ... "Ah..." In the dim hall, there was a scream, and a person was seen rolling on the ground in pain while clutching his missing arm, his face almost distorted.

"Jie Jie..." There was an incomparable laughter, and a man wearing a mask was standing aside, holding an arm in his hand, obviously he was the one who did something good.And his other hand was also broken.This is exactly the six great gods and ghost trees. "Zizi..." There was a faint green light from the ghost wood's severed hand, and then he pressed that hand towards his own severed hand, the green night body dripped continuously, and the solid bluestone ground was directly corroded one by one. Potholes. "Uh uh uh..." The green smoke from the vaporized liquid was inhaled by the man on the ground, and within a few moments, his face turned black instantly, his eyes were wide open, and he lay straight on the ground, lifeless.Guimu let go of the other hand, and saw that the fingers of the connected hand moved one by one, and finally made various movements flexibly, just like his original hands. "Jie Jie..." Guimu raised his hands to the sky and laughed, but he still doesn't know that this hand belongs to ordinary people, and it will be corrupted in a short time.Of course, this is a good thing for him. In Wu Gengji's comic version, Ghost Wood is trained to be more poisonous with this hand. "Great God, are you alright?" At this moment, in the hall, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in gorgeous clothes walked in, turning a blind eye to the horrible corpse on the ground. This person was given to Guimu by him. .This boy is Ji Qiao, the son of King Zhou, who was adopted by Guimu as his adopted son.But Guimu doesn't know that Ji Qiao is also a very ruthless character. In the manga version, Guimu was overwhelmed by Ji Qiao, was imprisoned by all his powers, and was finally used by Ji Qiao to sacrifice swords. , It can be said that there is no dead body.

"Yes, this hand is very suitable, Ji Qiao, you have done a good job." Guimu didn't know Ji Qiao's thoughts at this time, so he still had a good impression of this child, and he really recognized Ji Qiao in the comics. Yoshiko. "The whole world was given to us by the protoss to the Zhou Dynasty. This little thing is exactly what Ji Qiao should do." Ji Qiao nodded and said, but things are not as simple as he said. King Zhou has several sons, and he wants to To inherit the throne, you can only curry favor with the gods.Because everything in the Zhou Dynasty today was given by the gods, even the king of Zhou did not dare to resist the gods, otherwise King Zhou would be their fate. If he can get the approval of the six great gods of the gods, then the throne will not be definitely his in the end .However, Ji Qiao bent down for a long time, but did not see Guimu speaking, so she couldn't help but cautiously raised her head to look, only to see Guimu's eyes were staring at his back all the time.

What's wrong?Ji Qiao thought for a while, and at the same time turned her head to look, but at this moment, someone grabbed his neck and lifted him up. "You, how did you come in!" Ji Qiao struggled to look at Lu Feng in front of him. This was his son's mansion, and there were soldiers inside and out. He really couldn't figure out how Lu Feng got in. "Monkey, do you want to die?" Guimu was furious, a mere monkey dared to hurt people in front of him, especially after being abused by King Zhou before, he was already full of anger, but he had nowhere to vent it . "Monkey, you really don't know your own situation!" Lu Feng pushed his hand hard, and there was a click, and Ji Qiao was directly killed by him, and the body was thrown aside. .

"You will pay the price for this monkey soon." The protoss are used to being superior. To them, all other creatures are reptiles and ants. With such a face, as long as they are alone, they will be angry. "The price? You ignorant monkey, you will immediately experience what it is like to live rather than die." "Divine Power of the Ksitigarbha Realm: Poisonous Locust!" Ji Qiao was killed, which angered Guimu even more. The highly poisonous ash surged out, surrounded the ghost tree, and finally turned into swarms of locusts. "Bite him to death little by little." Guimu used his unique trick to deal with a monkey in his eyes. It was definitely not that he looked down on Lu Feng, but that he wanted to watch Lu Feng being bit by bit by the locusts. Gnawing off flesh and blood was a vicious technique comparable to Ling Chi. "Hmph! Huo Jin!"

Guimu cried out in disbelief, since he came out of the mountain, he finally realized how trash he is, King Zhou has the help of the phoenix, so it's fine if he can't beat him, now even an unknown soldier can easily dispel his unique trick .

Chapter 1: The Death of King Zhou

It was Li Qinghe's avatar who took care of Heimu. Although this avatar could not compare with Li Qinghe's real strength, Heimu's strength was even worse, and he was beaten into a third-level disability by King Zhou.

Now hiding in a side hall of Chaoge, absorbing the lifespan of human beings, to stabilize his injury.

Li Qinghe and Black God sold King Zhou together.

Neither Li Qinghe nor the Black God regarded King Zhou as a partner, but as a pawn that could be thrown away when it was used up.

This is completely different from what I said at the beginning.It was originally agreed that if King Zhou went out to meet the enemy, then Li Qinghe and Heishen would support him from behind.Moreover, Li Qinghe and Heishen's follow-up forces will deal with the Protoss.

As a result, Li Qinghe and Heishen broke their promises, and because of Li Qinghe's troubles, Phoenix no longer liked King Zhou. Even if King Zhou sacrificed his life, Phoenix did not work hard. The phoenix made a little effort and beat Hei Mu into a third-level cripple.If it wasn't for Tiankui's action, Heimu would have died directly in the hands of King Zhou.

Of course, the others didn't know that Heimu who had escaped had already been dealt with by Li Qinghe.

But when it was the turn of King Zhou and Tiankui to fight, the phoenix was not very willing to move, so King Zhou was killed in just two or three moves.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Heimu and Tiankuina exist at two levels, although they are both six gods in name.But Tiankui can fight against the Holy King, and has the strength comparable to the Holy King. If there are only five Holy Kings in the Protoss, then Tiankui would be the Holy King at that time.

Seeing that King Zhou was killed by Tiankui, Ziyu, who was fighting with Shi Xing, let out a sad roar, and killed Shi Xing desperately!For a while, Shi Xing felt a lot of pressure, and he didn't have extra time to deal with those ordinary people.

Hu Ximei from Zhaixinglou covered her mouth and cried. Xinyuekui agreed that as long as she told her the news, she would bypass her King Zhou.

But now!King Zhou is dead and has no breath of life!

"Mother, my father, how could my father die!"

A bowl that Wu Geng took out from Hu Ximei was filled with water.The image in the water is the scene outside the city, where King Zhou has been killed by Tiankui!

The corpse of King Zhou fell into the city and became a puddle of mud. Without the help of the phoenix, King Zhou's corpse was no longer intact as in the original book.

Moreover, King Zhou's strength was too weak to arouse Tian's interest at all. After Heilong learned about the prophecy from Xinyuekui, he attached great importance to it.

The Shang Kingdom used the power of one country to deal with several countries before, and this secretly supported the power of the Shang Kingdom, which aroused Tian's interest.If the Mingzu did this, he would understand very well, but the Mingzu has retreated to hell for 5000 years, what they have to do is to preserve their strength, instead of blindly betting. If the Mingzu fails to bet, there will be no If you retreat, you will be wiped out directly.

The reason why the Protoss don't attack the Mingzu now is because the Mingzu is too desolate, even if they occupy it, no one is willing to station in the underworld.Moreover, it takes a lot of power to defeat the Hades. Many people in the Protoss are opposed to it, and they are unwilling to fight against the Hades. Anyway, it is a desolate land. Where the Hades are, there is no need to worry about humans." The abode of the soul of the monkey after death.It is equivalent to the Mingzu working for the Protoss for free.

Therefore, this Mingzu can escape the liquidation of the Shenzu, but if the Mingzu is disobedient, or has other thoughts, then the Shenzu will naturally not hold back this time.Once the Hades are wiped out, there will be no scum gods in the Protoss. These gods can be sent to the desolate land as punishment for them.

It's a pity that the Mingzu are not that stupid. They will not take any risky actions without absolute certainty, or before they are forced to a desperate situation. The Mingzu cannot afford to fail.

The Ming people were also closely watching the battle, but they didn't intervene. They wanted to see the real power behind King Zhou, but they didn't expect that King Zhou would die here.

And he was a little caught off guard, the power of this phoenix is ​​too weak, or since the battle with Tian thousands of years ago, the strength has not recovered until now.

After the death of King Zhou, the phoenix seemed to disappear again, and I don't know where it went.

As soon as King Zhou died, the soldiers of the Great Zhou swarmed and entered the city.

Those brought by the Black God who were in charge of guarding their posts in the city were killed one by one by the soldiers brought by the God Race.

The Black God still sat firmly.

Two of the three holy sons and daughters, including Natsume Mika, have died, and only Natsume Mika is left.

When Natsume Shika was about to be shot through by a long spear.

Li Qinghe disappeared from King Zhou's palace, and the next moment he appeared in front of Xia Mu Shijia and grabbed the spear.


Natsume Mika was still in shock, almost, almost nailed to death by the spear.Natsume Mika didn't want to die so tragically.

Li Qinghe's appearance on the tower immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"You have the aura of Heimu on your body. I just noticed that Heimu is dead. It seems that you killed him!"

Shi Xing knocked Ziyu unconscious with a punch, and threw it aside.

The other great gods on the dragon jumped off the dragon when they heard that Li Qinghe had killed Heimu.

Tai Chi rushed towards Li Qinghe, but was kicked away by Shi Xing behind him.

"Ten punishments, why are you attacking us?"

Tai Chi glared at Shi Xing.

Shi Xing laughed wildly and said, "Don't shoot, this prey is mine!"

"Now is not the time to play games. This man killed God, we must kill him as soon as possible, otherwise, what face will our God Race have!"

Taiji said angrily.

Shi Xing opened his big mouth, revealing a row of sharp teeth, and laughed, "The face of the gods is none of my business. I want to kill him. If you dare to make a move, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing his ferocious and unreasonable expression, the three masters of Tai Chi all felt a headache.

Since this guy was cursed by Xinyuekui, his mind has been distorted, his mind is not clear at all, he is crazy all day long, he only knows how to fight and challenge powerful opponents, he has no concept of the honor of the gods at all.

Liu Yue glanced at Li Qinghe below, and said to Tai Chi, "Let him come, anyway, ten punishments only need to kill this monkey!"

The three great gods were all taken aback when they saw that his momentum had suddenly increased dozens of times.

"Is this your true power? It is indeed strong, but you still have to die!"

Tai Chi shouted angrily.

Li Qinghe shook his head, "This is not my real strength, my strength is not that low."

"Oh, then I have to take a good look at your strength!"

Shi Xing laughed and used his divine power!

"The divine power of the Shura world, Wild Wolf!"

The divine power in Shi Xing's body gushed out crazily, and condensed into three extremely tall wild wolves.

The wild wolf howled, fierce eyes shot out from its eyes, and it rushed towards Li Qinghe with all its limbs.

Li Qinghe floats in the sky,

"Asura Realm? This guy has used his true skills, but it's too bad for me!"

A trace of contempt flashed in Li Qinghe's eyes, he no longer held back his hands, and used the strongest sword energy.


Golden long swords appeared in the sky above him. These long swords condensed from true essence formed circles like flowers blooming.

"go with!"

Li Qinghe stretched out his right hand and pointed forward.

In an instant, countless black long swords appeared in the sky, and flew forward quickly as if soldiers had heard an order.

These long swords are extremely fast, and they are in front of Shi Xing in the blink of an eye.


Shi Xing laughed wildly, and quickly dodged the flying swords, but those wild wolves were not able to do that, and were soon pierced by the long swords, and their figures disappeared into the air.

chi chi chi...  

The densely packed long swords containing the power of the world flew towards Shi Xing overwhelmingly, blocking all his blind spots and gaps.

Ten punishments were inevitable, and he was stabbed in the stomach by a long sword.

His body froze suddenly, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

When Li Qinghe saw this, he waved his hand, taking advantage of the situation. Dozens of long swords flew in an instant, piercing through his body, nailing him to the ground.

Immediately, his chest, arms, stomach, and thighs were all covered with long swords, making him look very miserable.

But this guy's expression became more and more excited, he laughed and said, "Haha, very good, your long sword makes me feel pain, this feeling is really good, this is the battle I want!"

This guy's immortal body is really not so easy to kill.

In the original book, this guy was killed several times by Zi Yu and Wu Geng, but the power of the Seal of the Dead revived him.

This guy is an unkillable monster.


With a loud bang, the sword energy hit Shi Xing's body, knocking him into the air in an instant, flying hundreds of meters away, plowing a long ravine on the ground.

"Hahahaha, I'm hurt, I'm hurt!"

Shi Xing looked at the huge gash in his chest, not only couldn't feel the pain, but turned his head up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Not only did he not defend, but he directly hit him with his body.

The invincible sword energy cut through the sky immediately, and wherever it passed, there was a crackling sound in the air, as if the space was being broken.

"I haven't been injured for a long time. It's great that you can hurt me now, so let's fight to our heart's content! Hahahaha!"

Shi Xing squatted down, punched the ground with his right hand, and the ground cracked instantly.

Shi Xing opened his mouth wide, stared and laughed.

As soon as he finished saying this, he couldn't wait to rush down. .

Holding the long sword in his hand, Li Qinghe said flatly, "Really? God, if this continues, your son will be killed by me. Don't regard my world power as ordinary power, it's not the same thing! "

After Li Qinghe said this, Shi Xing's body fell to his knees on the ground.

Chapter 1 and Four

"What kind of power are you! Why are you so strong!"

Ten Xing clutched the wound in pain, and only then did he notice that his healed wound burst open again.

Shi Xing cried out in pain, not afraid of pain, what is terrible is the endless pain!

Shi Xing was not uninjured, but it was the first time that it hurt so much.

Empress Wuji glanced at Li Qinghe in fear, thankfully Shi Xing went up to get beaten first, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bear the injury!

The Great God of the Wuji Fire Department, a descendant of the Huanglong tribe, and Liuyue are lovers. They often appear in pairs and possess the supernatural power of the Vientiane Realm.He often has an arrogant face, but his actual strength is not that great.It can only be said that in the Ministry of Fire, it is no1.

At this time, there was an independent space in the belly of the black dragon, and there were huge spars everywhere, emitting a faint light, which added warmth to the empty and cold space.

An image floats in one of the crystal stones, giving an unobstructed view of the outside scene.

"So, is he the one in the prophecy?"

A long-haired man opened his mouth slowly, with a flat expression on his flirtatious face.

This person was barefooted, and looked plain, without any imposing presence.

But such an ordinary person has a shocking name.

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