Suddenly, light bloomed, and a green belt appeared on the abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, the original Ryo Ashihara disappeared, replaced by a strange man with a full body of green armor, a pair of red compound eyes and a pair of green sharp horns.

agito subspecies, gills!


For a while, Mayumi couldn't accept it.

Even though it was to save herself, she still couldn't accept the current Wei Yuanliang.

In a panic, she ran away in a hurry.

Still unacceptable?

Liang also felt a little uncomfortable, and turned to look at Unkon in front of him.

After Ashihara Ryo transformed into gills, he felt his whole body was full of strength.

In his heart, he just wanted to defeat Unkon in front of him.


The cool mouthpiece opened and let out a roar, the sharp corners at the top were fully opened, and at the same time a sharp claw appeared on the right hand.

claws of gills!

With a strange cry, Ryo continued to attack, even though Unkon held the Judgment Rod, he couldn't resist.

For a moment, Unkon was a little scared.

"Don't try to escape!"

Ryo chased him out, seeing that victory was just around the corner.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up and made him stop.

Immediately afterwards, a red figure appeared, holding a long whip, it was another female unkon.


Ryo didn't seem to know how to be afraid, and rushed forward with another roar.

The male unkon resisted with the stick of judgment.

At the same time, behind Liang, the whip of evil had already struck him.


The whip hit him, a series of flames burst out, and Ryo was knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this opportunity, the male unkon directly inserted the stick of judgment into his throat.


Ryo wanted to get up, but couldn't.

Could it be that I am going to die in Unkon's hands?

He struggled hard, but to no avail.

At this moment, Shoichi Tsugami who transformed into agito finally arrived and rushed over on his motorcycle.


The male unkon was knocked into the air.

"It's you."

Ryo Ashihara stood up and recognized Agito.

"Let's deal with them first."

Shoichi Tsugami walked towards the male Unkon who was knocked to the ground.

Now, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he can easily deal with this kind of miscellaneous soldiers.

After a few rounds, it was difficult for the male Unkon to even get up.

The top corner of Agito's head opened, and the hexagonal dragon pattern appeared under his feet, and then jumped high.

Knight kick!


With a bang, Unkon was reduced to ashes.

Then, it was easier for the two to work together to deal with the other.

After the battle, Ashihara Ryo turned back into a human body and walked towards Tsugami Shoichi.

"This is the second time senior has helped me." Wei Yuanliang said.


Sho Tsugami, who was still in the form of agito land, was taken aback.

Wei Yuanliang took it for granted, "Yes, you have helped me so much, shouldn't you be called senior?"


Tsugami Shoichi nodded calmly on the surface, this is the first time someone called himself that.

He was already happy in his heart.

Obviously, the word "senior" made him a little flustered.

"Speaking of which, I also want to be a person like my predecessors. I have a firm belief. Even though I became a new life, I didn't shrink back because of it. Instead, I faced it all bravely."

Ashihara Ryo said with some envy.

Shoichi Tsugami lifted the transformation, "That's because I am on the side of justice, protecting people from the threat of unkon. Although other people don't know my identity at present, isn't that better? A hero is always alone."

Chapter 117 Meeting Ozawa

After Sho Tsugami left, a head poked out from behind a box not far away.


Has she left yet?

"Leng, maybe I can't fully accept it now, can you give me some time?"

The wind brushed her cheeks, and nervousness overflowed her entire face.

She was still scared, but she always believed that those two unkons killed her father, and just now, Ryo and another weirdo avenged her.

Maybe it was because of this reason, or maybe it was because Ryo stood up for her at the expense of revealing her identity.

In short, Mayumi is in a very complicated mood now.

"Of course, if you want."

Ashihara Ryo was overjoyed.

Mayumi is willing to try to accept him, what could be more gratifying than that?

Night is coming.

The train was about to enter the station, and Ms. Sanyun stopped and waited for the train to pass.

At this moment, she saw a boy in black on the opposite side looking at her intently.

Miss Sanyun felt strangely familiar.

Suddenly, the picture of the baby in the laboratory appeared in my mind.

"Could it be..."

She couldn't help but associate the two together.


The train pulled into the station, and Ms. Sanyun's vision was blocked.

When the train passed and the gate opened, she hurried to the other side of the road, but the child was gone.

She was puzzled, as a scientist, she should not have believed such a thing.

How can a newborn child complete the growth progress of others for several years in just a few days?

But she had to believe that a bottle of genetic fluid could give birth to a new life, what else was impossible?

By this time, the child had already arrived at another place.

Not far away, Wei Yuanliang was walking on the road, and suddenly felt his body became more and more tired, as if his vitality was about to be exhausted.

He suddenly looked at his hands, and found that the backs of his hands were full of wrinkles, as if he had suddenly entered old age.

"How is this going?"

Ryo looked at the changes in her body in shock, and after much deliberation, there was only one reason.

That transformation during the day has side effects!


Breathing became more and more rapid, eyelids gradually became heavy, and consciousness gradually became blurred.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he saw a boy in black walking towards him.


Early the next morning.

"I am leaving."

Li Qinghe said to the other four people, and then walked out of the house.

"What's wrong with Qinghe today? He didn't buy vegetables or cook, and he didn't eat with us. It's really outrageous."

Taichi muttered.

"Everyone has something on their minds, even Qinghe is no exception."

Miyama Yoshihiko said with emotion, "Also, young people should go out more."

Naturally, Li Qinghe would not tell them that today was his birthday, and it was also Shoichi Tsugami's birthday.

Misugi's family also celebrated their own birthday, but counted on the day they met themselves at the beach.

Let's walk around, Li Qinghe chose a direction and walked forward aimlessly.

Li Qinghe didn't know what he was going to do either.Where to go, just wandering aimlessly.

Looking at the time, before I knew it, it was almost noon.

Time to find a place to eat.

Touching his stomach, Li Qinghe thought to himself.

After finding a restaurant at random, Li Qinghe walked in.

I saw a woman in a police uniform, picking up a large glass of beer, and pouring it into her mouth. That's a lot of alcohol!A person who has been immersed in wine all year round may not be comparable to Ozawa oranges.

There is only Ozawa Chengzi who drinks in such a bold way.

In a blink of an eye, the beer in the glass has bottomed out.

"Waiter, have another glass of draft beer."

While talking, Ozawa Chengzi turned his head, just in time to see Li Qinghe who had just walked through the door.

"You are... Lord Qinghe?"

Ozawa Chengzi looked at Li Qinghe and said.

Li Qinghe originally wanted to leave and change to another store, but since the other party said so, wouldn't it be easier for Ozawa to become suspicious if he left again?

After laughing twice, Li Qinghe walked into the store and sat opposite Ozawa Chengzi.

Li Qinghe and Ozawa Chengzi knew each other and had met several times.

Because Ozawa Orange had visited Miyama Yoshihiko several times.

"You don't look very well, are you sick?"

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