Naturally, she would not say that the two of them were passengers of the Tianliang, but she had been warned not to tell others about that.

The real fish also smiled, holding both hands together.

"Fenggu Zhenyu, currently living with Qinghe, is a cohabitation relationship."

After Zhenyu finished speaking, the atmosphere became inexplicably weird.

Keiko's face froze, and she said, "I have other things to do, so I'll leave first. If you have time, Qinghe treats me to dinner, as a thank you."

"it is good."

Li Qinghe replied that it was indeed thanks to Keiko's rescue this time.

Keiko saw Tsugami Shoichi and stared at him with burning eyes. This is the person who fought against Water Angel on the Dawn.

Keiko walked towards Shoichi, "Would you mind chatting with me?"


The cute Xiangyi didn't know, so Li Qinghe couldn't stand it anymore, and pushed Xiangyi out, "Miss Huizi, please take care of Xiangyi."


Keiko nodded with a smile, took the initiative to take Xiangyi and left.

After Keiko left, Zhenyu turned to Li Qinghe and said, "I suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision for Uncle to enroll you in the training class."

After Zhenyu finished speaking, he walked forward on his own.

Is this girl jealous?

Li Qinghe smiled and followed.

The battle ended too quickly, before Bing Chuancheng arrived, he was informed by Li Qinghe that the battle was over.


Black God said while folding the paper boat, "In the ancient times, there was a man who defeated the end of the world on the boat. Do you want to take the boat too?"

The brother-in-law sitting behind him stood up and said, "No, I didn't think about it that way. It's meaningless to get on that boat. I just want to understand others, myself, and everything."

"Of course, I will let you feel the innermost voice of human beings."

After the words fell, the imprint on Heishen's hand glowed and shone on his brother-in-law.

"You stupid!"

"Enough is enough!"

"Why doesn't anyone understand me?"

The next moment, a struggling expression appeared on the brother-in-law's face, and a voice kept ringing from the bottom of his heart.

With the help of the Black God, he invaded the inner world of others.

Understanding other people's hearts is not an easy task, beads of sweat appeared on the brother-in-law's face.

g3 container truck.

"Do you suspect that the case two years ago is related to Unkon?"

Ozawa Chengzi's surprised voice sounded.


Bing Chuancheng nodded, picked up the two items he got from Feng Gu's home, and said, "Feng Gu was lucky to have died of an impossible crime. Look at this, it was obtained from the victim's home."

"This is?"

Takahiro Omuro picked up the black ball with a puzzled look on his face.

Glacier Cheng explained.

"It's tennis balls, but the surface is turned upside down."

Takahiro Omuro looked at it half-understood, and found that the black ball did not have the ability to cut it open and put it back together.

Ozawa Chengzi also noticed this, looked at Bing Chuancheng and said, "I see, you suspect that Fenggu Fukako is a superpower, so you made the judgment that he was killed by Unkon."

"Yes, for now, this is just my reasoning."

Without conclusive evidence, Bingchuancheng dare not assert.

Then, the three of them began to check the video tape.

The screen was pitch black, and there were intermittent noisy sounds.

"Leave this to me for now, maybe I can find something different."

Takahiro Omuro said.

He subconsciously felt that there might be something hidden in this noise.

Misugi's house.

After lunch, Zhenyu followed Li Qinghe to the vegetable garden.

"Aren't you scared at all? After all, I was attacked by Unkon yesterday."

Li Qinghe looked at Zhenyu and said.

"It's impossible to say I'm not afraid, but as long as I think of Qinghe by my side, I won't be so afraid. However, I really didn't expect Xiangyi to be agito. Sometimes, I really wish she wasn't agito."

Zhenyu squatted on the ground, looked at Li Qinghe, and said seriously, "Qinghe will protect me, right? This is an agreement."

"Of course, always will be."

Li Qinghe nodded solemnly.

Whether it's for the real fish or for yourself, you must become stronger as soon as possible!

Li Qinghe thought in his heart that this was the first time he was so eager for power.

Under the longing in his heart, it seems that somewhere in his body, there has been an unpredictable and strange change, as if his body movements are more coordinated, and he is more comfortable in fighting.I seem to have become stronger, I hope this is not an illusion.

Not long after, Bingchuancheng came to visit.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Xiangyi, Miss Zhenyu."

Glacier Cheng shouted,

"Because Ms. Mayu was attacked just now, I felt the need to come and take a look."

The scorpion unkon hadn't been wiped out yet, and Glacier felt that it would definitely attack the real fish again.

These unkons will not stop until they get rid of people with superpowers.

"Although Mr. Qinghe is protecting me, this is also my job."

Glacier Cheng explained.

"Xiangyi will protect our..."

Makoto Fenggu said.

"Uh, I didn't mean..."

Before Bing Chuancheng finished speaking, Li Qinghe covered his mouth.

"The real fish doesn't know my identity yet, and I'm not ready to let the real fish know."

Li Qinghe whispered in Bing Chuancheng's ear.

Bingchuancheng nodded and didn't say anything about it.

Zhenyu glanced at Bing Chuancheng and Li Qinghe respectively, and was puzzled in his heart. What are these two guys muttering about?

Bingchuancheng then told Li Qinghe that he had something to talk to Zhenyu alone.

Bingchuancheng nodded, and then said, "Zhenyu, I have something to talk to you about."

Li Qinghe nodded, and didn't ask what it was.

But Li Qinghe almost guessed it, probably because the case of Zhenyu's father has made new progress.

Li Qinghe actually didn't want Bingchuancheng to continue investigating this matter.

Because this matter involved Sawaki Tetsuya (Shoichi Tsugami)'s sister Shelley.Shelley is an innocent little girl, because her father who accidentally killed Fenggu Zhenyu chose to commit suicide.

Since Zhenyu doesn't want him to know, then pretend not to know.

Li Qinghe squatted on the ground and began to weed the vegetable field.

Soon, Zhenyu's 17th birthday came.

In the end, I chose to celebrate at home.

After everyone sang the happy birthday song, Mao made a wish and blew out the candles.

"What wish did my sister make?"

As soon as Taiyi finished asking, Miyama Yoshihiko knocked on the head, "Don't ask, if you say it, you can't realize it."

Zhenyu opened his eyes and asked Li Qinghe, "Is it really good to leave Mr. Bingchuan alone like this?"

"Well, he asked for it himself, let him go, let's cut the cake."

Li Qinghe nodded and said.

At this time, outside Misugi's house, Glacier Cheng stood by, watching every move around him.

Although Zhenyu invited himself, he still couldn't ignore the work!

Inside the house, the atmosphere of the birthday party was very harmonious.

Li Qinghe smiled happily on the surface, but he never let down his vigilance in his heart.

Since the scorpion Unkon is not dead, it will definitely make a comeback.

However, until the end of the celebration, there was no trace of the scorpion Unkon.

Li Qinghe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was already very late, Li Qinghe and Zhenyu went out and found that Bingchuancheng's car was still parked by the side of the road.

Zhenyu hurried over and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Glacier."

Although this feeling of being watched all day is not good, but no matter what, the other party is thinking about his own safety.

Bingchuancheng smiled, said goodbye to the two, and then drove away.

"Let's go back too."

Real Fish said, turning around and preparing to return.

At this moment, the body was pushed away by a force.

"Run away!"

Li Qinghe's shout came from next to his ear, which made Zhenyu react quickly.

It was unkon who appeared.

A dark red hook was passing through where she had been standing before.

Sure enough, only when Unkon uses his ability can he sense it!Far inferior to Shoichi Tsugami, it seems that as long as Unkon moves to kill, he will sense it.

Shoichi Tsugami is the purest agito.

Li Qinghe thought in his heart that at the same time that Zhenyu turned around just now, tinnitus sounded, and Li Qinghe pushed Zhenyu away without the slightest hesitation.

Under a big tree not far away, the scorpion Unkon came out from behind the tree, the hook retracted behind him.


The scorpion unkon rushed towards Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe retreated to the distance, and stopped after leading the scorpion Unkon away for a certain distance.

Chapter 129 Two agito?

Li Qinghe hid in the shadows, while Tsugami Shoichi who rushed over on a motorcycle stood in front of Scorpion Unkon.

"I will never let you go this time, transform!"

Shoichi Tsugami would never tolerate a scorpion unkon threatening his loved ones.

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