Li Qinghe shook his head, a little regretful, but in just a few minutes, they almost didn't order the house.

The four lined up in a row, looking at Shoichi Tsugami in amazement, and couldn't help clapping their hands.

"Picking Qinghe and Xiangyi back in the first place was the most wise decision my father made in his life." Misugi Taiichi said.

Miyama Yoshihiko nodded, his wife is abroad, and he really doesn't have much experience in housework.

Whether cleaning or cooking, these are the most basic life skills for Shoichi Tsugami.

On the other side, Cheng Bingchuan had already brought the bottle containing the coins to the G3 container truck.

Ozawa Chengzi is very smart, but after taking a look at the bottle, he understood what Bing Chuancheng wanted to express.

Only Takahiro Omuro was confused and asked, "What exactly do you mean?"

Ozawa Chengzi took out a hundred-yen coin from his pocket and demonstrated it.

"There is no way to put coins in it, now you understand?"

Ozawa Chengzi explained.

Hikawa Makoto took out the photo Mrs. Saeki gave him again.

Both are eccentric, and Bingchuan Cheng took the opportunity to put forward his own conjecture; "The victims may not be normal humans, and may have special abilities."

Ozawa Chengzi nodded without the slightest doubt, and quickly said, "I just know someone who knows more about this, and he is a teacher who took good care of me during college."

With that said, she stood up and called Miyama Yoshihiko.

"It's Ozawa, what's the matter?"

"Teacher, I have a colleague named Bing Chuancheng, and I want to ask you some questions."


"Okay, I will spare time and try to answer his doubts."

After some conversation, Ozawa Chengzi got the answer and hung up the phone.

"I'll write you the address of Mr. Misugi, about tomorrow afternoon."

Ozawa Chengzi said to Glacier Makoto.

"Yes, thank you very much Miss Ozawa." Makoto Bingchuan bowed before stepping out of the G3 container truck.

Beside the fountain, a boy with a hat is practicing cycling.

However, he didn't notice that under the big tree not far away, among a pile of fallen leaves, there appeared a silver figure with his head exposed.

Turtle unkon!

The silver turtle Unkon shot at the young man, killed him and buried the body deep in the ground.

This scene happened to be seen by a passing mother and son.


The two screamed and quickly fled the scene while calling the police.

Sho Tsugami, who was watering the vegetable field, heard a strange tinnitus.

This is the signal of Unkon's appearance!

Shoichi Tsugami dropped the watering can, got on the motorcycle and ran towards the sensing place.

On the second floor, Zhenyu was doing his homework. When he saw Shoichi Tsugami leaving suddenly, without even caring about watering the vegetables, he felt more and more that something was wrong.

She stopped doing her homework and got on her bicycle to follow.

This time, she must find out the reason for Xiangyi's abnormal behavior.

Glacier Cheng received the news of Unkon's appearance, and while driving to the scene, he called Ozawa Orange.

"With the appearance of Unkon, how is the restoration of G3 going? Hikawa Makoto asked.

Ozawa Orange replied, "It has been repaired, but the new weapon is still being produced."

"It's too late, just use the original form, I will rush to the scene first."

After Bingchuancheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Unkon had already appeared, and if it dragged on, there might be another murder. He had to go immediately.

Li Qinghe arrived first, but did not find Unkon's figure.

He looked around and found an abandoned bicycle. He was about to pick it up for inspection when the silver turtle Unkon suddenly rushed out from the ground.

Even with Li Qinghe's strengthened body, he was in a hurry.

Rolling sideways, barely escaped the attack of the silver turtle Unkon.

As a result, the silver turtle Unkon was unreasonable and crazily attacked Li Qinghe, not giving him the slightest chance to transform.

"Damn it, this n monster's intelligence is getting higher and higher, and he even learned to ambush and attack."

Li Qinghe really didn't expect this, and suffered a dark loss.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is different from ordinary people. When the silver turtle unkon charged again, Li Qinghe did not dodge, but crossed his arms in front of his chest, using the impact force to stagger away from the silver turtle unkon.

Just when Li Qinghe was about to transform, he heard the sound of Tsugami Shoichi's motorcycle.

Li Qinghe jumped aside.

agito land form!

Shoichi Tsugami is here!

At the same time, Fenggu Zhenyu rode a bicycle to the vicinity, found Li Qinghe's motorcycle and glanced to the side, just in time to see the scene of transforming on a motorcycle.

Why is Li Qinghe's motorcycle here?

"What is that? Xiangyi's body is also changing."

Zhenyu showed a look of horror, and Xiangyi also turned into a monster.

She couldn't believe everything in front of her eyes, but she didn't run away immediately.

On the other side, Shoichi Tsugami, who had completed his transformation, felt power surging in his body, and the silver turtle Unkon's fist fell softly on his body.

"It's my turn to fight back."

Sho Tsugami punched one by one, and directly knocked the silver turtle into the air, and then spread out the horns on his head, and he was about to launch a kill.

As a result, at this time, a golden turtle unkon drilled out of the ground again, and hugged Tsugami Shoichi's waist, preventing him from using the knight kick.

As soon as Sho Tsugami exerted his strength, the golden turtle unkon was thrown to the ground.

At this moment, the soil under the feet of the two Unkons loosened, and then disappeared.

"The ability to control sand and soil? It's quite fast to escape."

Shoichi Tsugami said something secretly, and changed back to the human body.

He turned and walked towards the place where the car was parked, and found a girl hiding behind a tree.

Has it been discovered yet?

Shoichi Tsugami smiled wryly, looking at Mau Kazetani.

"Shoichi Tsugami, is this the reason for your strange behavior recently?"

Her expression was panicked, as if she was terrified.

That's right, a person who gets along day and night suddenly turns into another form. Anyone would be afraid of it, right?

Zhenyu suddenly felt a little regretful and came out. If she hadn't meddled in her own business, she would have been able to get along with Tsugami Shoichi forever, right?

Shoichi Tsugami nodded when he heard the words, and he stretched out his hand, "I actually...".

"Don't come here first, I need to be alone."

The real fish backed away and was about to leave.

Chapter 112

Li Qinghe was still glad that he hid well and was not discovered by Fenggu Zhenyu.

But he forgot that he can hide in the tree, but the locomotive can't.

Fenggu Zhenyu, who was about to leave, suddenly shouted, "Kiba Kiyokawa, I have already found you, why don't you come out?"

Li Qinghe, who was hiding in the tree, naturally knew that Fenggu Zhenyu was deceiving him, but facing Fenggu Zhenyu who was angry on his head, Li Qinghe still chose to stand up.Anyway, Fenggu Mayu didn't see his transformation.

"when did you come?"

Tsugami Shoichi asked in surprise, he didn't see Li Qinghe when he was fighting the golden turtle Unkon, but Li Qinghe's motorcycle had already stopped here at that time, so he didn't think much about it.

"I, I just came here for a while, ah, what's the matter, why are you here?"

Li Qinghe asked pretendingly.

"I should be the one asking why you are here? To be honest, it's useless to pretend to be stupid."

Feng Gu really harpooned his waist and asked angrily.

Li Qinghe was about to explain something.


Hikawa Makoto, who had already assembled the g3 armor, arrived late riding a guardchaser, and happened to see Zhenyu, Li Qinghe, and Tsugami Shoichi.

"It's dangerous here, the three of you leave quickly."

Bing Chuancheng said, this is a place where Unkon haunts!

Zhenyu glanced at Bingchuancheng, and left on a bicycle.

She didn't tell Hikawa Makoto Tsukami Shoichi that he could transform.

No matter what, it's impossible to say this kind of thing, right?It would be terrible if Xiangyi was arrested and sliced ​​for research because of this!

Subconsciously, Zhenyu was still worried about Tsugami Shoichi, but of course, she didn't realize this at the moment when she was full of thoughts.

"Please leave quickly too," Bing Chuancheng said.

Li Qinghe glanced at the armor on Bing Chuancheng's body, it was still the same.

After Li Qinghe also left, Bing Chuancheng started a search on the spot.

As the sky was getting darker, Glacier Cheng, who had unlocked the g3 system, found his hat buried in the soil with half of it exposed.

The police station has also sent people over, and immediately started excavating the location where the hat was found, and sure enough, a young body buried deep underground was found.

"It seems that this is another crime committed by Unkon." Koji Kono was in charge of recording.

"Mr. Kono, can you send someone to protect every relative of the deceased?" Hojo Toru said.

Kono Koji nodded, "Understood."

Turn around and arrange for personnel to protect the relatives of the victims.

Hojo Toru walked towards Glacier Makoto, saying

"There are more victims. As the g3 system assembler, this is your responsibility. If you can give full play to the excellent performance of the g3 system, such a thing might not happen, isn't it?"

"Yes." Bing Chuancheng said with his head down.

Could it be that these people died because of my weakness?I am not good enough!

For a while, because of Hojo Toru's light and fluffy words, Hikawa Makoto fell into deep self-blame.

Seeing Hikawa Makoto's performance, Hojo Toru raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

g3 container truck.

Bing Chuancheng sat aside and didn't speak for a long time, looking a little gloomy.

"Glacier? It's just that the Unkon has not been found. There is no need to be so frustrated, right? The new weapon system will be completed in a few days, and it will definitely give Unkon a head-on blow."

Takahiro Omuro glanced at Makoto Hikawa and said confidently.

Bingchuan raised his head and said to the two, "Can I continue to be the assembler of g3?"

He seemed to be asking them.It's like asking yourself again.

"What?" Ozawa Chengzi was stunned.

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