Ozawa Chengzi was puzzled.

After a pause of two seconds, Li Qinghe nodded and said, "I just didn't sleep well yesterday."

"Qinghe is really cute, just as cute as Xiangyi."

Ozawa Chengzi laughed and said that compared to mature men who are sophisticated, she prefers dull boys.

cute?talk about me?

Li Qinghe didn't know how to respond.

Ozawa Chengzi continued.

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you."

Li Qinghe didn't refuse either.

"Then a beef rice bowl will be fine."

While eating lunch, the two chatted casually.

After lunch, Ozawa Chengzi still had a lot of work to do, so he didn't stay any longer.

Before leaving, she said, "Why didn't I find Qinghe so cute before? By the way, I should be more careful recently."

Li Qinghe nodded, he knew that Ozawa Chengzi was referring to Unkon.

As soon as Ozawa Chengzi walked out of the store, Li Qinghe suddenly felt a strange tinnitus.

Unkon appears!

At the same time, Li Qinghe noticed that Ozawa Chengzi seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly ran forward quickly.

At the same time, many people screamed in panic and fled behind.

Li Qinghe also rushed out, and saw a leopard unkon walking towards a young and beautiful girl directly in front of him, Li Qinghe was hesitating whether to transform or not.

Obviously, this girl is the target of its trip.

However, there was no trace of panic on the girl's face. Seeing that everyone around her had run away, she stretched her palm forward, as if to activate something.

However, at this moment, she turned pale, stopped suddenly, and fled back.

"Run away, I'll stop it."

Ozawa Chengzi rushed out from the side and took out a pistol.


A bullet spun quickly, shot out, without any suspense, and was easily disintegrated when it approached the surface of Unkon's body.

The leopard unkon attacked again. Although Ozawa Chengzi knew that she could not win, she was a policeman with citizens behind her. Therefore, she still chose to charge forward resolutely.

Wrestle with unkon.

Within a few rounds, Ozawa Chengzi was knocked out.

"It's really troublesome."

Unexpectedly, the girl spat softly, stretched out her palm and touched Ozawa Chengzi's shoulder, and closed her eyes.

At the same time, the claws of the leopard Unkon are close at hand.

Just when he was about to touch the girl, he disappeared from the spot with a "swish".

Leopard Unkon was a little confused, and kept changing his gaze, but he never found the girl and Ozawa Chengzi again.

At this moment, a figure in golden armor appeared, rushed forward, and knocked the leopard Unkon to the ground with a punch.


Leopard Unkon got up from the ground, a purple halo appeared in front of him, and a sword-shaped weapon was taken out by it.

The sword of lust!

Where's Officer Ozawa?Why didn't you see her?Have you escaped safely?

Now it was too late to wait for Shoichi Tsugami, Li Qinghe still chose to transform, this was his first transformation in this world.

While Li Qinghe was fighting the leopard Unkon, he was also searching for Ozawa Chengzi.

Little did he know, there was a pair of eyes watching him from another corner.

"Agito? Should I call you Li Qinghe?"

Chihe Keiko, who escaped using what she called "space movement" super power, was squatting in a corner, showing her head to look at Li Qinghe who was fighting with Agito.

On the other side, Li Qinghe had almost beaten the leopard Unkon.

"last blow!"

The horns on the head unfolded, and a hexagonal dragon pattern appeared under the feet. With a low shout, Li Qinghe jumped into the air and kicked it out.

Knight kick!

Coming to the back of Unkon, the flames appeared.

Just when Li Qinghe was about to transform back into a human body, a beautiful young girl came out from the corner and looked at him with a smile.

She is?

"Don't you know me? We took the same ship two years ago. Oops, I forgot, when were you still in a coma?"

The young girl was obviously still far away, but the next moment she had already come to the front.

Li Qinghe was a little surprised. This ability was either extremely fast, or simply controlled space.

Then, he thought of the girl's words.

two years ago?Dawn!

Memories appeared in Li Qinghe's mind, and he remembered the girl's name.

Chia Keiko!

That was when he first came to this world, not on the Dawn, but on the beach.

He thinks so himself. As for why he can transform, according to the system (Selia), it is a benefit for himself, which is the same as the passengers who endured the light on the Tianliang, but his ability is very strong. Can transform at any time.But Li Qinghe has not changed his body. Hearing what the girl said, it seems that the place where he first appeared was not the beach, but the Tianming. How is this possible?

Li Qinghe asked.

"So, is this unkon here for you?"

"Well, it's not the first time, but I have already awakened my ability, and they have nothing to do with me."

Qianhe Keiko looked at Li Qinghe and said.

"Like just now? Very good ability."

"Yes, space movement is possible, but it consumes a lot of energy, and it can only be used up to three times a day."

Chihe Keiko immediately spoke about her superpowers.

Li Qinghe looked a little weird, why are you telling me this?

He has no interest in prying into other people's secrets.

Suddenly thought of something, Li Qinghe asked, "By the way, have you seen a female police officer?"

Qianhe Keiko pointed in a direction and said, "Behind that, is this your friend? A very good police officer, seeing me being attacked, rushed over without hesitation."

"Thank you." Li Qinghe went there and found Ozawa Chengzi, but the situation didn't seem to be very good.

"I have to take her to the hospital." Li Qinghe said.

With his strength, he put Ozawa Chengzi's arm on his shoulder, and lifted it up easily.

"Go in my car."

Qianhe Keiko said.

It's a very cool red sports car. .

Can't tell, she's still a rich girl.

Li Qinghe did not refuse, and helped Ozawa Chengzi get into the car.

Chapter 118 Rejection

On the way to the hospital.

Chia Keiko said while driving, "Come with us, only by uniting with each other can we compete against Unkon!"

Have the passengers on the Dawn already formed an organization?

Li Qinghe thought about Huizi's suggestion, he shook his head, "If there is a chance in the future, it won't be now."

It is necessary to form a group, but for now, Li Qinghe doesn't want to join in so soon.

At least convince the real fish.

"Most people in the team have not yet awakened their abilities, and they are just ordinary people. We need your strength."

Qianhe Keiko looked at Li Qinghe and said seriously.

Li Qinghe said flatly, "But I have no obligation to protect you."

He is still selfish after all.

It is enough to deal with some troubles around you while protecting your family.

Li Qinghe didn't want to attract more unnecessary eyes.

Maybe wait until these people evolve into agito.

But by that time, the battle with the Black God would probably be over long ago.

If it was Qianhe Keiko alone, Li Qinghe might agree, after all, the ability to move through space is rare and practical.

But there was a group of oil bottles behind him, so forget it.

Maybe he happened to meet him, and he could lend a helping hand, but Li Qinghe still couldn't do such a thing.

But it is impossible to protect them for a long time and be their thugs.

"Don't forget, we are companions."

Qianhe Keiko said.

"So what? As you said, most of them are just ordinary people. To me, they have no effect at all, but increase the burden."

"The hospital is here, stop the car."

Li Qinghe cast her a glance, and sent Xiaoze Chengzi up, Xiaozawa Chengzi was still in a coma state, Li Qinghe didn't stay any longer, and left directly.

When Li Qinghe left the hospital, he found that Qianhe Keiko hadn't left yet.

"Why don't you leave? My attitude is very clear, and I won't protect you."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he walked forward.

"But you don't look like a cold-blooded person."

Chihe Keiko followed.

"But I'm not passionate at all, I'm just an ordinary person. Besides, I don't know whether what you said is true or not."

Li Qinghe didn't stop walking.

"I believe that you still want to save everyone in your heart, you want to eliminate Unkonn, and you don't want innocent people to die anymore."

Chia Keiko didn't follow, she stood still and said.

Li Qinghe froze for a moment, do I really think so?

He didn't know, but at least, he wouldn't do it until he didn't have the strength to protect everyone.

Maybe in his heart, he still wants to be a big hero?

After all, these people have nothing to do with him, but they all have special abilities. If you have to say it seriously, Tsugami Shoichi is more suitable.

"You said you met me on the Tianliang, so do you know him?"

Li Qinghe asked.

Chia Keiko: "Who are you talking about?"

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