Because he is heaven.

Lord of the gods, ruler of the domain of the gods.

"This situation is indeed consistent with the prophecy!"

Xinyuekui closed her eyes and walked over slowly.

Dressed in the high priest's attire, solemn and solemn, but also revealing a charming and enchanting.

"An extraordinary person was born in Middle Earth. He walked through the valley of death and came back to fight side by side with the phoenix. In the end, the theocracy came and liberated all the slaves in the world!"

Xinyuekui regarded the person in the words as King Zhou.It's just that King Zhou is a bit vulnerable.How could such a person overthrow the theocracy, but her prediction would not be wrong, that is to say, it was not King Zhou who overthrew the theocracy, but someone else, or not just one person.

The more Xinyuekui thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. People who know that they can't do it are idiots, but is King Zhou a fool?No, this year's King Zhou of Shang, whom Xin Yuekui met, is a capable man.He has absolutely nothing to do with stupidity.

My younger sister, Xinyuehu, doesn't like stupid stupid men.

In other words, there was a problem in other aspects, and Xinyuekui was in a mess for a while, and didn't know how to tell the sky.

"And what about this man?"

Following Tian's words, Li Qinghe's figure appeared in the crystal stone.

Xinyuekui closed her eyes tightly, but she could see clearly at a glance.

"This person has never appeared in the prophecy. Obviously, his life is short, and there is no ripple in the long river of fate!"

"So, is it just a small person?"

Hei Shen snorted coldly, after all, it was Fuxi's daughter, not Fuxi himself, just because you are blind, doesn't mean the sky is also blind!

Tian felt a huge threat from Li Qinghe. This breath was one of the two who stopped him from attacking, and it had communicated with one of them. When necessary...

Tian displeased with a cold snort, squinting at Xinyuekui.

Li Qinghe felt a powerful aura, it seems that because of his appearance, he disrupted the rules.

The power of a dragon's roar is so deafening.

After a dragon roar, the huge mouth of the black dragon was slowly opened.

Suddenly, the black dragon hovering in the sky roared, the sound shook the earth, and a terrifying sound wave swept over.

In an instant, countless houses collapsed, trees broke, and the air shook. The 10,000+ soldiers on the battlefield covered their ears, rolling and screaming in pain on the ground.

With the opening of the black dragon's mouth, a black figure slowly floated out.

"Heaven is out!"

Tianling stepped in the sky, walking towards the ground step by step, and ripples appeared in the air under his feet.

As these ripples spread, everything within a radius of tens of miles lost its brilliance, leaving only black and white.

Li Qinghe's eyes were fixed, and he took a deep look at this figure.It seems that because of his appearance, he broke the rules of the game, causing the black dragon to make an early move.

"I also said you would watch your son die."

Li Qinghe tore open a space door in front of the black dragon, and threw Natsume Mika into it.

"Black God, your number of sacrifices is enough, and this one is not bad."

Li Qinghe said.

"Basically enough."

Except for Li Qinghe and Tian, ​​everyone on the battlefield was stunned, not knowing where the voice came from.

"Black God, it's time to take action, how long are you going to wait!"

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, a pitch-black figure appeared between Li Qinghe and the sky.

The three stood facing each other.

"God, if you only have such a little power, then the destruction of the Protoss should be today."

Li Qinghe clapped his hands, and a huge city flew over and landed outside Chaoge City, crushing many soldiers of the Zhou clan who were still in shock.

Immediately afterwards, soldiers with guns appeared in the city, cleaning up other Zhou clan alliance troops around Chaoge City.

Black God folded his hands together, "Resurrect, my children."

The blood of the people who died on the wall of Chaoge City poured into the ground, and then a crack opened from an unknown space.

What did Li Qinghe see? He saw Gu Langji who had been killed. It turned out that the reason why the Black God sacrificed so many people was to revive Gu Langji.

For the Black God, Gu Langji is also his son, a race he created alone.Lindo is a race created by the White God alone, while humans are created by the Black God and the White God.

After the Black God displayed his divine power, all the revived Gulangi knelt on the ground.


Among the revived Gurangji, there is the previous Grunji king, the wolf-shaped Grunji, who is considered to be a Grunji who understands the strength of the Black God.

Progressing, Li Qinghe felt a threat from far and near, and a pair of fighters appeared in front of the black dragon, namely Wudai Yusuke and No. [-].

"Fifth Generation, why are you here?"

Li Qinghe didn't expect the Black God's plan to be so strict, even the Five Dynasties were calculated, and he could become the God of Creation, and no one was easy to get along with.

But when it was time to make a move, Li Qinghe would still make a move.

At the same time as Li Qinghe made a move, the Black God also made a move.

Li Qinghe pulled Wudai Xiongsuke to his side, while Black God pulled Daguba to his side.

"Mr. Qinghe. Why are you here?"

Wudai Yusuke was surprised when he saw Li Qinghe.

"This is not where you should come, go back to your world."

For Wudai Yusuke, Li Qinghe himself has no bad feelings. Wudai Yusuke is a very innocent and kind young man. This battle is too dangerous.

The strength of the Five Dynasties and Daguba, that is, Wuji and the others are similar, and the strength of Lang Gulangji is not the same as that of Heimu who was killed by Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe tore open a space door, and pushed Wudai Xiongsuke into it without any explanation.

"Hei God, it's a little too much for you to do this. After all, they are all your children. You can't treat one more favorably than another."

Li Qinghe said.

"They are my children, but now I am also their father."

Hei Shen pointed to the fleeing people in Chaoge below and said.

At this time, entering the Warrior Gate of the Western Zhou Dynasty in Chaoge City is still reckless.

"Go and kill those messy trash."

Except for No. [-] Daguba who stayed where he was, all of them, including the wolf-shaped Gu Langji, killed those Western Zhou warriors who made trouble in Chaoge City.

"Son? I don't have a son. Kill if you want."

Li Qinghe looked at Tian indifferently, it seemed that Shi Xing was really not his son, but when he first watched Wu Gengji, he introduced Shi Xing as his son.

"Is he really not your son?"

Li Qinghe asked curiously.

Tian nodded, "I never said that he is my son."

Li Qinghe believed that there was no need for Tian to lie.

Be it Shi Xing who heard the news, or something else, he was stunned!

How is it possible, Shi Xing is not the son of Tian, ​​but how is this possible, Shi Xing is not the son of Tian, ​​it is impossible for Wu Geng to be the son of Tian, ​​this is too funny.

Li Qinghe was frightened by his boldness.

Li Qinghe didn't think much about it, but said to the Black God, "Let's do it."

Li Qinghe and the Black God teamed up to fight against the enemy.

If this world is not the home of the Black Dragon, then the two of them can easily suppress him.

But the fact is that this world is the territory of the black dragon, even if two people join forces to fight against the enemy, it is only a tie with the black dragon.

This is not to say that the home court advantage held by the Black Dragon is so great that it can make up for such a big gap, but because although Li Qinghe and the Black God have an agreement and seem to be fighting together, they are both guarding against each other, and the strength of the shot Not even sixty percent.

But with the escalation of the battle, Li Qinghe, Hei Shen and Hei Long also became angry, and gradually couldn't hold back.

The issued battle was forced to be terminated because the battle power of the three creator gods was too great, and they were divided into three parties to form a triangle, standing in different positions.

After this battle, Gu Langji was almost dead, leaving only Da Cuba who was still holding his breath.It is more appropriate to say that there are three parties, rather than two parties.

The strong dragon still doesn't overwhelm the local snake!

Besides, as the main force in the world of Wu Gengji, the protoss' strength should not be underestimated.

Thousands of years of accumulation, the heritage of the Protoss has already been very rich.

In this battle, the Protoss also suffered heavy losses, and the Protoss was killed by No. [-] Daguba.Zi Dian was seriously injured by wolf Gu Langji.

Master Liuyue didn't make a move overall, but just watched from the sidelines.

Shi Xing was devastated and couldn't accept the fact that he was an "orphan".

The Great God Heimu had already been dealt with by Li Qinghe.

Tiankui, on the other hand, is still very powerful!

Beat Da Cuban to a dying state, Tiankui is the main attacker.

The Chang'an city built by Li Qinghe has also become a half-ruined state! !

70.00% of the defensive facilities of Chang'an City have been destroyed!

This is a collection of the technological power of nearly three worlds!

Chapter 1 Mutations

Li Qinghe is now fully fired, and his strength has reached 80.00%.

The injury that Da Cuba caused to him before could no longer be sealed, and now every second, Li Qinghe's injury would get worse.

But in the three-way battle, Li Qinghe had to persevere and not show any signs of failure.

On the other side, Godai Yusuke, who returned to the world of Kuraga, caused panic among the entire high-level human beings as soon as he came back, because he appeared, but No. [-] Dacuba did not appear, which means Daguaba had been killed by him.

After Yusuke Godai came back, most of the people were still very happy.No. [-] was announced by the police as the last person of the unconfirmed living body. Now Daguba has not come back, but Wudai Yusuke has returned.

The people spontaneously welcomed Wudai Yusuke. During the battle with Daguba, Wudai Yusuke's identity had been completely exposed.

The public is sympathetic to Godai Yusuke, who has completely solved the unidentified life very grateful.

Yusuke Godai was lifted up by the crowd to celebrate this wonderful moment.

However, the conspiracy against Godai Yusuke has also begun to take action, and Tamasaburo, the adoptive father of Godai Yusuke who stayed in the store, has been secretly caught.

Troubled times can produce heroes, but in peaceful times, it is better for heroes to die, and dead heroes are more perfect.

"You devil, you killed my father."

"Because of you, my wife and children are all dead, and you have to pay with your life!"

Just at this happy moment, a group of people suddenly appeared, accusing Godai Yusuke.

And the group is getting bigger and bigger.

"You killed my son, I will make your relatives pay for it!"

Wudai Yusuke saw a man walking out angrily, and his heart suddenly tightened. After so many ups and downs, Wudai Yusuke could naturally see that the man who left angrily had a murderous look on him.This will only exist in the body that has really killed someone.

Wudai Yusuke realized something, turned over and fell to the ground, pushed away the crowd, and ran towards home.

When Yusuke Godai returned to Papa's coffee shop, what he saw was a mess.

And his father, Yusaburo, has been taken away by someone sent by the government.

Just as Yusuke Goshidai walked out the door, a large spotlight appeared in front of him.

Yusuke Goshiro naturally shielded his eyes, and then the firearms deployed outside fired.

Yusuke Godai transformed instantly. At this time, he didn't know what happened, why the police suddenly opened fire on him.

Yusuke Goshiro returned to the coffee shop.

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