"What about the preparations for the arrest?"

"No problem!" Hojo nodded.

"Our enemy should be the unkon, but now we want to use it to capture the human-friendly agito?"

Bing Chuancheng stood up and objected.

"I agree with Mr. Glacier's suggestion. Compared with capturing agito, I think capturing unkon has more research value."

Ozawa Chengzi said so.

Hojo Toru, who was sitting opposite, looked at Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Chengzi like a clown, and said

"I think you may not have figured out the situation. The reason why we plan to capture operations is precisely because we regard agito and unkon as the same creature."

"It's a matter of course. Both agito and unkon have powers far beyond human imagination. There are only two roads before them, death and surrender. This is also the attitude we should have as police officers."

"Do the officers think so too?"

Ozawa Chengzi looked at the leadership present.

Seeing that none of them spoke, Ozawa Chengzi shook his head in disappointment, and said

"I see, you will regret this action."

After Ozawa Chengzi finished speaking, she left the meeting room directly.

"Miss Ozawa!" Bing Chuancheng quickly followed out.

"Please rest assured, sir, when I capture Agito, you will surely realize the correctness of this decision."

Hojo Toru said confidently, and then left the meeting room.

"Is it really the right thing for us to do this?"

After Hojo Toru left, the officers also became suspicious.

on the corridor.

Hojo Toru caught up with Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Orange.

"why are you laughing?"

Looking at the smile on Hojo Toru's face, Ozawa Touko couldn't help frowning.

"It's just because I'm happy to see Miss Ozawa's human side today."

Hojo said with a smile, "Miss Ozawa's expression of worrying about Agito being captured looks very interesting."

"The Metropolitan Police Department with the power of agito, g3 is about to leave the stage?"

"Although it is an inferior system, as its creator, I can fully understand your feelings."

"I think it's you who are inferior."

Ozawa Chengzi said angrily.

The g3 she was so proud of was underestimated, so she was naturally outraged.

"Don't be angry, g3 is not completely useless, it can also be used to maintain traffic order or something."

Hojo took a look at Hikawa Makoto and walked away, with the attitude of a winner.

"Have you already told Qinghe and the others?"

After Hojo Toru left, Ozawa Chengzi asked.

"Yes." Hikawa Makoto nodded, looked at the direction Hojo Toru was leaving, and said, "In case Qinghe-kun gets angry because of this and wants to kill Mr. Hojo, can we help?"

Obviously, in Hikawa Makoto's heart, he didn't think Hojo Toru's capture operation would be successful at all.

"This kind of person, if he dies, he will die."

Ozawa Chengzi said, and then took a step.

I don't know whether she said this because of a moment of anger, or the true thoughts in her heart.

Chapter 134 Failed to Capture

Misugi's house.

After Li Qinghe received Bing Chuancheng's reminder, his mood was very calm at this time.

Are the police trying to use Unkon to force me to show up and deal with me?

Sometimes, Li Qinghe really doesn't know how some people's brains grow. They don't clear up the threats on the surface, but turn their heads to deal with themselves.

But he won't shrink back because of this, he can solve unkon, let alone some ordinary people who can't even solve unkon.

As for Hojo Toru and his gang, if they really attack him, even if they don't kill them, they must be taught a severe lesson.

Ding Dong!

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Li Qinghe walked over and opened the door, it was Yaji who came.

Li Qinghe looked at her calmly, and said, "Actually, you don't have to come. Since you said something like that, you should be prepared for it."

"Mr. Qinghe, what does this mean?"

Ya Ji said, but a trace of panic flashed across his face.Could it be that what she said to Fenggu Zhenyu was known by Li Qinghe?

"Do I need to call it clear? Please leave. You crossed the line, and if you don't, I will still stand by my promise."

Li Qinghe said.

Yaji opened his mouth, but it finally turned into a sigh, "Yes, I have caused trouble for you these few days."

She was not stupid, knowing that the lie had been exposed, there was no reason to stay any longer, so she turned around and prepared to leave.

"Sister Yaji, you are finally here."

Tai Yi, who didn't know the situation, was as usual, and ran downstairs immediately when he heard Aki's voice.

Just saw Yaji turn and leave.

"What happened to Sister Yaji? Why did you leave?"

Taiyi said suspiciously.

"I'm going back to the countryside. I can't afford to lose Taiyi any more. Take good care of yourself."

Yaji patted Taiyi's head and said, at the same time looked at Li Qinghe with pleading eyes, apparently not wanting Taiyi to know the truth.

Maybe in her heart, she still has some feelings for Taiyi?

Thinking in Li Qinghe's mind, Chao Yaji nodded.

Aki smiled, as if expressing his gratitude.

"Well, sister Yaji should take care of herself too."

Taiyi waved goodbye, very reluctant for Aji to leave.

After Yaji left, she walked down the street in a daze, not even noticing the figures following her in the corner.

"Everyone cheer up and report immediately when you see Unkon."


Those figures were people from the Metropolitan Police Department, they hid themselves after the communication and continued to follow.

"In the end, we had to go back there."

Yaji thought in her heart that she didn't hate living with her companions, but she was a little scared, afraid that Unkon would come looking for her at some point.

Among the team, currently only Ms. Huizi has awakened the power, but the limit is very large, she can only use it three times a day, and she doesn't have the slightest combat power, so she can't rescue in time.

"Maybe I can try to find Mr. Kino."

Aki makes a decision.

Kino Kaoru is the leader among the people on the Tianliang, and he is also the existence of awakened superpowers.

Just as he was thinking, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"It's you!"

Yaji looked at the yellow-haired young man in front of him, and walked over immediately.

Wei Yuanliang turned his head, and after a while, he realized, "You are the girl from last time."

"Yes, my name is Shen Yaji, and I would like to thank you sir for saving me." Yaji thanked.

"I'm Ryo Ashihara, an ordinary person, as long as you don't say anything to let me protect you, it's fine. Even if I don't do anything, you're fine."

Ashihara sneered and said.

"Mr. Ashihara, your hand..."

Ya Ji exclaimed, his eyes fell on Wei Yuanliang's hands.

Those hands were so wrinkled and covered with dead skin that they looked scary.

"Yes, it didn't take long for the last transformation."

Wei Yuanliang glanced at his hands, showing a wry smile.

He estimated that if he performed several transformations, he might die.

Maybe he can recover after a period of rest, but Wei Yuanliang has no such plan.

"It will definitely get better."

Aki said firmly.

At the same time, Li Qinghe, who was sitting at home, was still a little worried, and finally decided to follow up to have a look.

The one-night couple repays a hundred days of grace, and it seems a bit unfair to her to treat Shen Yaji as an underground lover.

And last time she was escaped by another Unkon, she definitely wouldn't let her go.

Except for the body of his gluttonous Yaji, there is indeed sympathy at work.

Riding on the motorcycle, Li Qinghe rushed towards the place where Shen Yaji left.

On the other side, "Okay, I've sent you home, I still have something to do, so take my leave."

Because of Shen Yaji's request, Wei Yuanliang sent her downstairs all the way.

As soon as he turned around, Shen Yaji's shout suddenly came from behind.

Ryo Ashihara turned his head and saw that it was the unkon that escaped last time.

"Run away!"

Ryo Ashihara pushed Shen Yaji away, and at the same time was patted on the ground by Wolf Unkon, his whole body ached.

Just as he was about to transform, a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Leave it to me."

Li Qinghe, who transformed into a storm form, rushed forward driving a mechanical tornado.


Li Qinghe knocked the wolf unkon away, and at the same time got out of the car and took out the storm halberd to meet him.

Seeing Li Qinghe coming, Wei Yuanliang quickly got up from the ground and fled with Shen Yaji.

g3 container truck.

"Received unkon infestation, the capture operation has begun."

Ozawa Chengzi said.

Bing Chuancheng nodded, "I'm ready."

Hearing Hikawa Makoto's answer, the g3 container truck started.

On the other side, Hojo Toru, who was hiding in the dark, saw Agito, sneered, and said to the walkie-talkie

"Agito capture team, the operation begins!"

A police car drove up, and a row of soldiers in anti-explosion suits and gas masks stepped down from above, holding shields high.

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