At this time, the battle on Li Qinghe's side was coming to an end.

A strong wind blew up, and a violent explosion occurred the next moment.

Suddenly, as if sensing some movement, Li Qinghe turned around and saw a row of black gun barrels aimed at him.


Toru Hojo issued an order.

Bang bang bang!

A series of flames emitted from the gun barrel equipped with special gas bullets, which instantly hit Li Qinghe's body, and thick white smoke came out.

"Agito, now, you are mine."

Hojo Toru's joy can hardly be restrained!

However, at the next moment, the smile on his face suddenly stopped.

"how can that be?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

The billowing white smoke dissipated, and a blue figure stood in the middle.

Gas doesn't work on agito!

"Fire! Keep firing!"

Hojo Toru seemed to be scared, and kept giving orders.

Naturally, Li Qinghe would not give these people another chance to be targeted. If he was shot a few more times, he would be able to bear it, but why should he be beaten for nothing.

Li Qinghe took advantage of the agility in the form of the storm to run quickly, like a blue afterimage. As soon as Hojo Toru thought about retreating, he realized that he was being lifted up.

Li Qinghe grabbed Hojo Toru by the neck and lifted it up.

"You really like to die!"

Li Qinghe stared at Hojo Toru, and the hand holding his neck gradually tightened.

Li Qinghe was considering whether he really wanted to kill him.

The policemen nearby all attacked Li Qinghe, but it had no effect at all.

Hojo showed fear on his face, he started to get scared, and kept shouting in his mouth, "Let me go! Let me go!"

The sense of suffocation kept rising.

At this moment, there was a sound of running, and Li Qinghe turned around to see that it was Bing Chuancheng wearing g3 and running over.

The situation in front of him was obviously something he didn't want to see.

"Agito, let Mr. Hojo go, he should have realized his mistake."

Glacier Cheng hastily said.

"But people always need to pay for their actions, don't they?"

Li Qinghe said indifferently.

In the end, he still didn't kill, and kicked Hojo Toru's body, and the sound of bone cracking could be faintly heard.

Hojo Tou flew very far, knocked down in front of a utility pole, lost consciousness, and at the same time, scarlet blood was flowing.

"Send Mr. Hojo to the hospital quickly."

Bing Chuancheng said quickly, and then looked at Li Qinghe, "No matter what, thank you for saving Mr. Hojo's life."

After speaking, he left directly.

The others saw that the most powerful g3 on their side had left, so how could they dare to stay any longer, so Sa Yazi ran into the car and fled.

On the other side, Wei Yuanliang ran away with Shen Yaji, and heard gunshots during the process.

Shen Yaji couldn't help asking, "Mr. Qinghe will be all right?"

After all, it is because of myself.

"Well, no, he is the strongest person I have ever seen."

Wei Yuanliang said that he seemed to have great confidence in Li Qinghe.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his head and stopped.

It started hurting again.

"Mr. Ashihara! How are you?" Shen Yaji asked anxiously.

"I am fine."

Ryo Ashihara held back forcibly while continuing to move forward.

With some blurred vision, he still saw a wolf-shaped monster in front of him.

"Run away!"

Without any hesitation, Ashihara Ryo transformed into Gills.


He roared angrily, opened his mouthparts, rushed straight up, and bit the wolf Unkon's neck.

Compared to Unkon, Gills seems to be more brutal.

A steel blade grew out of Ryo Ashihara's arm, and he fought with the wolf Unkon.

Li Qinghe naturally sensed Unkon's appearance, and when he arrived, the battle was almost over.

When the wolf unkon was about to escape, two steel blades grew out of Gills' heels, and then he jumped up in the air, raised his leg high, and smashed down at the wolf unkon.


An explosion sounded, and Unlon was wiped out.


Wei Yuanliang, who was untransformed, suddenly fell to the ground, panting heavily, and didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Apart from his hands, Aisha Ryo's face also began to show signs of aging.

Obviously, the time between the two transformations was too short, which put a lot of load on his body.


Li Qinghe hurried over to help him up.

"Mr. Qinghe..."

Wei Yuan didn't finish his sarcasm, and passed out.

"Mr. Qinghe, Mr. Weiyuan, is he alright?"

Shen Yaji also ran over and said worriedly.

Li Qinghe didn't answer, and he didn't know whether Wei Yuanliang's state could be recovered.

"It's enough for you to be my nanny in the future."

Li Qinghe said to Shen Yaji.

"Is it really possible?"

Shen Yaji asked excitedly.

"Let's go, let's take him home first."

Li Qinghe and Shen Yaji sent the unconscious Wei Yuanliang back home.


"How is Mr. Hojo?"

Bingchuancheng and Ozawa Chengzi stood guard at the door of the emergency room, and when they saw the door was opened, they quickly stood up and asked. .

"There are obvious injuries everywhere in the body, and his life is safe, but he can't do too strenuous activities in the future, like shooting, running vigorously, etc., he can't do it anymore."

After the doctor finished answering, he left.

Chapter 1 God Aki who made up his mind

"That means Mr. Toru Hojo won't be able to be a policeman in the future?"

Glacier asked in a low voice.

Bingchuancheng didn't blame Li Qinghe, after all, it was Hojo Toru who shot Qinghe-kun first.If Mr. Qinghe had no strength, he would have been arrested by the police.

Now that Hojo Toru has come to such a fate, it can only be said that he deserves to be blamed.

It's just that he is also a colleague who has worked together for such a long time, and Hikawa Makoto suddenly feels that Hojo Toru is a little pitiful.

"That's fine. With his arrogant character, if he continues to do this, he will only cause more trouble."

Ozawa Chengzi said.

The two followed the nurse and walked into the ward to visit Hojo Toru.

"Are you two here to take pity on me?"

Hojo Toru gave the two of them a cold look, then silently turned over.

"You see, this kind of person is really not worthy of sympathy."

When Ozawa Chengzi heard this, an angry expression appeared on his face, and he immediately took Bing Chuancheng to leave.

As soon as the two stepped out of the ward, Hojo Toru turned over again.

"Please, let's work hard with my share!"

Hojo Toru said seriously, "Actually, g3 is a good system, and Mr. Hikawa is also a qualified assembler."

"It's rare in my lifetime to hear Mr. Hojo speak human words."

Ozawa Chengzi turned her head and smiled, then left the hospital.

Police Headquarters.

The atmosphere is dull and depressing.

Regarding the operation to capture agito, it was declared a failure.

Originally, the balance of victory has never been tilted towards the human side, and now even the last helper, Agito, is going to be lost?

"As I said before, the officers will certainly regret this action."

Ozawa Chengzi said.

"It's meaningless to say these things now. I don't know what police officer Ozawa can do to deal with it?"

An officer looked at Ozawa Chengzi and said, now, the fight against Unkon can only be handed over to the g3 system.

"First of all, I think agito should be shown a friendly attitude."

"This is as it should be, but will Agito still trust the police?"

"Please firmly believe this. Agito is also a human being, and will never betray the human side. It is because of the officers' distrust of Agito that they ended up like this."

The officers all nodded, "It is true that we were wrong this time. The enemy of mankind is just unkon from beginning to end."

Judging from the fact that Agito did not kill the action group, it is known that Agito is still on the side of helping humans.

"Next, please take a look at this."

Ozawa Chengzi handed a document to the officer.

"g3x? Is this a new system?" The officer was a little surprised after reading it.

Although they don't know much about this aspect, they can still see the perfection of this document.

Once manufactured, it will become the Metropolitan Police Department's best weapon against Unkon.

"Yes, I named it g3x. Whether it is combat performance or other things, it is much better than the current g3 system. It is a perfect combat mech."

Ozawa Chengzi said, full of confidence in g3x, she thinks that this plan is already perfect, and no one can design a better armor.

"This time, we will fully cooperate with Officer Ozawa to design g3x as soon as possible."

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