"You came."

A young man in black turned his head and said calmly.

"Why choose me?"

Sho Tsugami got straight to the point.

"It's not that I chose you, but your own reasons."

Black God looked at Shoichi Tsugami and smiled, "It was you who killed the world's first agito."

Black God's words made Tsugami Shoichi's expression change.

A picture appeared in Tsugami Sho's mind.

It was a night of heavy rain, and he still couldn't hold Yukina's hand tightly in the end.

"Is that so? Then what do I need to do for you? Get rid of agito?"

"You guessed wrong, it's not, it's about removing the threat."

Black God said lightly.

Misugi's house.

When Zhenyu returned home, the original depressed mood was swept away.

What could be happier than a new lead on Dad's case?

For Qinghe, let him go. Anyway, I must investigate the cause of my father's death.

Li Qinghe also noticed the change of Zhenyu, he didn't think too much, after all, girls' minds always change every day.

During the time he spent with the real fish, he felt deeply about it.

"Speaking of which, Zhenyu's 17th birthday will be in a few days. Have you thought about how to celebrate?"

Li Qinghe turned his head, looked at Zhenyu and said.

"If the real fish wants any gift, uncle can satisfy it!"

Miyama Yoshihiko also put down the magazine in his hand at this time and smiled.

Taiyi said from the side, "I'm so envious that my sister can celebrate her birthday. In fact, Dad, I also have a lot of things I want to buy."

When Miyama Yoshihiko heard this, he pinched Taichi's face, "You're not very old, but your desire to shop is really not small."

If it were before today, Zhenyu would not be in the mood to celebrate, but now it is different.

"First, I want a big cake."

Real Fish said, then thought about it again,

"How about we go outside and celebrate?"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to have a big meal!"

Before the others could speak, Taichi started to get excited.

"What about the gift? What gift do you want?" Li Qinghe asked.

"Hmm... I haven't decided on a gift yet, or else Qinghe will accompany me to go shopping and choose one? Xiangyi, you can come too."

Real Fish said.

"I don't want this..."

Li Qinghe subconsciously wanted to refuse.

For an otaku, going shopping with a girl is definitely the biggest punishment.

"Well, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, and I may need to lie down on the bed for a while."

Xiangyi also said that he wanted to run away.Anyway, I don’t want to go shopping with Zhenyu.

"Stop it."

Zhenyu grabbed Li Qinghe and forcibly took him out of the house.

After a while, after the two finished shopping, Li Qinghe had an extra bag in his hand.

"But in this way, won't you lose the excitement of unwrapping presents?"

Li Qinghe wondered, what Zhenyu chose was a music box.

In his view, if receiving a gift is not for the sense of anticipation at the moment of opening the box, then everything will be boring.

"That's Qinghe's idea. Compared with the sense of expectation, I want to get what I want." Zhenyu replied.

The two were walking and talking, when suddenly, Li Qinghe stopped.

There is unkon around!

"What's wrong?" Makoto asked in confusion.


Li Qinghe protected the real fish behind him, and turned his eyes to look around.

A red hook approached quickly, flying upwards as it approached the two of them.

With a violent swing of his arm, Li Qinghe erupted with strength far beyond ordinary people, and hit the hook back to the ground.

Behind a pillar, a dark red figure appeared.

Scorpion unkon!

"True fish, you go first."

Li Qinghe said quickly.

"Qinghe, be careful, you must come back, we agreed to celebrate our birthday together."

Zhen Yu said as she stepped back, she knew that staying here was just a drag on Qinghe.

"Do not worry!"

Li Qinghe responded, and a transformation belt appeared on his waist.

The golden armor gradually covered Li Qinghe, and the transformation was completed soon.

Zhenyu didn't leave very far, and while secretly watching the battle between Li Qinghe and Scorpion Unkon, he called Bingchuancheng.

"Unkon? I'll be right there!"

Glacier Cheng hung up the phone and informed Ozawa Chengzi that the G3 container truck was dispatched.

Flame form!

Li Qinghe's whole body turned from gold to red, and at the same time he took out the flame saber from the Philosopher's Stone.

"bring it on!"

Li Qinghe yelled, and slashed forward.

Scorpion Unkon also took out an ax from the purple halo in front of him.

The Ax of Hades!

The two sides are fighting together.

Clang clang!

The whole field is full of the sound of weapons colliding, and every time there is a collision, sparks will be wiped out.

"This guy has so much strength!"

Li Qinghe tried his best every time, but the opponent could always catch his every blow.

However, it's still a little bit worse!

Li Qinghe let out a roar, and blocked Unkon's ax with his flame saber.

Then, keep dashing forward.


Li Qinghe pressed the ax of Hades against the wall, and as the scorpion Unkon retreated, a deep crack was drawn, and debris of earth and stone rolled down continuously.


The scorpion unkon staggered back a few steps, and the two temporarily separated.

The ax in his hand was thrown towards Li Qinghe.

Seeing this, Li Qinghe quickly rolled to the side to avoid the blow.

When the ax fell back into the hands of the scorpion Unkon, the red hook flew out quickly.

When Li Qinghe, who was standing up, saw the hook flying towards him, the hook was already within sight.

In a critical moment, Li Qinghe suddenly shifted to another location as if teleported.

"Qinghe, be careful!"

Two girls' shouts sounded at the same time.

Next to the real fish, there was an extra figure at some point, and the light in the palm of the hand protruding forward was gradually dissipating.

"Miss Keiko."

Li Qinghe saw Qianhe Keiko, but now is not the time to chat.

The unkon in front of him is obviously stronger than the previous unkon.

"Annoyed me!"

On the surface of the flaming saber in Li Qinghe's hand, flames suddenly rose up, scorching the air.

He rushed forward, slashed at the scorpion Unkon, and knocked the opponent's ax out of his hand.

The scorpion unkon staggered back a few steps.

The sharp corner of the hilt in his hand unfolded, and Li Qinghe took this opportunity to perform a certain kill.

The flames suddenly cut!

At the same time as he jumped up, he slashed down with the flaming saber in his hand.


An extra shield appeared in the hands of the scorpion unkon.

Hades Shield!


The two stalemate together, creating violent friction.

In the end, Li Qinghe took a step closer and knocked the scorpion Unkon to the ground.

The expected explosion sound did not come, and the scorpion unkon blocked Li Qinghe's sure-kill blow.

When he was about to pursue, the scorpion unkon had already fled the scene. .

"Qinghe, are you alright?"

After seeing the scorpion unkon escape, Zhenyu hurried over and said worriedly.

Chapter 128 Shoichi Tsugami's Doubts

Before Xiang could say anything, Li Qinghe smiled and said, "He's fine, you don't have to worry."

After finishing speaking, Li Qinghe touched Zhenyu's hair subconsciously, and Zhenyu blushed and straightened the messy hair messed up by Li Qinghe.

Chihe Keiko also walked over at this time, and glanced at Zhenyu intentionally or unintentionally.

"Thank you, Miss Keiko, this time."

Li Qinghe said sincerely, otherwise, if he was stabbed like that, he probably wouldn't feel good.

"I just happened to pass by."

Qianhe Keiko smiled, then turned to look at Zhenyu, "Is this Qinghe's girlfriend? She's so cute."

Qianhe Keiko didn't wait for Li Qinghe to answer, she shot at Zhenyu and said, "Hi, I'm Qianhe Keiko, and I met Qinghe in the cooking class."

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