Hojo Toru is different from them, he is in a bad mood today.

Hojo Toru, who had been running around for a long time without any results, returned to the Metropolitan Police Department, looking for new clues, but suddenly learned that the case had been solved, the criminal had been arrested, and it was Makoto Hikawa's clue, so he was out of breath.

Damn guy, it's not enough to grab my position as a g3 assembler, do you want to grab the credit now?

Hojo Toru felt the resentment in his heart, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and smashed the table hard.

Katahira Mayumi's home.


Ryo Ashihara turned the key and opened the door.

He had just parted from his uncle, and after confirming the news of his father's death, he was not in a good mood, so he thought of coming to Mayumi.

This is the only person he can find right now.

Mayumi once said, give her some time and try to accept herself.

Therefore, these days, Ashihara Ryo did not take the initiative to find Mayumi, and has been waiting for the other party's reply.

But today, there is really no other way.


Ryo walked into the house and shouted, but heard no response.

He looked around and found a white note that had been pressed under the cup.

Wei Yuanliang walked over, and after reading the content, the expression on his face became bewildered.

"Mayumi, after all, I can't accept it, have you left here?"

Wei Yuanliang said to himself, the content of the letter basically said that Mayumi had gone back to the countryside, and told Wei Yuanliang not to come to her again.

It's not that Liang can't understand, but in this way, he will no longer have anyone close to him in this world.

Lonely, that's how you describe yourself, right?

Ryo Ashihara gave a bleak smile and left Mayumi's house.

Then, keep fighting with Unkon.

This is the only thing he can do now.


Faint crying could be heard coming from inside.

"Another companion died, why...we just want to live like normal people."

A woman cried.

"Miss Miura...those monsters are really hateful!"

A man slapped the table vigorously, venting his anger.

"I think everyone should try not to go out during this time. I will try to contact Qinghe. We need agito's protection."

Qianhe Keiko said in a deep voice, she looked around and found that there was one person missing,

"Why isn't Miss Yaji here? Where has she gone?"

A boy replied.

"I don't know. I went out in a hurry early this morning. It seems that I have something important to do."

"Shouldn't you be looking for Qinghe?"

A bad premonition rose in Qianhe Keiko's heart.

At this time, Shen Yaji had returned to her own house.

"I figured it out, following these useless wastes, I can only escape death in the end. I must find someone who is capable of protecting me, such as Qinghe, the human body of Agito."

Shen Yaji thought in his heart.

Police Headquarters, meeting room.

"Sir, I request a fair selection of g3 system assemblers."

Hojo Toru said that he still did not give up after all.

"It's not necessary. Glacier's defeat of Unkon this time is enough to prove his ability. Officer Hojo, do your job well."

The officer said, with a bad face.

Instead of leaving, Hojo Toru asked, "If it were me, I could do better."

"Don't worry about it any more."

The officer waved his hand, signaling Hojo Toru to leave.

"Is it because Bingchuancheng is the hero of the Tianliang incident? So don't give others a chance?"

Hojo breathed a sigh of relief and said.

The moment he finished this sentence, he already regretted it.

The officer's expression changed, and he said, "Officer Hojo, what do you want to say?"

"Even if someone interprets the Tianliang incident as a scandal and wants to make it public, it may have an impact on our Metropolitan Police Department, but the person who said it will definitely have a greater impact! "

Obviously, Hojo Toru mentioned this matter again, which has completely angered the chief.

If Hojo Toru goes on, there will only be one result in the end, he will be fired, which is obviously not what Hojo Toru wants to see.

The matter has come to this point, even though Hojo has any grievances, he can only say goodbye and leave first.

Leaving the conference room, Hojo Toru was still unconvinced.

Are you questioning my abilities?

Well, since I can't be a g3 assembler, I'll arrest Agito.

If the power of agito is controlled, then nothing will happen to g3, right?

Hojo Toru thought in his heart.

Misugi's house.

"I am leaving."

Real fish said to everyone, ready to leave.

Li Qinghe was relieved of the teacup in his hand, and chased it out.

Li Qinghe asked.

"True fish, why are you going?"

Makoto didn't hide anything, "I want to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to ask. Since Ms. Miura knows Qinghe's past, among the people she knows, maybe there are people who also know Qinghe."

This girl is really persistent!

Li Qinghe sighed slightly, and said, "Is the real fish so obsessed with the past?"

"Don't Qinghe want to know what kind of person he was before?"

The real fish asked back.

"Not at all. If it's really for me, please don't pursue it any further."

Li Qinghe said seriously.

Li Qinghe always believed that he did not have amnesia, but simply traveled through time.

"It turns out that Qinghe... thinks so."

After being told by Li Qinghe, Zhenyu seemed to be in a low mood,

"I see."

After finishing speaking, she turned and went back to the room, went upstairs, and closed the door of the room with a bang.

"What happened to the real fish?"

Back home, Miyama Yoshihiko asked.

"Maybe it's because I'm in a bad mood."

Li Qinghe said, without giving a specific reason.

Miyama Yoshihiko did not delve into it, and instead asked, "By the way, today is the day when the training class starts."

"Yes, six o'clock tonight."

"Will you go?"

"of course."

At this time, a parking lot was temporarily blocked by the police.

"Mr. Hikawa, have you heard? The victim's body was completely mummified, and the time of death was estimated to be decades ago. It can be determined that it was the work of Unkon." Hojo Toru said.

When Bingchuancheng heard this, he asked quickly.

"What about the relatives of the victim? Have you sent someone to protect them?"

"I just got married three months ago. They are relatives who have no blood relationship. There should be no need to protect the family members. If the unkon does not appear, the problem cannot be solved."

As Hojo Toru spoke, his expression became cold.

"I think you should have heard what happened this morning? The officers said that you are more suitable to be the assembler of the g3 system than me, even if I haven't worn the g3 once."

"What would Mr. Hojo want to say?"

Bing Chuancheng said that the other party was obviously doing something bad.

"Nothing, just want to say, time will tell, just wait and see."

Hojo smiled.But I thought in my heart, if I apply to the higher authorities and capture Agito, the g3 system should be abandoned, right?

Hikawa Makoto watched the other party leave, and then remembered Hojo Toru's first words.

Did the deceased have a wife who had been married for three months?

Maybe I should check it out.

Night falls.

"Then I'm leaving."

Li Qinghe said to Mishan and his son.

"Be careful on the road."

The two replied.

Li Qinghe glanced upstairs, then closed the door and left.

Zhenyu has locked himself in the room for several hours, and Li Qinghe really has no good solution.

Maybe it will change back to the original tomorrow?

Thinking in Li Qinghe's mind, he rode his motorcycle to the cooking training class.

This is his first time here to teach.

As soon as I opened the door, I met an unexpected acquaintance.

"Miss Keiko, why are you here?"

When Qianhe Huizi suddenly heard Li Qinghe calling her name, she was also taken aback.

Turning around and looking towards the door, a familiar figure came into view.

She said with some joy, "Why is Mr. Qinghe here? Is he also here to learn how to cook?"

She looked very happy, and was worrying about how to contact Li Qinghe, but she did not expect to meet here by chance.


Li Qinghe walked in.

After a few glances, they were almost all young women in their twenties, and besides myself, there was only one other middle-aged man wearing a chef's hat among the men present.

It made Li Qinghe a little embarrassed.

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