"I thought Qinghe wouldn't come."

After Li Qinghe took his seat, Huizi smiled sweetly.

"How come? I ran into Miss Yaji on the road, and it took me a while." Li Qinghe said.

"Yaji? Her matter is still thanks to Qinghe's help."

She has also heard about what happened to Shen Yaji being unkoned in the past few days, and she has been worried about it for a long time.

"Speaking of Aki, her abilities have awakened."

"is it?"

Keiko looked surprised, calmed down and said, "In this way, I have another power to protect everyone."

She looks very happy.

During the meal, the two chatted a lot.

Without the threat of Unkon, Keiko would have lived an easier life, right?

Li Qinghe thought in his heart that because Chiba Keiko had awakened her ability, she took up the burden of protecting everyone.

Li Qinghe could see the tiredness in Huizi's eyes.

"In your team, is there a woman named Masumi Sekigu?"

Li Qinghe asked suddenly.

Keiko nodded, "What's wrong with Masumi?"

"You'd better pay attention, the monster on the Tianliang is probably lurking in her body."

After thinking about it, Li Qinghe still told this information. As for whether he believed it, I left it to Keiko to judge for himself.

Huizi saw that Li Qinghe didn't seem to be joking, and his expression became serious.

"I see."

She replied that she would never believe such doubts about her companion.

But after Li Qinghe said it, he still subconsciously took this matter to heart.

"I have already said what I should say. If this is the case, I will take my leave first."

Li Qinghe got up and was about to leave, but just as he stood up, the expression on his face changed, and a strange beep sounded in his ears.

"Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Keiko noticed the change in Li Qinghe's expression and asked.

"Unkon has appeared, where do I go to see, I don't know who it is attacking this time."

After Li Qinghe finished speaking, he was ready to go out.

"I'll take you there, use my ability."

Keiko said.

Chiba Keiko: "Just think about the place you want to go, and that's it."

After finding a place where no one was around, Keiko held Li Qinghe's hand and said.

A wonderful connection was established in the hearts of the two, as if they had a mutual understanding, Huizi accurately located the place where Li Qinghe sensed.

A white light flashed, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw a zombie-like jellyfish creature appearing in front of him.

Can you still play like this?

Li Qinghe glanced at Keiko beside him in surprise.

Fixed-point teleportation, this skill is powerful.

Seemingly exhausted, Keiko sweated on her face, and she said, "Qinghe, let's fight!"

Fortunately, Tsugami Shoichi was not there at this time, otherwise it would be bad if there was a misunderstanding.

Li Qinghe nodded, started to run, and at the same time shouted "Transform!"

The golden armor instantly covered Li Qinghe.


Jellyfish Unkon saw Li Qinghe and rushed over.

Beside it, there is a pile of unburned flames, and the remains of bones can be vaguely seen.

Li Qinghe also ran towards the jellyfish unkon, and kicked down in the air, knocking the jellyfish unkon to the ground.

The jellyfish Unkon quickly stood up and stretched out his palms, at the same time a thunderbolt fell towards Li Qinghe.


The sky thunder appeared in an instant, and it was impossible to resist it. Li Qinghe was hit directly, and a burst of fire flashed on his armor.

This thunderbolt was so powerful that Li Qinghe felt half of his body go numb, accompanied by a faint pain.

"This guy……"

There is no doubt that this Unkon is equivalent to a remote output mage.

Then to deal with this kind of enemy, what we need to do is naturally close combat.

storm form.

After switching to the storm form, his body became lighter, and Li Qinghe ran forward.

The jellyfish unkon keeps moving backwards, trying to distance itself.

However, how could its speed catch up with Li Qinghe?

After another lightning strike, Li Qinghe finally got close to the jellyfish Unkon.

Suddenly there was a burst of crazy output, and he took out the storm halberd and slashed continuously.

Sparks splattered.

The next moment, the halberd spun at high speed, creating a storm.

Li Qinghe slashed out while rushing forward.

The powerful jellyfish Unkon couldn't bear it at all, and exploded immediately.

Successfully wiped out the jellyfish unkon, but the expressions on the faces of the two were not easy.

The flames belonging to the victim on the ground have been burned out, leaving only a scorched black mass, which strongly proves his existence.

Keiko stared blankly ahead.

Someone else died, someone of her kind.

"Let's go."

Li Qinghe sighed and said.

He has seen a lot of death recently, and while feeling more and more hatred towards Unkon, he is also a little helpless.

"Qinghe, don't you understand?"

Huizi turned to look at Li Qinghe, as if asking questions.

"To truly survive, we must unite and fight Unkon together."


Li Qinghe was silent for a long time, as if he was thinking.

Indeed, his initial goal was to protect those around him.

But now that the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, he is beginning to feel powerless.

Perhaps, you can really try to unite with them, such as Aki, such as Keiko.

Finally, he nodded and said, "I see, let's make an appointment, and I will meet you all."

"Really? It would be great if Qinghe could think so."

Keiko didn't react for a while, but then smiled.

They already have a common enemy and should unite.

After the two agreed on a good time, they went home separately.

Misugi's house.

Li Qinghe squatted in the vegetable garden alone.

Footsteps sounded in my ears, and the sound grew louder.

"Are you going to fight again?"

Zhenyu came over, stood beside Li Qinghe, and asked.


Li Qinghe stood up and let out a mouthful of foul air. After squatting for a long time, his legs were numb.

"I always feel that Qinghe is very busy recently, but unfortunately I can't help much."

Zhenyu said that her ability is still useful in handling cases, but if it can be used to deal with Unkon, it will be useless.

"It's none of the real fish's business." Li Qinghe turned his head to look at her, and said with a smile, "I hope that the real fish will never get involved in these things."


The real fish nodded slightly.

If you don't cause trouble, it will be the biggest help to Qinghe, right?

That's what smart women do.

the next day.

At night, the stars are lonely.

On a secluded path.

"It should be possible to retreat today."

"Well, no trace of Unkon was found."

A woman is walking down the street, oblivious to a black car following closely behind.

The sound of two people talking in the car was Koji Kono and Makoto Hikawa.

And the woman in front is Shen Yaji.

Although G3 has been sent for maintenance, Hikawa Makoto still insists on his work every day.

In case of an attack by Unkon, as a policeman, it is his duty to protect the citizens.


The two were about to leave when they heard Shen Yaji's shouting from ahead.

Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji hurriedly got out of the car, took out their pistols and prepared to go to support, but the next moment, the scene in front of them made them dumbfounded.

"What's the situation?"

In front of him, Unkon, a male leopard with a white scarf, was about to pounce on Yaji, but what followed was a huge counter-shock force.

The white scarf Unkon was directly blown away, breaking the guardrail next to it.

"This woman's superpower..."

Bingchuancheng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he knew that the targets of Unkon's attacks were all humans with superpowers.

The scene in front of him further confirmed this point.

"Come and help."

The two looked at each other and hurried over.

On the other side, after receiving the news, Ozawa Chengzi quickly notified Li Qinghe.

"I see."

Li Qinghe hung up the phone and rushed out in a hurry.

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