"I'm from the headquarters, run away."

Glacier Cheng stopped the golden turtle Unkon and said to the police officer.

In the communication system, the excited voices of Ozawa Chengzi and Omuro Takahiro came.

"This time the g3 has undergone a comprehensive sublimation. Whether it is the weapon system, explosive power, or body strength, it has all been greatly improved."

"Go to the glacier, let it see the power of the g3 system."

During this period of time, while designing the new system, Ozawa Orange also completed improvements to g3.

G3, which was originally designed for unconfirmed life forms, can now also exert a powerful power against unkon.

As an assembler, Hikawa Makoto also felt the brand-new G3, and the sense of powerlessness he had faced with Unkon before was gone.

Pushing the beetle unkon back, Cheng Bingchuan took out the weapon g01 on the guardchaser of the locomotive, and the bullet tilted wildly, setting off a burst of flames.


Unlike before, the current weapon system has been able to cause damage to unkon.

Glacier's integrity was overwhelming, and his combat literacy exploded at this moment, constantly pushing back the golden turtle Unkon.


Another silver unkon rushed out.

"This time it turned out to be two. The citizens have already left. I think it's better to evacuate."

Takahiro Omuro's voice came over the phone.

Due to Glacier Cheng's interception, the police officer and the little girl had left safely.


Although Hikawa Makoto really wants to defeat Unkon, it is obviously not a wise move to fight two against one.

It's still too late!

Unkon, the silver turtle that sprang out from the soil, hugged Bing Chuancheng's waist, while the other frantically attacked Bing Chuancheng.

"The shoulder armor is damaged, and the battery is less than 50!"

Takahiro Omuro issued a warning.

"Damn! Please evacuate as soon as possible, this is an order."

Ozawa Chengzi said that although g3 has made improvements, it is still unrealistic to fight two against one.


A golden locomotive came galloping towards the silver turtle Unkon, knocking it into the air.


The two Unkons reacted.

"It's him."

Glacier Cheng got up from the ground.

Suddenly, the golden unkon bent down, while the silver unkon stepped on the former's back and leaped high, rushing towards Li Qinghe.

Seeing this, Tsugami Sho made a short body and dodged the pounce.

Sure enough, Unkon's level of intelligence is not low, after all, it was created by the power of darkness.

"I'll leave the silver one to you, and I'll take the rest."

After Xiang finished speaking, he rushed towards the golden unkon.

"Just try the flame form."

While his body turned red, Shoichi took out the flame saber, an exclusive weapon in the form of flame, from the Philosopher's Stone.

Shoichi's Philosopher's Stone and Godai Yusuke's Yamadam Spirit Stone are two completely different things.

Transformed into a flame form, the vision and hearing are greatly enhanced, and the strength is also increased.

Glacier Cheng was full of problems, took out the gs03 from the motorcycle, and installed it on his right wrist.

GS-03 is also called Destroyer, it is an ultra-high frequency shock sword, and it is also a melee weapon of the G3 system.

The two unkons were not to be outdone, a purple halo emerged, the golden unkon took out the stick of judgment, and the silver one took out the whip of the evil eye.

Sho Tsugami held the flame saber in one hand, and kept slashing at the golden unkon until the opponent was powerless to fight back.

Even though the golden unkon took out his weapon, he couldn't stop his decline, and sparks kept splashing on his body.

"Flame cut."

Seeing that the time was right, Tsugami Shoichi made a sure kill.

The pair of sharp corners on the hilt of the flame saber turned into three pairs, and then a sword slashed down, and the golden unkon was directly wiped out.

On the other hand, Makoto Bingchuan has almost played well. After all, it is an enhanced g3, and it is not a big problem to fight such an early mob.

Seeing that Glacier Cheng was about to launch a howitzer to give Unkon a fatal blow, the remaining Unkon flickered slightly, and easily escaped Glacier Cheng's grenade attack.

Li Qinghe was watching the battle in secret, and couldn't help shaking his head. The g3 system still needs to be improved.

Shoichi transforms into the earth form, the upper horns of his head are unfolded, and the knight kick is activated.


The tortoise's shell cracked open, and a second flame appeared.

However, after only one battle, the g3 system has been improved to the current state, and Li Qinghe still admires it very much.

"It's no wonder that she is a genius girl with an IQ above 180, and she has improved g3 to such a degree in such a short period of time."

Li Qinghe said that he sincerely admires Ozawa Chengzi, the genius who once designed g4 that reached the realm of gods.

As an ordinary person, he can create armor that can counter Agito, which is worthy of the name of a genius.

Hikawa Makoto returned to the G3 container truck and told Ozawa Sumiko what had just happened.

"From Agito's tone, it seems that he knows you, Ms. Ozawa. Could it be someone you know in real life?" Takahiro Omuro said.

"I'm not sure either."

Ozawa Chengzi said, but she was quickly looking through the list of people she knew in her heart.

Ozawa Orange and Omuro Takahiro were watching the previous battle video.

"It seems that agito has no intention of being our enemy." Ozawa Chengzi said.

"Yes, I have saved me several times." Bing Chuancheng also agreed with Ozawa Chengzi's statement.

Takahiro Omuro put forward a different opinion, "Nevertheless, it cannot be concluded hastily that he is a companion."

"makes sense."

Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Chengzi nodded.

They still know too little about agito, and even though they have been rescued several times, they still cannot completely let go of their guard.You know, the unconfirmed life body No. [-] was once a friend of the police.

But in the end, they still chose to destroy the world, although they don't know if there is something that they don't understand.But in the end, Sora chose to destroy the world.

"Agito's identity is getting more and more interesting."

Ozawa Chengzi said to herself.

o Component Institute.

No one is empty.


The door was opened, and Ms. Sanyun walked in, came to the incubator, and looked at the gene culture solution from 3 years ago.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!


There was the sound of glass breaking.

The bottle containing the genetic culture solution cracked, and a dazzling light emitted.

Indistinctly, there was a baby crying.

After the light dissipated, Miss Sanyun was stunned when she saw it.

The culture fluid was gone, replaced by a naked baby.

And, on the baby's right hand, there was a strange black birthmark engraved.

How can this be?

It's just some body, how can it give birth to life?

Miss Sanyun's heart was beating wildly, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

Suddenly, the baby looked at her with calm and calm eyes.

A sense of dizziness came, and Miss Sanyun lay down on the table and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again, where was the baby?

Only the small footprints on the ground proved that what she had seen before was by no means a dream.

Misugi's house.

When it was time to leave school, Fenggu Zhenyu returned home as usual.

"True fish, what happened to the last exam, uncle is very interested."

Miyama Yoshihiko who was sitting on the sofa laughed.

"Are you sure you want to watch it?" Real Fish confirmed again.

"Of course, as the guardian of the real fish, you should be concerned about things like academic performance."

Miyama Yoshihiko said.


Zhenyu reluctantly took out the test paper from his school bag.

Miyama Yoshihiko looked at the two test papers "42" and "100" in his hand, and shook his head, "The partial subject is very serious, why don't I find you a tutor?"

"This...isn't it necessary?" Zhenyu said.

"You are already a high school student, and it will be very difficult to go to college at this rate, so it is decided that uncle will find you a tutor to tutor you some other day."

Miyama Yoshihiko's words are still very important.

Seeing that his uncle was so persistent, Zhenyu dared not refute, so he could only agree.

Li Qinghe at the side couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhenyu's deflated appearance.

"Speaking of which, could Qinghe be a student of a certain university before he lost his memory?"

Makoto asked suddenly.

Taiyi also turned his gaze to Li Qinghe at this time, sighed and said, "I really envy Qinghe, who lives without homework every day.".

"Well, maybe it is."

Li Qinghe nodded in response.

Chapter 114 The Black God Appears

"Why don't you teach me?"

Zhenyu said, "Perhaps Qinghe had good grades before?"


At this time, it was Li Qinghe's turn to be in trouble, not to mention how different the education systems of the island country and the Hua country are, just the past few years, the previous knowledge has almost been returned to the teacher.

If you don't believe me, you can ask, how many juniors and seniors can get high marks in high school test papers?

Looking at Zhenyu's expectant little eyes, Li Qinghe didn't understand why, this girl made it clear that she didn't want any tutor, and used herself as a shield.

Of course, Li Qinghe chose to refuse this kind of request very bluntly.

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