
"Miss Yaji, run away!"

Bingchuancheng still stepped forward to protect Shen Yaji behind him, even though this woman was far stronger than him.

Bang bang bang!

Holding the pistol tightly with both hands, the bullets were fired one after another, and the whole arm of Bing Chuancheng, who was shocked by the recoil, went numb.

"You are……"

Shen Yaji recognized Bingchuancheng, who was the police officer who set foot on the Tianliang to rescue her after the incident half a year ago.

The three gradually retreated to the back.

However, at the next moment, two figures jumped out from the side again.

They are a male leopard unkon wearing a black scarf and a female leopard unkon.

Two unkons rushed out from different directions, before Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji had time to react, they were slapped flying several meters away by a paw, and passed out.

Shen Yaji activated his telekinesis again, and the surrounding guardrails kept shaking, and then flew towards Unkon, and at the same time fled back quickly.

The three unkons were already approaching at this time, and the guardrail couldn't cause them too much trouble at all.

The distance between the two sides narrowed again.

Vehicles and billboards kept flying over. After a few times, Shen Yaji's face turned pale and sweat kept dripping. It was obvious that she had consumed too much.

When trying to lift a car again, it just caused the body to tremble slightly, but it was not lifted.

Looking at the three unkons in front of him, Shen Yaji showed a trace of bitterness on his face.


Bai Unkon grabbed Shen Yaji's neck and gradually exerted force.

Shen Yaji stared at the strange hand that was pinching him, and wanted to use his ability to move it away, but after all, it was too exhausting to do so.

The feeling of suffocation began to come, and at the moment when she felt that death was approaching, suddenly, a figure galloped towards her on a motorcycle in her sight. .

agito, the shape of the earth!

Li Qinghe stepped on the locomotive with both feet, leaped into the air with the help of super high speed, kicked out, and kicked Bai Unkon to the ground with precision.

Chapter 1 Deprivation of Ability

"Cough cough..."

The hands around the neck were loosened, and Shen Yaji fell to the ground. After taking a look at Li Qinghe, his eyes gradually closed, and he passed out in relief.

Shen Yaji did not die, but passed out.

Li Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he came in time this time.

"Three? Let's kill them together."


Three groups of purple light circles lit up at the same time, and the unkons each took out their weapons.

Bow of Pride!Gun of Greed!The sword of lust!

All of a sudden, three unkons attacked from different directions.

Li Qinghe blocked one of the directions, and at the same time he turned sideways to avoid a spear at his waist.


A sharp arrow struck through the air, and sparks burst from the armor on his back.

Li Qinghe staggered, and the impact almost made him fall.

Trying to stabilize his figure, Li Qinghe temporarily escaped from the encirclement.

The three unkons had no intention of hurting Shen Yaji, and attacked Li Qinghe again.

"In this case, let's try this form!"

The Philosopher's Stone at the waist turned golden again, the right arm remained fiery red, and the left arm was covered with a layer of blue.

At the same time, Li Qinghe took out two weapons, the Storm Halberd and Flame Saber, from his waist.

agito trinity form.

After so many times of tempering and greatly enhanced physical fitness, Li Qinghe has been able to barely control this form.

Feeling the new changes in his body, Li Qinghe rushed directly towards the three unkons.

The trinity form, because of the excessive load on the shapeshifter, only appeared once in the original work.

Li Qinghe, however, relied on his super physical fitness to successfully and skillfully control the trinity form.

The biggest advantage of this form is its versatility, which perfectly combines the power of the flame form and the speed of the storm form.

Although the strength has not increased much, the combat power has increased a lot.

Li Qinghe gave a low shout, holding a halberd in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, he fought with the three unkons without any fear.


The sound of arrows piercing the air continued to sound, and the female Unkon kept bending her bow and nodding her arrows while retreating.

Suddenly, a ray of fire shone in the night, Li Qinghe put away the flaming saber, with his palm facing upwards, a ball of flames gathered in his palm, forming a fireball.


The fireball directly melted the arrow, hit Unkon's chest, and burned Routi.

The flaming saber appeared in his hand again, Li Qinghe broke through the interference of the other two unkons, and directly cut off the female unkon with the flaming long knife.

The flames suddenly cut!


The female unkon was wiped out.

Seeing this, the other two unkons wanted to run away, so Li Qinghe naturally wouldn't let them go, and turned back to kill them.

The two weapons kept swinging, even if it was one against two, Li Qinghe still had the upper hand.

A gust of wind blew up, and the two Unkons were almost unable to stand still.

Li Qinghe rushed towards one of them, the light of the halberd flickered, and there was a second explosion.

The last Unkon took this opportunity and hurriedly fled away.

Li Qinghe got on the mechanical tornado, and the locomotive changed, soaring into the air, and its speed greatly increased.

Mechanical tornado gliding mode.

In mid-air, Li Qinghe jumped up and kicked the last unkon with one kick.


The high-speed impact slid Li Qinghe far away, causing strong friction with the ground.

"A total of 10 unkunn have been killed, and the rewards have been issued."

A voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

"who are you?"

Li Qinghe heard a familiar voice, but didn't react for a while.

"Yes, it's the system."

Li Qinghe quickly opened it and got a few things.

agito unlocks agito burning form, unlocks agito shining form.

Ability Grabbing; Acquiring other people's special abilities (only in the empty world).

Li Qinghe thought for a moment, why is it the world of emptiness and not the world of agito?

Li Qinghe was very happy. It turns out that there is a reward for killing Unkon. If I had known, I would have killed a few more.

But fortunately, it's not too late now, I knew that I would not be lazy before.

The shining form of agito, with the power comparable to the three angels, is the final form of agito's evolution.

This sounds like a long time, but in fact, only a moment has passed.


Hikawa Makoto and Kono Koji rubbed their foreheads and woke up.

Then he noticed Li Qinghe who had changed back to human form.

"Run away, there is unkon here."

Kono Koji seemed to have not reacted yet, and immediately said to Li Qinghe, and was about to pick up the pistol that fell a few meters away.

As soon as he picked up the pistol, he was stunned again.

No, what about unkon?

Looking around, only three figures could be seen.

When Bing Chuancheng saw Li Qinghe, he understood everything.

It seems that Lord Qinghe defeated Unkon.

Li Qinghe walked over to help Shen Yaji who had fainted.

"This is my friend, I have to take her back."

Li Qinghe said to Kono Koji, after all, the other party still doesn't know his agito's identity, it will be a big trouble if he is found out.

Without stopping any longer, Li Qinghe left the scene with Shen Yaji.

After a while, the siren of the police car sounded.

"It's really strange, has Agito already been here? Could it be that young man..."

Kono Koji said with some doubts.

"How is it possible? That man looks so ordinary."

Hikawa Makoto said quickly, paying attention to Kono Koji's expression changes.

However, the other party didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Yes, how could agito be so ordinary?"

"Ah, yes... that is to say."

Bing Chuancheng echoed in embarrassment.

It's good if you don't get suspected, otherwise if there is another capture operation like last time, the situation will be bad.

Glacier let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, Mr. Hikawa, let's go eat a bowl of ramen. I just fought against Unkon, so I need to relax!"

Chihe Keiko's house.

Li Qinghe rang the doorbell.


The door opened, and Chia Keiko's face was revealed.

"It's Qinghe!"

Huizi said, and seeing Yaji supported by Li Qinghe, she hurried over to help.

Keiko put Aki on the bed, and then came to the living room.

Besides Li Qinghe, there were three other people in the living room.

Katsuhiko Sagara, Masumi Sekiya, and Shoichi Tsugami!

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Qinghe would pay a visit in person. Is this finally decided to fight against Unkon together with us? Xiangyi, you see that Qinghe is here."

Katsuhiko Sagara said excitedly, looking very enthusiastic.

Guan Gu Macheng didn't say a word, and seemed a little cowardly. After seeing Li Qinghe's gaze sweeping towards her, he lowered his head subconsciously.

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