As the siren sounded, the g3 container truck was dispatched, and the g3 system was about to usher in its first battle!

On the other side, when Mrs. Saeki was leaving, Shoichi Tsugami had already confronted Unkon the leopard.

Standing on the top of a tree, Li Qinghe recognized Unkon, the leopard who attacked this time.

Killing agito is also its mission!

"In order to prevent the awakening of agito among human beings, should all possibilities be erased?"

"Proclaims himself a god, loves human beings deeply, but does things that human beings are not ashamed of."

"Agito? I will kill you!"

When the leopard Unkon saw Agito, he didn't care about Mrs. Saeki who was running away. Compared with that woman, Agito's priority was several levels higher!

When Sho Tsugami saw the leopard Unkon rushing towards him, Agito dodged sideways, and then punched the leopard Unkon in the chest.

Before the opponent could react, he kicked out again, and the leopard unkon was kicked flying, and the huge impact destroyed the benches on the roadside.

The leopard unkon got up and attacked again.

"last blow!"

The two golden horns on Agito's head suddenly opened to form a hexagon, and at the same time, a golden hexagonal pattern emerged under his feet.

Eventually, the patterns converged on agito's legs.

Immediately afterwards, Agito leaped into the air, and kicked a knight hard on the leopard Unkon's chest!

A purple halo appeared above Qi's head again.


With a loud noise and dazzling flames, the leopard unkon exploded.

Not far away, Bing Chuancheng, who came in a hurry, happened to see this scene.

"Who is that guy? Why does he look a bit like Unconfirmed No. [-]?"

Bingchuancheng approached Agito with doubts, and the pistol clenched in his hand proved the tension in his heart at the moment.

Although the monster was eliminated, it did not mean that the other party was not an enemy.

"Who the hell are you? What does it have to do with the latest case?"

Glacier held the gun in both hands and pointed the gun at agito.

However, Agito didn't take it seriously, a pistol like this couldn't do any damage to him now.

Moreover, he didn't think Bingchuancheng would really do it.

Just turning his head to look at Bingchuancheng, Agito left on the motorcycle that had been sublimated into an achetoador.

Only Li Qinghe noticed that under the darkness on one side, two leopards unkon appeared again, one wearing a blue scarf and the other a yellow scarf.


After they spoke softly, they disappeared.

Li Qinghe did not intervene in the battle between Tsugami Shoichi and the leopard Unkon. For some reason, he always felt that the battle between the two was too simple to catch his attention. It would be easier if he did it himself.

But I obviously haven't fought or transformed yet.

Li Qinghe shook his head, but didn't want to understand.He always felt that part of his memory was missing, but judging from the completeness of his memory, he didn't find anything missing.

"Is he an enemy or a friend?"

Bingchuancheng put away the pistol, thinking in his heart.

There was a whirring sound.

The sound of the siren came to my ears, and the G3 container truck appeared in front of my eyes after a while.

"Glacier, where is the mysterious creature you mentioned? Did it escape?"

Ozawa Chengzi got off the car and asked.

Bingchuancheng shook his head, pointed to a flame that had not yet burned out, and said, "It has been knocked down, by a creature that looks very similar to Unconfirmed No. [-]."

"No. [-]? What's going on? Please explain in detail." Ozawa Chengzi looked at Bing Chuancheng and said.

Bing Chuancheng said hesitantly, "Actually, I'm not very sure, I just happened to see it, but in short, this case is indeed the work of a mysterious creature."

"Oh, it's a pity. I thought the g3 system would be able to shine this time, but since there are new enemies, we must cheer up!"

Ozawa Chengzi said so.

Several people returned together.

Along the way, Ozawa Chengzi was thinking about a question in his mind.

If the mysterious creature is not unconfirmed that has appeared before, can the existing weapon system of g3 still cause effective damage?

Or, can it really deal with the monster in the mouth of the glacier?

After thinking for a long time, she couldn't come up with an answer.

Sure enough, it still needs to be tested in battle!

On the other side, Tsugami Shoichi had returned safely on his motorcycle.Li Qinghe returned to Fenggu Zhenyu one step ahead of him.

"Xiangyi, Qinghe, what's the matter with you two? You always leave suddenly without saying a word. It was like this this morning, and it was like this just now."

Fenggu Zhenyu looked at Li Qinghe and Tsugami Xiangyi and asked, "Could it be, do you remember the past?"

"No! It's just that there are some things that have to be done."

Li Qinghe said that he only wanted to be a bystander, and he didn't want to go deep into it.During this period of getting along, he found that Tsugami Shoichi is a very cute boy, more lovely and innocent than in the original play.

Unlike Wudai Xiongsuke, etc., Li Qinghe suddenly squatted on the ground covering his head.

"Qinghe, Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Mau Kazetani and Shoichi Tsugami asked with concern.

"It's okay, I seemed to remember something just now, but I didn't seem to remember anything."

Li Qinghe's memory about Sora was sealed even deeper in his mind.

"Why don't you go back and rest first."

Fenggu Zhenyu and Tsugami Xiangyi helped Li Qinghe back to the room.

With Li Qinghe's interruption, Tsugami Shoichi escaped Kazetani Mau's questioning.But I will definitely be questioned by Fenggu Zhenyu in the future, what should I do at that time. .

Although based on Shoichi Tsugami's understanding of the real fish, I believe that even if the real fish knows, he will accept himself.

But in short, how long can it be delayed?He didn't want to reveal his identity.

Chapter 1 Fighting Again

Misugi Taiyi, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Li Qinghe go upstairs and return to his room, but complained, "I sneaked out to play, but asked me to wash the dishes."

Li Qinghe smiled, he wouldn't care about anything with a child.

When Miyama Yoshihiko heard it, he also smiled and said, "Okay, you can't trouble Qinghe and Xiangyi with everything. If they recover their memories, I'll see what you will do!"

"Even if you really recover your memory, Tsugami Shoichi won't leave, right?"

Tai looked at Shoichi Tsugami who was going downstairs.

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to get along with everyone here."

Tsugami Sho replied with a smile.

"Xiangyi, but have you ever thought that maybe your parents or relatives miss you somewhere? Don't let the people who care about you down!"

Misugi Yoshihiko said seriously, as an elder, he naturally knew that if Tsugami Shoichi recovered his memory, he would always return to the place that belonged to him, and it was impossible to stay here forever.

You can't let the people who care about you down?

Tsugami Sho smiled, but didn't answer.

If anyone really cared about me, it would be only you.

Li Qinghe also had the same idea.After staying in the agito world for two months, I feel that I have melted into this world.

The next day, Police Headquarters.

"You said that you encountered mysterious creatures similar to unconfirmed life forms yesterday? And you suspect that they were responsible for the cases in recent days?"

The head of the General Administration asked.

"Yes, sir." Bing Chuancheng nodded.

Sir, "There is no evidence..."

"I'll find evidence."

Glacier said seriously.

It was just a quick glimpse yesterday, and there were no videos or photos. The officer didn't believe it was normal.

But since he saw the first one, there must be a second one, Bing Chuancheng firmly believed.

"So, what about the mysterious creature that you said ended up packing up unidentified life forms?"

"That's a creature that's very similar to No. [-] that hasn't been confirmed to have fought."

As he said that, another officer shouted, "That's impossible, the unconfirmed life forms are already extinct!"

Regarding the nightmare that Wudai Yusuke once created, the police did not block it, but said that Quan Jun attacked and solved Wudai Yusuke.

"Then what if the other party is not unconfirmed, but a brand new creature?" Bing Chuancheng asked back.

"This..." The two officers were silent.

"No matter what, you still have to witness it with your own eyes. Let's call them unkons for now."

One officer said, "Your task now is to find them as soon as possible!"


Bing Chuancheng stood up and bowed, then walked out of the conference room.

Unexpectedly, I met someone on the stairs.

Hojo Toru!

"The mysterious creature is a lie you made up to prevent the countermeasure team from being disbanded, right?"

Hojo Toru said sarcastically, the expression in his eyes seemed to have seen through Hikawa Makoto.

"I know you've been doing a dissertation on superpowers lately."

Hearing this, Miyama Yoshihiko's expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal, and said, "In this case, why don't we do a test."

As he spoke, he took out a few poker cards, face down, and asked Wang Tian to guess the numbers and suits.

As a result, all guesses were wrong several times in a row, and Neta had to give up the idea of ​​having superpowers.

Only Shoichi Tsugami noticed Mao Kazetani who guessed all the answers through the crack of the door.

Li Qinghe knows that the real fish has super powers, and one day in the future it may become an existence like himself, and before that, he will be responsible for the safety of the real fish.

You can't let the family downsize!

Li Qinghe thought to himself.

On a street, the siren of a police car resounded around, surrounding a place.

A policeman was taking away the body of a high school girl who had just been lifted from a tree.

"Bing Chuancheng said that these were made by mysterious creatures, but since they have been wiped out by creatures suspected of No. [-], why are there still cases? So I conclude that this must be man-made."

Hojo Toru deduced.

Police officer Kono Koji added, "My father has passed away long ago, and now he lives with his mother and sister."

"Okay, let's start the investigation based on the two of them, if the murderer committed the crime based on blood relationship." Hojo Toru said.

Immediately afterwards, the two changed directions, found the sister of the deceased Minako Fujiguchi, and followed her.

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