"You can come here to have a look when you have time. You should know him, if you are really on the Dawn."

"Well, I'll go. Could it be him you're talking about?"

A golden figure flashed in Qianhe Keiko's mind, it was he who saved her group.

The reason why Qianhe Huizi knew Li Qinghe was because she took care of the comatose Li Qinghe when he was on the Tianliang.

The fiery red sports car, together with the beautiful girl, quickly disappeared.

In a villa, several figures chatted together.

"I met our Dawn member. And agito seems to be with him"

"Who is that person? What did he say? Would you like to move in and live with us?"

"No, he refused. It seems that he has found a place to live and doesn't want to move! But he seems to be hinting that I should look for Agito. He said that Agito is with him."

Chihe Keiko was also a little dazed at the end.


Ozawa Chengzi woke up leisurely, subconsciously said, "Why am I here?"

"Are you awake?" said the little nurse on the side.

Ozawa Chengzi also found out that this is a hospital, and asked, "Who brought me here?"

She only remembered being knocked out by Unkon, so what happened afterwards?

Did Glacier Cheng rush over to destroy Unkon?

"It's a man named Li Qinghe." The nurse flipped through the records and replied.

"It's him?"

In this case, did Unkon leave after killing someone?

Thinking of this, Ozawa Chengzi made a phone call and asked if there was a murder in the place where Unkon met today.

The answer is no, when the police arrived, Unkon had disappeared and no body was found.

Orange Ozawa hung up the phone, so agito did it?

Since everyone fled in the chaos, there were no witnesses, so it was hard to be sure.

But she always felt that she seemed to have overlooked something in it.

After a few days of recuperation, Ozawa Chengzi was discharged from the hospital smoothly.

g3 container truck.

Makoto Hikawa is discussing the murder of Hisao Katahira with Takahiro Omuro.

"Horse racing lottery?"

Takahiro Omuro took what was in Makoto Hikawa's hand, and said in doubt.

"Yes, the victim bought it the day before he was murdered. The number is exactly the same as the result of the previous game. All hits."

Glacier took it out and compared the results.

"You also said that the guess is only the previous one. Does this mean anything? Or do you still think that the victims are all superpowers?"

Takahiro Omuro said that he did not agree with Hikawa Makoto's point of view, "In fact, Mr. Katahira is just an ordinary person."

"No, I can't say that yet." Bing Chuancheng said stubbornly.

At this time, the door was opened, and Ozawa Chengzi walked in.

"How is Miss Ozawa recovering?"

Takahiro Omuro asked excitedly.

"The recovery is very good, and I can continue to work. Unkon is getting more and more crazy, and the development of a new system is imperative."

Ozawa Chengzi said that although the g3 system has been improved, it is still lacking, and she must design a more powerful system as soon as possible.

"Speaking of which, I heard that Ms. Sanyun of the O Components Laboratory has recently resigned from all her jobs and is staying at home?"

Ozawa Chengzi turned to look at Bing Chuancheng, "Bing Chuan, do you think that experiment really failed?"

"Well, Miss Sanyun said so, but I always felt that her expression was a bit strange."

Bing Chuancheng nodded and said, recalling the scene when they first met.

On the wide street, people come and go, shuttle constantly.

A middle-aged man was walking on the street, suddenly felt something strange behind him, turned his head to look at the sky, and saw a black spot that was constantly expanding.

It seemed that there was a flying object approaching him.

A monster in the shape of a crow!

By the time he saw clearly, it was too late to escape.


The crow unkon swooped down at high speed, hitting the middle-aged man with its hard head.

The middle-aged man was directly knocked into the air, and stopped after hitting a road pole.

Both pedestrians and vehicles stopped.

Someone came forward and found that the man had died, and screamed.

On the tall building, Crow Unkon glanced at the crowd below, smiled contemptuously, and left here.


Misugi's house.

"What do you guys think of me wearing this dress tomorrow?"

Mako came downstairs in a black uniform.

"not so good."

While Tai Yi was talking, he turned around to look, and it really wasn't all that bad.

"True fish, you look good in whatever you wear."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

Misugi Yoshihiko put down the magazine in his hand and asked, "What day is tomorrow?"

"It's my father's death day."

Zhenyu replied, and he didn't care that his uncle forgot this day.

As long as I can still remember, it proves that my father's footprints have not disappeared in the world.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, tomorrow, do you need me to accompany you?" Miyama Yoshihiko said.

Zhenyu waved his hands quickly when he heard this, and said, "No, I'll go by myself. I just have a lot of things I want to report to my father."

Miyama Yoshihiko nodded and said, "Alright, it's not appropriate for you father and daughter to whisper to each other."

It was getting late, Zhenyu went upstairs and soon fell asleep.

In the dream, she seemed to hear the sound of the river flowing.

A little girl is playing with a man by the river.

The girl smiled happily.

Real Fish heard her laughter, and smiled unconsciously on his sleeping face.

The sky is bright and generous.

Police Headquarters meeting room.

"What? You want to revoke Mr. Glacier's qualification as an assembler of the G3 system? No, I don't agree."

Facing the officer's words, Ozawa Chengzi stood up and flatly refused.

"Calm down, we are not discussing now, but a notification." An officer said.


Orange Ozawa walked over, "No one knows the g3 system better than Mr. Hikawa, he is the most suitable assembler."

"But it is also true that the g3 system has not had any actual results. Moreover, we are not saying that we will be dismissed. We just feel that it is necessary to discuss it again."

Another officer said, then looked at Bingchuancheng, "Bingchuan, what do you think?"

Glacier looked at the three leaders in front of him, and suddenly remembered what Toru Hojo said to him a few days ago.

Don't even the officers think that making me a g3 system assembler is a bribe?

Glacier is not a fool. The officer hadn't mentioned this matter for so long before, so why did he bring it up now?

This time, he will no longer choose to swallow his anger!

Bing Chuancheng stood up from his seat, and said with firm eyes, "Please give me another chance, sir!"

Ozawa Chengzi froze for a moment, is this still the glacier from before?

She smiled, and secretly gave Bingchuan a thumbs up, as if to say "Bingchuan, good job."

"Gingchuan, I hope you can realize the seriousness of the matter." An officer said seriously.


Glacier nodded, "I understand the concerns of the officers, but if it is to cover up that matter, it is completely unnecessary."

"The Tianliang incident is something worthy of commendation. Why is it now a scandal that needs to be covered up?"

"If the chief is not because of this reason, but other words, please speak out to convince Glacier!".

"You!" An officer blushed and pointed at Bing Chuancheng angrily.

But for a long time, he didn't speak, because this time, he was really afraid that Hojo Toru would make the matter public.

Chapter 119 The Stubborn Glacier

As far as they know, regarding the Tianliang incident, the Coast Guard received the rescue signal from the Tianliang at that time, but did not go to rescue it.

Regardless of the process, the result is an ironclad fact.

If this matter is made public, the credibility of the police department will be greatly reduced!

After thinking about it again and again, finally, another relatively calm officer looked at Bing Chuancheng and said, "Okay, then we will give you another chance and look forward to your performance."

"Yes!" said Bing Chuancheng.

End of the meeting.

"Bingchuan, you were so handsome just now." Ozawa Chengzi said happily.

"Really? I didn't expect it either. I don't know where the courage comes from. I always feel that I have to say something."

Glacier smiled.

If it happened again, he might not be able to speak.

As for the source of courage, it is to prove that you are good enough.

Ozawa Chengzi said seriously. "In short, please continue to maintain this style in the future. Men, you must not retreat easily and give up lightly."

Suddenly, footsteps came from far to near.The visitor is Hojo Toru.

Hojo asked with a smile, "Is the meeting over? How was the result?"

Ozawa Chengzi said. "There is a result. It is a result that you can't laugh when you hear it."

"Really? Let's hear it."

Hojo Toru said that he didn't believe that the old stubborn would still choose Hikawa Makoto to be the assembler after he told about the Dawn incident.

The worst result is to make a new choice, right?

And what he wanted was nothing more than an opportunity to compete fairly.

Once re-selected, Hojo Toru believes that with his own strength, the position of assembler will definitely belong to him.He's confident he can do better than Glacier.Glacier is just an ordinary citizen, and he was promoted after many assessments.This is also the main reason Hojo Toru looks down on Hikawa Makoto, he hates unfairness, especially when it falls on him.

Ozawa Chengzi was about to speak, but Bing Chuancheng took the lead and said, "Maybe I disappointed you, the officers decided to give me another chance."

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