This is what she does not want to see.

Misugi's house.

Shen Yaji stayed with the sick Taiyi in the room, and Li Qinghe went out to buy ingredients for dinner.

"I am back."

After school, Zhenyu opened the door and walked into the living room.

"Taiyi, you are still sick, hurry back and rest."

Seeing Taiyi and Shen Yaji having fun, Zhenyu frowned and said.

Taiyi was about to refuse, when Shen Yaji said, "Miss Mayu is right, Taiyi should take a good rest."

"Well, since Sister Aki has said so."

Taiyi listened, and went back to the room with Shen Yaji to sleep very obediently.

After comforting Taiyi, Shen Yaji went downstairs and sat on the sofa with Zhenyu.

"Can Zhenyu tell me... about Mr. Qinghe? For example, what kind of person is he?"

Shen Yaji asked, wanting to know more about Li Qinghe from Zhenyu.

"Qinghe? I don't know too well, I have amnesia, and I have forgotten everything in the past."

Zhenyu didn't notice anything wrong, and besides, there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so he just said it out.


Shen Yaji was taken aback for a moment, but he clearly remembered himself and what happened on the Tianliang.

Asked again about the specific time of the amnesia about the real fish, Shen Yaji came up with an answer.

Although I don't know the specific reason, Qinghe-jun's amnesia is obviously fake.

For a moment, an idea popped up in Shen Yaji's mind.No wonder, it turned out that Qinghe might like this girl, so he stayed here?

"Miss Yaji seems to care about Qinghe's past?"

Real fish was puzzled.

"Actually, Qinghe and I are lovers."

Shen Yaji said.

If Li Qinghe had to hide something by using amnesia as an excuse, then he would not expose his lie. .

After all, she was still too insecure, and wanted to tie herself and Li Qinghe firmly.

Especially after seeing Li Qinghe easily repel Unkon yesterday.

Chapter 132 Li Qinghe's fiancee?

"Ah?" Zhenyu showed an expression of disbelief, "What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean."

Zhenyu's face was flustered, is this woman going to take Qinghe away from her?

Today Tsugami Shoichi came back with a smirk, she smelled a strong scent of perfume from Xiangyi, and asked him what he did at night, but he didn't speak.

Real fish was afraid that something would happen to Shoichi, so he grabbed Shoichi's arm, and finally spied on the shy scene of Tsugami Shoichi and Keiko last night.

Zhenyu was so ashamed that he almost got into the cracks in the ground. Now even the last Kiba Kiyokawa will be snatched away?

"That was three years ago, when we were together."

Shen Yaji smiled, as if what she said was the truth.

"I don't believe it. Please leave first. About this matter, I will ask Qinghe when he comes back."

Real Fish said.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave."

Shen Yaji was not angry, opened the door and left.

At the same time, Li Qinghe also bought the ingredients he wanted and planned to go home.

He hadn't gone far on the motorcycle when he passed a trail and heard someone calling his name.

Li Qinghe stopped the car, turned around, and found Chihe Keiko in sportswear running towards him.

Chiba Keiko's face was still dripping with sweat, obviously she was exercising.

After all, there is the threat of angels. Although exercising your body still cannot defeat angels, it can increase your chances of escaping and surviving.

"Why are you here?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"My house is near here. Do you want to go up and sit down? It's a good time to meet everyone. Now that you have Xiangyi's protection, it's enough."

Keiko Qianhe wiped off her sweat and said, the "everyone" in her mouth naturally refers to the passengers of Tianliang.

"No need." Li Qinghe chose to refuse, "If you find unkon, just give me a call, and I will arrive as soon as possible."

"Mr. Qinghe is still so wary of me." Huizi smiled, and didn't care too much, and asked instead, "Do you remember the last time you said you invited me to dinner?"

"Didn't I ask Xiangyi to accompany you? He smelled of your perfume last night. You should take him down."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"Well, one size is one size, I..."

Chiba Keiko grabbed the hem of her clothes, lowered her head and said.

"Of course, you choose a time."

Li Qinghe nodded and said.

After the two set a good time.

Seeing Keiko's hesitant expression, Li Qinghe asked, "Is there anything else?"

"That's right. I want to ask, Yaji...has she been looking for you recently?"

Keiko said that they have completely lost contact with Yaji in the recent period, and they don't answer the phone calls. After much deliberation, this is the only possibility.

"Are you talking about Shen Yaji? She's working as a nanny in my house, or the one who doesn't get paid."

Li Qinghe said.

Chiba Keiko breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said

"Yaji is not bad by nature, but she is too insecure and wants someone to rely on too much. If she does something excessive, please ask Qinghe-jun not to hurt her, please."

She clasped her hands in front of her body, bent at ninety degrees, and looked very nervous.

Li Qinghe couldn't help asking, "Do you have a good relationship with her?"

"It's not good or bad, but we are all companions, relying on each other and taking care of each other." Keiko said with a smile.


Li Qinghe glanced at Huizi in surprise, maybe in this girl's heart, the status of these companions has almost reached the level of family members?

Although Li Qinghe couldn't understand this kind of thinking, it seemed that Keiko wanted to protect everyone, even though her ability was very limited.

Li Qinghe nodded and said, "If she's not too outrageous."

"Thank you then."

As soon as Huizi finished speaking, she saw Li Qinghe's face change, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"An unkon appeared, so I'll go first."

Li Qinghe said, the strange tinnitus drove him to go.

Li Qinghe hurried to the engine car.

At this time, Shen Yaji drove through a tunnel.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and the window on one side burst open, and countless glass shards splashed.

Yaji jumped down, got out of the car and looked behind, the Jackal Unkon was standing not far from her.

"It's the unkon I saw last time, why did you find me?"

Yaji fled frantically, terrified in his heart.

Once a person dies, he feels nothing.

She doesn't want to die!


At this moment, Li Qinghe arrived and completed the transformation halfway.

After stopping the car, Li Qinghe changed into the storm form and took out the storm halberd.

After watching the last match between Shoichi Tsugami and this unkon, Li Qinghe already knew that this unkon was extremely fast.

Therefore, in order to prevent it from escaping again, Li Qinghe chose the storm form with the highest agility among the three forms.

However, Jackal Unkon didn't want Yuang who wanted to fight Li Qinghe, so he turned around and chased after Yaji in the direction where he was escaping.

"Don't try to escape!"

Li Qinghe charged up with the Storm Halberd in hand.

In the form of a storm, he was no slower than Jackal Unkon, and quickly caught up with it.


There was no joy or anger on Wolf Unkon's face, a purple halo appeared in front of him, and he took out a weapon from the different space connected by the halo.

Scythe of Condemnation!

"Suffer to death!"

With the help of super high speed, Li Qinghe continuously sent out lightning strikes,


The sound of weapons rubbing echoed in the tunnel.

Li Qinghe's offensive became more and more fierce, and he kept chopping with the halberd in his hand, becoming more and more handy.

Wolf Unkon finally couldn't defend and was knocked to the ground.

The halberd in his hand spun at high speed, creating a storm that hindered the wolf unkon's movement.

Then, a flash of light flashed out, and the next moment Li Qinghe had appeared behind Wolf Unkon.

Turning around, the explosion sounded, turned into flames and disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

With Unkon eliminated, Li Qinghe was about to undo his transformation when suddenly, the strange tinnitus sounded again.

"One more!"

Looking in the direction of the induction, it was the direction in which Shen Yaji fled before.


Li Qinghe had thoughts about Shen Yaji, and he didn't want him to die like this.I just had an in-depth exchange with the opposite party yesterday, so naturally I can't just ignore death.

Li Qinghe hurriedly got on his motorcycle and rushed away.

On the other side, Shen Yaji was a little panicked, and just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

She came to a housing area, walked past a transfer, but saw another unkon came into view.

"How to do?"

Yaji couldn't help but feel a little desperate, Mr. Qinghe is fighting, who else can help?

At this moment of despair, a figure stood in front of her.

"you are?"

Ya Ji looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and was taken aback.

"Run away!"

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