said the man.

It was a young man with yellow hair, and it was Wei Yuanliang who came.

Now that I've lost hope, I might as well be the hope of those who have been hurt by unkon!


Ryo Ashihara let out a low cry, and the green armor emerged, except for the lack of a sage stone pillar at the mouth of Yuexiong, and the third eye on his head, it didn't look much different from Agito.


"Are you...agito too?"

Aki murmured, with an incredulous expression on his face.

Although she doesn't know the difference between Gills and Agito, there is no doubt that this person in front of her also has the ability to compete with Unkon.

Wolf Unkon believed that its primary target was still Shen Yaji, so he ignored Aisha Ryo and rushed towards Aki.

Ya Ji was so frightened that he fell to the ground that he didn't notice the wallet that fell out.

Ryo Ashihara quickly hugged Unkon, preventing it from hurting Shen Yaji.

Seeing this, Yaji quickly stood up and fled to the other side.

A purple halo appeared, and Wolf Unkon took out his weapon, the scimitar of atonement!

Ryo Ashihara was also not to be outdone, and the steel blade contained in his body emerged.

The two quickly fought together, but also quickly ended the fight.

Ryo Ashihara kicked the wolf unkon away, and was about to launch a kill, but at this time let the wolf unkon escape.

Turning around, the rescued girl was looking at him from a distance.

Immediately walked over and said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"The attitude just are also agito? Why did you become like that?" Yaji asked instead.

"No, it seems to be called Gills." Ryo Ashihara said.

"Have you boarded the Tianliang too? But I don't seem to have seen you before." Yaji asked doubtfully.


It seems to be the ship that my father boarded before his death, right?

Ashihara Ryo thought.

"If you are willing to protect me, I can tell you everything about the Dawn."

Aki said.

"No, there's no need for that, I'm leaving."

After Ashihara Ryo finished speaking, he turned and left.

He already knew that his father was killed by Unkon, that was enough, as for the secrets on the Dawn, he was not interested.

"Why, do you think I can't protect you?"

Li Qinghe canceled the transformation and walked out.

He has been here for a while, watching the battle between Kubiliang and the fox nukon.

Chapter 133 Start to Capture

When Shen Yaji heard what Li Qinghe said, he quickly shook his head,

"No. I didn't mean that, I just, I just..."

"Do you just want to step on two boats and get the protection of Wei Yuanliang and me?"

Seeing Li Qinghe's sudden appearance, Wei Yuanliang was very surprised, but then he was relieved.Since he is Gills and can sense Unknon, then Li Qinghe, who is Agito, can naturally sense Unknon.

When Wei Yuanliang heard what Li Qinghe said, it seemed that Li Qinghe knew this woman.

"Mr. Qinghe, we meet again."

He leaned against the locomotive, waved and said.

"You are here to chase that unkon, it has already escaped."

Wei Yuanliang said to Li Qinghe, "This girl is also safe."

Ryo Ashihara continued, "She is really a strange girl. She asked me to protect her, and even said she was willing to exchange the secrets on the Tianliang."

"How could I agree to such a rude request when there are more people waiting to help."

"About the matter on the Dawn, if you want to know..."

Wei Yuanliang interrupted Li Qinghe before he finished speaking.

He looked at Li Qinghe and said, "I don't want to know those so-called secrets. Now I just want to fight Unkon and keep fighting."

Whether it's for the death of his father, or to find a goal for himself.

In short, this strength cannot be wasted!

"Uh... ah!"

The two were talking, when suddenly Wei Yuanliang cried out in pain while holding his head.

"Head hurts!"

He fell on the spot and rolled over and over again.

Li Qinghe hurriedly got out of the car and helped Wei Yuanliang up, thinking of the side effects of transforming into gills.

Li Qinghe said to Ku Biliang, "You can't change into that form again."

"What will happen?"

After the pain eased a little, Wei Yuanliang said.

"will die!"

Li Qinghe told the truth.

Now after Liang transforms into Gills, there is no Virtue Stone on his chest, and every transformation will consume the vitality of the transformed person.

In the original book, the Philosopher's Stone was only obtained after being resurrected by the real fish, and there was no problem in transforming after that.

"Will you die...?"

Ashihara Ryo laughed at himself, but the pain in his head made him look like he was crying.

"Then let me do something more before I die."

Even death is worthy of death.

Wei Yuanliang thought in his heart.

When Li Qinghe heard this, his gaze towards Wei Yuanliang became complicated. Should he persevere even if he died?This is the second rider in the agito world. No matter how much suffering he suffers, his heart is still very sunny.

Li Qinghe thought he couldn't do this.

"I'll take you home first."

Li Qinghe didn't get entangled in this issue, what should be said has already been said, there is no need to persuade him.

After sending Wei Yuanliang home, Li Qinghe also returned on his motorcycle.

Misugi's house.

"Is there something on my face?"

Li Qinghe looked at Zhenyu with a strange expression.

Since he came back, Zhenyu has been staring at him.

"Is that true? Miss Yaji said that you and her were lovers before."

Zhenyu asked, looking unwilling.

"Huh? How is it possible?" Li Qinghe made an exaggerated expression and said, "How could I have that kind of relationship with her."

This woman really dares to say anything!

Isn't it the promised underground lover relationship?So soon, I want to be the main room.But Mao didn't tell himself.

Li Qinghe was already a little angry.

"But Qinghe lost his memory, didn't he? Maybe what Ms. Yaji said is true." Zhenyu said.


Li Qinghe finally understood, so it was because of this idea that I didn't dare to expose it?

Li Qinghe narrowed his eyes, he lied that the memory loss was just to avoid trouble, if Yaji wanted to use this to blackmail him, then her wishful thinking was wrong.

Immediately said, "Actually, I have recovered my memory, but I don't know how to speak to everyone."

"Really?" Zhenyu's eyes lit up again, "When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago, I suddenly remembered everything."

Li Qinghe said, of course he cannot tell his real origin, at least not now.

So Miss Aki is lying?

Zhenyu came back to his senses, and said again, "Then what kind of person was Qinghe before?"

"'s the same as now, except that I'm alone, wandering around."

"Alone? No parents or brothers or anything like that?"

"It's always been alone."

When Zhenyu heard this, he suddenly expressed distressed emotions, "Qinghe must be very sad now, although he has recovered his memory, but there is no one in his memory who cares about him."

hello!What's going on with you now, is mother's love overflowing?

Li Qinghe was a little speechless. Last second, he was looking for the bottom line, but now he felt sorry for himself again.

Only ghosts want you to be pitiful!

"Not at all. Compared with it, I feel happier. Now I have four people worth caring about."

Although he couldn't help complaining in his heart, Li Qinghe still said seriously.

It took him 20 years in his previous life, but he was still alone, and in this life, he found his own shelter in just half a year. Isn't this a kind of luck?

"Am I one of them?" Real Fish pointed to himself.

Li Qinghe smiled, nodded and replied, "Of course."


"During this period of time, you have learned the inner world of many people, and you should also believe that all human beings are the same."

Kurokami said to Tsugami Shoichi who was sweating profusely.

Really?Are all humans like this?

He has listened to too many people's hearts these days, and there are negative emotions everywhere that have nowhere to vent, which made my brother-in-law feel suspicious.

So, the purpose of my resurrection is to help this man and destroy the hope of the future of mankind?

No, it's not like that!

His heart was in a struggle.

"You are hesitant, let's explore more people's hearts."

The Black God put his hand on his brother-in-law's shoulder, and the dark emblem glowed again.

The next day, the conference room of the Police Headquarters.

"So the victim is still alive?"

Everyone discussed about the unkon that appeared yesterday.

"Yes." Koji Kono took out something and said, "This was found by the patrolling police officers at the scene yesterday. It is the driver's license dropped by the victim. Its name is Aki Shen. It has been confirmed alive."

"Go and send someone to protect God Aki, Unkon will definitely go again, that is also the best time to capture Agito." Hojo Toru suddenly said.

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