What class did Mr. Misugi apply for?Could it be a training class for female chefs?

He suspected he was in the wrong place.

At this moment, the middle-aged man came over and asked, "Kiba Kiyokawa?"

Li Qinghe nodded, it seems that this is right.

"it's me."

"Hi, I'm Suzuki Kyuji, and I'm in charge of teaching everyone."

The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then introduced to others, "This is Mr. Li Qinghe, who will attend classes with us in the future."

"It looks very handsome!"

There are girls talking in private.

Li Qinghe felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that if you stay at home for too long, you are a little out of touch with society.

Chihe Keiko walked up and said with a smile, "It seems that Qinghe-kun is very popular with everyone.".

"That's because there are too few boys. Tomorrow, I'll call Xiangyi over. He's the one I recommended you to meet."

Li Qinghe said very much.

Chapter 126 Almost Exposed

is not that right?There are only two in total.

Then he looked at Keiko Qianhe and said seriously, "Speaking of which, Ms. Keiko is really big-hearted, is she still interested in learning how to cook at this time?"

Chia Keiko nodded and said, "After all, this is my dream all along. Even if something like that happened, I don't want to give up."

Li Qinghe smiled and said nothing.

Many ordinary people have imagined what they will do with superpowers one day, but people with superpowers like Chihe Keiko think about how to be an ordinary person and enjoy an ordinary life.

Super powers are not as beautiful as imagined.Of course, it was not as bad as imagined. If he had a choice, then Li Qinghe would still like to continue to have extraordinary power.

"The dish we are going to learn today is octopus with wasabi."

After Suzuki finished speaking for a long time, today's lesson began.

This dish is not difficult. Although Li Qinghe had never cooked it before, he quickly learned it.

"Mr. Qinghe seems to be very talented in cooking."

Chihe Keiko at the side said with some envy.

The next moment, she showed a pleading look, "Can Mr. Qinghe teach me?"

Li Qinghe did not refuse such a trivial matter.

Time passed quickly, and the course was coming to an end in a blink of an eye.

"Well, that's all for today's class, see you next week."

Suzuki said for a long time, announcing the dismissal of get out of class.

Li Qinghe got on the locomotive and was about to start it.

"Mr. Qinghe, please wait a moment."

Qianhe Keiko said.

"Anything else?"

Li Qinghe stopped moving.

"You, do you want to keep running away like this?"

Qianhe Huizi looked at Li Qinghe and said solemnly.

Li Qinghe didn't quite understand, and asked

"What does Miss Keiko mean by this sentence? Please explain clearly."

"The monster that appeared on the Tianliang, although Mr. Qinghe didn't see it, but that monster can be defeated even by agito. Does Mr. Qinghe think he has the strength to deal with it? We survivors should be together. Only by gathering everyone's strength can we obtain A ray of hope!"

After Qianhe Huizi finished speaking, Li Qinghe fell silent.

Water Angel!

Li Qinghe knew the original plot, so he naturally knew that after Shoichi Tsugami transformed for the first time, he was full of strength, but when facing the water angel, he still seemed so powerless.

That guy is powerful.But why Mao himself is not afraid of the water angel at all?That was in the original plot, the existence of Shoichi Tsugami was slapped, and Shoichi Tsugami lost the courage to fight for a while.

"I won't promise too much, but if there is an unkon, you can make this call."

Li Qinghe took out a pen and paper, wrote down his phone number, and handed it to Keiko Qianhe.

"By the way, you must come tomorrow. I will bring someone to meet you. You met him...

Suddenly, a strange tinnitus sounded.

Li Qinghe felt the breath of unkon.

Li Qinghe's engine car drove towards the sensing place.

"Is it Qinghe-jun's phone number? Will it be Agito who will come tomorrow?"

Qianhe Huizi looked at Li Qinghe's back and said in a low voice.

You still don't understand what I mean!

In this world, we are the only ones who can live together.

Since you can make the water angel retreat, you are not... an ordinary human being after all.What other people are looking for is agito, but the person I am looking for is you.

On the other side, the courtyard.

A pregnant woman was holding her big belly, but she had an expression of lovelessness on her face, and she even stopped knitting a sweater for the baby unconsciously.

"Is it the deceased's wife? She is already pregnant."

In a certain corner, Glacier was watching the woman in the courtyard.

That is?

Bingchuancheng found another black zebra Unkon who was about to attack a woman, and quickly shouted "Danger!"

At the same time, he rushed over quickly.


The woman also reacted immediately, yelled, and ran in the direction of Bing Chuancheng.

"I'm a policeman, let's go!"

Glacier pulled the woman up and fled quickly.

The dark horse Unkon also chased after him.

Li Qinghe, who was on the way, suddenly received a call from Bing Chuancheng.

"Qinghe, where are you now? Unkon haunts, the address is..."

Glacier Makoto's voice was urgent.

Li Qinghe interrupted him directly, and said, "I'm on the road now, is it okay for Mr. Bingchuan to hold on for a while?"

"Then come here quickly, my side..."

Before Glacier finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.


Li Qinghe gave a soft drink, the golden armor added to his body, and the shape of the locomotive also changed.

Increase the speed to the maximum and gallop towards the area where Unkon appeared.


Like a golden shadow, it quickly swept across the street.

At the same time, the g3 container truck has also been dispatched.

On the other side, the dark horse Unkon has appeared in front of him.

Bing Chuancheng took the woman to a corner, took out a pistol and rushed out, attracting the attention of the black horse Unkon in an attempt to delay time.

Bang bang bang!

Although the bullet was ineffective, it did a good job of drawing the dark horse Unkon's attention.

Bingchuancheng retreated while shooting, but was quickly overtaken by the black horse Unkon.

And the bullets also ran out at this time.

Giving up the gun, Bingchuancheng rushed over, intending to fight in close combat.

After a few rounds, Bingchuancheng was overturned to the ground by the dark horse Unkon, mainly because the dark horse Unkon was merciful, he was unwilling to kill ordinary humans, otherwise, Bingchuancheng would have died long ago.

Bing Chuancheng turned his head and saw a golden figure jumped off the locomotive and rushed towards this side, feeling relieved, Qinghe rushed over.


The black horse Unkon opened his mouth, changed his target immediately, and attacked Agito.

Fearing that he would not be in time, Li Qinghe picked up his mobile phone and called Tsugami Shoichi on the road, but found no one answered. When Li Qinghe came to the place Bing Chuancheng said, he saw that Agito was already fighting.

When Li Qinghe arrived, he saw Shoichi Tsugami's transformed agito, who was already fighting the dark horse Unkon.

"It seems that I don't need to make a move, but after he finishes fighting, I still have to play."

Li Qinghe chose a remote corner and began to watch the battle. Bored as always, Li Qinghe yawned as he watched.

While the dark horse Unkon was running up, Sho Tsugami punched him one by one.

Tsugami Shoichi also raised his fist, and soon, the two fought together.

The black horse's fist hit Tsugami Shoichi's body, and it felt soft, unable to cause much effective damage to the armor at all.

On the contrary, Tsugami Shoichi's huge strength forced the black horse Unkon to retreat continuously, and his figure was a little unstable.

Not long after, the g3 container truck also arrived. Seeing this, Bingchuan ran over to put on the g3 system.

After he finished dressing, Tsugami Shoichi's battle here was coming to an end.

Sho Tsugami kicked the black horse Unkon away with one kick, shooting a burst of flames.

Shoichi Tsugami was about to end the fight when he suddenly felt his legs being bound by something.

Looking down, a white zebra Unkon appeared at some point, hugging his calf tightly.

The black horse took this opportunity to stand up, and pounded its fist on Li Qinghe's chest, punching continuously.


Bingchuancheng yelled, and at the same time pulled the trigger of G01 in his hand, a string of flames rose.

Da da da!

The bullets all hit the black horse Unkon, forcing the opponent back temporarily.

At the same time, Shoichi Tsugami is also freed from the bondage of the white horse Unkon.

"Qinghe, are you alright?"

Glacier asked sincerely.

Tsugami Shoichi didn't speak, and then his armor turned blue, and he pulled out the Storm Halberd from the Philosopher's Stone.Tsugami Shoichi was wondering why he called himself Qinghe.

Sho Tsugami rushed out with a long halberd in one hand, and when he raised his hand, he slashed.

Unkon the white horse raised his arms to block, but was kicked in the lower abdomen by Sho Tsugami.

Then, Sho Tsugami spun the storm halberd in one hand, and a gust of wind blew up all around.

The storm whirled!

The storm halberd thrust out suddenly.

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