After Ozawa Chengzi calmed down, she thought so in her heart.

In this case, I have to inform Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Xiangyi and that person named Wei Yuanliang immediately.

Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Orange were about to leave, but were stopped by Hojo Toru again.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Hojo said with a smile, "What will happen if the agito capture plan succeeds?"

"If you can control Agito, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to G3, right?"

After Hojo Toru finished speaking, he said goodbye and left.

"This guy's attitude is really arrogant. I think he must have never been beaten by his father before, so the tone of his speech is so annoying."

Ozawa Chengzi said angrily.

Hikawa Makoto looked at the back of Hojo Toru and said, "Everything he said is based on the premise of successfully capturing agito, but can this really be successful?"

Especially in the situation where there are "internal traitors" reporting to Agito in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"That's right, if you can't catch it, everything he said will be irrelevant."

Ozawa Chengzi said, smiling again, "Suddenly I really want to see Hojo's frantic expression after the operation failed!"

Thinking of this, she smiled even more happily. .

on the street.

Li Qinghe cleaned up an unkon on Qianhe Huizi's side, successfully raised the energy bar to 70, and was about to go home when he suddenly received a call from Bingchuancheng.

1 Chapter Thirty: The Arrival of Shen Yaji

"The Metropolitan Police Department is going to arrest me?"

After listening to the message from Bing Chuancheng, Li Qinghe's tone became a little cold.

Although Bingchuancheng has repeatedly emphasized that the Metropolitan Police Department's order is to capture him while trying not to hurt him, but it is already an established fact to attack him.

Now there are three agitos in total, Hojo Toru's arrest target is best not to be himself.Otherwise, Li Qinghe would not easily bypass him.

Since Hojo Toru is the leader, with that person's personality, it is estimated that he will do everything he can to deal with him.

It is true that Hojo Toru in the original book is not a bad person, but since he has focused his attention on himself, he has to bear the consequences!

After coming to this world for so long, Li Qinghe's mood has never been so bad for a moment.

Treat me as prey, do you want to capture it?

If you want a taste of death, go ahead and try it.

When he came to the door of the house, Li Qinghe put away his anger.

Opening the door, she saw Taiyi sitting on the sofa.

Li Qinghe saw that his expression was a little bad, so he said, "Taiyi, what's wrong with you?"

"Qinghe, I..."

Taiyi raised his head to look at Li Qinghe, and was about to speak, when he suddenly fell down on the sofa.

Li Qinghe touched Taiyi's forehead, it was very hot, he probably had a fever.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Li Qinghe picked up Tai Yi.

"No, I don't want to go to the hospital, I hate it."

"what happened?"

Zhenyu also just came back from school at this time, holding a box in his hand, seeing the situation, put down his things and walked over, asking.

"It should be a fever." Li Qinghe said.

"Send it to bed first, let's go."

The real fish naturally also knows Taiyi's disposition.

Taichi's mother is far away abroad, and Miyama Yoshihiko is usually busy with work and has no time to take care of him.

Although Taichi has a little temper, but Zhenyu still loves this younger brother very much.

Li Qinghe carried Taiyi to the bed and lay down, while Zhenyu came over with a towel.

She touched her forehead first, and then said, "Go to the hospital, it won't work like this."

"No." Taiyi said stubbornly.

"Then take your temperature." Zhenyu took out a thermometer.

"Don't touch me, leave me alone."

Taiyi turned over and said lazily.

"What can I do?"

Zhenyu frowned and said, "Uncle has academic research to be published, so he can't go home for three days."

Except for Miyama Yoshihiko, I'm afraid Taichi won't listen to others.


Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Could it be that uncle came back early?"

Zhenyu handed the towel in his hand to Li Qinghe, and said, "Qinghe, you find a way to put this towel on Taiyi's forehead, I'll go out and have a look."

When the door was opened, a woman's face came into view.

"Who is it please?"

Real fish looked at the strange woman in front of her and asked, she had never seen this woman before.

"Hello, is this Mr. Misugi's home? I am the nanny he invited, and my name is Aki Kami."

Kami Aki said with a smile.

"Aki... Miss?"

Zhenyu was stunned, when did uncle hire a nanny?

I didn't tell myself at all!

"Then may I come in?"

Shen Yaji said.

Zhenyu nodded subconsciously, "Please."

The second floor.

Li Qinghe tried to put the towel on Taiyi's forehead again.

Xiangyi and Keiko have been chatting until now and have not come back. Taking care of children, Xiangyi is more experienced than himself.

"I said no."

Taichi was already sweating all over, but he still stretched out his hand and patted the towel off.

"This kid..."

Li Qinghe shook his head, there was really nothing he could do about it.

At this moment, footsteps sounded.

"Let me come."

A strange voice came out.

Li Qinghe turned his gaze and saw a woman smiling at him.

God Aki!

After thinking for a while, Li Qinghe recognized the woman in front of him, who was also a passenger of the Tianliang.

Did you find your address so quickly?

Li Qinghe didn't have a good impression of Shen Yaji.

But in Zhenyu's eyes, seeing Li Qinghe staring at Shen Yaji intently, he couldn't help but say:

"Qinghe, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing."

Li Qinghe "???"

What am I thinking about?

"Let me try it?"

Shen Yaji took the towel from Li Qinghe's hand, and walked towards Taiyi.

Taiyi also turned his head to look, a smile suddenly appeared on his weak face.

who is she?It feels so familiar.

Subconsciously shouted "Mom..."

Taiyi didn't have any resistance, whether it was taking body temperature or taking antipyretics, as long as it was made by Shen Yaji himself, he would accept everything.

Seeing Kami Aki smiling at him, Taichi couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand and squeezed Kami Aki's hand tightly.

It's so warm, like holding my mother's hand.

With a smile on his face, Tai gradually fell asleep.


Zhenyu looked at the new nanny, and couldn't understand how she made Taiyi so obedient.

Zhenyu felt a little uncomfortable, and there was a little jealousy.

"We don't seem to have hired a nanny."

After Taichi fell asleep, Mau looked at Kami Aki and said.

"Yesterday, Mr. Misugi called and said he couldn't come back for the time being, so I'll take care of the family affairs."

Kami Aki explained with a smile.

"Is that so..."

Zhenyu stopped doubting immediately, no one would come to her house to be a babysitter for free, right?

Li Qinghe, who had been silent at the side, really wanted to say, that's why someone did it!

g3 container truck.

"What happened to the bag?"

Ozawa Chengzi took the bag containing the video tape handed over by Takahiro Omuro and asked.

"Don't you think it's strange? Why did Mr. Fenggu hide a videotape with nothing?"

Takahiro Omuro sat on the chair and said, "There is something wrong with the video tape, it's the sound in it."

Then, Takahiro Omuro took out a tape recorder, "I amplified the sound in the video tape and recorded it, let's listen to it."

"Come here, come here, come here..."

The three of them leaned together, only to hear a voice that kept repeating.

"The tail room is usually inconspicuous, but I didn't expect it to be quite reliable at critical moments."

After listening to the videotape, Ozawa Chengzi exclaimed that she didn't even notice the strangeness of the videotape.

"But how does this help us solve the case?"

Bing Chuancheng frowned, as if in deep thought.

It was getting dark.

It's time to make dinner.

"Mr. Qinghe go to rest, just let me come."

Shen Yaji said to Li Qinghe.

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