At the same time, the figure of a man appeared in his mind.

Maybe, I can go to the teacher for advice.

"what the hell……"

Takahiro Omuro was a little unhappy, and wanted to eat to relieve his emotions, but when he lowered his head, he found that the meat he had roasted was gone.

On the side, Li Qinghe, who had a greasy mouth, smiled at him.

the next day.

g3x test site.

Ozawa Chengzi was sitting on the podium, and beside her was a middle-aged man with glasses.

He is Kosuke Takamura, a professor at Johoku University, and also a teacher of Ozawa Chengzi.

At this moment, Kosuke Komura was holding the design drawing of g3x in his hand, and he was amazed again and again.

Although he didn't like this disciple very much in his heart, Ozawa's excellence was indeed far superior to the other disciples he taught.

Even, he is already better than himself, although he is very reluctant to admit it.

"Perfect! g3x is amazing."

He sighed.

"I invited the teacher over this time, and I also hope that the teacher can give some opinions."

Ozawa Chengzi sincerely asked Kosuke Komura for advice.

"My opinion?" Kosuke Komura raised his eyes and said, "I have nothing to say about g3x."

"However, your biggest mistake was creating a perfect g3x!"

The teacher's outspokenness once again shook Ozawa Chengzi's heart.

Is it the same as what Qinghe said?

Too perfect to be in control?

"If necessary, you can start by reducing the AI ​​of the system. Although the performance will be weakened, it is still an excellent mecha!"

Kosuke Komura glanced at Ozawa Orange and said.

With his professional level, it is obvious that the current g3x is not usable by humans at all.

"G3x is something made for human beings after all, but you forget to consider human beings."

Kosuke Komura said.

At the same time, the first test of g3x has also started.

"Starting now, Officer Glacier Makoto will conduct g3x shooting training in uniform."

At the same time as the broadcast sounded, Bingchuancheng walked out of the darkness with his helmet in his arms.

Hikawa Makoto has never been a person who succumbs to fate, unwilling to be underestimated by Hojo Toru, unwilling to be helpless when facing Unkon.

This is the last chance, I will definitely prove that I am qualified to be a g3x assembler!

Bingchuancheng looked at the helmet in his hand and thought silently in his heart.

He put on his helmet and came to the center of the field.


The sound of the machine bracket sounded, and several baffles went up.

Bang bang bang bang!

Glacier Cheng took out his gun, and a beautiful shot ended.

Soon, the scoring results were counted.

100 points!

Bingchuancheng breathed a sigh of relief, the intensive training during this period has finally paid off.

"Glacier, great job!"

Ozawa Chengzi in the command room shouted, and more importantly, there have been no unexpected situations so far.

"The second stage, combat training."

The announcer sounded again.

Just as the combat training was about to begin, an alarm sounded.

"The Metropolitan Police Department notified all departments that Unkon is haunting the Putian Police Station!"

As soon as he heard the word unkon, g3x's ai made an instant judgment, and immediately had a will to control Hikawa Makoto's actions.

Glacier Cheng naturally tried his best to resist, but this made the situation even worse.

Soon, Bingchuancheng completely lost consciousness, his body was controlled by the system AI, and he drove the locomotive to the scene of the crime.

"Glacier! Glacier! Please answer if you hear it!".

Ozawa Chengzi saw Bingchuancheng move out without authorization, and shouted quickly.

Sure enough, this situation was hit by Li Qinghe's words.

Chapter 1 Nine Runaways and Out of Control

But now Bingchuancheng couldn't hear her voice at all, so naturally he couldn't respond.

"Consider my opinion."

Kosuke Takamura said from the side.

At the same time, Li Qinghe, who was watering the vegetable garden, heard a strange tinnitus in his ears.

During this period of time, he was the only one at home, so he directly chose to transform into his most commonly used trinity form on the spot.

Then, the whole person was enveloped by a white light and disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, I have come to the side of a basketball court.

In front, there is a boy with only half of his head exposed, while the rest of his body is embedded in the wall, and a wasp Unkon.

"Damn it!"

Li Qinghe yelled, took out the storm halberd and flame saber and charged directly, chopping the Hornet Unkon to the ground with one move.

Hornet Unkon quickly got up, and took out a weapon shaped like a steel needle.

Needle of Purgatory!

But the Hornets Unkon, how could it be Li Qinghe's opponent in the Trinity state?

Even Li Qinghe's normal form can completely abuse him.

Within a few rounds, Unknon the Hornets had been hit hard.

The wasp unkon saw that he was invincible, so he flapped his wings and flew into the air to escape.

However, just as he was lifted into the air, he saw a kick from behind.

Seeing this, Hornet Unkon quickly took the Needle of Purgatory to block it.


The weapon in his hand broke and split in two.

Li Qinghe's offensive continued unabated, and the knight's kick suddenly landed on Unkon the Hornet!

Just about to cancel the transformation, the unique alarm sound of the g3 system suddenly came from his ears.

G3x's AI manipulating the body of Makoto Hikawa came to the scene.

After scanning around, he didn't find Unkon's figure, and then fixed his eyes on Li Qinghe.

"Mr. Glacier."

Li Qinghe yelled, but what he got was a merciless barrage of bullets from g3x.

Bang bang bang!

Several shots fired, and the bullets hit Li Qinghe's armor, sparks flew everywhere.

"Has it been controlled by a machine?"

Immediately, Li Qinghe no longer softened his heart, took out the flame saber and attacked directly.

I have to say that g3x is indeed perfect at this time, even if Li Qinghe responds in the form of a trinity, he cannot guarantee to defeat him in a short time.

Just when he was about to transform into a burning form, g3x suddenly fell on his back.

"Can't you stand it?"

There is no doubt that when the machine controls Bingchuancheng, it also puts a huge burden on his body, and he has reached the limit until now, so he fainted.

A police car drove over. Seeing this, Li Qinghe chose to leave directly.

Three people got on and off the police car, namely Orange Ozawa, Takahiro Omuro, and Kosuke Takamura.


After getting off the car, Ozawa Chengzi and Omuro Takahiro ran to Hikawa Makoto's side.

The armor was opened, revealing the sweaty Bing Chuancheng, his face was pale and bloodless, obviously exhausted.

The two quickly carried Bing Chuancheng into the car and rushed towards the hospital.

"Don't you understand? The g3x in this state is not a weapon that humans can use at all."

Kosuke Takamura said,

"I see, I will trouble the teacher about making chips."

Ozawa Chengzi glanced at Kosuke Komura and said.

"I'll get it done as soon as possible."

Kosuke Komura nodded and said that even though he didn't like this disciple, it was for the sake of human beings, and he was obliged to do so.

Moreover, if such a great work can have his own share of credit, he naturally has no reason to refuse.


"I'm sorry, Miss Ozawa, I messed up."

When Glacier woke up, the first thing he did was apologize to Ozawa Chengzi.

"I am also responsible for this matter. If I had followed Qinghe's advice from the beginning, the situation would not have been so bad."

Ozawa Chengzi said.

"No, I asked Ms. Ozawa to give me another chance. I am not capable. I am not capable of being a g3x assembler."

Glacier said with self-blame.

"Glacier, you don't need to question your abilities, you are an excellent assembler."

Ozawa Chengzi said earnestly that even though he was controlled by the system AI, Hikawa Makoto's subconscious was still fighting against Unkon. In this regard, there were not many people in the Metropolitan Police Department who could compare.


Bingchuancheng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted directly by Ozawa.

"No need to say any more. I will go to the boss and make it clear to them. You have a good rest. I'm leaving first."

Ozawa Chengzi finished speaking and left the hospital, heading towards the Police Headquarters.

Police Headquarters, meeting room.

Ozawa Chengzi reported the situation, but unexpectedly, he was not punished in any way.

"However, Officer Ozawa, you must quickly come up with a solution to things that are out of control. Our Metropolitan Police Department will give you all resource support."

The chief made a request. Now g3x is the only force that the police can fight against Unkon. They don't ask for anything else, they just hope that all the problems of g3x can be repaired as soon as possible.


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