Zhenyu took it, and at the same time shouted to Li Qinghe in the vegetable garden, "Qinghe, your call is from that woman at noon today."

Li Qinghe walked into the house and answered the phone.

"Okay, then tomorrow at noon."

He hung up the phone, wondering if he should go tomorrow.

If you don't go, Dou Zhen will probably kill that woman.

If you go there, you can't escape the established fate.

Ah, it's so hard to choose.

For the first time, Li Qinghe felt the difficulty of choosing.However, he really wanted to confirm whether the place where he first came to this world was the beach or the Dawn.

In this way, you can know whether the system (Princess Celia) has lied to you or not.

The dinner table.

"Really? Someone who knew about Qinghe's past appeared."

Miyama Yoshihiko said after listening to the real fish tell the cause and effect.

"Yes, we agreed to meet at noon tomorrow, and we will be able to find out about Qinghe's past when we ask."

Real Fish said.

"Then Qinghe will go back to his original place? Then there will be no one to cook."

Tai Yi looked at Li Qinghe and said.

"Who said, Xiangyi can also cook!"

Li Qinghe said absent-mindedly.

Where did he have any past, it was all nonsense from that woman named Tomoko Miura, who even lied about knowing his past.

But the problem is that the lie of amnesia was uttered from his mouth, and the woman's lie cannot be exposed yet.

This is hard.

As the old saying goes, if you tell a lie, you need to make up for it with more lies. .

He knew that all of this was just an excuse for Miura Tomoko to get his own help.

It's not a voluntary thing, and I don't always want to do it.

Chapter 122 release

the next day.

"Qinghe, are you going out so early?" Zhenyu said.

"Yeah. Go there early and wait." Li Qinghe replied.

After speaking, he left on his motorcycle.

After much deliberation, he still decided to meet with him first.

Just in case, he even arrived at the agreed meeting place, East Park, two hours earlier.

I waited patiently until twelve o'clock at noon, but I didn't see Tomoko Miura appear, and another half an hour passed, and I was basically sure that I wouldn't come.

"Is it delayed by something?"

Li Qinghe thought about it, searched around the park, but found nothing.

So he rode his motorcycle home.

Somewhere in a hotel.

The waiter knocked on a door.

"Guest, it's time to check out."

No one responded.


I knocked several times in a row, but no one answered.

The waiter took out the room card and walked in. A woman was lying on the bed in bad shape.

He pushed forward and remained motionless.

As if thinking of something terrible, he reached down to the woman's nostrils.


A cry rang through the room.

Soon, the police cordoned off the surrounding area.

Senior detective Koji Kono said, "The victim, Tomoko Miura, is 29 years old and has no obvious trauma."

"Did he die suddenly? Could it be that Unkon committed the crime?"

Hojo Toru frowned.

Kono Koji shook his head and said, "It's not sure yet, let's leave it to the forensic doctor. In addition, the victim will meet a man named Li Qinghe in East Park today."

"Is it?"

Hojo Toru narrowed his eyes and said.

Misugi's house.

"what happened?"

Miyama Yoshihiko looked at Li Qinghe and asked.

"I didn't see anyone, so I came back."

Li Qinghe said.

"East Park at twelve o'clock, Qinghe did not remember the location wrongly?" Zhenyu asked.

"How could it be? I waited for two more hours." Li Qinghe replied.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

Li Qinghe opened the door and found that it was Toru Hojo.

"Which one is Mr. Li Qinghe?" Hojo Toru looked at the crowd and said.

"I am, what's the matter?" Li Qinghe already had some bad premonitions in his heart when he saw the other party's menacing approach.

"Miss Miura, who made an appointment with you in East Park today, was killed. I hope you can go back with me to assist in the investigation."

Hojo Toru said seriously.

Sure enough, the woman died after all.

At this moment, a strange tinnitus sounded.

Has unkon appeared?

"Please, don't try to slip away."

Hojo Toru showed the pistol hanging from his waist.

Forget it, that guy Shoichi must be able to handle it, right?

another place.

Boy and father are playing baseball.

Although they didn't even have a baseball bat, the father and son were very happy.

"It's time for me to serve."

said the boy, throwing it with all his strength.

Father didn't catch it, and the ball fell down a slope.

"Wait, Dad goes over to pick up the ball."

Father said, and ran over quickly, just about to hold the ball in his hand.

Suddenly, a huge stream of water burst out, cutting him down.

The boy's father was soon caught in the current.


The boy noticed the situation and ran over quickly.

At this moment, a red figure jumped out of the water, pressing the boy's father into the water continuously.

"Run away!"

As he was dying, the boy's father kept calling out to the boy on the shore.

Gradually, the shouting became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared.

g3 container truck.

"Glacier, an unkon has appeared."

Ozawa Chengzi looked at the data on the instrument and said.


Hikawa Makoto nodded and put on g3 with the help of Ozawa Touko and Omuro Takahiro.

"This time, I will destroy Unkon."

Before departure, Glacier said so.

Driving the locomotive, Bingchuancheng came all the way to the scene of the incident.

At this time, the father had drowned and died, and the little boy did not leave, but hid behind a big tree beside him.

Bing Chuancheng came to the scene, saw the man's body, and stepped forward to investigate.

The little boy also spotted Cheng Bingchuan and poked his head out.

At this moment, there was another sound of water behind the little boy.

Soon a puddle formed.

"Ah! Help."

The little boy's cry for help attracted Bingchuancheng.

Unkon the octopus was about to drag the boy into the water, when G01's gun responded to the sound.

Since it has been greatly strengthened, the bullet is no longer ineffective, and when it hits the octopus Unkon, a spark burst out.

Ozawa Chengzi in the command room saw that the boy was still in the hands of the octopus Unkon, and quickly said, "Save the child first."

Bingchuancheng nodded, stopped shooting, and rushed over.

Push the octopus unkon away.

The boy was rescued and hurried to the other side, leaving the scene.

Because of rescuing the child, Bingchuancheng was entangled by the octopus Unkon, and the tentacles strangled the weapon in his hand.

The two struggle together.

The greatly increased strength allowed Glacier Makoto to perform a shoulder throw perfectly.

The octopus unkon fell to the ground, before it got up, another burst of bullets poured on its body, creating a series of flames.

"Great Glacier!"

Ozawa Chengzi's excited voice came from the communication system.

Glacier Cheng still did not relax his vigilance in the face of the upcoming victory.

After several more rounds of fighting, Makoto Bingchuan came to the locomotive, took out a part, and assembled it into gg02

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