Takahashi Jiro had barely returned to action.

"Impossible, you won't tell it? Just say you haven't seen me, do you know it!"

Maybe it was because of Wei Yuanliang's current state, or maybe it was because of fear, Takahashi Jiro showed a touch of madness on his face.

It's like being pushed to the bottom and then bouncing back.

"Go back soon."

Ashihara Ryo still persisted.

Forcibly transforming again, and the load is still high, Wei Yuanliang is already in a very bad state at this time.

The skin of the whole body began to age, and the vision began to blur, but he persisted with a will.

"I said it's impossible, do you want to tell the police? Well, I'll make you never say it!"

There was a hint of madness in Takahashi Jiro's eyes, anyway, it was a monster, just like the two that attacked him, they were both monsters!

It's no big deal even if you die!

He dragged Wei Yuanliang, exhausting his last bit of strength.

The next moment, the figures of the two had already appeared in the river.

Takahashi Jiro pressed Ashihara Ryo's head into the river.

Wei Yuanliang didn't have much ability to resist, and the feeling of suffocation spread throughout his body, until finally, there was no feeling at all.

Sensing that Ashihara Ryo no longer resisted, Takahashi Jiro came to his senses.

"I killed! I killed! No, he's a monster! I didn't kill!"

Takahashi Jiro ran out of the river with a look of horror and fled here.

Wei Yuanliang in the water floated along the current until near a reef.

Not long after, a figure appeared and stood on the reef.

Looking at Ryo Ashihara in the water, Sho Tsugami said softly

"You shouldn't die, humans still need you."

Human beings are weak and stupid things, even if they have great power, they may not be able to use it correctly.

Only those who transcend themselves can master this power.

Such people will be needed one day.

This is the kind of person my brother-in-law has been looking for.

After coming out of the hospital, the brother-in-law got the answer that the Black God would not save mankind anymore.

In the rental house, Jiro Takahashi and Masumi Sekiya were sitting on the sofa, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Suddenly, a white light lit up in the dark room, and a figure suddenly appeared.

"It really is a selfish and stupid person."

The brother-in-law looked at Takahashi Jiro and whispered softly.

"You are... who are you and how did you appear here!"

It was Masumi Sekiya who spoke first, and said defensively while holding the cup on the table.

Takahashi Jiro is a newcomer to their group, although their superpower factors have already been absorbed by Li Qinghe.

However, the group still hasn't disbanded.Instead, they recruited people with Baishen factor, and finally asked Li Qinghe to help them.

"I didn't come to you, I came to him."

The brother-in-law stared at Takahashi Jiro.

Takahashi Jiro looked at the mysterious man in front of him, and seemed a little familiar.

"You are……"

"The one who awakens the power within you."

"Ah! It's you..."

Takahashi Jiro said in surprise.

"I'm here to save you," said the mysterious man, "I need you to do something, come with me!

Takahashi Jiro hesitated, but after thinking about it, he finally chose to follow.

"Mr. Takahashi, don't go," Masumi Sekiya next to him looked anxious.

Takahashi Jiro ignored Masumi Sekiya and left immediately.

The two soon came to a morgue.

The mysterious man opened one of the freezers, revealing Wei Yuanliang's body.

"he is……"

Takahashi Jiro showed a terrified expression, looked at his brother-in-law and said, "Are you here to seek revenge from me?"

Takahashi Jiro wanted to escape subconsciously, but then found that his legs seemed to be fixed and could not move at all.

The brother-in-law obtained part of the power of the Black God, and Takahashi Jiro was no different from a baby in his eyes.

"Not revenge, but redemption."

The brother-in-law said lightly.


Takahashi Jiro also calmed down.

"Yes, using your ability, you may be able to revive him."

The brother-in-law said indifferently.

"But why should I make atonement? He is like the monster who chased us down. I don't think I want to make atonement."

"You are wrong, his posture is the final posture of your evolution, so you are not enemies, but partners."

The brother-in-law explained the relationship between the two very well.

Takahashi Jiro finally gave in, and slowly put his hand over Ryo Aisha's body.

The healing power that belonged to his body surged out, and white light radiated from the palm of his hand, shining on Wei Yuanliang's face.

His strength was greatly consumed, and he began to be a little unable to support it, but he still persisted.

In the end, Takahashi Jiro sat on the ground collapsed, but Aisha Ryo still didn't move at all.

"Can't it? It seems that I need to find someone else."

The totem in the brother-in-law's hand glowed, and a young and beautiful girl appeared in his mind.

"I will fully cooperate with you!"

Takahashi Jiro expressed his determination to make up for his mistakes.

The brother-in-law glanced at him, nodded and said, "You have been watched by Unknon, try not to go out during this time, I will notify you if there is something to do."


Takahashi Jiro nodded in agreement.

After putting Ashihara Ryo's body back in place, the two left.

"Human beings are all the same, and in the end you will believe that fact."

In the hospital, Hei Shen looked out the window and muttered to himself.

In the barbecue restaurant next to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"It's really thanks to Nagata-kun, Shouichi, and Ms. Mau that I was able to catch Akira Takagi so quickly this time."

Bing Chuancheng expressed his gratitude to Li Qinghe and the others, "It's a pity that Miss Zhenyu didn't come."

"Well, maybe she doesn't like this kind of occasion very much." Xiang said.

"The barbecue is ready, Nagata eats more." Ozawa Chengzi sandwiched the barbecue into Li Qinghe's bowl.

"Thank you!" Li Qinghe smiled gently.

As a result, Takahiro Omuro was unhappy, and muttered in his mouth, "What, I've been waiting for a long time..."

After the meal, several people returned home.

Three days later.

Private Qingchuan High School Tennis Club.

Zhenyu has joined the tennis club for several days, but his skills still haven't improved, either he can't catch the ball, or the ball can't pass the net.

The tennis team member who was training with her stopped the training and said, "Hey, can't you use snacks? If you can't do it yourself, don't delay my training."


Zhenyu quickly apologized, and she also felt sorry for her mistake.

"Forget it, go get the ball back."

"Yes," Real Fish hurried to pick up the ball.

"It's pretty quick to pick up the ball. You don't need to practice in the afternoon. Help us pick up the ball!" The minister next to him also nodded.

In this way, Zhen Yuguang was busy picking up the ball in the afternoon, and had no chance to practice the ball at all.

But she said that Zhenyu came to the place where the tennis ball was dropped and was about to pick it up when a man suddenly appeared beside her.


"who are you?"

Zhenyu, who has never met her brother-in-law, asked doubtfully.

The brother-in-law did not answer, but raised his right hand, and suddenly a burst of strong light shone on the real fish.

"I will speed up the passage of time, and your hidden power will awaken."

The brother-in-law said, it was still the same old-fashioned lines, and he was about to leave after finishing speaking, but the steps he had just stepped out stopped again.

It was because a boy appeared in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

It was Li Qinghe who came here. He had nothing to do today, and Shen Yaji was not around, so he came to Professor Misugi's house to prepare a meal. After chatting with the professor for a while, the professor revealed that Zhenyu was very strange recently. I asked the professor, but he didn't know, so he came to the campus to see the real fish.

Unexpectedly, when he first arrived, he saw his brother-in-law, the strange symbol on his hand emitting a dazzling white light, and only then did he understand who the person in front of him was.

"Shoichi Tsugami, you can't do this right! Without my consent, you will take my woman away."

Li Qinghe looked at his brother-in-law with a strange smile on his face.

"Shoichi? You said his name is Tsugami Shoichi?"

Mau Fenggu, who woke up Yoyo, cried out in surprise.


Li Qinghe walked towards Fenggu Zhenyu and helped her up.

"You are Qinghe! The person that the Black God chased after? How do you know me?"

The brother-in-law was very interested in the man in front of him, and it had been a long time since he had met someone he couldn't see through.

Without directly answering his brother-in-law's question, Li Qinghe asked Fenggu Zhenyu to stand beside him, and told him to be calm.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have wanted to see you for a long time."

Li Qinghe opened his mouth and said slowly, looking at the person in front of him with a smile all the time.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Li Qinghe raised his head and looked at his brother-in-law.

"Are you here because of Wei Yuanliang?"

The brother-in-law narrowed his eyes suddenly, and soon returned to his expressionless expression.

But his expression at that moment was captured by Li Qinghe. It seems that Wei Yuanliang still did not escape his fate and ended up in a silent death.

"How did you know?"

The young brother-in-law in front of him really couldn't see through.

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