Li Qinghe put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and watched Shen Yaji cook from the side.

"Miss Aki, don't you have anything you want to tell me? For example, why did you come here? Is it really because Mr. Misugi hired a nanny?"

Li Qinghe said, waiting for Shen Yaji's reaction.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Mr. Qinghe."

When Shen Yaji heard Li Qinghe's words, he turned around without any panic, and said, "I thought Mr. Qinghe didn't know me. At that time, you were still in a coma.".

"I naturally have my channel."

Li Qinghe said calmly.

Chapter 131 Promise

"I'm here because I want someone to guard me."

Shen Yaji looked straight into Li Qinghe's eyes.

"Mr. Qinghe, we are the same kind, maybe we can live together."

Shen Yaji suddenly put down the tomato in his hand and held Li Qinghe's hand.

She really, just doesn't want to live in such fear anymore.

To be honest, Shen Yaji is very beautiful, but Li Qinghe knows very well that after all, all this woman wants is her own strength.

He didn't fall in love with Shen Yaji because he fell in love with him after seeing him in the crowd, and then he came here specially.

But I have to say that whether it is cleaning or cooking, Shen Yaji has done her job as a nanny very well.

Shen Yaji is a competent nanny.

"Then you start with a good nanny, but I'm curious, why don't you go to Xiangyi, he is agito, I think you know his identity."

Li Qinghe grabbed Shen Yaji's hand and pulled her in front of him.This woman is quite attractive.

"Because you are stronger than Xiangyi."

Shen Yaji wanted to go that day after Xiangyi's transformed agito was defeated by the water angel on the Tianliang, the unconscious Li Qinghe suddenly opened his eyes, stepped on the sky, scared the water angel away with his palm, and finally fell into the Sea.

If you look at it this way, if you choose Li Qinghe and choose Xiangyi, as long as you have no brains, you will know how to choose.

"What, do you want me to dress warmly?"

Shen Yaji asked provocatively.

"Then tomorrow, I will contact you then."

Li Qinghe did not refuse.

Shen Yaji looked at Li Qinghe in astonishment, never expecting that Li Qinghe would play wild.But then Shen Yaji blushed, let go of Li Qinghe's hand, and started cooking.

Li Qinghe didn't drive away Shen Yaji like Zhenyu thought.

Anyway, the family has an extra nanny to do housework for free, and he can have more time to manage the vegetable garden.

Moreover, Shen Yaji needs his protection, and Li Qinghe also needs to defeat more unkons.

Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone?

Shen Yaji brought the cooked porridge to Taiyi, and seeing Taiyi drank it without any resistance, Zhenyu felt a little uncomfortable being her sister.

A person who had only been here for a few hours actually compared her.

It seems that being in this family is not so important.

Zhenyu got up and went downstairs, looking at the box on the table.

It contained the dishes she made for the first time, and she originally wanted to bring them back to share with everyone.

But now it seems that there is no need for this.

Zhenyu opened the box, glanced at the food inside, and then walked towards the trash can.

"Why did you throw it away? Didn't you promise to give me a taste?"

A voice came from behind.


Real fish turned around and said with some surprise.

When Li Qinghe came a little closer, Zhenyu became emotional again.

"Miss Yaji's cooking is much better than mine. It's almost dinner time, so let's throw it away."

The real fish said so.

Li Qinghe snatched the lunch box over and said with a smile, "The first time Zhenyu cooked, how could it be wasted. Please give me a pair of chopsticks."

When Zhenyu heard this, all the bad emotions dissipated, and she couldn't help but smile, she turned around quickly, took out a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Li Qinghe.

"what about the taste?"

Zhenyu said nervously, as if he was afraid of Li Qinghe's disappointed expression.

"It's delicious."

Li Qinghe took a sip and said.

"Really? Then eat them all."

When Zhenyu was praised, he smiled until his eyes narrowed.

at dusk.

"Miss Yaji is really troublesome today."

The real fish said to Shen Yaji.

"No, that's my job."

Shen Yaji smiled and said,

"Then I'll go first and come back tomorrow."

Seeing that Shen Yaji was about to bid farewell and leave, Zhenyu quickly pulled Li Qinghe's sleeve and said, "Qinghe, go see Miss Yaji off."

Li Qinghe glanced at Zhenyu unexpectedly. Before, he looked like he didn't like Shen Yaji, but now he changed his face again. Could it be because he finished eating her cooking?

Nodding, Li Qinghe and Shen Yaji went out together.

Walking on the road, Shen Yaji suddenly asked, "Mr. Qinghe seems to hate me a bit, is it because I'm not doing well enough?"

Seeing that Li Qinghe didn't answer, Shen Yaji continued, "Mr. Qinghe thinks I'm using you? But I really want to live with Mr. Qinghe."

The companions around her died one after another, and she didn't want to be the next one.

Shen Yaji wants to find someone to rely on, no matter who it is, as long as he has enough strength to protect himself.

"There's no need to do this, as I said, as long as you can be a nanny with peace of mind and take good care of me, then I will sweep away the unkon around you."

Li Qinghe said, after all, Unkon is also his enemy.

"Do you want me to be your underground lover?"

Kami Aki asked.

"Then do you want to?"

Li Qinghe didn't deny that, for the beauties sent to the door, pushing them out would not be called Liu Xiahui, it would be called sick!

Before Shen Yaji could reply, a strange tinnitus sounded suddenly.

Sensing the appearance of Unkon, Li Qinghe hurried over.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong?"

The sudden move made Shen Yaji a little confused, so he chose to follow.

Beside a fountain, a man's phone rang.

He picked up the phone and put it to his ear to answer.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed up quickly, and before the man could react, he opened his mouth and bit.


The man's body fell to the ground.

"Hello? Hello!"

Another voice came from the phone.


The sound of the ground being trampled on.

Li Qinghe was still a step late,

But seeing Shoichi Tsugami's transformed agito, he rushed up.

The two are at war together.

"This is the power of agito?"

Shen Yaji, who was hiding behind Li Qinghe, looked at the fight in front of him and thought that Mr. Qinghe was a stronger existence than that man. If he could get Mr. Qinghe's protection, he should be able to live an ordinary life again, right?

In the battle with the jackal unkon, Shoichi Tsugami had the upper hand, but the opponent was too fast, so he let him escape in the end.

Seeing Unkon running away, Shen Yaji also came out from behind Li Qinghe.

After sending Shen Yaji downstairs, Li Qinghe went back. It is not safe for real fish to stay at home in this world.

"Am I missing something?"

Shen Yaji watched Li Qinghe leave reluctantly, perhaps, he should stay at home tonight.

The next day, Police Headquarters.

"Is it a sickle weasel? But the reason for the death of three people in one day is all due to this special natural phenomenon, so it should be impossible?"

After listening to Kono Koji's report, Ozawa Chengzi asked in confusion.

"Is the deceased related by blood?"

Asked Glacier on the side.

"Yes, the three are brothers, but there are no other relatives, and the next target is completely unpredictable."

After listening to Kono Koji's answer, everyone fell silent, frowning.

At this time, an officer said, "Unlon is becoming more and more rampant, but the G3 system alone cannot rush to the scene when the crime occurs."

"This is also the purpose of our plan to capture Agito. If the battle is successful, there will be new means to fight Unkon."

Another officer continued.

"Don't worry, I will not disappoint everyone's expectations. The special operations team to capture Agito has already begun to form. In one more day, everything will be ready."

Hojo Toru said solemnly.

"Sir! But didn't you already designate Agito as a collaborator before?"

Ozawa Chengzi stood up from his seat and said loudly, "If the operation fails, Agito will probably turn to Unkon. In this way, we will lose the powerful support of Agito."

"Miss Ozawa is worrying too much, the success rate of this operation is 100%!" Hojo Toru said.

"Okay, what has already been decided, there is no need to discuss it."

The chief said that he obviously fully supported Hojo Toru's actions.

Get out of the meeting room.

"Where does that guy have so much confidence?" Ozawa Chengzi exclaimed angrily.

"Miss Ozawa is right, Hojo is really an annoying person." Hikawa Makoto also said.

"The formation of the action team is about to be completed, do you want to inform Mr. Qinghe of this?" Bing Chuancheng looked at Ozawa Chengzi.

"No, not yet." Ozawa Chengzi shook his head and said, "The action team will be formed tomorrow, and we still have time. Stopping this plan is the most important thing."

"If the officers are determined to go their own way, please inform Mr. Qinghe when the time comes."

If possible, Ozawa Chengzi still hopes to prevent this from happening. If he really takes action at that time, Li Qinghe's attitude of helping human beings may change.

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