
A purple halo appeared above Unkon's head, followed by an explosion on the spot.

On the other side, Makoto Glacier is using gs03 to fight against dark horse Unkon.

"Even the children in your stomach are not spared, you monsters, you are really damned!"

Bingchuancheng was extremely angry, holding up the saboteur and hacking continuously, venting his anger in his heart.

Shoichi Tsugami turned into the earth form, opened the hexagon, and came here to support.

Agito kicks!

There was another explosion.

With the death of two unkons,

After Glacier took off his armor, he exclaimed in admiration

"Mr. Qinghe, it seems that he has become much stronger than before."

But Tsugami Shoichi did not speak, but left on a motorcycle.

After Tsugami Shoichi left, Li Qinghe came out from the corner and explained

"Don't call me by my name outside, I'm worried about those who care..."

Takahiro Omuro got down from the container truck, and said excitedly, "I know, I know, you are afraid that others will find out your identity, right? As expected of my idol, you are so considerate."

"I'm missing you."

Li Qinghe looked disgusted, and she was not a pretty girl, so he would rather not have such a fan.

"Ha ha!"

Both Bingchuancheng and Ozawa Chengzi couldn't help laughing.

A new day, Tokyo Police Headquarters.

Watching the video of last night's battle, the officers nodded repeatedly.

"Sure enough, appointing Police Officer Glacier as the G3 system assembler is the most correct decision."

An officer said with a smile, "Also, regarding Agito, we can also confirm his collaborator status."

"According to various performances, Agito is indeed on our side."

The other officers also agreed.

"But I don't understand one thing. How do you judge that person will be attacked?"

An officer looked at Bing Chuancheng and asked.

"The one who was attacked yesterday was the wife of the last deceased person. Unkon's target should be the child in her stomach."

Bing Chuancheng said, "In general, it can be determined that Unkon committed the crime by blood relationship."

The officers expressed their recognition of Hikawa Makoto's ability

"Looking forward to your next performance, Glacier."


Glacier stood up and bowed.

Hikawa Makoto came out of the conference room, and happened to run into Officer Kono Koji.

"Maybe I need to tell you something."

Kono Koji stopped when he saw Makoto Hikawa. .

"Please say."

Bing Chuancheng nodded and said.

Chapter 127 Superpower?

"The criminal who killed Tomoko Miura, the court has canceled the prosecution against him. There seems to be some problems with the psychiatric evaluation, and the motive of the crime has never been clear. Now he has been sent to the hospital."

Kono Koji said.

"Are you really a psychopath?"

Bingchuancheng asked with some doubts.

Just at this moment, Koji Kono's phone rang.

After hanging up the phone, Kono Koji said to Hikawa Makoto, "It's a female friend calling, let me introduce you."

Came to an office, Hikawa Makoto saw the female friend Kono Koji was talking about, and recognized her at a glance.

"Miss True Fish."

Glacier called out.

After some understanding, Bingchuancheng finally understood.

It turned out that it was Kono Koji who was responsible for the murder of Zhenyu's father.

"Sorry, I still haven't found any clues."

Koji Kono poured a glass of water for Mau.

"It should be me who should say sorry, after all, Mr. Kono has been disturbed so many times."

Real Fish said, but a look of disappointment still appeared on his face from time to time.

Finding the real culprit who killed his father has always been a concern of hers.

After talking for a while, Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji sent the real fish away together.

Because of Zhenyu's status as a superpower, Makoto Bingchuan subconsciously linked the murder of Fenggu Shenxing with the recent Unkon.

So he said, "Mr. Kono, would it be convenient for you to tell me the details of this case?"

"of course."

Kono Koji did not refuse.

Then, in order for Hikawa Makoto to better understand the situation, Kono Koji took him to the place where Feng Gu Fukun was killed and a coffee shop that he often visited during his lifetime.

After getting a good understanding, Koji Kono asked, "Mr. Hikawa thinks this is the work of Unkon? This is impossible, and I don't know about others for the time being, but there is one thing about this case, that is, the culprit must be human beings."

"I don't think so, let's go to the next place."

Glacier Cheng didn't argue any further.

Finally, the two came to Fenggu's house.

"After the death of Feng Gu Shen Xing, this place became an empty house." Kono Koji stated.

The two were about to go in and have a look, when a figure suddenly appeared and walked into the house.

Wind Valley real fish!

"Follow in and have a look."

The two got out of the car and followed.

Zhenyu walked into the house, looked at everything around, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

Those happy memories with my father, as if it was just yesterday, filled my ears with laughter.

In front of my eyes, there seemed to be the figure of my father, smiling at me.

However, the next moment, it disappeared again.


Footsteps came from outside.

Makoto turned his head and saw Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji.

"That... I think sometimes I may find some clues from the beginning."

Kono Koji said with some embarrassment.

"Can we search it, please?"

Glacier Makoto said that after obtaining the consent of the real fish, he began to act.

And the real fish came to the pillar where his father used to measure his height.

The real fish swept his eyes and found something wrong.

"There seems to be a gap here."

Zhenyu's words attracted the other two.

The two came closer, and Bing Chuancheng took a book next to him and knocked hard on the gap.

The middle part fell to the ground.

Inside was a black sphere and a videotape.

"What is it? It's like tennis and not like tennis."

Kono Koji picked up the black spherical object and said doubtfully.

Bingchuancheng looked at Fenggu Zhenyu and said, "Miss Zhenyu, I need to take these two things back, maybe I can find some clues."

Next to a company, a delivery truck stopped at the door, and the man in the driver's seat got out of the car and walked in.

On the man's neck, there was a small bag, which was bitten by something yesterday, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Picking up a few cardboard boxes, he asked the security guard, "Are these the only ones today?"

"Yes, trouble you."

The security guard replied immediately.

The man went out with the cardboard box in his arms, opened the back door of the delivery truck, and was about to move the box into the car.

Suddenly, a chill hit, the man felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body was extremely cold.


The man fell to the ground before he could even cry out for help, losing his breath.

"what happened?"

The security guard on duty at the side noticed something was wrong, so he went out to check and found that the other party was motionless.

After some investigation, the security guard's pupils dilated unconsciously.

he died!

Wind Valley home.

Bing Chuancheng, who was about to return to the police station, suddenly received a call.

After Hikawa Makoto finished answering, Kono Koji asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found the body killed by Unkon, I need to go back."

The two left here quickly.

a hospital.

"Meeting you? Please sign here."

The front desk said to a man, took out a watch and handed it over.

The man took the watch and wrote his name on it.

Shoichi Tsugami!

This is the real Tsugami Shoichi.

And Shoichi Tsugami has been acting in the name of Tetsuya Sawaki.Afterwards, Tsugami Shoichi was replaced by Sawaki Tetsuya.

What Shoichi Tsugami wants to meet this time is an existence that can resurrect human beings.

Shoichi Tsugami is looking forward to this meeting.

When he came to a ward, Sho Tsugami took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

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