He said righteously, "For a person who has lost his memory, it is really embarrassing for me to have a huge amount of knowledge. Zhenyu, I think you should follow your uncle's advice."

Mau Kazetani looked at Shoichi Tsugami who was on the side, but he smiled and shook his head, obviously not helping her.

Even the last helper was lost, and Zhenyu put on a bitter face.

As for Tai Yi, he didn't even have time to gloat, so how could he help himself?

Seongbuk University.

A swimming coach was training students when he suddenly received a call from Ryo Ashihara, and his expression became panicked.

Wei Yuanliang, who was once his best student, was his pride.

Although there were some problems in the last competition, he never thought of giving up this most proud disciple.

Until yesterday, he saw that scene that he will never forget.

Ryo Ashihara is no longer what he was before.

Taking a deep breath, the coach connected the phone.

"Coach, do you have time to talk? I don't quite understand how to live from now on." Wei Yuanliang's voice came from the other end of the phone.

You shouldn't have come to ask me how to live in the future!

You monster!

For a while, the coach thought a lot, but he was afraid of angering Wei Yuanliang. Although he thought that Wei Yuanliang would not hurt himself, he just felt scared for no reason.

That is a monster that is very similar to half a century ago!How could he not be afraid? It would have been good if he hadn't called the police.

In the end, he said softly, "Of course, I'll be waiting for you at the training ground."

After hanging up the phone, he found other students and said, "If Liang comes to me, you will say that I am not here. No matter what method you use, you must drive him away."

Although the other students didn't know what happened between the two, they still nodded.

Ryo Ashihara is the best among them, but they don't like Ryo, so it's best to take this opportunity to humiliate her.

There is also the reason why Ku Fangliang is usually too proud and does not pay attention to interpersonal relationships.If the wind is beautiful in the forest, it must be destroyed.

The coach hid aside.

No matter what kind of friendship he had at the beginning, when he saw Wei Yuanliang's state, everything in the past was no longer important.

He was really scared, maybe he would not see each other again, nor hear the name Aisha Ryo, so that he could feel better.

In the end, Wei Yuanliang saw the coach, but the coach didn't see him.

Liang didn't blame the coach, after all, even he was a little afraid of himself now, let alone other people?

He didn't know exactly what changed in himself, if possible, he was unwilling to bear this power.

Ryo Ashihara came home and took out a photo from the drawer.

A picture of him with a girl.

After a long time, the photos were put back in the drawer.

Should I go find her?

o Component Institute.

All the instruments had been boxed, and the researchers were all gone, leaving Ms. Sanyun smoking in the empty research institute alone.

"Miss Sanyun, didn't you say that the research has made new progress? What's going on now?"

Bing Chuancheng came to the research institute with puzzlement written on his face.

"As you can see, the research failed and no data was obtained. Naturally, there is no need for the Institute to continue to exist."

"Did something happen?" Bing Chuancheng asked.

"No, nothing happened, the experiment just failed, that's all."

Miss Sanyun turned her back to Bing Chuancheng, and took a sip of the cigarette that was about to burn out in her hand.She couldn't understand, what happened to that child?It is definitely not my own hallucination, the broken test tube can prove that it is not an hallucination.

But what about the kid?

Bingchuancheng felt that something was wrong, but since the person concerned refused to say anything, there was no need for him to stay here.

Perhaps, clues can be found from other researchers.

Bingchuancheng thought in his heart and left the research institute.

Misugi's house.

"My governess?"

Real fish looked at a girl brought back by his uncle, and said doubtfully.

"Yes, the best student in my university, Katahira Mayumi."

"Please give me more advice in the future." Mayumi, who was wearing a white turtleneck, said with a smile.

Zhenyu said a little unhappy, "Uncle, you're moving too fast, aren't you?"

Almost to the point that she wasn't even a bit prepared.

"Isn't it because your grades worry me?"

Miyama Yoshihiko raised his eyebrows and picked up the 42-point answer sheet in his hand.


Zhenyu has no reason to refute this time.

On the side, Taiyi arched Li Qinghe's arm, "Miss Mayumi is very cute, what do you think, Xiangyi?"

"Generally speaking, real fish are cuter."

Li Qinghe replied casually.

In the end, he was scorned by the brat Tai Yi, "Brother Qinghe, what kind of vision do you think that my sister is cute? On the contrary, I think homework is even cuter than my sister."

After Taichi finished speaking, he ran back to his room to do his homework.

is it?

As soon as Tsugami Sho heard the conversation between Li Qinghe and Taiyi, he thought so too, scratching his head, is it really my aesthetic problem?

It's not too tangled, it's time to water the vegetables.

Shoichi Tsugami got up and walked towards the vegetable garden.

There is an open space among the tall buildings, which gradually becomes a paradise for children.

Some people played football, and some children played in the soft sand. The adults stood aside in harmony.

Suddenly, a cry from high above caught their attention.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and a man suddenly appeared in the sky, and his body was constantly falling.

"what is that?"

"Looks like someone fell off."

"Is it dead?"


In the evening, the bloody setting sun hangs high in the sky.

At the end of the first day of class, Zhenyu took Li Qinghe to send Mayumi home.

Li Qinghe had no choice but to follow out.

He didn't speak along the way, and looked at the city quietly.

For a long time, he seldom came out and stayed at home all the time. He was very happy and afraid when he was with Zhenyu.

On the contrary, he didn't take a good look at the city where he had lived for two years.

It wasn't very prosperous, but the real touch of the ground under his feet made him inexplicably feel at ease.

If you die, you will lose all your senses, right?

He has lived two lives, but he has not lived enough without having tasted death.

There was a constant buzzing sound in my ears, it was the voice of two women talking.

"Hey, Qinghe, why are you in a daze, Teacher Mayumi is leaving."

Zhenyu poked Li Qinghe's waist.

Li Qinghe came back to his senses and found that Mayumi was already standing in the car and was about to leave.

"Oh, goodbye Miss Mayumi."

"See you."

As the train started, Mayumi's figure drifted away.

"Qinghe, why don't you speak? Is it because Teacher Mayumi is so beautiful that you feel pressured?"

Real Fish asked curiously.

"No, I don't like her type."

Li Qinghe didn't want to get entangled in this issue, turned around and said at the same time, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

On the other side, the open space where the man fell was controlled by the police.

"The victim's name is Kataira Kuo, 56 years old, living in Kagoshima City, and came to Tokyo for work."

Senior police officer Kono Koji stated, "Someone witnessed the victim's fall, but we don't know where he fell from."

"There is an open area around here, so it's impossible to jump off a building, and it's impossible to commit a crime?"

Hikawa Makoto said, then turned to look at Toru Hojo, "Mr. Hojo, please send someone to protect the relatives of the victims."

Hojo nodded and said, "It is easy to protect the relatives of the deceased, but the problem is how to deal with the repeated damage to the u3 system."

"Even last time, Police Officer Glacier was equipped with an enhanced G3 system, but in the end he relied on Agito to save his life."

"Now is not the time to discuss personal grievances."

Hikawa Makoto didn't want to entangle Hojo Touta on this issue.

Ozawa Chengzi has told Hikawa Makoto that Hojo Toru was the first to propose to be an assembler, but in the end he was rejected, and he inevitably felt resentful towards himself.

"You think I'm discussing personal grievances?" Hojo smiled, and said, "I'll ask my superiors about the candidates for the assemblers."

"I won't let go easily." Bing Chuancheng said.

In the past, he might have doubted himself and would give up the fight, but now, he decided to persevere. He is sincere and no worse than others.

He can do a good job, whether it's a g3 system fitter or otherwise.

Hikawa Makoto looked at Hojo Toru with firm and solemn eyes.

"Very well, you are much better now than before, and you won't be too annoying to me."

Hojo Toru nodded and turned to deal with other things.

Hikawa Makoto looked at Hojo Toru, this was the first time he regarded the other party as a competitor.

Then he walked up to Kono Koji and asked, "Mr. Kono, how is the investigation going?"

"Well, the deceased's daughter happened to be studying at university in Tokyo. She was a girl named Katahira Mayumi."

As a senior criminal police officer, Koji Kono can find information at the speed of light.

"Can you tell me more about her condition?"


Several days passed in a row.

In the past few days, Li Qinghe could always feel that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching them, but whenever he wanted to look for them, the other party disappeared. .

Li Qinghe probably knew who it was.

Such a dedicated person is the only honest person like Bing Chuancheng, right?This couldn't help but reminded him of Hojo Kaoru.

Chapter 115 The Second Rider Appears

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