Li Qinghe stopped him and said, "It's tennis. This string of numbers records the scoring method of tennis, and x represents 40."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?"

When Makoto Glacier heard it, he suddenly realized that he took out the serial number list he had copied before, and found the wine represented by No. 40.

The form said whiskey acaln.

"Thank you very much, how did Mr. Qinghe know? It's amazing."

Bing Chuancheng looked at Li Qinghe and said, showing a surprised expression.

"Probably because I'm smarter than you!"

Li Qinghe said with a smile, in fact, the real reason was that he knew about the plot.

Glacier Makoto didn't bother with this issue immediately, but turned to look at Zhenyu and said

"Can I trouble Miss Mayu to accompany me to the Phantom Bar?"

"it is good."

Zhenyu took a look at Li Qinghe and saw that he had no objection, so he agreed.

Li Qinghe naturally followed them.

As expected, at the counter where the acaln was stored, Mau used his ability, and a man wearing glasses appeared on the screen.

At this moment, Bingchuancheng received a call from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The three went to the Metropolitan Police Department instead, and learned that Minoru Sano, the owner of the bar, was the former bank robber, Isamu Takagi, who disappeared seven years ago.

"At that time, Isamu Takagi and his twin brother committed crimes in partnership. That is to say, his younger brother may have been among the people he came into contact with when he was aliased as Minoru Sano."

Kono Koji analyzed from the side, and at the same time took out a document about Isamu Takagi's brother.

"it's him!"

Makoto called Hikawa Makoto aside and said that the person she saw when she activated her ability at the bar was exactly the person on the document.

Hikawa Makoto hurriedly asked for the information of Gao Muyong's younger brother.


The three immediately drove to the residence of Gao Muyong's younger brother.

If he is arrested and brought to justice, it will not only protect him from being killed by Unkon, but also hunt down the criminal who was once wanted, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

Halfway through the car, Li Qinghe suddenly heard a strange ringing sound in his ears.

"Stop the car, Unkon appears."

Li Qinghe transformed into the trinity form of agito, and the ability to teleport through space disappeared immediately.

On the other side, an underground passage.

Brother Gao Muyong was fleeing with a huge package in his arms. Behind him was Unkon, a piranha surrounded by green air.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, he was already reluctant to let go of the package in his hand.

Just when the piranha Unkon rushed up to kill him, a figure stood in front of Gao Muyong's younger brother.

"It's really greedy for money!"

Li Qinghe forced the piranha Unkon back, and glanced at the man behind him.

Gao Muyong's younger brother Gao Muming didn't care about Li Qinghe's words. He looked flustered, picked up the package and fled towards the exit.

Oncoming are Hikawa Makoto and Makoto who just got off the bus.

"Mr. Police, there are monsters, you have to protect me, Mr. Police!"

When Gao Muming saw Bingchuancheng, he thought he had met a savior, and ran over quickly.

At this time, I knew I had to go to the police.

But what awaited him was a pair of cold handcuffs brought by Bing Chuancheng.

"Mr. Police, what do you mean?"

Gao Muming was a little confused for a while.

Hikawa Makoto said, "Akira Takagi, who stole the bank with Isamu Takagi, and now you are officially arrested for theft!"

When Gao Muming heard it, he still didn't understand that it was not a coincidence that Bingchuancheng appeared here, but he came here specially to arrest him.

On the other side, the piranha Unkon saw Li Qinghe, and quickly took out his weapon, the Sea God's Fork, to deal with it.

Li Qinghe didn't intend to waste time with it at all, flames ignited in his palms, and directly bombarded it.

Now he is fully able to release the energy in his body.

For example, the flame attached to the palm is enough to greatly increase the lethality.

There seemed to be a smell of grilled fish in the air.

Li Qinghe clenched his five fingers into a fist and punched out. The flames attached to the fist burned blazingly, directly burning a big hole in the arm of the piranha Unkon.

Then he took out the flame saber, and slashed across the middle of Unkon.


The piranha exploded into a fire.

At this time, Bing Chuancheng also walked down wearing g3x, seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but smiled wryly

"With Mr. Qinghe, my g3x assembler is almost useless."

Li Qinghe lifted his transformation, and said with a smile, "Then I will play slower next time, and let you get an assist."

"Assists? What is that?"

Bing Chuancheng was taken aback for a moment, showing a puzzled expression.

"do not mind the details."

Li Qinghe patted Bing Chuancheng on the shoulder and walked out of the passage.

On a street near the river bank, Ryo Ashihara, who had been lying down for several days, came out on a motorcycle to get some air.

Suddenly, the locomotive stalled.

Wei Yuanliang parked the car on the side of the road, squatted down to check.

I didn't see any problem for a long time, so I was going to send it to the motorcycle repair shop.

As if feeling something in his heart, he turned his head to look at an alley around the corner.

At this moment, a young figure suddenly appeared in the empty alley.

It was Jiro Takahashi who was awakened by his brother-in-law!

He was holding a women's leather bag in his arms at this time, and rushed towards Wei Yuanliang's exit in a panic.

Wei Yuanliang was still a little puzzled at first, but a woman's voice came from not far away.

"My bag! Who stole my bag!"

The words seemed urgent, as if there was something very important to her in the bag.

Ryo Ashihara reacted immediately, ran over quickly, grabbed Takahashi Jiro's arm, and said

"You kid did it, right? Return it quickly."

"Brother, let me go!"

Takahashi Jiro was very timid, and immediately panicked after being caught by Wei Yuanliang.

He knew that his actions constituted robbery, and if he was caught, he would go to the police station!

Takahashi Jiro didn't expect that he, who has the speed ability, would miss at this juncture.

But it is impossible to go back, he has checked it just now, there is a lot of cash in the bag, enough for him to live happily for a long time.

The speed ability is activated again, and he sprints forward with all his strength.

Ashihara Ryo only felt as if he was holding a car that was driving at high speed with one hand, and he lost his grip on one hand, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Takahashi Jiro breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly a black shadow in the sky rushed towards him.

Be a crow unkon!

"What is this?"

Takahashi Jiro hurriedly dodged to the side, and in a state of high speed, he narrowly avoided the impact of the crow unkon.

However, he is not feeling well now, using superpowers several times in a row has already caused a great burden on his body.

However, the crow unkon's attack did not end there. He swooped down again, and Jianyg's head aimed at Jiro Takahashi.

Takahashi Jiro gritted his teeth and entered the accelerated state again, but he was reluctant, and was finally slapped flying by the crow Unkon's paw, and fell to the side with several wounds on his body.

The next moment, those wounds began to heal automatically, and they recovered in a short while.

However, Takahashi Jiro's whole body was still in pain, and he couldn't even stand up for the time being.


Naturally, Wei Yuanliang also saw two unkons, he kept Li Qinghe's warning in mind, so he didn't transform immediately, but took out his phone and wanted to notify Li Qinghe.

At this moment, the second crow, Unkon, appeared from behind Wei Yuanliang, and slapped it with a paw, Wei Yuanliang flew upside down, and the phone in his hand was also smashed.


Intense pain spread throughout the body.

Ashihara Ryo forced himself to stand up, and saw the crow unkon approaching Takahashi Jiro continuously.

After hesitating for a while, he shouted "Transform!"

The green armor was quickly finished.


Ryo Ashihara roared up to the sky, and then a steel blade grew out of his right arm, and he rushed towards the place where Jiro Takahashi was.


The steel blade scratched the crow Unkon's back, setting off a spark, temporarily forcing the opponent back.

Although Takahashi Jiro knew that Ryo Ashihara was here to help him, he was still very scared, thinking that Ryo Ashihara was a monster like Unkon.

But at this moment, he has temporarily lost the ability to move, and there is nothing else he can do except continue lying on the ground.

Surrounded by two crows, Unkon each took out their weapons.

Corpse Knife!Dark Gun!

Ow! !

Wei Yuanliang roared, only feeling that his heart was filled with anger, and he kept waving his steel claws to attack forward.

Even though it was one against two, Wei Yuanliang still did not lose the wind.

Chapter 112

Wei Yuanliang was careless, and the pitch-black spear pierced him from the side, directly on his waist.

When a wound appeared on the body, it seemed to arouse Wei Yuanliang's strength even more.

He gradually became crazy and kept attacking.

Soon, two unkons were suppressed by him.

Just when Wei Yuanliang was about to release the kill, the crow unkon shook its wings and fled through the air.


Wei Yuanliang, who was released from the transformation state, was dripping with sweat, and he couldn't even support his body, and fell to the ground.

"Return the purse quickly."

Even in such a state, Wei Yuanliang still did not forget to say.

Although the woman who dropped the bag had long since disappeared.

No one dared to stay too much in the place where Unkon appeared, and they all ran away.

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