A powerful howitzer hit the octopus unkon.

A purple halo appeared on the octopus unkon's head, but it didn't explode, but melted into a pool of red ye.

"Great, Unkon has been killed!"

In the command room, Takahiro Omuro said excitedly.

"Yeah, this is the first time to clean up unkon alone, so we should go out and celebrate."

Ozawa Chengzi also seemed very happy.

"How about the roast meat?"

"Just to my liking."


Misugi's house.

"Qinghe has been taken away, aren't dad and sister worried?"

Taiyi said anxiously.

"How could Qinghe kill someone? Maybe he was just taking notes and came back before dinner."

Zhenyu said, but walking back and forth betrayed her restlessness at this time.

"Don't worry, I'll contact my lawyer friend, no matter what, I can't take people away without any reason!"

Miyama said, starting to call his friends.

Police Department.

Bing Chuancheng, who took off his armor, hurried over when he heard that Li Qinghe was suspected of murder.

"Qinghe is the person Mr. Glacier said could contact Agito?"

Ozawa Chengzi said while walking.

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that the girl she saved didn't die that time, and she came back safely.

It must be Qinghe who contacted Agito and rushed to the scene in time to eliminate Unkon.

In this way, everything can be explained.

"Yes, and according to my understanding, it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Qinghe to kill someone."

Glacier said.

"Then we have to rush to rescue Qinghe."

Whether it's because Qinghe saved his life, or because he is the only person who can contact Agito, he must be saved.

Li Qinghe can't be disappointed with the police!

"What? You asked him to be released? He's a suspect."

Hojo Toru refused, saying, "Besides, this is just an ordinary case, so it's not up to your countermeasure team to take care of it, right?"

"In addition, I am also a member of the Metropolitan Police Department." Makoto Hikawa said.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, Hojo, this is an order from above."

Ozawa Chengzi said, taking out an approval document.

Long before coming here, they have already followed up with the application.

With Ozawa Chengzi's status, coupled with the video of destroying the octopus Unkon not long ago, the officers finally agreed to this matter.

After all, there is no evidence, and Li Qinghe cannot be convicted for the time being.

"The officers... are so confused."

Hojo Toru's resentment was unbearable, but because of the order, he had no choice but to release him.

"Mr. Qinghe, are you all right? It's that guy from Hojo who is eager to do good work and arrests people without evidence. Besides, I believe that Qinghe can't do such a thing."

After coming out of the interrogation room, Ozawa Chengzi said.

Li Qinghe smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you both for your help."

He was really fine, and he was released after only staying in the interrogation room for half an hour.

Since there is no evidence, Hojo Toru can only ask some insignificant questions, such as name, gender, what he was doing when the crime happened, and so on.

He wasn't even given a chance to taste the prison food.

Of course, Li Qinghe didn't want this kind of opportunity either.

"However, it's our police's negligence this time, why don't we have a roast dinner together tonight?"

Glacier Cheng said, sincerely extending the invitation.

How would Bing Chuancheng feel about Li Qinghe?

Since the last time when Li Qinghe thought that there were superpowers in the world, he felt like he had found a bosom friend.

"Okay." Li Qinghe did not refuse.

To be honest, he was a little touched that the two of them could rush over so quickly.

After Li Qinghe came out of the police station, he went home first.

Zhenyu had already spoken on the phone before that, and they all knew that Li Qinghe had come out.

"It's good to be safe."

Miyama Yoshihiko said sincerely, "This time, I really have to thank those two police officers!"

"Unexpectedly, Qinghe still has friends in the police station."

Taiyi said with some envy.


Li Qinghe was suddenly in a daze. It had been a long time since he had heard the word "friend".

Makoto Hikawa and Orange Ozawa?

It turns out that in this world, apart from my family, I also have friends!

Li Qinghe smiled knowingly, and said, "Yes, thanks to the two of them, but the suspicion on me has not been cleared, before the truth is found out."

Cleared of suspicion?

I will help you, Qinghe.

Zhenyu thought to himself, but she didn't say it.

It is better not to tell everyone that you have special abilities.

"Today's dinner may not be ready. The two police officers said they would invite me to have a baked meal, and they have already agreed."

"Ah, in this case, well, if you are sure that you are friends, then you should get in touch with them more. Speaking of which, Qinghe always stayed at home before, and I was a little worried. Young people should go out more often, and make friends with different people." contact."

Miyama Yoshihiko is a little relieved that people are not solitary creatures, and people are connected with society.Socializing is essential. .

"Yes, I understand."

The hotel, the room where Tomoko Miura died.

Chapter 123 The Superpower of Real Fish

"How's it going?"

As soon as Hojo Toru walked in, he asked Kono Koji.He believes in evidence very much. In the face of the law, money and intercession are useless.

As a senior detective, Koji Kono has no doubts about his ability to collect data.

"The forensic doctor's examination results have come out. It is said that the heart suddenly lost the ability to beat and died. This method does not seem to be artificial."

Kono Koji replied, frowning, this kind of killing method is too unimaginable.

"Indeed, from this point of view, the possibility of Unkon committing the crime is relatively high, but the possibility of Li Qinghe's crime cannot be ruled out. I must find out the result of this matter."

Hojo Toru said.

"Well... I think it can be ruled out, let's take a look at this."

Koji Kono took out a footprint model and handed it to Toru Hojo.

"Is this left by the prisoner?" Hojo Toru took over.

"Yes, it should be due to the dampness of the ground. The criminal's footprints and the stains on the soles of the feet were left behind. When we came, the traces were relatively intact, and this template was made."

Kono Koji said.

Then, you can know by comparing them next time, right?

"I say goodbye first."

After Hojo Toru finished speaking, he left the hotel.

Police Department.

"What? Miss Zhenyu has a way to prove Mr. Qinghe's innocence?"

Glacier Cheng looked at the sudden visit of Fenggu Zhenyu, and said with some surprise.

"Yes, are there any items left at the scene? Or can Mr. Glacier take me to the scene of the crime?"

Zhenyu said that using her ability, she can definitely track down the whereabouts of the murderer.

"But Mr. Hojo is in charge of this case now..."

Bing Chuancheng said, and he didn't think a high school student could help much.

"Please." Mayu bowed.

"Okay, I see." Bingchuancheng nodded, but he still didn't refuse after all.

After some searching, he got the footprint template that Hojo Toru had stored in the evidence room not long ago.

Since it is an exhibit, it cannot be carried with you.

"That's it, what is Miss Mayu going to do next?"

To be honest, Bing Chuancheng also hopes to clear Li Qinghe's suspicion as soon as possible.

Now that they have been brought over, it is inevitable that there is a little expectation in my heart.

Real Fish didn't speak, but put his palm on the footprints, closed his eyes, and began to feel carefully.

A picture began to appear in my mind.

"The prisoner is not Qinghe. I saw a man in black walking into the hotel. No, there are two yellow lines and numbers, maybe the license plate number of the prisoner's car. The last number is six and two, sorry , that's all you can see."

Sweat beads appeared on Zhenyu's face. Obviously, using this ability was a lot of consumption for her.

"See? Is Miss Zhenyu..."

Bingchuancheng was a little shocked, but before he finished speaking, Zhenyu spoke again.

"Mr. Glacier has a driver's license, right? Please take it out and face yourself."

When Bingchuancheng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then followed suit and took out his driver's license from his wallet.

The real fish closed its eyes again to sense, and reported a series of numbers.

"That's right!" Bing Chuancheng was surprised, and said, "So, is Miss Zhenyu really a superpower?"

"Yes." Real Fish nodded and said, "If Mr. Glacier still doesn't believe it, you can test it again. How about playing cards?"

"No, I believe Miss Mau, but the final decision on this matter is in Hojo's hands."

Glacier said.

He seemed very excited at this time, seeing a superpower with his own eyes, which proved his previous conjecture was correct from the side.

Unkon is to commit crimes by targeting people with superpowers.

"Is that so? Then, where is this Hojo police officer?" Mayu asked.

"It seems to have gone out, but I will explain this to him."

Bing Chuancheng said, ready to send the real fish away.

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