The chief nodded and said solemnly.

Leaving the conference room, Bing Chuancheng said with some emotion, "In this way, g3 will really withdraw."

"But there will be a more powerful g3x to replace it. Mr. Glacier, as the assembler, must work hard!"

Ozawa Chengzi looked at Bing Chuancheng and said.

"Yes, I will try my best."

Bing Chuancheng nodded, but he can't rely on Mr. Qinghe and the others for everything. He is a policeman, and it is the police's responsibility to protect the citizens.

He also wanted to play his part.


"You have read the hearts of many people, and I have fulfilled your desire to understand human beings. Then what? What other wishes do you have?"

Hei Shen stood in front of the window sill and said calmly.

"Lend me a portion of your theocracy, if you may, the theocracy of liberating the forbidden powers of humanity you love."

The brother-in-law asked.

Hei Shen turned around, looked at his brother-in-law, and said, "What do you want to do after you get this power? Are you going to be my enemy?"

Before waiting for brother-in-law to answer, Hei Shen continued, "It doesn't matter even if this is the case, just do what you want, as long as you drive that person out. Qinghe, where did you hide, how far has your strength recovered now?" ………”

After the Black God finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand, a white light flashed past, and then, the same pattern as the Black God appeared on the back of the brother-in-law's right hand.

"This is... the power of God?"

The brother-in-law looked at the back of his hand and murmured.

Not long after, he left the hospital.

Are you against him?

This kind of thing, let those people decide.

And what I want to do is to liberate the power hidden in their bodies.

Brother-in-law makes a decision.

In a square, the sky was clear and crowded with people.

A man came out of the bakery and walked down the road.

Suddenly a thunderbolt struck, and the man's whole body burst into flames on the spot, and he died not long after.

In the corner, stood a monster that looked like a zombie. After seeing the man's death, he left with his back on his back.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene.

"The human body spontaneously combusts for no reason. It is obvious that Unkon committed the crime."

Kono Koji said from the side.

"Send someone to protect the relatives of the victim."

Glacier said sincerely.

It seems that we still have to visit Mr. Qinghe.

He thought in his heart that the g3 system had been sent for upgrading and reconstruction. During this period of time, the police were helpless against Unkon's crimes.

However, we cannot just watch more people die just because of this.

Misugi's house.

Li Qinghe is cleaning.

Miyama Yoshihiko just came back and rushed to school, Taiyi and Zhenyu also need to go to class, so Li Qinghe is the only one left at home.

"Finally finished cleaning!"

Li Qinghe sat down on the sofa and stretched.

Later, he still has to go to Wei Yuan Liang's house to see.

Wei Yuanliang's situation is not optimistic, and Li Qinghe doesn't know whether he can handle it.

In case of death, he has no way to resurrect the other party.

Thinking that when Shen Yaji was here, she did all the cleaning. Do you want to call her back?But in this case, the real fish will be jealous again.

Li Qinghe sighed.


Hearing the doorbell ring, Li Qinghe stood up quickly, opened the door and saw that it was Bing Chuancheng.

Glacier sincerely explained his purpose, waiting for Li Qinghe's answer.

"Do you need me again now? Last time, I was still used as a capture target."

Li Qinghe said lightly, obviously, after Hojo Toru's action, Li Qinghe already had a grudge against the police.

"I'm really sorry, Qinghe-kun."

Bingchuancheng apologized and saluted, and then said, "Unkon committed a crime again, and I ask Qinghe-kun to help. By the way, is Xiangyi there?"

In fact, even if Bingchuancheng didn't say anything, he would still go when it was time to go.

But looking at Bing Chuancheng with a serious face, Li Qinghe suddenly had the idea of ​​playing tricks on him.

So he coughed and said, "Xiangyi went on a date, I'm suddenly a little thirsty, Mr. Glacier."

"I'll go, Xiangyi actually has a girlfriend. Well, I know."

It took Glacier a long time to react, and obediently ran to pour tea.

"Arms are also a little sore."

"And thighs."

After going back and forth like this, the dissatisfaction in Li Qinghe's heart disappeared a lot.

"Okay, I'll help."

Li Qinghe opened his mouth and said, not to embarrass Bingchuancheng any more.

After Bing Chuancheng left, Li Qinghe went to visit Wei Yuanliang's house.

At this time Wei Yuanliang has woken up from the coma, and the aging parts of his body have faded, but the whole person is still very weak.

"Drink this bowl of porridge."

Li Qinghe handed the bowl to Wei Yuanliang.

Ever since he was a child, this was the first time Li Qinghe took care of someone like this, and he was still a man.

Wei Yuanliang, if you really die, I will be the most sorry!

"Thank you senior."

Wei Yuanliang thanked him, supported his body with his hands, took the bowl and started to drink porridge.

This was the first time that Ku Biliang called Li Qinghe a senior.

"I told you, don't call me senior, just call me Qinghe."

Li Qinghe laughed.

"Okay... Qinghe."

After staying at Wei Yuanliang's side for a while, before leaving, Li Qinghe said, "You must not transform again in the recent period, and I will not be responsible for your funeral."

After receiving reassurance from Wei Yuanliang, Li Qinghe left.

The dinner agreed with Shen Yaji was tonight, and he had to pass it.

Xiangyi had a hot fight with Chiba Keiko these days, so it could be said that Li Qinghe didn't worry about Baitu him, and solved her single problem.

Shen Yaji's home.

At this time, Aki had already packed everything, and finally, she decided to go back to Chihe Keiko and live with everyone.

After picking up the luggage, Shen Yaki locked the door and went downstairs.

Seeing a man head-on, it seemed that he was waiting for him.

"can I help you?"

Shen Yaji asked doubtfully, what was certain was that she had never seen this man before.

However, she noticed that there was a strange pattern engraved on the back of the man's right hand.

It was my brother-in-law who came.

Just pick you as the first one.

The brother-in-law raised his right hand and turned his palm to himself, and the coat of arms on the back of his hand emitted a white light.

After being illuminated by the white light, Shen Yaji only felt that the sleeping power in his body was awakening.

That power was too huge for her at this moment, and she passed out directly.

When he woke up again, the man hadn't left yet.

"You are still a baby, but I have accelerated your awakening time, how to use this power is your freedom."

The brother-in-law said to Shen Yaji, and then left here.

Human beings need more people like Shen Yaji, brother-in-law will not restrain their behavior.

All he needs to do is to awaken the abilities of these people one by one.

"This is... the power that belongs to me?"

Kami Aki who stood up from the ground muttered.

Staring at the suitcase in front of him, he activated his ability and made it rise directly into the air.

What kind of existence is that man?

Shen Yaji thought in his heart, finally shook his head, and drove away from here.

I've already called Keiko, and she's ready to go back.

On the way, Yaji suddenly saw a familiar locomotive and a familiar figure sitting on the locomotive.

She drove over quickly and shouted "Mr. Qinghe!".

Li Qinghe, who was about to rush to the appointment, turned around and saw the window of the car next to him lowered, revealing Shen Yaji's face.

The two found a place to stop the car.

Chapter 1: Shen Yaji is in Distress

"Since you have decided to go back, live your life well. If you encounter unkon attacks, you can notify me."

Li Qinghe looked at Shen Yaji and said.

"You don't need Mr. Qinghe, I already...have the ability to protect myself."

Aki showed off her abilities a little bit.

"Psychic power? Not bad ability."

Li Qinghe said, "But you still can't underestimate Unkon."

"What I mean is, Mr. Qinghe can live with me, and now that I have gained strength, the two of us will be fine."

Ya Ji said seriously, and even took out the keys of the house.

It was obvious what she meant.

Li Qinghe was happy, so what are you waiting for, come on, hurry up.

"I still got rejected, is it because of Ms. Mayu?"

Looking at the direction Li Qinghe left, Yaji muttered to himself.

The sky darkened quickly, and Li Qinghe arrived at the agreed place on time.

Keiko has arrived early.

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