The light flashes, agito land form, debut!

g3 container truck.

"Unkon appeared."

Zhenyu quickly notified Bingchuancheng, and when she turned around, she found that Li Qinghe who pushed her away had disappeared at some point.

"Where did Qinghe go at this time!"

The real fish was really anxious.

The g3 container truck was dispatched and arrived at the scene soon.

At this time, Shoichi Tsugami has transformed into a flame form, and took out the flame saber, and started a desperate struggle with the scorpion Unkon.

For some reason, Tsugami Shoichi always felt that this transformation was much stronger than the last one.

It seems that because the will has become firmer, even the power of the Philosopher's Stone has been stimulated to a greater extent.


The flame lit up the silent night, and the flames on the blade flowed like magma.

Tsugami Shoichi slashed down hard.


Under the transmission of huge force, the scorpion unkon lost his strength instantly, and the ax of Hades in his hand fell to the ground.

The scorpion unkon stretched out his palm, and the ax trembled slightly, about to fly back into its hand.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of hasty gunshots sounded, and the bullet accurately hit the back of the scorpion Unkon's hand, making it unable to pick up the weapon on the ground.

Then Shoichi Tsugami resorted to the ultimate kill-flame sudden cut.

The figure quickly approached the scorpion unkon, and the flame saber in his hand cut out a perfect arc.

A ray of fire illuminates the night.


The scorpion unkon took out the shield of Hades and raised the shield forward.


There was a huge force, and there were cracks on the surface of the shield, and at the same time, the figure could not stop retreating.

The scorpion unkon turned around and ran away with the help of the impact.

You are not an opponent in singles, let alone 1v2?

Want to slip again?

Never let it hurt a real fish again!

A strong will emerged, and Tsugami Shoichi quickly rushed towards the motorcycle parked by the side of the road.

However, the moment he got on the locomotive, he seemed to feel Ato's belief in Unkon, and the achetoador (mechanical tornado) suddenly changed its shape.

Mechanical tornado gliding form!


Li Qinghe remembered that in the original book, Tsugami Shoichi was helped by Toma, but now, he changed his form directly.

It seems that with my arrival, the plot has shifted, and the plots I know may not be as accurate as before.

With the appearance of the gliding form, Li Qinghe was lifted into the air.

But now there is no time to think too much.

As soon as Tsugami Sho switched to the earth form, he drove the mechanical tornado and rushed towards the scorpion Unkon.

The upper corner of the head spread out, and with super high speed, Shoichi Tsugami sent out a knight kick.

The scorpion unkon turned around and raised his shield in front of him.


Without any stagnation, Tsugami Shoichi pierced a big hole in the shield, and the scorpion unkon exploded.

Shoichi Tsugami slid several meters on the ground before stopping the impact.


"Agito was activated by my own strength alone. Yes, it has great potential. I have to speed up their training, otherwise how to deal with that person."

There was a cold light in Heishen's eyes, and Heishen continued.

"Agito can't be killed now, he is a very important fighting force for expelling visitors from other worlds."

Let him know everything, this is what the creature in front of him, which can be called a god, promised him.

On the other side, the mechanical tornado switched to locomotive mode, and Shoichi Tsugami was about to leave.


Suddenly, a voice stopped him.

Sho Tsugami turned around and saw that it was Ryo Ashihara who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Shoichi Tsugami has not seen Ryo Ashihara for a long time since the last time we met, and once thought she had returned to a square life.

"I just saw that senior was fighting Unkon?"

Ashihara Ryo came over and said.

Sho Tsugami, who hadn't released his transformation at this time, nodded and said, "Yes."

"I want to fight with Senior!"

Wei Yuanliang suddenly made a request, with a sad expression on his face, "I have already, there is nothing else to do."

Mayumi still couldn't accept me in the end.Thinking of this, the bitter tone was a little sad.

Li Qinghe looked at the man in front of him, and understood his feelings at this moment.

So, Sho Tsugami patted Ryo Ashihara on the shoulder and said, "In this case, fight side by side with me!"

Tsugami Shoichi lifted his transformation, stretched out his right hand, and said with a smile, "Let's get to know each other formally. My name is Tsugami Shoichi. I'm an ordinary person like you."

"Ashihara Ryo, please give me your advice."

While stretching out his hands to hold each other, Wei Yuanliang couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect senior to be so young."

"Call me Xiangyi."

Xiang Yi chuckled, he was still embarrassed to accept the title of senior.

And although the title of senior sounds good, it always feels like I have entered middle age for no reason.

"Mr. Qinghe!"

Hikawa Makoto also ran over at this time, took off his helmet and hugged it in his arms, looked at Shoichi Tsugami who had untransformed, and Ryo Ashihara, with doubts on his face.

Why is it Shoichi Tsugami who turned into agito this time, not Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe came out from the shadows, "There is no doubt, he is indeed an agito, and so am I. Like Xiangyi, I can transform into an agito."

Hearing what Li Qinghe said, Bingchuancheng suddenly understood that there was more than one agito.

As for Wei Yuanliang, he knew this person, he had met him when he was protecting Mayumi.

It turns out that not only Qinghe-kun, but Xiangyi is also agito!


When Ashihara Ryo saw Bing Chuancheng, he couldn't help becoming a little vigilant.

"Liang, don't be nervous. This is Officer Hikawa Makoto from the Metropolitan Police Department. We are now a cooperative relationship."

Li Qinghe quickly explained.

"What does Qinghe mean? Could it be that he also..."

"Yes, Ryo Ashihara, like me, is also a person with the ability to transform."

Li Qinghe still trusted Bing Chuancheng's character and did not hide it.

Informing each other of their identities early can also avoid some misunderstandings that may occur in the future.

"Since you are someone trusted by senior's friends, please give me your advice in the future."

Ashihara Ryo said.

"I told you not to call me senior."

Tsugami Shoichi said helplessly.Could it be that he looks old?

Do you choose to believe what I introduce?

This guy... is unexpectedly big-hearted!

And Bing Chuancheng on the side didn't give a response, he was stunned, and after reacting, he quickly asked, "So there is more than one agito...?"

"That's understandable."

Li Qinghe nodded and said.

Perhaps because he didn't get the power of White God directly, Ashihara Ryo didn't get a complete evolution, but became a subspecies of agito, gills.

However, this guy's combat power in the early stage is quite strong.

After getting acquainted with each other and leaving their contact information, the two left separately.

Misugi's house.

"Why didn't Qinghe come back with you?"

Miyama Yoshihiko said.

Makoto pretended to be nonchalant and replied, "He seems to be in a hurry."

"It's so late, what can happen?"

Miyama Yoshihiko asked doubtfully.

Zhenyu knew that he couldn't chat anymore, otherwise he would probably reveal his secrets, so he said, "It's late, I went upstairs to rest."

Fortunately, this battle did not last too long, and Li Qinghe came back soon.

The next day, Police Headquarters.

"The agito capture operation you submitted will be officially approved starting today."

An official read the bill submitted by Toru Hojo, "However, the use of special gas bombs written here will not be permitted."

"From our standpoint, we should capture Agito without harming him as much as possible. Moreover, the gas bomb may also affect nearby residents."

"I see. Regarding the weapons, I will reconsider."

Hojo Toru nodded and said.

The thought in his heart is that at worst, Agito will be captured with gas bombs first, and the credit he has made can fully make up for this.

"One more point, maybe we can cooperate with the G3 system to capture Agito more securely." An officer suggested.

"No, Mr. G3, the assembler of the g3 system, has personal feelings for Agito. Therefore, I think that g3 should be excluded from this operation."

Hojo Toru said, "In short, I want to be responsible for this operation alone."

He has been planning this operation for a long time, and it must be successful, even if all he gets is Agito's body.

Leaving the conference room, on the way, Hojo Toru met Ozawa Touko and Hikawa Makoto.

"Should there be an announcement soon? Regarding the capture operation of Agito."

Hojo Toru called Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Orange to stop, and said proudly.

"What? Capturing agito? Is it crazy up there?"

Ozawa Chengzi stopped, somewhat incomprehensible.

Recently, agito's position is obvious to all. In this case, they still want to capture agiyo?

Probably because he is afraid of the power of agito and wants to control it in his own hands.

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