Tracking all the way, until Minako's sister was sitting on the swing, a leopard-headed monster with a blue scarf around his neck suddenly appeared behind the tree.

"That is……"

"What Glacier said is true, and it turned out that it was a similar unidentified creature that committed the crime!"

The two rushed out in an instant, and at the moment the leopard Unkon made a move, they pushed Minako's sister away from the swing, avoiding the crisis.

at the same time.

There was a strange tinnitus in Tsugami Shoichi's ears.

"Is there another unkon nearby?"

Shoichi Tsugami looked cold, put down the vegetables in his hand, and rushed towards the induction.

This scene happened to be seen by the real fish.

Fortunately, Shoichi Tsugami has already mastered the power of the belt, so he doesn't have to be afraid of being discovered.

But the real fish still felt a little abnormal.

"What's the matter with Xiangyi recently? No, I have to follow him out to see."

But how could the speed of her bicycle keep up with the motorcycle?

After a while, he lost it and had to return home resentfully.

After returning home, Li Qinghe was also missing.

Kanto Hospital.


Ryo Ashihara, who fell into a coma, woke up from the coma because of the pain of awakening.

The belly is constantly emitting light.

Wanting to find out the reason, he unplugged the oxygen machine and chose to leave the hospital.

It quickly darkened.

"It's the g3 system!"

Hikawa Makoto, who finished dressing, rescued Hojo Toru from Unkon, and then chased forward.

Soon, the two sides fought together.

Bing Chuancheng, who was empty-handed last time, is full of confidence this time, at least, he can't lose to the guy he saw that night.

But the result was cruel, and Bingchuancheng was quickly defeated.

"The weapon is completely ineffective. Sure enough, the G3 made for unconfirmed life forms can't cause damage to Unkon at all. It's not an opponent at all!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Glacier, retreat quickly, this is an order, and you have tried your best."

Through the communication system, Hikawa Makoto could clearly hear the conversation between Takahiro Omuro and Orange Ozawa.


How could this be?

As a policeman, how can he let go of the murderer who is right in front of him?

Bing Chuancheng refused without even thinking about it. If he was afraid of the strength of his opponent, he would not be worthy of the word "policeman" at all!

He stood up again and waved his weapon to fight again.

However, at this moment, the sound of a motorcycle entered his ears.

"That's... a mysterious creature that fights Unkon!"

The golden armor and the huge red compound eyes shone in the dark night, looking so dazzling.

agito, land form debut!


Unlon gave up his attack on Hikawa Makoto and turned towards Agito.

"Two? It's a little troublesome!"

Tsugami Shoichi said softly, but there was no tension in his heart.

A purple halo appeared in front of the two leopards Unkon at the same time, and they took out weapons from it.

The purple halo is connected with the different space, and Unkon's weapon is hidden in it.

One drew the bow of pride, the other the spear of greed.

The gun-wielding Unkon rushed towards Tsugami Shoichi first, while the other bowed and set an arrow in the distance.

Tsugami Shoichi resisted with his fist, but he didn't pay attention for a while, and was hit by an arrow.


The arrow exploded.

Shoichi Tsugami touched the place where he was shot as if he was dusting off the dust.

No pain, no itching, this is how he feels now.

"It seems that the intelligence is not low, and they all know how to work as a team. Unfortunately, they are still too weak!"

Shoichi Tsugami remained unmoved, his golden armor turned blue, and at the same time, he took out a long halberd from the middle of his belt.

The blue agito storm form that transcends the spirit!

The halberd in his hand is the exclusive weapon in the storm form, the storm halberd.

Not only the form of storm, but even the form of red flame that surpasses sensation, he has long been able to use it freely.

As for the state of the trinity, due to the heavy burden of transformation, even with his strengthened body, there is still no way to control it.

In the storm form, while the agility is greatly enhanced, the strength will also be weakened, but with Tsugami Shoichi's current strength, it is not a big problem.

The Arrogant Bow kept shooting arrows, but apart from the first one, it was no longer able to hit Shoichi Tsugami.

With super fast speed, Tsugami Shoichi quickly circled to the rear, and the storm halberd kept slashing, and this unkon was powerless to fight back at all.

Another unkon wanted to come over to help, but was stopped by Cheng Bingchuan.

Seeing Hikawa Makoto's actions, Tsugami Shoichi sped up his speed, and when he cut the storm halberd on Unkon's body for the third time, he suddenly stopped the offensive, and the storm halberd in his hand kept turning, hanging on the spot There was a wind.

The nirvana storm whirlwind.

After the rapid turnaround, the storm halberd thrust out suddenly.

The unkon finally couldn't stand it anymore after being hit by this, a purple halo appeared on its head and neck, and exploded on the spot.

On the other side, Bing Chuancheng was wearing a g3 system specially made to resist unconfirmed life forms, and was not an opponent of Unkon at all.

Shoichi Tsugami reverted back to the earth form, the horns on his head spread out, and a hexagonal dragon pattern appeared under his feet.

A knight kick landed and ended the second unkon.

Just about to leave, Bingchuancheng called to him.

"What the hell are you? Are you transformed from a human being like No. [-]? What is your purpose? Are you an enemy or a friend?"

A series of questions were thrown out.

However, Shoichi Tsugami did not answer a single question, and left on a motorcycle.

Li Qinghe shook his head at the g3 system, it was really bad. .

Li Qinghe believes in Ozawa Chengzi's ability, and after knowing Unkon, he will definitely be able to make more powerful armor.

But definitely not now, to know that angels (unkon) and gourangi are two different species.

Chapter 1 Hojo Toru

When Bing Chuancheng returned to the police station, his boss had already known about his actions.

"Your g3 system, in my opinion, is a very failed work. It can't even draw with mysterious monsters that seem to be unidentified life forms. Such a useless g3 seems to be a failed work."

Failed works?

What the boss said made Bingchuancheng angry. Does this person know how much thought and effort their entire countermeasure team has put into the g3 system?

And how much sweat did I put in to adapt to this combat system?

Ozawa Sumiko held Bing Chuancheng to prevent him from making a fuss, which would not be good for the countermeasure team.Besides, this time against the leopard Unkonn, who is suspected to be an unconfirmed life form, the combat capability of the g3 system really disappointed the high-level.

However, after seeing Unknon's video this time, the high-level executives did not propose to reduce the allocation of countermeasures.

For unconfirmed life forms, the higher-ups paid more attention to it than Sumiko Ozawa thought.It is only half a century since the death of Yusuke the Five Dynasties.

The high-level executives have spent manpower to investigate the newly appeared angel (unknon) to see if it is an unconfirmed life form.

If so, it needs to be targeted early.

Hikawa Makoto was dragged back to the G3 container truck by Ozawa Sumiko.

As soon as he got into the car, he heard Takahiro Omuro's angry voice.

"It's really abominable, how much effort we have put into the g3 system, and he called it a pile of waste copper and rotten iron!"

Takahiro Omuro was very angry, such words were more uncomfortable than being scolded himself.

"No, this is all my responsibility. As an assembler of the g3 system, but I can't exert my due strength. I am too useless."

After the battle just now, Bing Chuancheng looked a little frustrated at the moment.

In any case, when he faced Unkon, he really didn't have much ability to resist, it could almost be said that he was hanged.

On the contrary, Ozawa Chengzi, who is the chief designer of the g3 system, looked calm and said with a slight smile.

"The g3 system was originally made to fight against the unconfirmed. Although this battle failed, we can also receive a lot of goods from this battle.

Maybe we should make a whole new system. "

Ozawa Chengzi hadn't planned to act so soon, but this battle had too much impact on him.

After all, this is a g3 made due to unconfirmation, how to fight against unkon?

"What an interesting person. If possible, I would really like to meet that guy who seems to be the second unconfirmed life form. Is it a human transformation?"

Ozawa Chengzi showed a hint of interest.

The moon hangs high and the sky is full of stars.

Li Qinghe stopped on the bridge on his motorcycle, with a strange expression on his face.On the way, I met Fenggu Zhenyu who went out to look for it again because of worry.

"Qinghe, are you alright?"

Real fish got off the bike and said.

"I'm fine, why do you ask that?"

Li Qinghe looked at Zhenyu and said.

"I always feel that Qinghe and Xiangyi, you two are a little strange recently, you always run away suddenly without making a sound, it's really worrying."

Zhenyu said worriedly, "Qinghe used to never run around. He hardly went out except to buy vegetables. Also, where is Xiangyi? Isn't he with you?"

"Really? Xiangyi, I don't know where he went, I thought he was at home?"

Li Qinghe smiled awkwardly, he couldn't reveal his true identity yet.

As for the real fish, Li Qinghe still wanted her to keep her innocence, for a while, for a while.

In the past two years, he did not go out very much. He bought vegetables to cook, and then went to the vegetable garden to grow some fruits and vegetables. This was almost the content of his life.

Of course, Xiangyi and Xiangyi grow vegetables together, he has never learned how to grow vegetables.

But he didn't feel bored, on the contrary, he enjoyed that ordinary life.

Unexpectedly, it was because of this that Zhenyu saw the clues.

"I think Qinghe probably wants to find his former self?"

Zhenyu hesitated for a while, but still said, "If Qinghe wants to remember the past, actually... I can help you."

Li Qinghe was taken aback, not because he wanted to get to the bottom of the reason why Zhenyu could help him retrieve his "memory", because he knew from the very beginning that Zhenyu was a superpower possessor with the ability to see through things and trace the past.

It was because she was willing to expose her identity as a superpower for herself.

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