"If it's just the rebirth of the g3 system, it might not be enough. I'm thinking, wouldn't it be better to change the assembler?"

Glacier Cheng suggested seriously.

"What more stupid things are you talking about!"

Ozawa Chengzi was a little angry, "What did Hojo say to you? That annoying guy, you'd better stay away from him, don't take what he said seriously."

"But..." Bing Chuancheng pondered for a while, and said, "I don't think what he said is wrong."

"You, you just have too many worries." Ozawa Chengzi sighed, and said, "How can a man have so many worries, just do it boldly, he thinks you are not suitable, what you have to do is not to shrink back, but to keep asking Go ahead, fight, prove, and let everyone see that you are the most suitable assembler for the g3 system!"

At this moment, she was quite domineering.

Bingchuancheng looked up at Ozawa Chengzi, then nodded heavily

"I see!"

At this moment, the phone next to Ozawa Sumiko rang.

After Ozawa Chengzi finished answering, she said to Bing Chuancheng, "It's Ms. Sanyun from the o component. The experiment seems to have made new progress."

"I'll just click over."

Glacier nodded.

at home.

As soon as Xiangyi came in, Zhenyu took a look at him, then ran upstairs and returned to the room in a panic.

Miyama Yoshihiko seemed to see something was wrong, and said, "Shoichi, are you having a conflict with Mau?"

"It's just a misunderstanding."

Sho Tsugami touched his head, but he didn't know what to say, so he responded casually and started to wash vegetables and cook.

Li Qinghe came to the door of Zhenyu's room, called Fenggu Zhenyu out, and said, "Real fish, let's talk. "

Zhenyu heard Li Qinghe's voice and opened the door.

"You saw it too, right, Shoichi, he transformed..."

Because Zhenyu didn't know that Li Qinghe could also transform, he regarded Li Qinghe as one of his own.Say anything.

"If you can't accept that, I think I can move out with Xiangyi. I don't worry about him being alone."

Zhenyu looked at Li Qinghe and said seriously, "So, you saw it too, right. What is that?"

She was asking Tsugami Shoichi's state after his transformation.

"You can understand it as a warrior, who exists specifically to fight against evil."

Li Qinghe said.

"Isn't that a hero? What Xiangyi is doing now is to save mankind, save the world!" Zhenyu said excitedly.

As soon as Xiang passed by here, he didn't know how to explain it to Zhenyu.

She said it was so great, Xiangyi felt a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "Is that so?"

"Of course!" Real Fish said with certainty.

Xiangyi never thought of being a hero or a savior, but just wanted to protect himself and the people around him.

He didn't expect that what he was doing would become a hero in Zhenyu's mouth.

Xiang thought with all his heart, so what I am doing is so meaningful?

Ding Dong!

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

The three turned their heads and saw a well-dressed man.

"I'm Makoto Hikawa, is Mr. Misugi at home?"

Glacier asked.

"Yes, it's inside." Real Fish replied.

Li Qinghe took a look at Bingchuancheng. In fact, he still had a good impression of this person. At least he was not like Hojo Toru who backed down when he lost to Unkon.

Entering the house, Hikawa Makoto talked with Miyama Yoshihiko.

He took out a bottle containing coins and handed it to Yoshihiko Miyama.

Miyama Yoshihiko took the bottle and said calmly, "Do you think these people have special abilities?"

"I just want to ask Mr. Misugi to see if there is such a possibility."

Miyama Yoshihiko put the bottle on the table, nodded and said, "As a scholar, I will not rashly give affirmative or negative answers to unknown fields."

"Human beings do have many unknown mysteries, and what you said is not impossible."

"In other words, maybe the deceased really possessed some kind of special ability?"

Bingchuancheng asked, and then took out that strange photo.

"I don't know, how about this, put the bottle and the photo with me first, and I will give you an answer later."

"Thank you, Mr. Misugi." Makoto Bingchuan stood up and bowed.

On the bank of a river, the laughter of a family came.

Suddenly, the airplane model in the boy's hand fell into the water, and when he was about to pick it up, the river shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a golden turtle monster appeared, causing a series of splashes.

After the golden turtle Unkon finished praying, he stepped ashore and walked towards the family of four.

"What is this?"

"Who will save us!"

"Run away!"

The shouting gradually died down.

This scene was all seen by the old man who was fishing by the side.

On the other side, Makoto Glacier, who was a guest at Yoshihiko Miyama's home, received a call from Orange Ozawa.

"Yes, I'll go right now."

He replied, and then said to Miyama Yoshihiko, "Sorry, I have an urgent mission to go."

Looking at the back of Glacier Cheng leaving, Fenggu Zhenyu who was sitting on the side said with emotion, "Mr. Glacier is really busy."

Li Qinghe also came over with a teacup, seeing that Bing Chuancheng had disappeared, he probably guessed in his heart.

Is there another unkon?

Probably because the incident happened too far away from him, Li Qinghe didn't sense the existence of Unkon.

For unkon, there is a certain sensing distance, beyond a certain range, there will be no tinnitus.

But Xiangyi felt that what Fenggu Zhenyu said gave him a deep self-confidence.He is saving the citizens, an unknown hero.

Li Qinghe didn't choose to leave with Xiangyi, because Fenggu Zhenyu had been closely following him and couldn't get away.

When Sho Tsugami left, he had a very good reason, but he didn't.

When the g3 system was dispatched again, it came to nothing.

Bodies were dug out of the soil and taken to vehicles.

Hojo Toru said sarcastically, "This time there is no need to protect the family, the whole family was killed."

"I'm afraid there are still many murders that have not been discovered? The number of unkons is far more than imagined."

Bing Chuancheng stood aside, clenched his fists, and did not speak for a long time.

After receiving a call from Miyama Yoshihiko, saying that he had figured out the mystery of the coins in the bottle, Makoto Hikawa rushed to him.

"The photo should be a composite. As for the coin, it's just a very simple magic trick. Please see."

Miyama Yoshihiko said as he took out a hundred-yen coin of the same size as the bottle, put it on the mouth of the bottle, and pressed it lightly.

Ding! !

There was a crisp symphony of coins and the bottom of the bottle.

"How is this possible? Do you have special abilities, Mr. Misugi?" Makoto Bingchuan said incredulously, his eyes widening.

113 Magic?

Miyama Yoshihiko smiled and said, "Actually, what I just put in was a magic coin."

He took out a coin again, and with a light break, the coin appeared fractured and bent.

"Then, as long as you break the bottle, you can know whether the teacher is right or not."

Glacier Cheng picked up the bottle and said.

Miyama Yoshihiko nodded, "I can't ask for it."

Several people walked outside the house, Bingchuancheng put on his gloves, picked up a hammer and knocked down on the bottle.


The bottle shattered.

Bing Chuancheng picked up two coins, one of which was a magic coin, while the other was a real hundred-dollar coin.

"Looks like this, it's not magic!"

Bingchuancheng took a deep breath and said with a complicated expression.

"Having said that, I still won't assert that there are superpowers in the world."

After Miyama Yoshihiko finished speaking, he returned to the house without looking back.

As for whether he really believed it, only he himself knew.

In the park, the little girl was playing on the slide, not noticing the danger coming from behind.

The golden turtle unkon appears again!

"what is that?"

A policeman happened to pass by, and quickly hugged the little girl off the slide. He looked at Unkon in horror and kept backing away.

Misugi's house.

"Ms. Misugi, what's wrong?"

Glacier looked at Fenggu Zhenyu suspiciously.

He was chatting and laughing with Li Qinghe before, but suddenly he went back to the house, what happened?

"Ha... this..." Zhenyu didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Bingchuancheng's cell phone rang.

"Glacier, Unkon appeared."


Glacier said goodbye and left.

"Is every policeman so busy? It feels like there's always something to do, but if that's the case, why hasn't my dad's matter progressed in the past two years?"

Zhenyu thought to himself, turned his head suddenly, seemed to think of something, and ran towards the kitchen.

Xiangyi is no longer there.

Did Shoichi go to fight the monster again?Will he come back safely?

Will!Fortunately, I still have Qinghe by my side.

When Fenggu Zhenyu turned around, he found that Li Qinghe had disappeared.

At this moment, Xiangyi has already set off, because he sensed the appearance of Unkon again.

He waited for Bing Chuancheng to leave before leaving, so that he could stagger the time.

In the park, the little girl was so frightened that she fainted. The police officer led her to flee, and when she was about to be caught up, a figure stopped Unkon.

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