As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, they met Hojo Toru and Li Qinghe.

"A real fish? Why are you here?"

Li Qinghe asked, before he wondered why the real fish disappeared.

Could it be that……

He thought of something, and looked up at Bingchuancheng.

Hikawa Makoto has already walked over to negotiate with Hojo Toru, "Mr. Hojo, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Qinghe-kun. I already have accurate information."

"Whether it matters or not, I will judge for myself. Police officer Glacier should do his job well first, and don't get carried away just because he defeated Unkon once. You have to understand that I am responsible for this matter!"

Hojo said in a cold voice.

The plan to become a g3 assembler fell through again, and Hikawa Makoto also came to intervene in the case he was in charge of, which already made the proud Hojo Toru feel angry.

As a result, the footprints were completely inconsistent with Li Qinghe's.

"Mr. Hojo, I really have clues to the case here, maybe we can let go of our grudges and work together..."

Before Hikawa finished speaking, Toru Hojo interrupted directly, saying, "No need, I will definitely investigate this matter to the bottom, relying on my own ability."

He didn't believe that a person who became a g3 assembler by accepting bribes could find the real murderer faster than himself.

Hojo Toru is very confident in his ability.

Hojo Toru left the police station directly. He felt that he still needed to start with the people who entered and exited the hotel during that time.

"Mr. Hojo!"

Hikawa Makoto shouted from behind, but still did not stop Hojo Toru from leaving.

"Anyway, I still want to thank Miss Mayu."

Glacier Cheng looked at the real fish and said.

Zhenyu glanced at Li Qinghe, pulled Bingchuancheng to the other side, and said in a low voice, "I hope that Mr. Bingchuan can keep the fact that I have special abilities a secret. I don't want my family to know yet."

"it is good."

Bingchuancheng nodded and agreed.He was very happy that he was able to witness with his own eyes a person with superpowers appearing in front of his eyes.

Li Qinghe probably guessed the content of the conversation between Fenggu Zhenyu and Bingchuan Cheng, but he still said, "Since when did Zhenyu become so familiar with Police Officer Bingchuan, are they whispering to each other?"


Zhenyu came over and glared at Li Qinghe.

If it weren't for Qinghe, his secret would not have been exposed.

"Then Mr. Glacier, we will leave first."

Li Qinghe said to Bingchuancheng.

"Well, let's meet at the barbecue shop tonight."

Bing Chuancheng said, watching the two leave.

Walking on the road, seeing that Li Qinghe was not curious at all, Zhenyu couldn't help but said, "Isn't Qinghe curious about the reason why I went to the Police Department?"

"Well, if Zhenyu went there, he must have his own reasons." Li Qinghe nodded and did not expose her.

The secret is to wait until others take the initiative to share it.

On the other hand, although Hojo would not let Hikawa Makoto intervene in Miura Tomoko's case, since Hikawa Makoto has already grasped the clues, naturally he will not give up so easily.

He called the other officer in charge of the case, Koji Kono.

"Does the license plate end with six and two? Although I don't know where Mr. Glacier got the clue, I will try to look it up."

"Well, please Kono-san."

After Bingchuancheng finished talking about the situation, he hung up the phone.

Sanxiatai Police Station.

"These are your father's last relics. They seem to have died on the bench at Xiqingliu Station, in his sleep."

An old man said to Wei Yuanliang, "My brother is also a passenger of the Tianliang, and he disappeared after the Tianliang incident. Something must have happened."

"I don't know, but I will keep looking for the cause of my father's death."

Wei Yuanliang said, just as the senior said, Dad is indeed dead, and the cause of death is because of those monsters.

Unkon, I will kill you all!

He swore in his heart.

"Well, there are some names recorded in this notebook, which may be of some help."

The old man handed the notebook to Wei Yuanliang.

Ryo Ashihara took it, but didn't open it to check.

There's no need to look, he already knows the murderer who killed his father.

To keep fighting those monsters, I can definitely do it.

Ashihara Ryo clenched his fists.


Li Qinghe came to the agreed roast restaurant.

"Qinghe, here."

Ozawa Chengzi stood up and shouted.

Li Qinghe smiled, and then walked over.

In addition to Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Orange, there was another person present, Takahiro Omuro.

This is the first time the two of them have met.

After a brief self-introduction, the two became acquainted.

Of course, even without an introduction, Li Qinghe would recognize him.

"Because of Ms. Miura's case, Qinghe-kun has been wronged."

After Li Qinghe took his seat, Ozawa Chengzi said.

"No, after all, she made an appointment with me." Li Qinghe said.

The four chatted one after another.

"Boss, have another glass of draft beer."

Ozawa Chengzi ordered a glass of beer, and then asked, "Does Qinghe drink?"

"Don't drink, don't drink."

Li Qinghe waved his hands quickly when he heard this.It's only been a while, and this is already the fifth cup of Ozawa Chengzi.

Every time it is a mouthful of boredom, the amount of alcohol is really scary.

"It's boring."

Ozawa Chengzi said that every time we eat together, no one is willing to drink with her, but it feels like a master.

Not far from the grill restaurant.

Little boy and mother walking down the street.

"Mom, Dad was killed by a monster, I don't have a dad anymore."

As the little boy was talking, he suddenly started crying.

"Don't be afraid, mom will protect you in the future."

The woman stopped, squatted on the ground and hugged the little boy.

Maybe crying is contagious.

Soon, it turned into a mother and daughter hugging each other and crying.

A passer-by came to ask about the situation, but did not get an answer.

Seemingly tired of crying, the boy raised his head, and his gaze swept across a dark alley.

"Mom, there seems to be something moving in there."

said the little boy.

The woman looked in the direction the little boy pointed.

As the distance got closer, under the cover of street lights, the creatures in the alley gradually became clearer. .

"Mother, it was it that killed Daddy."

The little boy suddenly shouted.

Chapter 124 Li Qinghe's Shot

The woman quickly picked up the child and fled frantically.

At this time, it is the most stupid way to go to Unkon to avenge her husband. If that is the case, she will trap herself and her children together.

Fortunately, this woman is not a stupid woman.

Originally, a woman's running speed is not fast, let alone holding a child, the speed is even slower, and the water is about to spread.

"Ah! What is that?"

"Monster, run away, everyone!"

The passers-by showed panic expressions and shouted together.

For a moment, the whole street was in chaos.

Li Qinghe and others who were having a roast meal nearby also heard the sound.

"what sound?"

"It seems to be a cry for help, go out and have a look."

Hikawa Makoto, Ozawa Chengzi and Omuro Takahiro heard the shouts and hurried out.

Li Qinghe's ears kept ringing.

But Glacier and they are here!

When Bingchuancheng took out his gun, he did not forget to remind him, "Qinghe, find a place to hide. Something seems to be happening ahead."

After speaking, the three of them rushed towards the shout.

You should find a place to hide!

Li Qinghe thought in his heart.Li Qinghe didn't listen to Ozawa Chengzi's words, but followed them out.

"Help, who can help me?"

The woman suddenly fell to the ground, watching Unkon the octopus gradually approaching her, and kept shouting.

Her child was petrified tens of meters away from her.

"Dazhu, run away!"

The woman yelled, and with courage from nowhere, she stood up, trying to buy the boy some time.

Mother's love is great.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, several gunshots were fired, and Bing Chuancheng and others rushed over.

It's a pity that the bullet was ineffective and did not damage Unkon at all.

"Leave quickly."

Glacier Makoto rushed directly towards the octopus Unkon and said to the woman at the same time.

Seeing the guns in their hands, the woman knew it was the police, and kept retreating behind Cheng Bingchuan.

The octopus unkon is naturally very angry when he sees someone ruining his good deeds.

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