He is a lonely person, and now he has nothing, and being recognized by Mayumi again has become his happiest thing recently.

I will protect you.

Ashihara Ryo swore in his heart.

Now, he just wants to find his father who has been missing for two years, and then live with Mayumi for the rest of his life.

Such an ordinary life is already his greatest luxury.

Misugi's house.

As soon as Tsugami Shoichi returned home, Mau couldn't wait to come over and ask, "Shoichi, where have you been, did Unkon appear again?"

The name unkon was told to her by Shoichi Tsugami.

"No." Sho Tsugami shook his head and said, "I just went to meet someone else."

"Others? I don't remember Shoichi having other friends, could it be Mayumi-sensei?"

Mako looked at Shoichi Tsugami with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Not her."

The previous sentence made Mao breathe a sigh of relief, but what Shoichi Tsugami said next made her look weird again.

"It's her boyfriend."

As soon as Tsugami Sho finished speaking, he returned to the room.

Real fish looked at Tsugami Shoichi's back as he went upstairs, and stomped his feet secretly.

And you said you don't like Mayumi-sensei?

They all ran to find their boyfriends!

After spending a few days in peace, Mayumi finally resumed her lessons.

"I'm sorry, I haven't come to class these days, anyway I'm afraid to go out."

Mayumi said.

"It's okay, Mayumi-sensei, I was worried when I heard that you had an accident." Mayu said.

"Stable mentality, not all mysterious creatures are bad, maybe there are some that are close to humans?"

Li Qinghe who was sitting by the side said something for no reason.

"Huh?" Mayumi was taken aback.

Zhenyu directly covered Li Qinghe's mouth with his hand, "This guy has amnesia, and his mind has been a little unclear, so let's treat it as nonsense."

After Fenggu Zhenyu finished speaking, he gave Li Qinghe an angry look.

She thought that the mysterious creature Li Qinghe mentioned was Tsugami Shoichi.

Chapter 116 The Hard-pressed Battle

Li Qinghe sighed.

In fact, he was talking about Wei Yuanliang.

As the hardest male supporting role in the original book, he still hopes to change a little under his own interference.

On the street, a gust of wind swept across, blowing the hat of a male pedestrian to the ground.

The man looked towards the windy place, and a strange man with red skin was smiling at him.

Viper unkon girl!

Suddenly, a strange red vortex appeared behind the man, generating a strong suction.

The man's body moved towards the whirlpool involuntarily.

When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that he had arrived at an altitude of [-] meters.


There were screams in the air.

On the other side, Hikawa Makoto came to visit after learning that Mayumi was at Misugi's house.

It was Shoichi Tsugami who opened the door.

"It's Shoichi-kun, right?"

Hikawa Makoto has met Tsugami Shoichi several times.

"Please come in."

Li Qinghe said that in order to prevent too much contact, he has been sitting quietly by the side all the time, keeping his mouth shut.at this time,

"Mr. Qinghe, are you usually so talkative?"

Glacier asked sincerely.

"Ah, Qinghe is a bit weird. Mr. Hikawa is here to see Mayumi-sensei, right? You talk to Xiang, and Qinghe and I won't disturb the two of you."

Zhenyu smiled awkwardly and took Li Qinghe away.

"Strange person, but what's with the unexpected familiarity?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Bingchuancheng's heart.

Only Hikawa Makoto and Mayumi were left in the room.

"Special power? I haven't seen it before."

Facing Hikawa Makoto's question, Mayumi shook her head.

"Do you mean that my father was killed because he was different from ordinary people? My father was killed by that monster, right? What happened?"

Mayumi is desperate to know the truth.

Bing Chuancheng shook his head and said, "I don't know, everything is still unclear."

He was also very helpless, even the police did not have any accurate information yet.

After the conversation ended, Bingchuancheng left.

Hojo Toru was waiting downstairs. Seeing Hikawa Makoto come out at this moment, he stepped forward and said, "Mr. Hikawa, Unkon has appeared again. The victim this time has nothing to do with Mr. Katahira who was killed last time."

"Understood, let's try to protect his family as well."

Glacier Cheng opened the car door and prepared to go to the scene of the crime.

Hojo Toru's next words interrupted his movement, "I know, about your past."

"I once again asked my superiors about whether Mr. Glacier is suitable to be a G3 system assembler, but was rejected by the superiors."

"However, I inadvertently got information about your past. It turns out that you are the hero of the 'Dawn Incident'. "

"It was originally an event that had to be sealed. The headquarters gave you the qualifications of the g3 assembler to keep it secret. In simple terms, it means that you took bribes, right?"

Hikawa Makoto smiled, and said nonchalantly on the surface, "So Mr. Hojo is so concerned about my affairs? Then why don't you go and find out, what was my dinner yesterday?"

I have to say that his personality has changed a lot, but after all, he couldn't ignore Hojo Toru's words.

Regarding the matter of being a g3 assembler, he already had a grudge in his heart.

I was bribed?

Bingchuancheng kept asking himself in his heart.

g3 container truck.

Seeing Bing Chuancheng's preoccupied look, Ozawa Chengzi couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Hikawa Makoto hesitated for a while, but still told the whole story of Hojo Toru's words to him.

When Ozawa Chengzi heard it, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was a big deal, you don't have to take what that guy from Hojo said."

"But, what he said seems to be right." Bing Chuancheng still couldn't convince himself.

"You are limited by his words."

Ozawa Chengzi came to the front, looked at Bingchuancheng and said, "Because you are the hero of the Tianliang incident, and because of your dedication, you became a g3 system assembler, just like getting paid for a job, you get what you pay for. Isn't it justified?"

When Bingchuancheng heard it, he raised his head and looked at Ozawa Chengzi, "I seem to understand a little bit."

"Miss Ozawa, you are really a smart person."

After finishing speaking, Bingchuancheng stood up and bowed to Ozawa.

"It's not that I'm smart, it's that you are too clumsy to struggle with such a trivial matter for so long."

Ozawa Chengzi's light words seemed to be pierced in Bing Chuancheng's heart.

"Clumsy? You mean me?"

Bing Chuancheng pointed at himself with one hand, stepped forward and asked.

No matter how bad he is, he can't be a clumsy person, can he?

Glacier couldn't help feeling a little angry.

"Sure enough, he is a clumsy person."

Ozawa Chengzi once again confirmed.

By the river, Ashihara Ryo and Mayumi were sitting together, blowing the cool sea breeze.

The breeze was blowing, and the river was calm.

Mayumi looked at the scenery in front of her and said with emotion, "Looking at it this way, the world is really peaceful. What happened yesterday is like a dream."

Sitting on the bench, Kukiryo looked up at Mayumi and said, "Don't worry, I will be by your side."

Wei Yuanliang thought in his heart, I will protect your safety like a hero, if you need me.

If it is for Mayumi, he can accept the new self and fight against the so-called unkon.

Mayumi nodded and smiled.

"By the way, Liang, you haven't told me why you left the swimming team? Actually, I'm happy to support you."

Walking along the river, Mayumi asked.

At the same time, in a certain corner, Toru Hojo and Koji Kono watched everything.

Suddenly, they saw a blue figure appear.


It's the male snake type unkon from before!

Hastily yelled at Ashihara Ryo and Mayumi, "Run away!"

When the two heard the shout, they subconsciously fled to the side.


A look of fear appeared on Hojo Toru's face, and the last time he almost died at the hands of Unkon was still vivid in his memory.

But as a policeman, he still gritted his teeth and followed Koji Kono.

Two bullets shot out quickly, and just as they were about to hit Unkon's body, they were disintegrated instantly.

"Tell the g3 team about the situation."

Kono Koji said to Hojo Toru while firing continuously.

This unkon didn't pay attention to the two of them at all, and knocked them out with one punch.

It didn't take long to catch up with Ashihara Ryo and Mayumi again.

This time, I won't back down!

Ryo Ashihara rushed forward and wrestled with the male Unkon.

"Mayumi, although you may leave me after seeing her, I still want to show my truest self in front of you."

"Didn't you ask me why I left the swim team? That's the answer."

Wei Yuanliang felt that his abdomen was getting hotter and more painful, but now he no longer resisted, but longed for this power.

Awaken, the power hidden in my body.

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