With a wave of the tentacles, Bingchuancheng was thrown directly against the wall on one side.

It did not kill, as an angel, it would not kill these ordinary humans.What it wants to kill are those humans who have the light of the white god.Humans just need to accept their protection.

"What should I do? The g3 system is not with me now."

Takahiro Omuro said eagerly.

Bang bang bang!

Ozawa Chengzi shot and said at the same time, "I'll hold it, you hurry up and ask Qinghe to notify Agito to come over."

Li Qinghe on the side hurriedly called Xiangyi, but Zhenyu picked it up, saying that Xiangyi had a bad stomach last night, went to the toilet all night, and is still asleep, and no one can wake him up.

Li Qinghe hung up the phone helplessly.

After all, Li Qinghe couldn't help but watch someone being persecuted by Unkon, while he had no ability, but stood aside, with the appearance of "nothing to do with himself".

He knew that after this transformation, the secret that he was agito might be exposed, but he couldn't do such a thing as standing by and doing nothing!

When Ozawa Chengzi was not paying attention, Li Qinghe ran to a corner, and a golden figure drove a locomotive and rushed over.

It is agito, the form of the earth!

"Agito? Did you come so soon? Did you just pass by, or..."

Seeing Agito's appearance, Ozawa Chengzi had some guesses in his heart.

But now, there is no time left for her to think.

While Ozawa Chengzi struggled to dodge the blow from the octopus unkon, Li Qinghe had already driven his locomotive to the front.


The octopus unkon was knocked into the air.

Taking advantage of this gap, the woman hurriedly left the scene with the little boy.

The originally lively street suddenly became quiet, and all the people nearby ran away.


The octopus unkon gave a strange cry, and waved its tentacles to attack Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe grabbed it, pulled it hard, and a tentacle fell off.

Li Qinghe has become stronger and stronger after these days of rest, and this ordinary unkon can no longer pose the slightest threat to him.

Kicking it away with one kick, the horns on top of Li Qinghe's head unfolded.

The nirvana knight kick.

The hexagonal motif converges on the legs.

Li Qinghe jumped in the air, and at the same time as he landed, a huge explosion sounded.

"Should I call you Agito, or Qinghe?"

Ozawa Chengzi came over and said calmly.

"Huh? Ms. Ozawa suspects that Qinghe is Agito? How is it possible?"

Bing Chuancheng rubbed his sore back and walked over, thinking that Ozawa Chengzi was just joking.

Li Qinghe looked at Ozawa Chengzi's serious expression, and knew that he couldn't hide it anymore.

Of course, at the moment he chose to transform, Li Qinghe had no intention of hiding it.

He had already expected this result.


With a flash of brilliance, Li Qinghe turned back into a human body and said, "I hope you can keep it secret for me."

"I'll go, you said you are agito, so it's not a joke!"

When Ozawa Chengzi heard what Bing Chuan said, she couldn't help but hold her forehead, that is, Bing Chuancheng is so honest. In her case, although her EQ is not high, she already guessed it with her excellent IQ.

Li Qinghe didn't expect to be exposed now, this is undoubtedly a tank for Sho Tsugami, the person who has been killing Unkon outside is Shoichi Tsugami.Although Tsugami Shoichi didn't care about this.

But that's fine, Tsugami Shoichi doesn't have to worry about being exposed, as long as the two agitos don't appear at the same time, there will be no problem.

Li Qinghe's transformed agito and Tsugami Shoichi's transformed agito are identical in appearance.As for strength, there are two levels.

Li Qinghe has the strength of the creation level, but because of his injuries, he can't use too much strength.

Of course, Li Qinghe is still not clear about this point.

When Li Qinghe fights, he always feels powerless, as if he can exert stronger power, and he can also exert it, but there is a sense of crisis in his heart, which prevents Li Qinghe from using this power, as if he has used this kind of power. Power, with what dire consequences.

Moreover, there has not been a battle that moved Li Qinghe so far, so naturally there is no need to use that kind of power.

Witnessing Li Qinghe's transformation from agito back to a human body, Bing Chuancheng still couldn't believe it. He froze in place, even temporarily forgetting the pain in his back.

"Qinghe is actually agito?"

Glacier Cheng murmured.

"What? Isn't it like that? Why did Mr. Glacier react so strongly?"

Li Qinghe laughed.

"No, I always feel that Mr. Qinghe is too ordinary..."

Bing Chuancheng seemed a little unacceptable.

"Although agito has powerful 1 power, as you can see, his body is just an ordinary person."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

After being surprised, Takahiro Omuro suddenly walked towards Li Qinghe excitedly, "I can't believe it, so Qinghe is Agito. I have admired you for a long time, my idol."

Li Qinghe made an exaggerated expression.


"Saving the people from suffering and fighting against evil forces, doesn't Qinghe feel like the hero in a heroic story?"

Takahiro Omuro continued enviously, "It would be great if I could have the same power as Qinghe."

Li Qinghe glanced at Takahiro Omuro, and seemed to understand his thoughts at the moment, and said with a smile

"Actually, what you're doing now isn't a hero's job? Whether it's assisting the g3 system, or meeting Unkon just now without flinching, it's what a hero should do."

"Really? I'm a hero too?"

Takahiro Omuro laughed silly after being praised by Li Qinghe.

Perhaps in his heart, he also wanted to take a look at Glacier, put on G3, and fight Unkon.

Li Qinghe thought in his heart, but you are the hero behind the scenes!

At this moment, Ozawa Chengzi came over and patted Li Qinghe's arm, and said, "Don't worry, we will all keep Qinghe's secret."

She knew very well the reason why Li Qinghe wanted to conceal his identity.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, there is no shortage of people like Toru Hojo who want to capture Agito.

If they knew that Qinghe was Agito, they would probably do everything possible to arrest Qinghe who hadn't transformed into Agito.

Hikawa Makoto and Omuro Takahiro also nodded solemnly, both understanding the importance of the matter.

"Okay, the baked rice is not finished yet, let's continue!"

Ozawa Chengzi was the first to walk towards the grilled meat shop.

"I'm afraid the owner of the grilled restaurant has already been scared and ran home?" Omuro Takahiro said.

"Then let's eat the overlord's meal!"

What Ozawa Chengzi said was righteous.

the next day.

Bingchuancheng went to work as usual, and stopped when passing a railway, waiting to be released.

Suddenly, his eyes swept over the front crash barrier.

"Two yellow lines?"

Bingchuancheng thought of what Zhenyu said yesterday, and a kind of enlightenment came to his heart.

"It turns out that this is the case. The real fish should see the edge reflected on the crash barrier, so the two numbers six and two may not refer to the car number, but the train number!"

Hikawa was confident that he had found the key to solving the case, so he quickly called police officer Kono Koji.

"Mr. Kono, I think I already know where the prisoner is hiding, so let's leave now!"

Although Kono Koji on the other end of the phone didn't understand very well, he still agreed.

At this time, in the No. 62 train carriage, a figure was sitting in the darkness.

"So, is this the pain of killing a child with your own hands?"

Hei Shen murmured, even now he still hasn't recovered from the pain.

Even he didn't want to bear that kind of pain again.

Black God thought in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the carriage.

Someone is pulling on the door of the carriage.


The carriage was opened, and the sunlight from outside shone in. Heishen subconsciously narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hands to cover them.

"do not move!"

Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji pointed their guns at Black God and said.

They don't know what kind of existence they are facing.

Naturally, the Black God would not argue with the children.

Bingchuancheng handcuffed Heishen and sent him back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Interrogation room.

"What do you have to say about the killing of Tomoko Miura?"

Kono Koji asked, although it has been confirmed, but the inquiry is still a necessary process. .

"I did it."

Heishen spoke bluntly and said in a flat tone.

Chapter 125 The Black God Is Imprisoned

The entire interrogation process went extremely smoothly, and the charges were quickly settled.

Kono Koji, who was in charge of the interrogation, heaved a sigh of relief after sending Black God to prison.

Hikawa Makoto on the side noticed the strangeness of Kono Koji and couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Kono, what's wrong with you?"

"The first time I interrogated this kind of prisoner, that guy was too calm. The calmness scared me a little. It didn't look like a murderer should behave at all."

Koji Kono said that in his long career, this was the first time he had encountered such a criminal.

"It's really thanks to Mr. Hikawa this time, but where did you get the information from?"

Kono Koji wondered, he had been investigating for so long, but found nothing. If it wasn't for Hikawa Makoto's help, he didn't know when he would be able to solve the case.

"This agreement has been made, and it must be kept secret."

Bing Chuancheng smiled and said that he had agreed to keep it a secret, so he couldn't tell anyone that the matter of Ms. Zhenyu was like this, and the same was true of Mr. Qinghe.Both of them are not ordinary people, once their identities are revealed, it will bring them big trouble.

Kono Koji said.

"Okay, how about I treat you to some ramen to express my thanks? I know a restaurant that tastes really good."

Glacier readily agreed.

The two talked and laughed all the way and left the police station.

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