Wait, who is Kaoru Hojo?Li Qinghe fell into deep thought.

Soon, it was time for Mayumi to end her homework tutoring.

As usual, Mayu and Li Qinghe are going to send Mayumi to the station.

As soon as he went out, Zhenyu noticed a figure flashing by a corner not far away.

"Qinghe, I seemed to see someone there just now. Is it Shilang?"

The real fish said worriedly.

Li Qinghe almost laughed out loud.

Bingchuancheng, who was hiding behind the wall, was mistaken for a wolf, and his face was not very good at the moment.

But this was his job, and it was not the first time he was misunderstood, and he recovered quickly.

Mayumi bowed to Li Qinghe, with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

In the car.

"Thank you for taking me home."

Mayumi said to Hikawa Makoto.

She still doesn't know that her father has been killed.

Bing Chuancheng didn't intend to tell her right now, so he lied casually, "It's okay, I'll be on my way anyway."

Car back seat.

"So why did the two of us come with us?"

Li Qinghe was puzzled.

"Qinghe, don't you think there is something wrong with the two of them? Mr. Glacier is hiding behind the wall and throwing sunflowers. It can't be because of us, right?"

The real fish said in a low voice.

Li Qinghe glanced at her in surprise.

When did Zhenyu become such a gossip, could it be because of his own influence?

But I don't like gossip either!

"So, does Mayumi-sensei have a boyfriend?"

Real Fish suddenly asked.

"It should be counted."

Mayumi herself was a little uncertain.

"It has been gone for a long time, and he probably values ​​his dreams more than me."

"Such a man... Does Mayumi-sensei still like him?"

As soon as Zhenyu finished speaking, the car stopped.

Mayumi's residence has arrived.

Mayu was still waiting for Mayumi's answer.

Mayumi turned her gaze, saw the familiar figure, got out of the car and walked over.

"Is that Teacher Mayumi's boyfriend?" Mayu looked over curiously.

Li Qinghe also noticed the man.

Ryo Ashihara!

The human body of the agito subspecies gills.

"Sorry, I still have work to do, so I can only send you here."


Li Qinghe and Fenggu Zhenyu got out of the car and watched Bingchuancheng leave.

"Mr. Glacier is very mature, such a man is attractive, Qinghe, what do you think?"

Zhenyu said casually, but there was a strange look in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to Qinghe's answer.

Qinghe nodded nonchalantly.

He didn't listen carefully at all, let alone notice the real fish's emotions at the moment.

Because Bing Chuancheng wandered around the house for a few days, Li Qinghe naturally knew that it was because Mayumi was being targeted by Unkon.

Since Bing Chuancheng was on the sidelines, it was not easy for Li Qinghe to intervene.But it's okay to hand it over to Shoichi Tsugami.

Before gaining the trust of the police, he will not reveal his identity easily.

If you expose your identity, you have to face the police on the one hand and deal with Unkon on the other, then it will be troublesome.

On the other side, Mayumi had separated from Ryo Ashihara and was walking home alone.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing around, and a male poisonous snake unkon came towards Mayumi from far and near.

At the same time, after driving back here, Glacier Cheng, who had been lying in ambush in the corner, found Unkon appeared and ran out quickly.

"Run away, get out of here!"

He guarded Mayumi behind his back, and then took out his cell phone.

"I am Glacier, requesting to dispatch the G3 system."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange hand had already arrived in front of him.


A huge force hit, and Bingchuancheng was directly sent flying, only feeling severe pain all over his body.

"Miss Kadaira, run!"

Bingchuancheng endured the pain, straightened up and said.

The male unkon didn't care about Hikawa Makoto, but walked straight towards Mayumi, which was its goal.

"do not come."

Mayumi was so frightened that she fell to the ground, screamed in horror, and kept backing away.

She had never seen Unkon before, and she was terrified.

How could there be such a monster? !

As the unkon kept approaching, Mayumi subconsciously closed her eyes.

The imaginary pain did not come, a golden locomotive rushed over quickly, forcing Unkon back.

It's not too late.

Sho Tsugami, who realized that nukno had already transformed, thought to himself.


In the attic, a boy in all black watched the battle.He is the resurrected Black God.

Has the power of darkness awakened?

Tsugami Shoichi also noticed him, but he didn't look at him deliberately. Even though the opponent hadn't fully grown at the moment, Tsugami Shoichi wasn't half sure that he could beat him.

Even the intensity of attacking Unkon has been reduced a bit.

Agito has the ability to evolve infinitely.

While Unkon took out the Judgment Rod, Tsugami Shoichi also transformed into a storm form, holding the Storm Halberd with both hands.

"Ha ha……"

A strange laugh sounded from behind, it was a female poisonous snake Unkon.

Under the attack from both sides, Sho Tsugami was not afraid at all, and quickly pushed them back.

The weird laughter sounded again, and I saw the female Unkon stroked the index finger of her right hand with her left hand, and a strong wind hit out of thin air.

When the wind dissipated, Unkon had long since disappeared.

At the same time as Unkon appeared, Ryo Ashihara, who was walking halfway, suddenly fell to the ground and rolled over, with severe abdominal pain.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in his eyes, and the skin tissue of his arm also changed quietly.

His awakening process has come to an end!

"Miss Kadaira!"

When Unkon was repelled, Hikawa Makoto hurriedly walked to Mayumi's side and found that she had passed out due to excessive fright.

Bingchuancheng quickly carried her into the car and was about to take her to the hospital.

There is no other way, she has already met Unkon, and the news of her father's death should be announced.

Shoichi Tsugami didn't stay any longer, and left after forcing Unkon back.

Soon, night falls.


After waking up from the hospital bed, Mayumi couldn't bear the news of her father's death for a while, and the only person she could think of was Ryo Aisha.

Ryo Ashihara rushed over after receiving Mayumi's call.

"Tell me, what happened?" Wei Yuanliang said softly.

Mayumi looked at the watch in her hand, was very sad, and said in a choked voice

"This watch was a birthday present I gave to my father last year. The police just brought it over and said that my father was dead. Although they didn't tell me the cause of death, I know that my father must have been killed by it."

"You said it was..."

"I don't know, it's not a human being, a creature I've never seen before."

"Not human?" Wei Yuanliang's expression became a little weird.

Is it the same creature as me?

Just when Wei Yuanliang was thinking wildly, Mayumi hugged Wei Yuanliang, "You will always be with me, right? I have lost my father, and I don't want to lose anyone around me."

I?Now, can I really be by your side all the time?

Of course Ryo Ashihara is willing, but he is afraid, afraid that Mayumi, like the coach, will find out that she has become a monster, so she will abandon everything in the past and no longer have any contact with herself.

If possible, he hoped that Mayumi would never find out.

g3 container truck.

"Saved by agito again?"

Ozawa Chengzi looked at Bing Chuancheng and said.

"Yes, and he was clearly protecting the woman who was attacked."

Glacier nodded and said.

"In this way, we should be able to confirm Agito as a companion, right?" Takahiro Omuro said from the side.

"Well, I've been rescued several times, so I can confirm it. It's just that I'm more interested in his identity."

Ozawa Chengzi smiled, and then said to Bingchuancheng, "Don't change it, number two did the same thing at the beginning. But when you fight Unkon in the future, you can try to cooperate with Agito as much as possible to see if you can confirm his human body."


Bingchuancheng said that if Agito's body is human, he really wants to see it.

Must be a bright and alert excellent man, right?

He never thought it would be, that person would be Shoichi Tsugami who looked dumbfounded.

On the other side, under the comfort of Ashihara Ryo, Mayumi had fallen asleep, and Ryo walked out of the hospital and stopped on a bridge on a motorcycle.

The evening wind was very noisy, but it couldn't get rid of the growing irritability in his heart.

In the future... what should I do?

He was very scared, afraid that Mayumi would leave him if he found out.

I don't know how to continue living in the world if I become a monster in the end.

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