Li Qinghe was indeed staring at Macheng most of the time.

The Angel of Water is attached to her body.

However, if the Angel of Water doesn't show up, Li Qinghe has nothing to do with it.

In the end, Li Qinghe turned his gaze away, smiled at Katsuhiko Sagara, "I just came here to get to know everyone first."

After the words fell, Keiko Qianhe came over and said, "Why did Yaji faint suddenly, did he encounter unkon?"

"Yes." Li Qinghe nodded, and said solemnly, "If it is not necessary, you should not go out."

After a few people exchanged briefly, Li Qinghe applied to have a private talk with Qianhe Keiko.

The other two tactfully avoided it.

"Then let me just say it straight, can I ask Miss Keiko to give me your super power? Of course, in this way, you will become an ordinary person and return to the life of an ordinary person."

Since he can grasp the ability, Li Qinghe naturally wants to get Qianhe Keiko's ability.

Once he has the ability to teleport through space, among other things, at least he can arrive immediately when Unkon appears.

"Is it really possible?"

Huizi seemed a little unable to believe Li Qinghe's words.

It is true that super powers let her get rid of the identity of ordinary people, but she has to face the threat of unkon, which she even wants to take away in her dreams.

"Can you help Masumi and Katsuhiko together?"

Before they agreed, Chiba Keiko asked.

"If they will."

Li Qinghe nodded and said.

Li Qinghe was afraid that these people would not agree before, but it seemed that he thought too much, and they all expressed their willingness.

Even Shen Yaji, who woke up from a coma, was the same.

The so-called ability capture is actually taking out the power of the white god hidden in their bodies.

It's similar to the black god depriving the knights of their ability to transform in the original book.

Children in white came out of these people's bodies one by one, and then got into Li Qinghe's body.

There was no repulsive force as imagined, the two had the same power, and they were perfectly integrated.

Li Qinghe looked at the cup on the table, and then the cup was suspended in mid-air.

The law of universal gravitation obviously no longer applies to Li Qinghe.

Most people awaken the power of telekinetics, but Katsuhiko Sagara has the ability to heal in addition to the power of telekinetics.

Of course, Li Qinghe wouldn't do something like stab himself.

After the three of them were deprived of their abilities, they all breathed a sigh of relief, as if the burden on them had suddenly disappeared.

"Starting tomorrow, you will return to normal life, right?"

"Most definitely."

The three of them smiled, their eyes full of longing for the future.

After staying for a while, Li Qinghe said goodbye and left.

He does not intend to collect the power of the White God on a large scale.

So what if they collected them all? ?

After all, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Black God, but it is easy to attract the attention of the Black God.

If the Black God suddenly changes his mind and wants to wipe out human beings, then it will really be gg.

Chapter 1 There is no perfect person, and there is no need for a perfect G3

Instead, what Li Qinghe had to do now was to delay as much as possible, waiting for his brother-in-law's verbal support to convince the Black God.

On the way back, Li Qinghe began to think about the future path.

It can be said that among the Kamen Riders, the difficulty of the agito world is definitely at the forefront. Whether human beings can be prevented from extinction depends entirely on the meaning of the black god.

As a God of Creation God level, the Black God is almost invincible.

The current Li Qinghe has not awakened his memory, and has always regarded himself as an ordinary person, an ordinary person who has obtained an adventure.

If the world is really going to be destroyed, Li Qinghe can rely on his current strength to protect himself, so what about Zhenyu, Misugi and his son?

Suddenly, Li Qinghe thought that he was just a passer-by in this world. Whether the world was destroyed or not, it had nothing to do with him.

It was as if, the originally planned track was interrupted by him.

Perhaps, the meaning of travel lies in this!

Thinking of it this way, Li Qinghe felt much more comfortable, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

Back home, Zhenyu seemed to have noticed some changes in Li Qinghe, and asked, "Qinghe seems to be very happy today."

"Yeah, I figured out some key points."

Li Qinghe said with a smile.

"What's more, Qinghe wasn't there for dinner, do you know how pitiful I am when I only eat spinach?"

Sitting on the sofa, Tai Yi said a little depressed when he saw Li Qinghe came back.

When Li Qinghe heard it, he went over to hook Taiyi's neck, pulled it to his side, and said at the same time, "In this case, how about cooking a big meal for you tomorrow?"

"Really? Qinghe is not allowed to go back on his word."

When Tai Yiyi heard Li Qinghe's promise, she jumped up excitedly from the sofa.

Miyama Yoshihiko on the side smiled and said, "I am also looking forward to the big meal that Qinghe talked about."

No way, Li Qinghe and Xiangyi are the only ones who can cook at home, but Xiangyi is currently living with Keiko Chiba.

There is one less person in the small family of five, and suddenly I am really not used to it.

However, Li Qinghe didn't think it was a mandatory task, but enjoyed it instead.

The lives of most people in the world are ordinary, but how to make ordinary life interesting is the charm of life.

With the ability of space teleportation, Li Qinghe is more handy in dealing with Unkon, but within the sensing range, as soon as Unkon uses the ability, Li Qinghe can rush there immediately.

However, Unkon's killing speed is still too fast. Usually when they arrive, Unkon's target has already been killed.

Li Qinghe was also a little helpless.

Time flies by.

One evening, a barbecue restaurant.

Li Qinghe and the g3 trio got together to eat barbecue.

"Mr. Qinghe is really amazing. Not only is he powerful in combat, he also has the ability to rush to the scene of a crime in an instant."

Takahiro Omuro said enviously, as if he had turned into a fanatical fan of Li Qinghe.

Takahiro Omuro has a strong hero complex, and his greatest wish is to become a g3 system assembler. It is not an exaggeration to have such a performance.

"By the way, g3x should be manufactured soon, right?"

Li Qinghe put a piece of barbecue into his mouth and asked at the same time.

"It has already been made, and the test can start tomorrow."

Ozawa Chengzi nodded and said.

Li Qinghe said, "That's good, then you can see if what I said is correct."

A few days ago, he reminded Ozawa Chengzi to lower the standard for g3x, otherwise the manufactured mecha might go out of control.

But Ozawa Chengzi couldn't listen to it at all, and stubbornly wanted to produce the full version of g3x.

"g3x is perfect."

Ozawa Chengzi looked at Li Qinghe and said seriously.

"I don't deny this." Li Qinghe nodded and continued, "But human beings are not perfect. How can imperfect people control perfect machines?"


Ozawa Chengzi was momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing how to respond.

Li Qinghe's plain words seemed to live in her heart.

Is it a mistake to pursue perfection?

Ozawa Chengzi had doubts in her heart.

"Don't think about it, just wait for tomorrow's test, and you will know everything as soon as the test results come out."

Li Qinghe picked a piece of barbecue for her and said.

Although even if the test results come out, Ozawa Chengzi may still be firm in her own thoughts.

When the two were discussing here, they didn't notice the emotion of Bing Chuancheng who was sitting on the side.

"Why didn't Mr. Glacier say a word today?"

Li Qinghe glanced at Bing Chuancheng and said.

As soon as the words fell, there was something wrong with the expressions of Ozawa Touko and Omuro Takahiro.

Bingchuancheng lowered his head, as if trying to organize his words, and finally asked directly.

"Miss Ozawa, am I really not suitable to be a g3x assembler?"

There was a hint of unwillingness on Bing Chuancheng's face.

In other words, when facing Unkon in the future, don't you need yourself?

"Bingchuan, I'm not denying what you mean. You are outstanding, with courage and perseverance beyond ordinary people."

Ozawa Chengzi said slowly, "But because of this, it is even more unsuitable to be a g3x assembler."

"To a certain extent, g3x has a certain will, and requires the assembler to cooperate with it. At this point, you can't do it. It can even be said that the tail room is more suitable than you."

Takahiro Omuro at the side heard Ozawa Chengzi's evaluation, although he knew it was wrong, he still had an uncontrollable smile on his face, and said

"Really? Miss Ozawa wants me to be the assembler of g3x?"

Happiness came so suddenly, Takahiro Omuro couldn't help but get excited.

"No, to be honest, I haven't found a suitable candidate yet."

Ozawa Chengzi sighed slightly and said.

From this point of view, tomorrow's test may not be able to proceed as scheduled!

But even so, she still didn't change her mind.

"Perhaps find a monkey and try it."

Li Qinghe on the side said with a smile.

"What does Qinghe mean?" Ozawa Chengzi frowned.

"As you said, g3x has a certain degree of self-awareness, which needs the cooperation of the assembler, but all human beings also have their own will, so how can they cooperate with a lifeless machine? Maybe a monkey can do it. "

Li Qinghe said bluntly, Ozawa Chengzi pursued perfection too much, and even asked people to cooperate with the machine.

Among human beings, perhaps only those who are in a state of selflessness like Shoichi Tsugami in the original book can do it.

But after all, there are too few such people, and it is not easy to find one.

Li Qinghe can't do that to Xiangyi, he is very sober, he is a kind of selfish person.

Ozawa Chengzi has nothing to say, do I really want to give up this perfect mecha?

Bing Chuancheng at the side saw Ozawa Chengzi hesitated, and quickly said, "Please, please give me another chance!"

When Ozawa Chengzi heard this, his already hesitant heart became even more turbulent at the moment.

After all, Bing Chuancheng is someone she has always recognized very much.

Finally, she nodded and said "OK!"

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