However, Li Qinghe knew that he didn't have a so-called past at all. If he really let Zhenyu investigate, would he find the memories of his previous life?

It's very possible!

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe waved his hand and said, "It's not necessary anymore, the past is not important, because now I have found a place to live, and I am already very satisfied."


Zhenyu's eyes suddenly dimmed, she lowered her head and remained silent.

In the past, she also had a very satisfactory shelter, but now, it only exists in memory.

Dad is such a good person, why would he...

She suddenly raised her head to look at Li Qinghe, maybe she couldn't remember the past, but it was a very good thing, just like Qinghe.

However, Li Qinghe didn't notice the change in Zhenyu's expression. At this time, he had already got on the motorcycle, put on his helmet, and said

"Let's go, didn't you say you wanted to try Chinese cuisine? Today is it!"

"Now?" Zhenyu froze for a moment.

"Take it as supper. I think Xiangyi should have returned home by now."

Li Qinghe laughed.

The sun is rising.

Police Headquarters.

Hikawa Makoto and Hojo Toru walked into the conference room together, facing the two officers, Hikawa Makoto handed over a video.

That was saved from last night's fight.

After the two officers read it, they were very surprised.

Sure enough, creatures beyond unconfirmed life forms appeared.

They are unkon.

One of the officers looked at Toru Hojo and said, "So, did you meet Unkon too?"

"Yes, that kind of creature is by no means invincible. If the g3 system hadn't arrived in time yesterday, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to meet you today."

Hojo Toru nodded and said, his expression became solemn.Although he has a serious relationship with Bingchuan, he is very serious about his work, and he will never bring his personal emotions to work.

"What we are now facing is a new enemy beyond unidentified life forms, so I think it is necessary to take corresponding countermeasures immediately."

"First of all, we must understand the importance of the g3 system and strengthen the countermeasure team as a whole."

"Nowadays, to deal with Unkon, we can only rely on the power of the g3 system."

"The mass production of the system also needs to be implemented."

Hikawa Makoto on the side didn't expect Toru Hojo to say these words, and subconsciously nodded in agreement.

"We will carefully consider it."

The officer replied in this way. In front of them, one is the assembler of the g3 system, and the other is the best police officer of the General Administration. Since they all said so, as the officer, he has to think about the feasibility of Hojo Toru's suggestions sex.

After leaving the conference room, Hikawa Makoto was in a bad mood. He never thought that Toru Hojo would speak for their countermeasure team.

"Thank you. After just now, I think the thinking of the high-level countermeasure team should change."

Glacier sincerely thanks.

Hojo said without changing his face, "This is what it should be. As long as unkons continue to appear, the g3 system will be the main force of the Metropolitan Police Department to fight against them. I am looking forward to it."

"Well, I will work hard." Bing Chuancheng said.

Hojo heard the words, gave Hikawa Makoto a deep look, and then left in another direction.

It is me who should work hard, not you, just wait!

Hojo Toru was very dissatisfied with Hikawa Makoto becoming a member of the countermeasure team. In his opinion, he should be the one who entered the countermeasure team and used the g3 system.

Hojo Toru thought in his heart.

After extensive investigation by the police, it was finally discovered that what appeared this time was not an unconfirmed life form, but a higher-level existence than the unconfirmed life form. The police named it unkonn.

After Hikawa Makoto and Hojo Toru separated, they came to the G3 container truck.

"I'm sorry, the g3 system was damaged because of me."

Bingchuancheng returned to the countermeasure team and said to Ozawa Chengzi.

Ozawa Chengzi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it. Fortunately, that mysterious guy who looks like No. [-] appeared in time, and the damage is not too serious."

"Speaking of which, that guy doesn't seem to be hostile to us, but instead helped us defeat Unkon twice."

Takahiro Omuro said from the side.

"Unkon called him agito, maybe there is some connection between the two." Bingchuancheng analyzed.

Ozawa Chengzi stood up and said, "The name is not very important, what is important is his true identity."

"Yes, next time I see Agito, I will definitely try to find out his identity in human society." Makoto Bingchuan nodded.

Because of the lack of me in the past, not only Ozawa Sumiko, but many people are guessing about Agito's real identity.

"Speaking of which, taking advantage of this maintenance, we can also improve the g3 system."

Ozawa Orange seems to have a direction for improvement, "Although unconfirmed life forms will not be harmed by bullets, they will be hit by bullets, but the new unkon is different. When the bullets are not close to their bodies It was broken down."

"Maybe, I need to develop a new type of bullet."

"Also, I already have some ideas about the new system. Before that, I need to work harder!"

"Yes, please trouble Miss Ozawa." Bing Chuancheng said, he is not proficient in scientific research and can't help much.

Before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Hojo once said about the quantification and organization of the g3 system. Is this really possible?"

"Hojo? Oh, this man is getting more and more annoying, but I advise you not to believe what he says."

Ozawa Chengzi said with one hand on his forehead.

She knows best about the g3 system.

Quantitative production? ?

Simply whimsical!

Let's not talk about how well-designed the intelligent brain system of the g3 system is, just talk about the material cost of the g3, which simply cannot beat the possibility of popularization.

Chapter 1: Shoichi's Exposure

o Component Institute.

"How's it going?"

Ms. Sanyun, the leader of the experiment group, asked a researcher.

"90% have been resolved, and the answer is about to be revealed."

the researcher replied.

"Speed ​​up."

Miss Sanyun said.

What kind of secrets are hidden in the ancient instruments buried deep in the ground ten years ago?

She is looking forward to the moment when the answer will be revealed, which is why the o-parts research institute was established.


On the computer and various experimental instruments in front of him, new data are constantly being interpreted.

On the construction site, people are doing their jobs according to their duties.


Suddenly, a man screamed.

I saw the man fell to the ground all of a sudden, with his hands on the ground, with a terrified expression on his face, and he kept retreating.

In front of him was a pile of dirt, and a pale hand stretched out from the dirt.

That's a human palm!

At the same time, where no one noticed, the soil loosened, and the head of a silver turtle Unkon was exposed, looking at the outside world with its two eyes.

It didn't take long before it slid back in without attracting anyone's attention.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene and sealed off the place.

The soil around the palm was completely loosened, and a man's body was dug out.

Glacier asked about the situation at the scene, but did not get any effective information.

Koji Kono, a senior police officer, said next to him, "The body was found in the Jomon period, and there was no sign of excavation and burial at all. It doesn't seem like it was done by humans."

"If Unkon did it, the next target might be the relatives of the deceased." Makoto Bingchuan analyzed.

"But he has no relatives, is alone, and now lives alone in the apartment." Kono Koji added.

Bingchuan Cheng was in a state of contemplation, "Is that so..."

The clue is broken again!

So far, their police have not grasped any information about the unkon's motives for attacking humans.

Unkonn's actions are different from those of unconfirmed lifeforms. Unconfirmed lifeforms used to have rules of the game to kill people. If they find the rules of killing people, they can stop them from killing people.

For a while, Bingchuancheng fell into confusion.

He turned his gaze to the body of the deceased being carried into the car, as if he had thought of something, and said to Kono Koji, "Can you tell me the address of the apartment? I think it is necessary to take a look."

Bing Chuancheng felt that it was still necessary to start with the deceased. If he could find out the common ground between the victims, he might be able to solve this mystery.

"Of course, do you want me to go with you?"

Kono Koji said.

"Then let's go now."

Glacier got into the car.

The two drove to the residence of the deceased.

After opening the door and searching, Koji Kono scratched his head, "There is no clue at all!"

Bing Chuancheng's search was fruitless, and he inadvertently set his eyes on a small bottle on the cabinet.

"This is……"

He picked up the bottle, and inside was a 100-dollar coin.

Glacier Cheng gestured to the size of the bottle mouth and found something was wrong.

The 100 yuan coin is much larger than the mouth of the bottle.

So how did the deceased put the coin in?

Suddenly, he thought of the photo Mrs. Saeki gave him.

It seems to have caught some important clue.

"What's the matter? Is there anything strange about this bottle?" Kono Koji stepped forward and asked.

Bing Chuancheng said, "Perhaps, this is the key to solving the case."

A bold idea appeared in his heart, which might not be understood by others, but he felt that it was the truth!

at home.

Looking at the messy room, Li Qinghe smiled helplessly, "Forget it, let me do it."

Just before that, Misugi and his son and Kazeya Mau proposed to share the housework for themselves.

How can I trust the ability of the three of them to do housework?

"Qinghe, are you in good health? Leave this trivial matter to me."

Sho Tsugami touched his head and came out to help Li Qinghe clean the house.

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